Chapter 280 272. Remember a war

The sickle blade tore through the flesh, the flames licked the dead bones, and after the gunshot, only ashes remained.

Mortarion pulled the grenade fuse and threw it at the wizards who were hiding behind the heavy vehicles and trying to chant spells. Before they could let out their dying cries, he grabbed the chain at the end of the great scythe of Nirvana, and then put the A huge and heavy weapon was thrown directly towards that damn heavy vehicle.

After a heart-wrenching sound of metal tearing, the Lord of Death tore off the head of the vehicle. Through the huge wound, he could see the drivers who had also had most of their flesh torn off.

They are not dead yet, but fear and heavy bleeding have made them lose their fighting ability. They are groaning in pain, curling up and twitching and lying on the small ground of the vehicle, trying to put themselves back together.

Blood dripped greasy all over the floor, mixed with the engine oil.

Mortarion's bright eyes were unblinking. He continued to move forward decisively, leaving these tasks to the Death Guards behind. The heavy elements would be poured on these people and objects, and bright green tongues of fire would lick them. What was going on here? None left.

The bright green firelight swayed on Mortarion's pale and dull armor. He smelled the unique stench of psykers in the air. He raised his hand and fired, and the original body's fully charged Stygian Lantern pistol was fired. Like a small cannon, it exploded with dazzling light, and some human minced meat splashed out from the collapsed buildings, emitting the smell of fat.

Mortarion marked these points on the map for the troops behind him, but he continued to stride forward.

He moved forward, heading towards the target point. The farther he went, the narrower his vision became. The originally crowded shanties were razed to the ground by the Death Guard and the enemy's own artillery fire. Thick smoke billowed, flames were everywhere, and the charred corpses looked like firewood. It lay across the road like a stick.

This area was too big and shrouded in thick smoke. In the smoke, Mortarion received signals from the Death Guards in other airdrop pods. They did not find Hades - so the Lord of Death searched for them. direction to move forward.

The closer to the central area, the thicker the smoke, but the shanties here have been almost burned. The source of the smoke is the heavy vehicles that are rushing in, and the people in the vehicles who are smoked like bacon.

There was an ominous air about the place, but Mortarion knew he was in the right place.

At the beginning, every two alleys, Mortarion would see a blazing heavy vehicle. The soldiers accompanying it were lying unconscious on the sides of the tracks. Their bodies were burned to death, or they were killed. Choking to death - but these were not fatal injuries, they were already dead before that.

Further inside, those heavy vehicles were like forest trees in the morning fog, appearing one after another in the fog, seemingly endless.

Mortarion walked slowly and silently through these artificial woods, the flames like the morning sun, guiding him in the direction.

There are no enemies, and those who need to be shot have already become wooden sticks on the roadside, which only need to be kicked away by the original body.

Most of the corpses were dead, due to flames and smoke, or being crushed by their companions, but there were still some corpses that were alive, with only weak physiological responses left in the empty shells, coughing from time to time in the smoke.

Mortarion knew that without the soul, the remaining bodies in the world would soon perish, and there was no need for him to waste his bullets here.

He has more important things to do than these.

Mortarion fought against his instincts and continued to move in the direction he least wanted to go.

Finally, he saw the person he was looking for.

A figure squatted silently under a vehicle, with flames surrounding him. Behind him were the remains of thousands of silent and exploded vehicles. In front of him lay a mortal, moaning something.

Mortarion recognized it as the Soulless One that Hades had brought with him for this operation.

Hades sensed Mortarion's arrival, but he did not raise his head. He seemed to be trying to stuff the exposed lungs of the soulless man back, which made the soulless man make a terrible hissing sound.

The soulless man groaned and called [Nina], and stared at Hades pleadingly with his dying eyes, his face was wet with sweat.

Finally, he breathed out a breathless "please".


Hades made a prompt decision and shot. Now there was no struggle. Hades stood up and rubbed the blood and mucus on the scrapped vehicle.

Only then did he turn to look at Mortarion, rarely wearing a helmet.

The flame burned quietly.

Mortarion kicked aside a corpse at his feet. He strode over and motioned for Hades to follow him to join the main force——

After confirming the terrain data, the Lord of Death chose to break out first.

"I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

Hades said as he maneuvered the tattered mechas around the ocean of scrap vehicles he had created.

"I thought you would waste more time negotiating with Guilliman."

[Although he can't detect psychic energy, he can at least detect my bad mood. 】

Mortarion said dryly.

Hades smiled,

"Then you have to explain to the leader of the Ultramarines what's going on when you get back. I thought you could give him some knowledge first."

Mortarion responded vaguely, and then the intact communication equipment on Mortarion's armor, and the Death Guards who were searching for Hades in the thick fog gradually appeared, and they slowly walked back. , there are gunshots or the sound of scythes from time to time, and the Death Guards are cleaning up the living corpses.

Mortarion spoke suddenly, before he could react.

[What does "Nina" mean? 】

"His sister."

Hades answered nonchalantly, and used a brand new communicator to understand the command of the Zero Company that airborne to the key nodes. Fortunately, as long as it avoided the suicide bombings of those psykers, the Zero Company could still eliminate these wizards. More than enough.

[Where is she now? 】

The Lord of Death's curiosity clearly went beyond his usual behavior. Hades, who was walking in front, suddenly turned back and looked at him expressionlessly. Mortarion felt the oppression of the Black Realm.

Then that feeling went away. Hades stared at him and spoke slowly,

"I don't know, he was sent here by Machado, how do I know about his family's situation."

As Hades said this, he casually used a white gun to headshot a coughing corpse on the side of the road.

"But I remembered it."

Hades spoke suddenly, staring straight into the sky.

Mortarion didn't have time to ask Hades what he had written down, because the blue ultramarines shouting [Courage and Glory] rushed over. Compared to Mortarion's questions, Hades preferred those Tactical issues for the blue boys.


None today.

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