Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 325 314 Doubt? Enlightenment!

Chapter 325 314. Doubt? Enlightenment!

【Meditation Room】

The corpses were staring at them in horror, exuding a burning stench. They were nailed to the ground by countless long nails and kept in a miserable kneeling position. Two long and straight black spears penetrated the flesh and blood, but only a faint trace of hair dripped on the ground. Mixed tar.

Angeltai slowed down his breathing without any trace, and at the same time pulled Cyrene in front of him onto a clean road. The lady looked back at him doubtfully.

Angeltai coughed.

"My father?"

He looked at the back of the hunched figure sitting at the desk in the back of the room. He was surrounded by flames and corpses. The original body was facing away from them, and he was naked. The burning iron left traces on his back, which were originally engraved on the back of Luojia. The golden inscriptions were covered with bleeding scars.

None of this seemed quite right. Angeltai stepped forward and held Cyrene's hand, cautiously waiting for the original body's reaction——

If Lorgar was furious, he would at least need to help Cyrene intercept the primarch's wrath. After all, it was he who had acquiesced in the woman's disrespectful behavior.

Unexpectedly, Luo Jia's voice was unusually calm.

[If you are here to persuade me to cheer up, then you can leave. 】

"My father, I have discovered a mortal who witnessed the burning of the Perfect City and survived - you may be able to meet her."

Luojia's writing hand stopped, the original body straightened up, and there seemed to be a bit of joking in his tone,

[I'm still wondering why you brought a mortal lady here, Angeltay. 】

Luojia... sounded strange, but not incomprehensible, so Angeltai took a deep breath and continued to speak,

"Father, the Word Bearers are looking forward to your return to lead the Legion. We have waited for you for too long. The Ultramarines are still urging us. We need your leadership."

He clearly saw Luo Jia's back straighten in an instant, the wound was torn open, and blood flowed out again.

Then Luo Jia's soft voice sounded, but the words he spoke made Angeltai feel suffocated.

[Sorry, my heroic heir, I can't do it. 】

Angelt suddenly realized that they might have arrived too late - they had not arrived before something broke, and now all they could see was a patch of broken glass.

Luojia continued speaking, holding the quill in his hand needlessly, the white feathers soaked with blood.

[I claimed to be a truther, but I spread wrong beliefs; I claimed to be a demigod, but I used traitors... I betrayed His trust. I was the only correct one among them, but I was also the only one who hurt Him. of. 】

Luo Jia's hand holding the pen loosened and tightened.

[He admitted it. Perhaps I should have been ecstatic. God himself took off the veil just to guide the lost shepherds, but I was so completely wrong. I was raised by a sinner who would never be redeemed. I made friends with traitors who tell lies——I Failed Him. 】

Luo Jia's back became rickety again.

[Maybe I am not suitable. 】

"grown ups,"

The gentle trembling sound of Cyrene resounded in the meditation room, as clear as the first bird song in the forest in the morning,

“He allows us to live because He knows our faith can grow again, not wither.”

Luojia was silent for a moment,

[What did He tell you? What did you see again, madam——】

[No, allow me to be rude, what is your name, madam? 】

Angertai felt Cyrene's hand shaking uneasily in his own hand. It took courage to talk to the original body.

"You can call me Cyrene, sir. I was originally a native of the perfect city. In the days when the blue giant landed, he pointed out the way for me. I followed his instructions and witnessed perfection. The burning of the city."

【Ms. Cyrene,】

Luo Jia said calmly, although his voice was hoarse to the extreme,

[How will you prove that what you are experiencing is His will and not your over-stressed imagination - there are always gibbering mortals who show up after wars. 】

[I have been bitten by the hissing snake and I don’t want to be gullible anymore. 】

The Primarch mercilessly pointed out the error of their position, and Angeltai felt his cheeks heat up.

The original body's doubts were correct, but when he saw Cyrene for the first time, he also trusted this lady extremely. No... Angeltai suddenly remembered that Erebus, the former chief priest, had also Give him this feeling.

Angeltay slowly realized that he seemed to have made a mistake in his impulsiveness.

Cyrene seemed to be afraid too, but she still spoke unwaveringly,

"Sir...if you question me, then I will say that I have witnessed things that I have never seen in the first half of my life. It is not a truth that my petty fantasies can touch, nor a god that I pieced together from past religions. The image of the emperor.”

Cyrene swallowed, as if the memory itself pained her,

"I saw..."

"I saw a darkness that has never been described in any ancient books. It is a depression that does not appear in the deepest nightmares...The darkness is like...like the sea?"

"He appeared in front of me, not the God Emperor, no, not Him, but another existence... He... He was crying, crying in the darkness, and His teardrops were bright green."

Angeltai felt that his breathing had stagnated, and perhaps Luojia's breathing had also stopped. In the report given to them by the God Emperor and the Ultramarines, the Perfect City of Seven Days did not mention him.

And in the more distant past - the history of the empire, He did not appear.

But only the Word Bearers who were punished at that time truly and completely perceived His presence.

They may be the first to know, or maybe others who know of His existence have died.

The Word Bearers have been avoiding mentioning that being. It is not pleasant to mention him. The criminals will not be happy to tell what the executioner is wearing today. They focus on the God-Emperor. He may be one of the God-Emperor's subordinates. The executioner may be...someone else.

The original body, which had been facing away from them, turned around. Under the reflection of the blazing flames, the two bloodstains under Luojia's eyes were particularly obvious, as if they were reflecting golden light.

【Have you seen...the Silent One? 】

The Primarch asked hesitantly. Cyrene was stunned by this question.

"The silent one?"

She spoke doubtfully,

"I thought...I thought He told me He was Hades."


This word caused ripples in the hearts of the two Word Bearers present, and they seemed to have returned to that moonlit night.

Depressed, powerless, and unable to control themselves, the sea of ​​darkness laps at them, and their souls float alone in the deep, dark sea.

Lorgar stared at Cyrene, his eyes flashing with fire,

[Do you know any other... information about Him? What is He? 】

Cyrene blinked her eyes in confusion, then shook her head,

"I...can't remember clearly. I only remember that it was the sin in the truth that He discovered. He seemed to have said something to me...but I...but I forgot."

The primarch fell silent, then spoke again,

[He is preventing people from remembering Him. 】

The primarch glanced wearily at the two corpses.

[If this is their will, then forget it. 】

Then there was silence, and the Primarch seemed unwilling to recall that silent and crazy night.

Cyrene took courage, realizing that her words had earned her enough trust.

"Sir, His true will is to hope that you and your legion will once again serve as messengers to spread the faith. Culture and faith need to be reshaped."

Luo Jia lowered his eyes and let go of the pen in his hand.

[Is this what He wants you to say to me? 】

the primarch asked abruptly.

No more, great!

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