Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 283 275 Mortarion admiring the Order of Extermination

Chapter 283 275. Mortarion admiring the Order of Extermination

[Unprecedented situations are the catalyst for developing adaptability. Don’t expect to predict everything that may happen, instead, meet it. 】

[——Guilliman, "Principia", 17.vi]

Influenced by Robert Guilliman's personal philosophy, the Ultramarines were not a Legion dedicated to the Order of Extermination.

In addition to extermination orders, they also try their best to avoid phosphate weapons, radiation weapons, poison gas weapons, and any weapons that may cause long-term damage to the local environment.

War is just a necessary process of recovery. The Ultramarines do not try to gain anything from the process of war. They do not gain morbid pleasure or glory from the enemy's wails.

This led to the Ultramarines destined to have ideological differences with some legions who were keen on war and destruction. In fact, the Ultramarines had already criticized the combat styles of some legions.

The Death Guard happens to be a legion that is proficient in using [Special Weapons], and has also received the title of [Cruelty].

According to common sense, the cooperation between the two legions will not be very harmonious——

But there are exceptions to everything.

【Extermination order approved】

They stood in front of the observation window on the Macragge's Glory, waiting for the planet's final curtain call.

After a lengthy, emotionless discussion and weighing of interests with Hades, Guilliman allowed this atrocity.

This is a necessary atrocity.

Another civilization disappeared, whether it was their palaces carefully carved from stone, or the shouts of street stalls, they were not allowed to exist, they were erased because they were not in the interests of the empire.

The Macragge's Glory was large and had a good gravity system, but Guilliman still felt that the floor beneath his feet was shaking slightly. He silently counted the steps of loading the atmospheric incineration torpedo, and every step was a tremor.

[Sir, the torpedoes are loaded. 】

Guilliman's lips moved twice, [fire], he said.

This is an atrocity that no conscientious person can bear.

He watched the torpedo quietly streak through the void. On the scale of the Milky Way, it was such a tiny bullet.

The weak tail flame was like the last bit of light after a campfire burned out, dotted on that small dot. In Guilliman's sight, it slowly approached Absdu——

The torpedo entered the planet's high-altitude atmosphere first, and the small point exploded with a bright blue color, but it still did not explode and continued to move faithfully towards the calculated explosion point.

Guilliman imagined, among the wreckage that the Imperial warriors waded through, were there people who struggled to survive and were calling desperately for their families in the ruins of their hometown?

With their enemies in retreat, could they mistakenly believe they had been saved? Would you make the mistake of thanking your enemy for their mistakes or kindness?

On the gray ground, he dragged his severed limbs while walking. The buzzing in his ears became louder and louder. He suddenly realized that this was not his own problem. He looked up and saw a burning meteorite streaking across the horizon——

The next moment, the retina burned together with the sky.

The atmosphere screams, the ocean boils, and the bright and warm yellow color quickly fills and embraces the gray planet. The blazing red flames swallow up all the oxygen, and all living things will scream towards destruction in the suffocating heat.

The entire planet melted as easily as glass, revealing a shell as crystal clear as amber.

This bright red color reflected on Guilliman's face through the porthole.

He was still witnessing it all, it was the inevitable consequences of actions, Guilliman needed to witness, learn, and then become better at saving what could still be saved.

After thirteen seconds of flames boiling, Guilliman looked away.

The first thing he saw was Mortarion with blazing fire in his eyes, those flames were even hotter than the burning Abbus.

Mortarion had an extreme hatred for psykers, and Guilliman chose to silently look away from him.

Then he saw the expressionless Hades.

Compared to Mortarion's overflowing hatred or excitement, Guilliman could not detect any fluctuations from Hades.

He reminded Guilliman of the stone carvings in front of the cemetery, which merely witnessed and watched over all this, ensuring that the dead were buried in the grave rather than continuing to linger on earth.

Guilliman returned his gaze thoughtfully to the burning planet.

Sure enough, when the planet was burning so much that it could no longer burn and no living thing could survive, Hades was the first to speak and said softly,

"It's over. We have done our best to eliminate the pollution of this planet to the Empire."

Guilliman looked at Hades, and then both of them glanced at Mortarion, who was still immersed in the flames. He seemed to be addicted to this scene of hell.

Hades silently took a small step back.

After receiving Hades's signal, Guilliman took half a step back without leaving a trace. Then he opened the private communication channel and turned on the environmental mute.

[Next, I will be responsible for Absdu's battle report, but for the psyker part, I need the help of the Death Guard. 】

Hades raised his eyebrows in surprise. He originally thought that the overall battle report would be the responsibility of the Death Guard.

"To the extent reasonable, the Death Guard will provide the Ultramarines with all reasonable assistance in sanctioning psykers."

Hades said neither humble nor haughty,


Guilliman deliberately lengthened his voice. He remembered what Hades told him about psionic species. To sum up, they are very rare, but also very dangerous. Don't try to understand the logic and knowledge of psionic species. When you encounter them, They just need to be destroyed.

Hades especially emphasized not trying to understand and contact their knowledge. Knowledge is poisonous, he told Guilliman seriously.

As the Lord of Ultramar, and as the original body who received the ashes of Randan's war, although he looks like a politician on the surface, Guilliman, like Dorn, will not have any curiosity in the face of absolute prohibition. of.

But...it is also Robert Guilliman. Guilliman likes to learn and imitate the superior arms of each legion.

Robert Guilliman thought for a moment. Robert Guilliman felt that the anti-psionic troops of the Death Guard were very good.

Guilliman's keen political talent told him that the Lord of the Silent Order would be more suitable for the Ultramarines when it came to this deal.

[Hades, what are your thoughts on making a friendly exchange with the Ultramarines and learning the Death Guard’s anti-psionic experience? 】

Hades stared at Mortarion's back silently, the sound of the private channel unable to be transmitted outside.

It seems that Guilliman has noticed something. He is indeed a politician.

"The Death Guard has always been known for its silence. We are afraid that it will be difficult for the Ultramarines to enter the Death Guard to learn."

In response to the expected rejection, Guilliman continued to ask questions without changing his expression.

[What about weapons? The Ultramarines lack such targeted weapons as the Death Guard. Although we don't often face psykers, there will always be a small number of psykers in a civilization, and I like the practical value of those weapons. 】

"Thank you for approving these shabby weapons I researched."

Hades smiled,

"But unfortunately, since I developed them myself, these weapons are unlikely to be mass-produced. Even in the Death Guard, they cannot be equipped on a large scale."

Guilliman looked at Hades.

If he didn't want to give it to the Ultramarines, then he wouldn't say that he developed these weapons. What Hades now means is that he can give it, but Guilliman needs to show his sincerity.

Guilliman instantly returned to the negotiating table where he was best at,

[Necessary research and development of new equipment is crucial, and I am happy to see that the Empire can have such talent. 】

[If you need assistance, the Ultramarines will provide as much help as possible, as a thank you to the Death Guard for helping us understand psionic powers, and as a sign of respect for the talent. 】

Hades showed a pretty bright smile this time,

"Lord Guilliman, do you know?"

Guilliman's right eyelid twitched.

"I have always admired the beautiful scenery of the Ultramarines homeworld, Macragge."

Guilliman thought that no one with a brain would say such a thing, and his mind was racing to think about what Hades meant.

"Perhaps others will only lament her abundant resources and excellent humanities, but I am amazed by the vibrant administrative management under this beautiful scenery——"

Ah, so that's it, Guilliman understood.

——Mortarion seemed to have noticed something. He turned around and saw the two people who were also watching Absidu indifferently.

"Abstur's atmosphere will continue to burn for at least a standard Terran week."

Hades winked at Mortarion,

"Perhaps we can finish writing this battle report before it burns out completely?"

[The Ultramarines can be responsible for the main body of this battle report. We have unique experiences and insights into filling out the battle report. 】

Guilliman rushed to say,

【Can. 】

Mortarion said he realized that perhaps not everyone could fully understand and appreciate Absdu's current beauty.

He naturally had no illusions about Guilliman, but Hades also showed his inhuman coldness and cruelty at certain moments.

Hades only pays attention to the facts and does not care what these facts mean. He will care about other people's reactions to this matter and incorporate these into his calculations, but he himself has no reactions or emotions of his own.

Just as Hades himself hoped, Mortarion felt that the job suited him.

【.Hades, you are responsible, Gallo and Vox will help you. 】

Mortarion turned back and continued to admire the howling planet. Under the purification of the flames, no trace of psychic filth would remain.

After Mortarion turned around, Guilliman cast a look containing unknown emotions at Hades, as if to say, is this really good?

Hades's dead fish eyes.

It was good, very good, he knew it would be.

Chapter 3k

Yes, code.

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