Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 323 312 Guilliman Forgotten on the Edge

Chapter 323 312. Guilliman, forgotten on the edge

Guilliman sat quietly in his office. All the personnel of the Perfect City had been handed over to the Word Bearers. These mortals who had temporarily lived in the harbor of the Ultramarines ship would be taken to their new homes by the Word Bearers.

On the wall opposite Guilliman's desk, the double-headed eagle hanging high and shining with cold light was looking at the original body expressionlessly.

He...he wanted to see Luo Jia. This was an emotional and irrational need.

But Guilliman slowly recalled the moment when he gave the order, recalling those innocent mortals, who had been taught what they had been taught since birth, and they did not know where they went wrong - and now they took it for granted because of these things. Life is punished every day, and their homes are burning.

Guilliman recalled the desperate and pleading screams of the Word Bearers from previous communications.

He was just one step away from fratricide, but this was indirect, ordered... This was not...

He suddenly thought of Russ, the executioner of the empire. What was he thinking about when the Wolf King raised his giant axe?

It turned out that this was what Russ had faced - no, he was a thousand times more painful than Guilliman.

Guilliman may understand the Emperor and what the Empire does. He knows that sometimes there will always be some situations in a country and someone needs to correct them. This is necessary and necessary, but from a perceptual point of view... No, he cannot accept it. .

Perhaps at some point in the Perfect City, Guilliman had given up his competition for the position of Warmaster. With his armor covered in the ashes of the Perfect City, he could no longer be as glorious as before. He felt that he had done something wrong.

Guilliman allowed his thoughts to wander. He remembered that when the Emperor went to the Perfect City, Malcador looked at him with a worried expression on his face - was it him who acted it out, or was it this wily politician? An accidental revelation of true feelings?

The old man sighed and spoke,

"You always think too much, Guilliman, you are too empathetic, too emotional - that's not a bad thing, but you need to exercise restraint."

Guilliman doesn't think this evaluation is objective and rational, is it emotional? No, emotion is the first factor that needs to be eliminated in decision-making.

As for empathy, if a king cannot truly understand the joys and sorrows of his people, then he is not a qualified king.

Guilliman thought of his adoptive father, King Conor.

Maybe he was being serious, or maybe he just didn't want to focus his thoughts on the Perfect City. Guilliman discussed with Malcador, but neither of them convinced the other in the end.

"Guilliman always prides himself on being rational. He rigorously lists data and cases to refute me, but in fact, he cannot quantify his inner emotions. Guilliman will never be able to digitize his inner emotions. ——The method he has always relied on for survival does not apply to the soil of his heart. "

Malcador took a slow sip of tea. Hades opposite him had no choice but to hold his chin and chat with the old man without saying a word because he had no food.

Hades looked at Malcador casually and spoke,

"Hmm... Let me think about it, you won't be talking to him about how to manage emotions, and then he will talk to you about data and reality."

Although he didn't want to acknowledge Hades, Malcador nodded heavily.

"He's very idealistic, and I think it's Guilliman's emotional, high-empathy influence on him - but beyond that, the way he deals with his inner emotions is highly dependent on his old... upbringing on Macragge. habit."

Hades paused;

"Makado, you are thinking very carefully, but I want to ask - will the Emperor really realize this? Or to put it another way, he will... he will use your comments to persuade Guilliman. ?"

Malcador shook his head heavily, and Hades immediately became energetic and slapped the armrest of the sofa.

"You are cheating me, old horse. Then I won't let my finger bones point to the emperor. It will be in vain if he goes."

Machado looked gloomy;

"Hades, first of all, I am not called Lao Ma. Secondly, the effect of his persuasion is far better than all of us."

The old man helplessly looked at Hades with a strange expression of disgust - as if after realizing that he was still useful and that the Emperor and Malcador were not serious people, Hades began to slowly and gradually test their bottom line. .

But this trick did work, and Malcador sadly found that he had indeed lowered Hades' bottom line a lot.

"I don't believe it, Malcador."

Malcador fell silent. He sorted out his words and spoke again,

"He is not ignorant. On the contrary, he has seen more than we have. Hades, language may not be reliable, and temporary performance may not be reliable. Too many betrayals occur after the oath of love. People are not always the same. , if they change, then no matter how much words they have said before, it will be just empty talk."

Hades looked thoughtful, and Malcador hoped that he really listened and was not thinking about asking the servitor to bring in a few more plates of snacks - God knows why he would one day consider these two options at the same time. Stupidly put together!

Macado took another sip of tea and continued to speak,

"When we look at a person, we will observe his expression, posture, and speech. And he is observing the person's past, the projection in the subspace, the possible future, and what he should do to make the subspace The waves of space reach the direction he desires."


Macado paused.

"He is not what you think, Hades. Don't look at him from an ordinary person's perspective. His wisdom is far beyond that of others."

Hades' dull eyes rolled, and then focused on Malcador again.

"Okay, from a human perspective, what would the Emperor say to Guilliman?"

Malcador was stuck. Finally, the old man said slowly,

"I cannot read my lord's thoughts... but I imagine that he will... command Guilliman to remain strong and loyal."

Hades opposite him once again showed a finished expression.

"You are doing the right thing, my child, and there is no need to question your heart."

The Emperor sat casually on the side chair next to Guilliman's desk. Although the position was not in the center of the room, the Emperor's arrival made this single sofa chair obviously the main seat of the room.

The sudden arrival of the Emperor caught Guilliman off guard. His biological father was always mysterious and difficult to approach. He would always leave after leaving orders, as if there were always more important things waiting for him - although the fact was that That's right.

...and...a small corner of Guilliman's heart whispered that compared to the Luna Wolves, the Emperor's Children, and the Imperial Fists, the Emperor obviously didn't care much about the Thirteenth Heir. body.

Although Guilliman is also enjoying himself in his own Five Hundred Kingdoms, Guilliman has devoted his mind to the Extreme Kingdom. He is not one of those Primarchs who likes to claim credit in front of the Emperor. For Guilliman, perhaps A lush five hundred world is his best treasure.

Guilliman was silent, choosing his words carefully, even if he would offend,

[My Lord, please forgive me, but if possible, I would like to be allowed to know the mistakes of Luojia and the Word Bearers, or the words you said to Luojia in the Perfect City - even if I need to undergo memory erasure surgery afterwards. 】

He needs to know why, he needs to know what kind of fault can offset the sin of destroying a civilization.

The Emperor looked at him, frowning slightly, and Guilliman's heart skipped a beat. Just before he was about to open his mouth to make amends for his words, the Emperor spoke,

"I thought your relationship with Lorgar was not on good terms, Guilliman."

The unexpected answer struck a chord deep in Guilliman's soul.

[I... really cannot agree with his religion. Religion represents ignorance. People do not choose to stand, but rely on some illusory existence for their own existence. If a civilization needs to progress, it first needs to get rid of relying on other things. Thought……】

[...But I think Luojia just mistakenly took you as his idol and deified you to a certain extent. The planet he landed on restricted his thinking and made him mistake your worship for religion. Your... way of handling it misunderstood him. 】

[Although I don’t have a good relationship with him, from my personal perspective, from the perspective of being your son and brother, I still feel a certain sadness that he went through this incident. 】

Guilliman took a deep breath, and he suddenly realized that he had said it all. His biological father, the Emperor, always had a magical power. He was taciturn, always stood upright, and was always right. In this situation In the face of the existence of others, Guilliman always felt that he was still a child, a child who had made mistakes and stood in the corner in fear.

The Emperor looked at him with calm eyes,

"I am relieved that you still worry about your brother, Guilliman, even if you disagree politically."

Then the Emperor fell silent, and a stifling silence fell over the room again.

The Emperor sighed softly, which was particularly noticeable in the quiet room.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, Guilliman could clearly see the fatigue in his eyes.

"I was reluctant to discuss this with you, but Guilliman, you have shown me your glory."

“As a warning, the perfect city must be burned.”

The emperor said calmly,

"The Word Bearers' faith is laced with poison. It is corrupting Lorgar and his children. I need to save him."

Guilliman paused...for a long while, he spoke carefully again,

[You mean...some of the Word Bearers are not created by belief in Luojia...but...some other...]

"A more blasphemous existence."

The Emperor took Guilliman's words casually,

"Guilliman, you may know that before Lorgar launched the Unification War on his home planet, the belief on that planet was a cult and believed in witchcraft."

"Relying on his consciousness as the original body, Luojia avoided the fate of being eroded by the cult on his home planet, successfully overthrew the cult on the planet, and established a religion centered on me, even though I personally did not want to see it. at this point."

The Emperor remained silent and looked at Guilliman, which was enough for Guilliman to piece together the truth.

Guilliman was thinking wildly in his mind. What was more difficult for him to accept than the Word Bearers' religion was that the center of that religion was some kind of evil existence. If they believed in the Emperor, then Guilliman could still understand it, but they Don't even believe-

No, it is difficult to believe in the Emperor... Guilliman only feels that both sides are enough to make him sick and difficult to accept!

[Father, how are Luojia and his army doing now? 】

Guilliman spoke first, and in a flash he realized that he was being disrespectful, but the Emperor didn't seem to care about the change in his name, or in other words, Guilliman was allowed to call the Emperor his father.

The Emperor shook his head slightly, but he still looked at Guilliman calmly and confidently.

"It's very bad. I pointed out and punished his mistake."

Guilliman could not imagine that if he saw the ruins of Macragge, and everything he had done before was considered wrong...

He could not imagine Lorgar's current state. It was too cruel, too... inhumane.

Guilliman looked at the Emperor again.

[...Only from my personal perspective, as Lorgar's brother, I am very worried about him. Can he and his legion stand up again after this setback? ]

To Guilliman's surprise, the Emperor stood up and prepared to leave, with a faint smile on his lips,

"He will, he is my heir, Guilliman."

The Emperor paused,

"But he has not yet reached your level, he needs some encouragement and support-"

"So I will temporarily allow his previous opinion of me."

The Emperor's figure disappeared behind the door, and his last words still echoed in Guilliman's ears,

"Robert Guilliman, I am very happy to see your awareness, civilization needs to progress, and I have devoted my life to this."

Guilliman stood up suddenly after a short moment, and the things on his desk shook as he stood up.

He looked at the door, the Emperor's figure seemed to still be there, his brain was dizzy and confused - his point of view was affirmed by the Emperor, this is... this is unimaginable.

All in all, the Emperor did not even stay in Guilliman's office for half an hour.

Guilliman would never think, and would never know, that the Emperor who said the words that made him feel excited came to him because he failed to cheat.

Hades in the reception room sneezed suddenly, he rubbed his nose, and looked at Malcador who looked disgusted with him,

"Someone is definitely cursing me, Malcador, I bet it's Neos, he must have talked to Guilliman, but the conversation failed miserably."

"No, Hades, I never fail."

The Emperor suddenly appeared behind Hades, still confident, still smiling confidently,

Frightened by the sudden appearance of the Emperor, Hades almost spilled the tea in his hand, he quickly took his tea and retorted ,

"Who was the one who failed to cheat just now, Neos?"

The Emperor's smile did not move down at all, and he naturally sat back in his previous position,

"This is my plan, Hades."

Hades exclaimed loudly,


Hades said loudly,

"I think your conversation with Guilliman must have gone smoothly, right, Neos?"

"Of course."

The Emperor slowly drank a sip of tea, indifferent to Hades' provocation,

"Because I am the Emperor."

4k! No more today! By the way, the double update in the past was also 4k!

I'll take a day off tomorrow, I have to catch the train.

Remember to owe more, 11 more.

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