Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 324 313 One-day tour of Lady Cyrene’s Word Bearer Gallery

Chapter 324 313. One-day trip to Lady Cyrene’s Word Bearer Gallery

Angeltai found her on a scorched earth.

At first he thought it was a dead person, and Angeltai didn't understand why there were people who hadn't retreated yet, but then he saw the slightly trembling hands of the "corpse."

She is still alive.

Without any thought (which was almost rare for Angeltai), Angeltai took her into the Word Bearers' medical cabin, and the woman in his arms naturally received the help of other Word Bearers along the way. look.

This woman obviously has some kind of... indescribable attraction to the Word Bearers. Her thin and gray face has a magical power that makes people feel... peaceful.

Giants in gray armor gathered outside the infirmary, and more and more people gathered - the Word Bearers were abandoned now, by the God-Emperor, by their primarch, with no one to explain to them, no one to give them orders, Except for the annoying Ultramarines who have been calling them to pick up the refugees, most of the Word Bearers are currently idle...

...and panicked.

Generally speaking, the wavering of faith within the Word Bearers will be resolved by the Legion Chaplain, but in the face of the absurd reality, the Chaplain himself has fallen into a state of bewilderment... not to mention that the Chief Chaplain Erebus has been executed, and other The priest naturally lost his due credibility with the battle brothers.

People want to pray, but they worry about whether their previous prayers were correct. If there are flaws in their previous beliefs, what should they do?

They need someone to tell them what to do, instead of just staying here, whether it is punishment or atonement, but there is no one to guide them, and their original body is too busy to take care of itself and cannot save itself.

In the situation of overall chaos and panic, someone needs to stand up. Although Angeltai does not want to be a leader, because he is the first warrior to stand up, his brothers are all there. Look at him.

Under the helmet, Angeltai smiled mockingly. He felt that the eyes of people outside the medical room were about to penetrate him.

He knelt down and took off his helmet in front of the medical bay - the pharmacist told him the woman was about to wake up.

Cyrene's eyelashes trembled, and the next moment, the lady opened her eyes.

She stood up slowly and looked around blankly. Angeltai suddenly realized that her eyes were not focused, and a layer of distorted white mist enveloped her eyes.

She is blind.

But given everything she's been through, maybe just being blind is a blessing.

"Is anyone there? Where am I?"

Cyrene asked confusedly, and she realized that the body beneath her was not burnt sand, but cloth.

Then a hoarse voice sounded from the darkness around her,

"Ma'am, you are fine. You are being treated in the Word Bearers' medical bay - although you appear to be blind. What is your name?"

The Word Bearers?

Cyrene was stunned for a moment, and then she asked. Angeltai felt that she was trying hard to focus her eyes on him.

"My name is Cyrene, angel. What color is your armor?"


The gray angel, Cyrene pursed her chapped lips and showed a smile.

"I've been waiting for you, angel."

Angeltay was silent for a moment, then he asked cautiously,

"My name is Angertai, Cyrene. You said you were waiting for us, not far from the Perfect City. Why?"

Cyrene felt her heart beating violently. She spoke tremblingly, hoping that the angel would believe her words.


Cyrene trembled uneasily,

"I saw Him, He... He wanted brave men to witness all this. The burning of the perfect city needed someone to witness it - and I was chosen."

She listened to the silence on the other side, breathing and no other sounds.

"You bear witness to it - and then what are you going to say, if He really wants you to say something?"

Angeltay asked calmly. In fact, the Word Bearer was loyal to his father and not to religion. In other words, the God-Emperor has a dull sense of his own, and he is often reprimanded by his priest brothers for this reason.

Cyrene opened her mouth, she felt the words rolling on her tongue, the true words hurting her and bringing her unknown suffering in the future.

Angertai's eyes widened. He was still half-kneeling on the ground, but Cyrene stumbled to her feet, right in front of the Word Bearer, tears streaming from her gray eyes.

"I see the truth... He still... He still allows you to believe."

She said she remembered the sadness in His eyes.

Thoughtless words, Angeltai somehow felt relieved somewhere in his heart.


The emperor's hand paused, Malcador opposite him looked at him worriedly, and Hades on the other side also looked over.

"What's wrong, Neos?"

Hades said carelessly, ignoring Malcador's gaze.

The Emperor calmly made his next move on the chessboard,

"It's just pretending to be a ghost."


"Are you sad?"

The blind woman walked on thin ice along the corridor of the Word Bearers' ship. She felt that there were many people around her, and many eyes were looking at her. They seemed to want to step forward to help her, but she was determined to walk on her own.

She touched the shoulder armor of an angel, cold and round. They seemed to be waiting for her to speak, so she asked them.

She was met with a long silence, people unwilling to speak.

Cyrene hesitated for a moment, and then she spoke again, speaking to the darkness. She suddenly remembered the darkness she had faced, the shimmering green teardrops.

"Actually, I... wasn't very interested in the notices in the square before."

She said, her voice trembling,

"I'm not the biggest believer,"

Cyrene smiled to himself,

"Maybe you don't accept this answer. After all, the truth is always the opposite that people don't want to accept."

"When I first heard the news, I was just angry, angry about why He would do that, even though I knew I wasn't very religious - but I did give Him my trust and my loyalty, and there was so much in this city. What a devout believer, why would he do this?”

Cyrene shook her head slightly,

"I think of very bad, blasphemous thoughts, and I desperately want to know why - maybe my thoughts are too strong, He..."

Cyrene swallowed,

"He gave me instructions in a dream, and when I woke up again it was already the seventh day."

Angeltay silently followed Cyrene. His battle brothers stood or knelt at the edge of the corridor. They all looked towards Cyrene——

Did Cyrene know that a faint golden light appeared around him?

If this blind woman didn't know her current situation, these golden lights that make people awe, and she still had the courage to say those words...

Only faith can answer why.

"I saw the truth in my dream,"

Cyrene said,

"He's not... He's not what the announcement says, it's hard to describe, He is who He is... When I saw Him, He was tired and sad."

"The moment I saw Him, I understood everything. He was God. There was no doubt that that was an objective truth, but... something was wrong and needed to be changed."

Cyrene was silent, still groping alone in the darkness.

"That rain of fire,"

She said suddenly,

“Let errors be burned up in the rain of fire, while true believers will be rebuilt on the ashes of their mutilation.”

Angeltai paused, Cyrene... walked to the vicinity of the original body's meditation room.

He doesn't think it's a coincidence.

The Word Bearers guarding the area looked at each other, then made way for them.

The golden light on Cyrene dimmed and disappeared, and the door of the meditation room, which was originally ajar, slowly opened.

The strong smell of blood came from inside.

Yes, code.

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