Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 360 349 Mortarion one, five!

Chapter 360 349. Mortarion one, five!


Mortarion took a deep breath, and first cleared out the most common image in his mind——

There was a rustling sound, and he opened the door of the office and saw a figure in the dim corridor fighting with the servitor who brought him food.

Mortarion knocked on the door expressionlessly, and the dull echo echoed in the corridor.

Hades turned back sharply while biting his rice spoon, gave him a crooked smile, then swaggeringly gave the servitor a final blow, and rushed back to his office with two lunches in hand.

Because some inhuman being ate Mortarion's lunch, Mortarion took back Garro's and Vox's portions.

Then he threw Hades out of the office, loudly declaring a holiday uprising, along with Hades, who was howling and saying that the foundry department had no money and needed to allocate funds.

There was also Hades who was gnawing at metal pieces while scolding Malcador. Hades was doing a kind of dance that Hades called "Victory Summary after get off work" in front of Gallo who was working overtime. Hades was holding on to the bed in the medical department without letting go. , Hades didn’t want to go back to work.

Finally, Mortarion thought of the being who stood in front of thousands of psionic species and opened the heavens alone.

He silently superimposed this picture onto Luo Jia's words, and the two figures began to overlap...

He should have thought of this earlier, instead of recalling Hades and only thinking that he should not let him steal his lunch today.

Mortarion glumly picked up the wine glass and took a sip, but in an instant he smashed the glass down in annoyance. He let go of the glass and took out a tin flat wine bottle from the many glass bottles and jars on his waist. Opened it and took a sip.

【……It's him. 】

Mortarion said,

[The pretentious being in your mouth, I think that is the commander of the Death Guard - perhaps he should be called the Lord of the Silent Order now. 】

The angel in the distance took a sip of wine quietly, and the Khan looked at the army in silence.

[Pretend to be a ghost? 】

Luojia turned his head and stared at Mortarion without blinking. His violet eyes stared at him.

[With all due respect, Mortarion, you seem to be allergic to any ritual or pursuit that has spiritual value. 】

He glanced at the dirty flagon held in Mortarion's hand without trace. The oil used to lubricate the firearm was stuck to it, and there were also some unknown black lumps, similar to some kind of medicine residue.

Luojia softened his tone and spoke before Mortarion could sarcastically say,

[But I have no intention of arguing with you on this point, brother, how do you determine that the person I am talking about is an existence you know? 】

He watched Mortarion silently tapping his fingers on the flagon, and then spoke again after a long time.

【Only he can create this feeling on a large scale,】

Mortarion took another sip, and he hit the nail on the head.

[Weakness, dislocation, panic, vomiting, you want to subconsciously stay away from him - this is a natural instinct, to escape from his territory before you completely lose control of your limbs. 】

Mortarion gave a sarcastic smile, and the smell of poison emanated from his dry mouth, and he said briskly,

[I am all too familiar with this. 】

Luojia was silent for a moment,

[But you can't be sure that other beings have this power, it may or may not be the case. 】

Mortarion coughed and laughed,

[Yes, other soulless beings may also have similar power, but - I mean, how many existences can make the original body feel oppressed? 】

That feeling of powerlessness on the verge of death.

Yes, why didn't Mortarion realize this earlier? Is there any existence in the legion that can defeat the original body? Even the White Scar or the Wild Wolf's think tank can't suppress the original body by using psychic powers, right?

But on the other hand, there is Hades in the Death Guard who can suppress at least two original bodies with his anti-psionic power.

He took all this for granted. Which step was ignored?

Does it start with Hades telling him about the subspace, or does it start with Hades gradually building up the Zero Company?

To use an inappropriate analogy, this is quite a bit like when you suddenly find out that your idle good friend on the upper bunk is actually the top manager of a special agency in a certain country. Obviously, he usually shows his too ordinary side, but because he wants you to do it every day The expression of calling "big daddy" when bringing food is so awkward and natural that you can't connect the two at all.

Mortarion suddenly realized that the Hades he knew was actually very divided - his character... no, his virtue was not worthy of his ability.

Hades is very reliable, but at the same time, Hades is also very unreliable.

But Mortarion trusted Hades, not because of whether Hades was trustworthy or not, but simply because they fought together from Barbarus, and Hades had already proven that he was trustworthy.

Mortarion was deceived by his past.

He realized that it was not Barbarus's experience that shaped his trust in Hades, but that Hades himself would make others trust him.

Mortarion's thoughts swirled in confusion.

So, the experience on Barbarus was actually the process of Hades building trust in him?

Mortarion thought of Guilliman, who spoke highly of Hades, and thought of... He looked at Lorgar in front of him.

He thought of damned Malcador and the Emperor.

According to Luojia just now, his descendants did not see the white helmets that symbolized the Death Guard, but instead saw black helmets as dark as night.

Mortarion's eyes were empty, he raised his cup and took another big sip, the wine flask he brought with him was already half empty.

Mortarion unconsciously pulled out another glass bottle from his waist, and then naturally poured the sticky fermentation into the wine flask, and then poured the red wine in the glass that he just complained about being bland into it to dilute the fermentation.

He didn't realize that Fulgrim behind him was about to scream like an alarm. The angel smiled gracefully and pressed Fulgrim with one hand to make him rational.

Compared to Fulgrim's scream, Sanguinius still believed that Lorgar's conversation with Mortarion would be more valuable.

Mortarion took another sip, and this time the wine was more spicy.

He thought gloomily that Hades was a Barbarus, and could only be a Barbarus. He was not a Terran, nor a Macragge.

Mortarion suddenly thought whether he should be glad that Hades was wearing a black helmet instead of a blue helmet.

At least... it's not a golden helmet.

Mortarion was silent. He thought of the blue and white letter that had been hanging in his office. Didn't he figure it out long ago?

Yes, he had figured it out long ago.

Mortarion shook his wine flask silently, looking at the grand army that was parading in the distance.

[... It's him, definitely him. ] Mortarion said softly, alcohol and poison eroding his reason.

[But he is definitely not the existence you claim, Lorgar, why are you obsessed with distorting the essence of things? ] Even if Hades pretends to be a decent person in front of other legions, he, Mortarion, is the one who really knows what kind of character Hades is!

Yes, code

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