Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 299 290 Punishment from Hades

Chapter 299 290. Punishment from Hades

When Malcador left the inner room, he saw Hades and Sevata talking.

Seeing Malcador coming, Hades raised his eyes and smiled at the old man, and the swaying sense of oppression that enveloped the entire hall quickly subsided.

Sevata wanted to stand up and salute, but was stopped by Malcador with his eyes. The old man slowly picked a seat and sat down, looking at Hades and Sevata with his deep eyes.

Hades raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the inner room, while Sevata also looked at the inner room uneasily. Malcador ignored the movements of the two and sighed.

"I underestimated the difficulty of communicating with them."

Hades blinked, "At least Mortarion himself has ill will towards you. He can sit down and talk calmly, which means he has tried his best."

Facing the Regent of the Empire, Sevata was much more restrained. He looked silently at the old man, the judge sent by the Empire.

After hearing what Hades said, the old man sighed again. He thought of Leman Russ, a smart boy who was at least willing to listen to him.

And Mortarion and Konrad Curze... they were either citing some ridiculous examples to refute the other side, or scolding Malcador.

The position of the Imperial Regent is not easy. When Malcador stood in this position, it was destined that most of the Primarchs would be at odds with him. Few Primarchs could truly understand mortals.

Malcador stabilized his mentality. The quarrel between the two Primarchs was really a headache. He spoke and put things back on track.

"How did you discuss how to deal with the Night Lords?"

Hades responded with a playful look and Sevatar's shocked look.

Hades said jokingly,

"I guess they didn't discuss any substantive content and measures?"

Hades said as he glanced at the location of the inner room. Because of Malcador, he put away the black domain and could not observe the movements of the three Primarchs now.

Malcador looked at Hades calmly. The old man suddenly realized that this kind of provocative cold humor had also appeared in Mortarion and was used by the Primarch to deal with him.

"They are blinded by their personal emotions and it is difficult for them to calm down and deal with the affairs of the Legion."

Hades looked at Malcador.

"It is understandable. For most Primarchs, their emotions are obviously a higher priority than other things."

Sevatar was silent on the other side. In the conversation just now, he had realized that the Death Guard commander did not look down on the Primarch - this was quite rare.

As far as he knew, the only Space Marine similar to Hades in front of him was Astelan of the First Legion.

But because of this attitude, Astelan, the Space Marine, did not mix well in the Legion... and Hades became the second in command of the Death Guard Legion... He even had the power to correct the Primarch's mistakes...

In Hades, Sevatar saw another way to make the Legion run normally... but he did not dare to slide in that direction... It was unimaginable to disobey the Primarch's wishes.

Hades took this as a common occurrence. In the conversation just now, Sevatar could realize that Hades was deliberately misleading his thoughts...

Sevatar swallowed his saliva, if...

The wound on his chest was aching slightly, but a self-deprecating smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Across from him, Hades and Malcador had already started talking about some very wrong topics about the Primarch, but in the end Malcador coughed and changed the subject.

"So did you finally reach a consensus, or did you do the same as your Primarch?"

Sevatar spoke hoarsely,

"The Midnight Lords...are willing to accept punishment."

Under the hood, Malcador's politician-like face showed a smile,

"At least this meeting was not in vain."

The old man looked at Sevatar with encouragement, motioning him to continue,

"The Midnight Lords are willing to go to those star regions that are difficult to conquer, and use blood to exchange for forgiveness..."

Sevatar turned his gaze to Hades, and the Death Guard was looking at him indifferently, with no light in his black pupils, dark and terrifying,

"The Legion accepts logistics dispatch information "The reduction of resources." Sevatar continued, smiling like a corpse being forcibly opened by hand, "At the same time, the Midnight Lords are willing to compensate the Death Guard with the adamantium of the mother planet and reach a long-term agreement." "...These punishments will continue until the Legion proves our loyalty to the Empire once again with sacrifice, and the specific time will be arranged by the Empire," Malcador was silent, and the old man asked Hades seriously, "Are these all your ideas?" The inevitable consequence of sending the Midnight Lords to areas with high intensity of war and reducing material supplies is that the Legion will quickly reduce its size in a relatively short period of time. Malcador did not know the specific situation within the Midnight Lords Legion. In the eyes of the old man, this was already a very severe punishment. As long as the first two are implemented, all the Legions can see what price the Midnight Lords paid for Conrad Curze's madness--Although Malcador did not know why the Death Guard was obsessed with the adamantium mines of Nostram, Nostram and the Death Guard were far enough away that they could completely seek resources in their own star field. And Sevatar looked at Hades. Did they seem to be in a confrontation?

Sevatar didn't know how much Hades knew about the Night Lords. These harsh measures, rather than punishment, were more like giving the Night Lords a chance to reshuffle.

What was Hades thinking?

Nostrum, the source planet of the Night Lords, had long since betrayed the Legion. The corrupt nobles took control of the planet again. They left those with high moral character for their families and sent a large number of criminals as the source of the Legion to the Night Lords.

After those criminals became Night Lords, they would use their identities as Space Marines to make profits for the families they were attached to on their home planet.

When Conrad Curze noticed this, the Legion was already full of violence and corruption.

Sevatar suggested that Conrad Curze go to eliminate these low-moral criminals, but the mentally confused Primarch refused him.

So they watched the Legion rot away bit by bit soberly...

And now, Hades handed them a knife, a bone scraper to scrape off their own flesh and blood.

This is a punishment, because it will inevitably bleed. The Night Lords will be despised by the Empire for a long time. They will watch the Legion shrink step by step and spend every late night with shortages.

But this is also... a hope that Sevatar... no, Conrad Curze can completely manage the Legion.

If it were only the first two punishments, Sevatar would still think that Hades might simply want to punish them.

But the third punishment is aimed directly at the home planet of the Night Lords, Nostrum.

If the Legion wants to supply a large amount of adamantium to the Death Guard, it must regain the management rights of the home planet...

Even... the time Hades proposed for the punishment is almost the time it takes to remove the rotten flesh of the Legion...

Sevatar felt his brain trembling,

This Death Guard, Hades, what does he know? Why does he know the Night Lords so well? Or is this just a coincidence that he is overthinking?

And if everything is as Sevatar thought, then why did this Death Guard injured by his father help them?

Hades, what on earth... what on earth is he thinking? !

Sevatar couldn't figure it out. The only thing he couldn't understand was Hades's position and stance. All he could do was think about how to keep the Midnight Lords when Hades proposed each punishment measure.

He didn't know what Hades was doing. He could only judge that Hades's malice towards him was not so obvious.

Perhaps he had stared at Hades for too long. Hades smiled at him naturally. This smile was obviously much more natural than Sevatar's... Sevatar rarely saw such a smile in the legion, because most of the skilled old warriors were serious.

Hades smiled and didn't look at Sevatar again. He turned his head to look at Malcador and said,

"Does the Empire allow this kind of punishment?"

Malcador paused,

"If both legions agree, then the Empire will recognize the legitimacy of the agreement."

But... why did the Midnight Lords agree to such a cruel punishment without even a trace of struggle?

Malcador frowned and asked Hades with his eyes, but Hades still had that happy expression of "I don't know anything".

"Believe me, Lord Malcador." Hades said briskly, his pupils were bottomless. Hades smiled. In the eyes of outsiders who didn't know the inside story of the Midnight Lords, this would be a rather harsh punishment imposed by the Empire on the Midnight Lords, as a punishment for Conrad Curze's unauthorized use of swords against his brothers. The Legion will be rapidly reduced in size until the specified time limit is reached. As for Sevatar and Conrad Curze (assuming he is awake), this is an opportunity for them to clean up the Legion, but this process is accompanied by a lot of blood and pain. As if he was afraid that they would not think wrongly, Hades proposed a third point that was vague. The Midnight Lords can use the excuse of war and reducing supplies to consume those scum warriors, and at the same time, they will also lay down more territory for the Empire. When the specified time limit arrives, the Midnight Lords can gradually restore the size of their Legion, and in the future when the mother planet is regained, the Legion will obviously become healthy. But if Hades only thought of it this way, he would be too kind-

Hades would not be such a person. In the situation where the Death Guard and the Night Lords were in obvious contradiction, the first thing he had to ensure was that the future Night Lords would not threaten the Death Guard.

Hades' chess game was not over yet.

His last move was hidden in the duration of the punishment. When these wounded bats were about to complete their atonement and get a new life, they would find that-

the great rebellion had begun.

Of course, the premise was that the great rebellion started at about that time, but even if it was delayed, the Night Lords would not restore their legion so quickly.

By then, the Night Lords would become the weakest of the great rebellion forces, and even if they rebelled, they would not pose a threat.

Hades did not leave them no way out. If the Night Lords really repented, they could retreat to their home planet Nostram, which was remote enough anyway.

Hades smiled and showed his kind smile.

"I'm glad that my conversation with Sevatar went well and my cousin understood my good intentions."


3.2k words today

There may be more, but don't wait, your hands hurt.

The group has exploded. I will create another group with 500 followers tomorrow, but I won’t cut it today.

There is still a full subscription group of ordinary book friends.

As for why Daqun exploded... I hope everyone will be careful in what they say and do, and why do a bunch of people who have never read my book get in and publish their own stories? You can go to other specialized Warhammer groups for this.

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