Chapter 346 335. Run, run! !

What do you do when you face an enemy that you know you can't defeat?

The answer Hades gave was to apply oil on the soles of your feet and run as fast as possible. This is how he survived in Barbarus.

But the problem is that Hades is not alone now, and the enemy seems to be moving very fast——

What's even worse is that Hades himself is the taunting position that draws hatred, and the taunting ability is passive and cannot be turned off.

He had an aura of interest to the undead and the C'tan.

Very bad C'tan, very bad Necron, very bad Emperor who feeds him void dragons, hate comes from Hades.

Hades sighed deeply in his heart, then let those who can run run as fast as possible.


A blizzard roared on the plains. Hades quickly divided the army into two parts. Most of the troops would escort Angron to the retreat point on the plain immediately, trying to send Angron up as soon as the fleet was contacted.

At the same time, they are also responsible for calling the fleet to conduct orbital bombing on the ground as soon as possible to give the other Hades breathing time to retreat.

The key to the whole thing is that they can contact the fleet parked in orbit.

At the same time, Hades had to pray that the World Eaters' fleet was not attacked - otherwise the troops trapped on the ground would probably be wiped out.

The small force led by Hades is responsible for attracting enemy firepower. The good news may be that these undead seem to have no interest in the World Eaters. Their target is Hades, who is related to the fragment of the Star God.

But is this really good news for Hades?

Hades boarded the Wandering Knight and began to plan his escape route. Following Hades were mostly knights and some elite World Eaters, as well as Hades' own mechs.

Because there is a high probability that Angron's side will not encounter the large army of the undead, Hades unceremoniously arranged most of the knights around him. These big guys should be able to share some of Hades's firepower. ——Heavy mechanical vehicles have a certain attraction to Star Gods.

Hades listened to the engine warm-up sound of the ghost knights under him. The only order given by the Lord of the Silent Order to these mixed knights was to protect Hades and attract the enemy's firepower as much as possible, at all costs. cost.

Among the knights escorting Hades, there are also the precious wandering knights of the Silent Order. This is a waste, but at this juncture, this is no longer a problem.

The primary goal was to escort Angron and Hades back to the fleet to a safer location, or at least have one of them run back.

The army escorting Angron is obviously ready to break out. They will march towards the northwest corner, while Hades will lead the knights to retreat to the east.

There was a sound on the channel, but it was not the news from the fleet that Hades was expecting.

It was Charon's voice, and Hades assigned the black magic to Angron's team, and Charon followed him.

"Sir, the primary protection target is your life, not Angron's. I hope you will think twice."

Hades felt the sound between his teeth creaking like the cold wind, which contained a slight anger and an inhumane coldness.

"Charon, let's not mention the Necron's war intention against me. Just tell me, if the World Eaters' aerial forces find that the first person they want to pick up is me, and their original body has been abandoned - "

"You guess they will follow my orders, or will they go crazy and save the Primarch? Can't you see what kind of Legion the World Eaters are? Don't let me teach you anymore, Charon, don't distract me now moment of strength.”

Charon was silent, the Custodes were ready for Hades to tell some silly words about personal heroism, and then he would exhort the generals as a dutiful warrior.

But...this...Charon realized that Hades had already considered more cruel and dishonorable tactics.

Finally, the tall golden-armored warrior had no choice but to say,

"Copy that, Charon is willing to fight to the death for you."

Hades ignored the Custodes. He thought for the last time about how to improve his survival rate. He might be able to bring some more World Eaters, but most of the warriors would fall behind in the high-speed march, and they seemed unable to attract The star god paid no attention at all.

So Hades transferred a few more Knights, and now there are only two Knights left in the team escorting Angron - these are enough, as long as the Necron does not send out heavy firepower to target Angron, his warriors It was enough to buy enough time for Angron.

There was crackling restlessness in the scarlet wind, and he could no longer hesitate. Hades raised the broken sword Enemy Blade in his hand, signaling the start of the breakout.

Hades should thank himself for getting the Blade of the Nemesis in advance - Trazin coated Hades's scythe with a layer of monomolecular C'tan metal, which means that his scythe is ineffective against the C'tan!

Trazin, he Hades thank you!

In the distance where the howling wind was, the darkness and the sickle hung down at the same time. The imprisoned fragment longed for strength and completeness, and it longed for freedom.


On the scarlet muddy ground, the undead, as dense as a swarm of ants, rushed towards the enemy feverishly, but most of them were unable to catch up with the enemy they desired before tripping over the bloody ground.

For a warlike race, the most confusing thing is that the enemy has no high-spirited fighting spirit.

But they are just the humblest footnotes in the grand battlefield.

Broken gods enter the battlefield.

The storm howls feverishly, but even the violent wind will lower its head before the absolute law. Darkness permeates like a real realm. Hunger and greed, unwillingness and cruelty, the Night Holder silently looks at the undead pointing out the target to him. Overlord, lightning began to gather, but the extradimensional gravity that displeased him restrained his might.

He raised his eyes and sensed the target in the distance. He felt the familiar breath. The Night Holder raised his hand——

Hades, who was marching desperately, suddenly sensed something was wrong, and his roar immediately tore through the howling wind.

"The whole army moves to the right, move to the right immediately! Fuck!!"

The next moment, a loud noise broke out and the space was distorted.

Hades turned his head suddenly, and his eyes reflected the metal wreckage of three vehicles that had not had time to turn to the knights. They seemed to have been roughly twisted into a piece of scrap metal by a giant hand, and electric current crackled on the vehicles whose frames could still be seen. All around, the ion shield protecting the pilot was ridiculously glowing faintly.

The Lord of the Silent Order heard the cries of the surviving knight pilots and the yells of the World Eaters who were always trying to follow the speeding team. But at this moment, Hades's mind no longer had any emotions, and there was no time to leave any room for emotions. gap.

The cold wind hit Hades's face, and his mind was only filled with the information he had just gained.

First, the distance in space cannot hinder the attack of the Night Holders. There is also a possibility that they are not far enough away.

Second, he can weakly resonate with the Night Holder in the distance, which at least gives him a slight chance of survival.

Hades tried his best to feel the other person, and weak green lightning lit up around him, but this was just a useless decoration. Hades opened his mouth and shouted,

"All knights, march to the due north immediately! The remaining teams will chase the other team immediately!"

Due north is the location of the Nightbringer and the Necron Overlord.

Knights are just the simplest infantry on a battlefield of this scale. Hades realized that he didn't need the World Eater warriors at all. It was unnecessary and it was better to send them to the battlefield where they could contribute.

Charon didn't ask any stupid questions this time. Hades watched the infantry team that had followed him go away. He listened to Ribo's shouts under him, and the overloaded and overheated engines screamed.

So they started running towards the center of the whirlpool.

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