Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 298 289 Conrad feels bad, but psykers are obviously hateful too

Chapter 298 289. Conrad feels bad, but psykers are clearly hateful too

The ground was covered in blood, his blood, Mortarion's blood.

Milky white mist flows on the ground, like ocean waves.

Blood flowed from his cheeks, and he slowly, slowly picked up the dying Savita.

One foot was deep and the other was shallow, and the scraps of broken flesh and bones made a sound under his feet. He left with his still-living heirs and entered the deeper darkness of the Night Vessel...

Golden flames ignited.

"Conrad Coates,"

Malcador's call brought Coze back from his thoughts. Coze looked at Malcador silently, and the eyes under the regent's hood were staring at him indistinctly.

He looked at Malcador and saw a mummy, burned by the flames of gold.

The light he just saw came from here.

Cozz's eyelids twitched abnormally twice, but he swallowed and still maintained his previous sitting posture and silence.

Across from him, Mortarion stared at him.

Malcador continued to speak, and there was no trace of ups and downs in the old man's words.

“He gives you sight and judgment.”

Konrad Curze hid his face in his messy hair, but still trembled when Malcador spoke his first words.

Mortarion scoffed, and Horus stared at Malcador intently.

"As his descendant, why are you willing to end up like this?"

This was still a trial, a trial against him, Conrad Coates was trembling inwardly.

If it were Conrad Coates before this, he would roar and roar, he would ask why he could see, and he would ask why his father was so cruel?

He will ask why, why is he the only one responsible for all this?

but now……

The subtle poisonous smell of the Lord of Death swept across the tip of Conrad's nose, and it stung Konrad Curze's nasal cavity slightly, always reminding him of the previous stories of the Lord of Night.

Even memories are enough to pull Konrad Curze into the deep sea. Contrary to Mortarion, who is always reminiscing, he blocked his own memory and buried it in the deep night.

He lowered his head and spoke hoarsely,

[The Great Crusade was wrong. 】

He didn't raise his eyes, just listened. There was a commotion in Horus's position. It seemed that this seemingly high-sounding guy also wanted to punch him on the bridge of the nose, but then the temperature dropped, and Malcador used Psychic.

The old man's lips moved twice.


[Tens of millions of worlds were destroyed by war, hundreds of millions of creatures were killed, all committed war crimes, soldiers committed atrocities on thousands of battlefields - and I tolerated them. 】

[Because I can't control all this, just like I can't change it...]

Konrad was silent, listening to Mortarion's breathing.

【destiny. 】

He whispered the word.

All sinners will eventually be judged by their fate, and no one can escape. Even the emperor, who is like a god, will eventually be judged, and his brothers who claim to be righteous will also be judged by their fate.

If there is no Executor in the galaxy who can judge them... then they will rain down punishment on each other.

In the room, Mortarion's giggle was more harsh than Malcador's sigh.

Just as Mortarion was about to speak sarcastically, Malcador raised his hand and signaled Mortarion to shut up.

The Lord of Death fell silent again unhappily.

"You are too much influenced by Nostram, Conrad."

Malcador spoke calmly,

"Nostram made you a true pessimist, shaping you to the point where it distorted the Emperor's original design for you."

Curze laughed,

[Then what is the Empire going to do to me, old man? Like the brothers who disappeared? 】

He stretched out his right index finger and drew a thin line on his neck.

The fingers that had been broken by Mortarion had long since grown back into sharp nails.

[The guilty must be punished, and I am a defective product with no use value. Death is a good ending. 】

He smiled tremblingly, was he more afraid?

Or is it because the death he saw in his prophecy was not like this?

Or is it because he really wants to be punished?

He felt those eyes vividly, Malcador's calm and suppressed eyes of hatred, Mortarion's eyes of resentment and madness, Horus's seriousness of pity and hatred.

After a long while, Malcador sighed.

"Destiny can be changed or chosen. I originally thought Mortarion had shown you another possibility."

Mortarion's horrified and disgusted eyes now moved to Malcador, but Malcador ignored it. Malcador had been accustomed to it since Mortarion's studies on Terra.

The old man's eyes looked calmly at Conrad Coates, and golden flames burned quietly in his eyes.

"You hope to forget it, no, you still need to learn it."

Konrad Coates opened his mouth.

A ripple suddenly appeared on the lake of memories of Konrad Curze, and they began to spread layer by layer, forcing Curze to sink to the bottom of the icy cold lake.

He sank, slowly suffocating.

He thought of Sai who was dying.

Stuffed? The child who always looks sad and can't sleep.

Under the dark lake, Conrad Coates opened his eyes wide and tried hard to cut through the seaweed composed of dead people's hair.

He found Sai's bones. Some bodies were missing half of their heads, some had a big hole in their chests, and some were very old. He pushed aside the hair and saw Sai's extremely old face.

Is Sevatar dead?

He asked himself, but the voice that sounded was not his. The voice was even more vicious, as if it had been soaked in poison for thousands of years.

He should be dead.

He thought, Sai is not immortal, he has his life span.

But...he turned around and saw the underwater mountains built up by the corpses.

Which one is his heir, Sai?

Which one is it?

Does he have a choice?

He began to rummage desperately among the corpses that were swollen by water. The cold water poured into his lungs, and his respiratory tract hurt. It was like poisonous gas poured into his lungs and sharpened in his body. Call.

The heavy water squeezed him, and he was about to die. Wounds appeared on his torso. He saw the skin on his face peeling off piece by piece, and finally the tip of his nose fell off——

That's too late! No, it's too late!

In the end, Konrad Coates casually grabbed an old but relatively complete body of Sevita. He grabbed it and rose to the surface desperately. The people he killed grew hair and hands at the bottom of the lake, and they screamed for hope. Drag him into his deepest nightmare.

He floated upward desperately, and the water waves undulated around him, like a sickle, scratching scars on his side and tearing out his flesh and blood.

They're almost there, almost there! The ripples in the water reflected in Curze's eyes...

Cozz's pupils suddenly dilated——

Above the water, the boundless darkness pressed down, carrying the determination to destroy everything.

No, no no no no no no no!

Below him is the sin that will judge him, and above him is the doomsday that will destroy him. What can he do? What should he do? !

Destiny never left him a way out! He is doomed! Even with his innocent heirs!

Konrad Coates stopped there in despair. He felt like a floating corpse, staying not far under the water...

His wrist tightened.

Konrad Curze lowered his head sharply, and Savitar's unconscious body tightened its grip on his wrist.

Sai doesn’t want to die yet.

Below is death, and above... is destruction that even Konrad Curze doesn't know what to expect.

But... Dan Sai said he didn't want to die.

Curze feels like he's going to explode. Where should he go? Where should he go?

In the end, he chose to give up the precarious rationality that tortured him, and he chose to follow his intuition...

Buoyancy told him the answer.

Curze suddenly emerged from the water. He held up the body of the loyalist, and the boundless darkness swallowed them up in the next second——

Curze gasped.

He saw himself kneeling on the ground, with Sevatar lying beside him. Was he dead?

Conrad trembled.

Darkness has a smell, that is, that is...

He looked across from him tremblingly.

That's the smell of poisonous gas from the God of Death.

"You have already chosen, haven't you? You are his creation after all."

Malcador said calmly.

"I think now you can rationally negotiate the conflicts between the two of you with Mortarion."

[It is impossible for me to rationally negotiate with him. 】

Mortarion spoke immediately. The Lord of Death was satisfied with Curze's embarrassment, but he still spoke out.

Malcador frowned, as if he was dissatisfied with Mortarion's interruption.

"If you can't be rational, then ask Hades to come and talk to Conrad."

[I can barely be rational. 】

Mortarion immediately changed his words without changing his expression.

Konrad Curze was panting heavily, and he felt like he wanted to vomit, but obviously, except for the shocked Horus, the other two people who were fighting over each other paid no attention to him.

Is Sai alive or dead?

Curze thought.

The next moment, he saw the life signal of Sevatar displayed on the armor.

Sevatar is still alive.

The noblest and most loyal child, the warrior of the empire, the pride of the legion.

He is still alive.



Everyone, go to bed early on weekdays

Regarding the description of Makado's image, I would like to thank Brother Xianyu who wrote Makado for his great idea ('ω'). The sexual transformation of Makado he wrote is fragrant and beautiful! (°з°)-

And today’s book recommendation!

It’s about Perturabo’s adoptive father! I want to be like a hammer, I praise the writing style, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, the author is also quite involved in mythology, the process of twisting Peturabo was a lot of fun, it is still a seedling, go and check it out (\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;lt; )

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