Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 345 334 Hades cried like a fart in his heart

Chapter 345 334. Hades cried like a fart in his heart

Khorne carefully selects toys for his enemies.

A big whirlpool, harboring dirt and chaos.

Thousands of years ago, a planet belonging to the Norwalk Necron dynasty was pulled into the Great Vortex by its gravity, and has since lost contact with other Necron beings.

When the planet reappeared, it was already wearing the robe prepared for it by the Lord of the Skull.

There is no fighting, no fighting, no glory.

It's time for the worms of the Warp to experience the true beauty of war.

The horn of war on the physical side is sounded, and even the Lord of War will have difficulty controlling its process. Both sides take the field, and the outcome is unpredictable.

But the Blood God never panics. The hostile insects are just cowards who survive by expelling the subspace.

Guns and bullets, swords and ax blades, blood dripping.


Hades took a deep breath, the biting cold wind stinging his nose.

He smelled blood - blood that had dried up thousands of years ago. He squinted his eyes and saw the soldiers charging towards them in the distance.

The Necrons are a race that bears its own royal brand, and the one Hades and his party encountered is obviously more distinctive.

Blood was smeared on the face of each Necron, and they decorated themselves with silver and green. Compared with the Necrons Hades had ever encountered, these Necrons clearly revealed a warlike fanaticism.

Hades immediately determined that this was the Norwalk dynasty. This "new" dynasty of the dead worshiped war and preferred close combat. They were accustomed to decorating them with the blood of their enemies.

I have to say that Khorne knows how to play.

Hades smiled bitterly. He used the black field to explore, and of course found nothing - they were pure Necrons, but it seemed that they had been asleep in the maelstrom for too long. No other tactics were used other than charging straight towards them.

This may be the only good news. So far, they have not discovered the long-range firepower and aerial troops of the undead. The air superiority is still in the hands of Hades, but the blizzard has made it extremely difficult for the aerial troops to support the ground.

Hades made a prompt decision and tried to order the fleet above the orbit to send more Storm Birds. Now their primary purpose was to retreat. As long as they reached a place with a calmer atmosphere, they could retreat immediately.

But the problem is that the plains suitable for retreat are still far away from them.

Hades shouted loudly to the air fleet on the channel, and the signal was intermittent. He heard characters coming from the fleet that were different from the general instructions, but they were too scattered, and Hades did not understand what the fleet meant.

Hades cursed secretly, hoping that it would not be the information that the air fleet encountered the Necron fleet.

The storm temporarily prevented them from contacting the air fleet. In the distance, the Stormbirds were making an emergency landing due to extreme weather - and some of the spaceships that had not had time to retreat were hit by the Necron's Gauss rays.

Now the only people Hades can command are the World Eaters who came down with him, most of the legions, and the already sparse Soulless and Knights of the Silent Order.

Hades immediately ordered the Soulless Ones to withdraw from the front line - even though they were all skilled warriors, it was too extravagant to use the Soulless Ones against the Necrons.

Hades gritted his teeth and ordered the Wandering Knights to mix with the World Eaters' knights to provide a long-range firepower platform for the army. When he saw the obviously shorter figure of the Wandering Knights blending into the ranks of the World Eaters' knights, At this time, Hades's heart was bleeding.

But this was necessary, lacking the support of air troops, and the World Eaters, who mostly used Space Marines as infantry, lacked sufficient fire support.

While Hades was mobilizing the army urgently, he was cursing Khorne in his mind - and Trazyn. They had a good conversation at the beginning, but only now did Hades realize that Trazyn did not give Hades his direct contact. Way.

Isn't there a red button that can be pressed to directly call the figure king? !

Your figures are running out! Trazin! ! Get him Hades out! ! !

Trazin, Trazin, you will come, you will come, right?

But Hades is now in an extremely strange whirlpool of space and time. Can the Figure King realize Hades? Or will Khorne allow any distress signals near the planet to escape?

This is embarrassing, but Hades has never been so eager for the help of an alien race. Even now he only sees the endless infantry troops of the Necron... But Hades always has an uneasy thought in his heart.

If he wants to checkmate Hades, Khorne cannot choose a weaker dynasty, but he also cannot choose a strong enough dynasty, because after that, he still needs to kill Angron and the World Eaters from space. snatched it out of the spirit's hands.

"For Angron!"

The war cry from the front line brought Hades back to his thoughts. Now he can only take one step at a time. Although he is still calling Trazin in his heart, Hades knows that he cannot rely on this illusory situation to pin the battle situation. on things.

Hades took a deep breath again. As a target, it would be best for him to stay behind the battle line as Angron's carrier and wait for the World Eaters' front line to advance to the retreat point.

Feeling the mutated black domain of Hades, Angron on his back moved, woke up, and spoke hoarsely,

【it's over? 】

Even though his heart was exploding, cursing Khorne and Trazin, Hades still said calmly,

"It's just a new beginning."

Hades paused;

"I may have to go to the front line later, Angron. I will place you next to a knight in the rear, and let the Soulless One and the injured World Eater watch you. The Soulless One can also let you go for the time being. The soul falls into weakness.”

Angron smiled weakly,

[I’m still wondering, how can any soldier fight with the wounded on his back? 】

"We are retreating, Angron. It is very common to retreat with wounded soldiers on your back. Victory is not the primary goal, but survival is. You have to survive...me too."

Hades could feel Angron on his back shaking his head. The Lord of the Red Sand seemed confused, and his tired voice sounded,

[I don’t understand, Hades. Where did the courage you just used to chop off the heads of those bastards go? The winner will naturally be the survivor, and can only be the survivor. 】

In Angron's groggy thoughts, he remembered the scene that had just been broken. Hades had been on the front line, comically carrying a large wounded person on his back, but his scythe was still sharp, and those demons were just straw under his scythe and waiting to be harvested. .

But why did Hades suddenly retreat to the rear after Angron regained consciousness, exuding a worried aura?

Angron wanted to think mentally, but the nails, the black domain, and the tired body prevented him from understanding it all.

While talking to Angron, Hades' eyelids twitched. He felt an extremely familiar and extremely familiar aura, but he didn't want to feel this aura now.

At the extreme limit of his vision, Hades saw an overlord-like undead creature holding a scarlet scythe standing there - it didn't look like it had any reason, even though it was an overlord and had been in the maelstrom for a long time. The drifting also covered its joints with tiny rust.

It raised its sickle.

Behind the Overlord, above the howling blizzard wasteland, a giant building slowly rose. Between the black stone pillars at the four corners, crackling lightning and painful howls came from it, tearing through the wind and snow, straight into Hades's ears - —

Star God fragment, that is... which Star God is that?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

There was a brief moment of blankness in Hades's brain.

If Hades was alone now, he would have already thought of where to dig a hole and bury himself.

As of now, most of Hades's battles are still dealing with psionic species, which is why he dares to fight.

But now, Khorne's excellent matchmaking has matched Hades with... real physical players.

Although Hades knows that he possesses a part of the void dragon's ability, it is just a fragment of a fragment, an extremely weak part, and Hades has not really used this power in actual combat so far.

Hades wanted to smile bitterly, but he did not do so. Except for Hades, the warriors around him did not know what had happened now and what they were about to face.

Hades expressionlessly began to order the World Eaters to defend, and here he urged the technical sergeants to work hard to contact the fleet in orbit.

There is a high probability that their entire army will be trapped here. How about Hades try to have the Storm Birds force an emergency landing to take Angron back? But Hades is not sure of the current situation of the fleet. What if the power of Khorne comes to the fleet?

... Hades took a breath. He felt the weight of Angron behind him. He thought of the Death Guard and the Emperor who told him not to die before leaving... No, they had to escape.

Angron may have noticed something. When Hades opened his mouth and was about to put Angron down at the knight's feet, the original body spoke first. Angron weakly patted Hades's shoulder armor.

[Is it my imagination? Hades, you seem to be different from just now. 】

Angron coughed up a mouthful of blood and muttered,

[You are a good gladiator, Hades. I can't see it wrong. The battle will be over. War will favor good gladiators. 】

What responded to him was Hades' silence and the sudden strengthening of the black domain, and Angron fell into a coma again.

No more, I have to think about how to fight the Star Gods. I haven’t found one that directly describes the Star God War, and I’m still hesitating whether to go with the well-known one or the one exclusive to Norwalk (but there is too little information on it. wc)

By the way, any undead players, or players who have fought undead, can provide some ideas for fighting the Star God...


As an aside, this wave of undead in the Norwalk dynasty was once severely beaten by Lao Mo (the queen of demon promotion). Motari planted a subspace disease that corroded metal to this unlucky undead dynasty.


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