Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 279 271 Be careful with Tzeentch, he likes to have fun

Chapter 279 271. Be careful with Tzeentch, he likes to have fun

The dazzling blue and voluptuous figure rises from the ground, and the phantom feathers fly and fall. The dense feathers are like scales, shining with ever-changing light.

The entire space began to distort, and the slums in the distance were like burning dirty flames. Screaming, laughing, crying, and billions of sounds came from the broken bodies of Absdu people.

The concentration of the subspace here has soared to the extreme, and waves of psychic energy are surging from the other side. The entire altar is like a lonely boat in the sea, teetering on the edge of the waves of psychic energy. Some of the people on the boat were directly knocked down by the huge psychic impact.

Hades' expression remained unchanged, his scythe drew fire on the ground, and he stood firmly on the spot, opening the black domain and signaling the soulless ones to approach the sanctuary.

Fortress-level mechs stand around Hades, and their powerful physical defense mechanism allows Hades to only worry about psychic attacks from the subspace.

As Hades expected, the concentration of the subspace at this moment simply could not allow him to complete the suppression, and he needed to use external force.

Hades counted down silently in his heart.

ten, nine, eight

The sound of metal twisting sounded in each tank, and the red light flashed, getting more and more urgent——

Hades stared at the phantom that was still taking shape, always alert to the attack from the opposite side, but unexpectedly, apart from the useless psychic impact, the demon who was still crawling out of the subspace did not carry out any other attacks.

Hades blinked. It seemed that the demon that was forcibly summoned did not want to fight him.

three two

A faint flame lit up in the opening of the detonator.

The last bit of the phantom began to form a real image, and the two-headed bird was staring at the seemingly insignificant Hades beneath it.

Hades raised his eyebrows, Carlos the Fateweaver, he probably knew that the next step was to say harsh words.


Sure enough, the bird's two beaks simultaneously let out a deafening laugh.

But at the same time, its hand also reached towards its own weird and slender neck.

+The fool who plays with fate——+

+Struggling on the destined track——+

In the corner of his vision, Carlos the Fateweaver saw Hades' smile as he loaded the Soulless bomb.

It also saw the crisp and bright sparks lighting up from the intricate streets and alleys, the ominous black mist rising into the sky, and all perceptions slowly being erased——

Carlos made a decision immediately. His words were still stuck in his throat, but his claws were already exerting force. The sharp armor directly pierced the newly formed flesh and blood body. The smooth feathers on his neck exploded messily between the claws. Screams interrupted the words.

+Pay the price! +


The thick black stone mist suddenly rose up, fighting with the thick smoke emitted by the chaotic flames. The rich psychic environment suddenly shook, the ashes of the psyker were suddenly shielded, and the concentration of black stone suddenly surged. The authority has been handed over to Pluto. You should be in power.


All was quiet.

Deep and ominous dark clouds enveloped the land, and green lightning revealed strong and sharp bodies from time to time. Death was His raindrops. Under the dark clouds, people fell to the ground silently and tremblingly.

There is no cacophony of psyker screams from the Warp waves, no toying with the prophecies, silence is the preserve of the dead and Pluto's preference.

The raindrops fall, the waves begin to recede, the floodwaters recede, leaving a desolate land.

Hades looked regretfully at the last fading blue. He failed to catch it. Carlos, who could see the future, exiled himself back to the subspace at the last moment.

Unfortunately, their Mr. Carlos did not finish his prophecies and invectives before he committed suicide and ran away.

Hades lowered his eyes, sensing the suddenly extinguished souls in the underworld. Farther away, in areas where death was impossible, he also brought nauseating dizziness to these psykers.

The wind at high altitude was always biting, and the rising black stone powder was quickly receding. Hades could feel that after a brief welcome, the environment here became hostile to him again.

This thick dark cloud began to become unstable, and soon dispersed with the wind.

The dark clouds dispersed, and normal sunlight that complied with the rules of atmospheric refraction shone on the land again.

But at the last second when his spiritual power disappeared, Hades's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise——

【Gather together! Get closer to the mechs! ! ! 】

Harsh shouts rang out from the soulless channel, and the next moment, a roaring explosion came from the land beneath their feet.


[Never expect danger, danger does not need help. There is no destiny for man to challenge himself, and an active desire for war never improves morale. 】

【——Ultimate Warrior Notes 56.xxi】

They are famous for their self-denying reason, observation, analysis, decision-making, and implementation. This is the sharpest weapon of the Thirteenth Legion.

This is also the reason why Guilliman was able to lead the Thirteenth Legion and achieve brilliant results in the Great Crusade.

And now, he observed that Mortarion was not in a good mood.

Based on his own analysis, Guilliman quickly concluded that Mortarion had learned of a failed strategic operation, and that it was of extremely high importance.

Mortarion, who had just tried to talk to him, now turned into a war machine directing the advance with an expressionless face.

And what just happened? There was a huge explosion in the slums, just after the two phantoms.

Guilliman raised his eyes, thinking about how to ask and learn more about all this, the Death Guard's battle plan, and the characteristics of the enemy, so as to fight better.

But it is obvious that the Death Guards are currently immersed in a lamentable killing war, and an angry fighting spirit is burning them.

Led by Mortarion, the Death Guard's front is advancing at a steady but alarming speed.

The Storm Bird roared through the sky, blowing all the large building bunkers into hole-riddled wreckage, while transmitting the latest aerial bird's-eye view to the ground troops.

Large chunks of building stones were splashed along with the soil, mixed with flesh, blood and stumps, but they could not be identified from the dirty soil.

Although the Death Guard were very fast, they still maintained the synchronization of the entire front. Guilliman observed the map, and no group of teams pursued forward blindly because they were obsessed with pursuit.

The Death Guards at the rear will use a mobile missile to further clear small and medium-sized obstacles for the frontline soldiers, as well as blow up larger crowds, to provide a better combat environment for the Death Guards at the front.

The soldiers in the middle are responsible for burning the dead or dying wizards with flames. In order to relieve the pressure, the front line also puts a few enemies in the middle from time to time.

Most of the Ultramarines are also on the central front, responsible for supplementing damage, but at the same time, Guilliman also ordered his warriors to learn and imitate the actions of the Death Guard on the front line——

At the same time, they were kept as far away from the green flames of the Death Guard as possible. To Guilliman's surprise, the Ultramarines' helmet respiratory systems could not completely filter the smell emitted by these poisonous flames.

The Death Guards at the front were obviously elites. They were familiar with psykers. Facing the psychic howls and psychic sparks of the half-crazy wizard, the Death Guards drew out their scythes and took the lives of their enemies as quickly as possible. .

In the area twisted by the psyker's painful emotions, some special grenades were thrown, and Guilliman could see that those grenades had the property of stabilizing physical space.

Mortarion rushed at the front, with a certain uneasy impatience. This primarch who often dealt with wizards had amazing proficiency. He rushed directly into the wizards who had gathered to try to recite a spell, and used his giant scythe to kill them all. Cut open.

Blood and scraps of flesh splattered all over the floor.

The air was trembling. Mortarion yelled something irritably into the communication channel. Some special airdrop pods flashed across the sky. Guilliman could see that those airdrop pods would land in densely populated areas. Among them were Some landed in slum locations.

Guilliman knew how to speak,

【my brother! Ultramarines can also support here if necessary. 】

[No, no need. 】

Mortarion's irritable voice sounded from the channel,

[Follow the Death Guard, we need to clear the way to the slums as quickly as possible! 】

In the overhead map that was transmitted, those Absdu troops that had been disbanded in advance, those troops that were placed at insignificant nodes outside the royal city, were converging towards the slums at full speed.

Those heavy vehicles filled with explosives were rushing towards the ruins of the altar that was suddenly completely blown up.

Currently, only the air force of the Death Guard is intercepting them. The main force is held back by the wizards in the residential areas. Although they are the most skilled butchers, it will still take time to clean up a million running sheep.

Explosions sounded from the other end of the slum from time to time. The billowing smoke obscured the sight of the Stormbirds. The low and crowded shanties were the best fuel for the flames.

And Hades's channel is still [lost contact].

Mortarion cursed in a low voice. They were deceived by this planet and they were careless. Even though it was a wizarding world, they still had the simplest and crudest physical fighting methods.

But the Death Guard drop pods have arrived, so of course they can.

Among the completely blown wreckage, a hand stretched out from the rubble, and then, a lying stone was pushed away and hit the ground, making a dull sound.

Hades stood up expressionlessly, his helmet missing, blood streaming from one side of his head but starting to dry.

The sufficient flow of spiritual energy in the altar is not the spiritual energy that drives the magic circle, but the safety buckle that suppresses the explosives and prevents them from detonating.

In other words, no one can detonate these explosives except Hades.

Hades didn't know whether Tzeentch wanted him to live or to die - but he could clearly see that Tzeentch did trick him with a dark sense of humor.

In the infrared imaging of his left eye, Hades saw the pitiful, ignorant, and death-seeking enemy soldiers trying to move towards him in the thick smoke.

After accurately and carefully assessing the current situation, and after confirming that there is nothing hidden in the environment here,

Hades raised his scythe.

3k words!

Yes, code.

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