Chapter 282 274. Go, Hades!

[Attention should be sincere and should not be pretentious. 】

[——Guilliman, notes, 73.44.liv]

This is a small reception room on Macragge's Glory. Compared with the one Hades went to before, this small room is obviously more private, but it also has a little more casualness.

Guilliman stood, pulled out a thick notebook from the bookshelf, turned around, and sat behind his desk.

Then he raised his head and looked at Mortarion sitting opposite him. At the only doorway of this room, Hades was sitting on the sofa next to the door, wearing a cloak, and the black scythe in his hand blocked the way. Door.

A slightly displeased feeling permeated the room, but according to Hades it was a characteristic of his untouchable realm - anathema to creatures with warp projections.

When he was ready, Guilliman took out his pen and spoke calmly,

[My brother, I have many questions now. 】

Mortarion's deep voice responded to him,

[You also have a lot of time to ask questions. We have gone far enough in the field of how to protect against psykers to answer most of your confusion. 】

Guilliman stared into Mortarion's eyes, hoping to see something in the Death Lord's eyes, but unfortunately, Mortarion also appeared very calm.

[Then, please explain to me in detail how the Death Guard discovered Absdu's betrayal and learned that they would act on the Day of Peace. 】

[And the specific truth about those two phantoms. My Librarian told me that the first blue phantom was an extremely powerful psionic malevolent entity, but he couldn't tell me much else, including the second entity that nearly knocked him unconscious. 】

Mortarion's gas mask hissed,

[Next time, ask your Librarian to stay away from the Death Guard. 】

A trace of sarcastic smile mixed with Mortarion's words,

[The Death Guard has some anti-psionic weapons. Ordinary warriors may only feel uncomfortable, but for psykers, they are fatal. 】

[I don’t think you would like to see your think tanks accidentally injured. 】

Guilliman spoke, wondering where Mortarion's inexplicable rejection came from.

【Then you should tell me in advance. 】

Under the mask, Mortarion showed a sarcastic smile. He had already warned him, but this brother was obviously not sensitive to various obscure topics about psychic powers. He was about to——

There was a rustling sound at the door, and Hades changed his position to hold the scythe.

The taunting words turned around in an instant,

【.If there is a next time, I will let you know this directly. 】

These words succeeded in making Guilliman smile kindly at Mortarion, and he seemed to think that the relationship between them had eased.

Mortarion decided to ignore Guilliman's feelings.

[Why were the Death Guard aware of Absdu's anomalies? This civilization was established by wizards, its rulers, and its people are all wizards, and wizards are best at deception. 】

[Never believe a wizard's word, ever. 】

[Guilliman, my brother. 】

Mortarion looked at the Lord of Ultramar sarcastically, with many wrinkles appearing around his eyes.

[You ask a wizarding civilization to give up their foundation, just like you ask a person who breathes air to stop breathing, but there is no resistance from the other side. Don't you realize the problem? 】

The tip of the quill left a small black dot on the paper. Guilliman stared at Mortarion without changing his expression.

[Before this, I had never been in contact with a civilization full of psykers, nor did I understand their main means of attack. They disbanded all their armies and transferred away all forces that could be called a threat. 】

[And when they make concessions and compromises, they are also competing for interests. When negotiating terms, they are really trying to seek the best interests for their planet, and they are also trying to maintain cooperation with the Legion. 】

[From the perspective of this civilization, war is obviously not necessary. Even if they really want to start a war, it will not be the layout on the day of the peace negotiation. They will be more cautious. 】

Guilliman stared at Mortarion seriously. He could feel that Mortarion, who had been sarcastic just now, began to shrink.

Because what Guilliman said was right, even now, the logic of this civilization's sudden betrayal has not been clarified.

Then Guilliman said in a sincere voice,

[Now are you willing to answer my questions sincerely, my brother? 】

Mortarion responded vaguely, suddenly realizing that he was cornered by Guilliman's words.

Because this civilization really does not want to rebel. They hope to integrate into the empire and continue to corrupt the empire as a wound.

The Death Guard detonated them in advance and forced them to rebel.

But if Guilliman's problem is explained clearly, it means that Mortarion needs to admit that the Death Guard has intentional actions, and that this civilization does not want to rebel on the Peace Day.

Although Mortarion seemed indifferent to all brothers on the surface, during his contact with Guilliman, he realized that this blue brother valued "people" and "hope" more than anyone he had ever met. Pay attention to all positive and aboveboard things.

Mortarion hesitated.

[My commander discovered the anomaly first. Maybe you can ask him about these details. 】

Finally, Mortarion chose to say this, as if he was worried, he quickly added the next sentence,

[Hades is also the master of the Silent Order. He has studied counter-psionic energy more deeply than anyone else. He is absolutely sensitive on the topic of psykers. 】

Without waiting for Guilliman to react, Mortarion stood up and strode to the door, motioning for Hades to come over.

Then Guilliman saw the autistic Mortarion sitting at the door, and Hades standing next to Mortarion's chair with an unclear expression on his face.

Guilliman was silent.

In his heart, he silently raised Hades' status by one level again. It seemed that the status of the [Lord of the Silent Order] was greater than he imagined. Hades might be responsible for handling Terra's affairs. .

"Sorry, can I sit down?"

Hades showed an awkward yet polite smile. He remembered that before boarding the Macragge's Glory, he had arranged for Mortarion to explain all this to his brother.

He probably shouldn't have trusted Mortarion's eloquence.

Guilliman immediately made a "please" gesture.

【sure. 】

Hades sat down, and when he turned to face Guilliman, he seemed to put on the mask of a politician for an instant, and Guilliman couldn't help but let out a small sigh in his heart,

"Lord Guilliman, in fact, we cannot think about the behavior of these wizards with normal thinking."

Hades said seriously,

"The layout of the army and the establishment of defensive fronts in front of psychic energy should not be considered, or in other words, they are not points that need to be considered."

"For wizards, they pay more attention to the special [meaning] and the vague [characteristics]."

"For example, peace negotiation day, this has a meaning. Compared with other dates, [peace negotiation day] is more likely to cause waves in the subspace."

"Any special date, special place, or even special things and people can have special meanings in subspace, and these specialities will bring them power."

"An altar and a special date can give them the power to control the enemy's communications, block the fleet's signals, make enemy soldiers unconscious, and even attack one's own side."

"Lord Guilliman, this is why the Death Guard is very wary of Peace Day, because it itself is a signal to start war."

Hades' words made Guilliman think deeply. He had indeed heard vague and similar descriptions from the think tank, but the think tank was not sure of his language and could not draw a common conclusion.

[In other words, the Absdu people hope to launch some kind of psychic spell on this special day, Peace Day, to fight against the empire? 】

Hades nodded.

[But even so, their spells are not there]

Guilliman's voice gradually became quieter,

[Because the Death Guard went to stop them? 】

Hades smiled,

"That's right, my lord, I led the Death Guard to stop their conspiracy, but I was also ambushed."

【Thank you for your hard work. 】

"It's just a matter of duty."

Guilliman and Hades fell into a round of pleasantries, while Mortarion at the door was deep in thought.

It turns out that can still be said.

Under the shadow of the hood, Mortarion took a deep look at Hades, who was chatting with Guilliman.

How many lies did this guy tell without Mortarion noticing?

".Then there are those two figures."

Hades swallowed and became serious again,

"As the [Lord of the Silent Order], I hope that the Ultramarines will forget them or downplay them."

Guilliman opened his eyes slightly in surprise. He was about to say something, but Hades raised his hand to let Hades finish.

"Lord Guilliman, I would like to know, what was your first reaction when you saw that blue figure?"

The light shone brightly on the room, but Guilliman felt the swaying pressure become stronger.

[What is that? This is my first reaction. 】

He saw Hades become surprised;

"That's all? Are there any other emotions?"

Guilliman began to think, letting his perspective sink into the huge blue phantom of that moment in his memory.

[Seriously, I was shocked and wanted to know what was going on, and I wanted to order the Ultramarines into Defense Formation No. 5. 】


【Gone. 】

Hades opened his mouth, could he say he was worthy of Robert Guilliman?

[But for the second black phantom, I felt discomfort. I didn’t want to look directly at it. This was my first reaction. 】

Hades waved his hand feebly,

"The first phantom is some kind of large-scale witchcraft by the enemy. It has the effect of shaking people's hearts and arousing the most evil desires in people's hearts. Only people with a firm mind will not be affected by it, and even if it is recalled in memory, This kind of witchcraft also has the potential to pollute people’s minds.”

[So you want me to pay attention to whether there are some thoughts that should not appear within the Ultramarines? 】

Hades nodded, it was easier to talk to Guilliman.

Guilliman thought for a moment,

[Okay, I will pay attention to the Ultramarines participating in the battle this time. 】

"As for the second figure, it is an anti-psionic weapon of the Death Guard. Currently, the Death Guard does not want to make it public."

Mortarion coughed twice at the door, which successfully made Hades' smile almost twitch twice, but he held on.

But fortunately, Guilliman didn't pay attention to this. He just solemnly agreed to Hades.

I coded 6.8k today, great!

Due update 2/14

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