Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 361 350 Look at the Warmaster in the Distance

Chapter 361 350. Look at the Warmaster in the distance

Only Angel and Khan were the calmest spectators after the farce, but the calmness on the surface did not mean the calmness on the inside. The quarrel between Mortarion and Luojia revealed too much - but the two parties involved Not aware of this at all.

Sanguinius blinked, covering up the confusion.

The archangel stood, raising his glass, and the crystal wine flowed in the glass. His eyes looked through the wine, more dazzling than diamonds and purer than gold, so that your soul could tremble under his innocent gaze.

[Horus, I am truly delighted that you can bear this crown. 】

Horus sat beside him, his mouth showing a hint of exhaustion. He waved his hands with a slight smile, and with a crisp clink of glasses, the two of them drank the Yuyu wine in one gulp.

In the luxurious room prepared for the Warmaster alone, the two best friends had already overcome the embarrassment of their recent trial, and they began to speak freely.

Sanguinius once again jokingly congratulated Horus. The archangel described to Horus in detail the heartfelt blessings of his brothers. Fulgrim cheered happily after hearing the news that Horus was promoted to Warmaster. Standing up, the ascetic Luojia showed a long-lost smile, and Dorn expressed the highest respect and blessings to Horus——

And there was Sanguinius himself, who was sincerely happy for Horus... The Warmaster could only be Horus, and it was difficult for the angels to imagine Horus facing a future in which he was not the Warmaster.

Horus smiled as he answered the angel's questions one after another. Sanguinius was far more enthusiastic than usual - were they covering up something with their excitement?

Horus was thoughtful, his hand unconsciously stroking the sapphire necklace he had just been awarded. The gemstone was cut into the shape of the Eye of Terra, symbolizing the power and glory he had received.

[Father gave me this. 】

Horus said abruptly, but he was not referring to the necklace. The Warmaster carefully took out a small box from the side room with a knife on his waist.

He opened it and the angel saw an old gold ring.

*【This ring was made a year before he was born,】

*[He said that I was his centaur, and no matter where I rode, the legion would be by my side. 】

The angel smiled gently, his eyes sparkling,

[I am almost jealous of you, Horus. 】

But rarely, Horus did not take the angel's words. He held the small box and was silent for a moment.

The eloquent Wolf Shepherd stuttered.

[He, I mean I can expect this gift. We are his heirs and his generals. He gave power and gave me his trust. He gave me the sharpest sword without reservation. 】

The angel tilted his head and listened patiently,

[But...it's not just that. 】

Horus carefully put the ring box back. He stretched out his hand and took out a ring box from the other side.

The angel raised his eyebrows in surprise.

[He gave you two rings? 】

Horus nodded slowly, and the angel saw a rare hesitation and hesitation in Horus's eyes at this moment - he was confused.

He opened another box.

The wine glass in the angel's hand was firmly holding, and the liquid in it suddenly rippled.

[This is...a clay ring? ! 】

The angel's voice was slightly lost for a moment. He saw a clay ring with simple and rough workmanship. It was simply pierced with a stone-like bone plate with a grass stem. It didn't even look like it could be worn - it was too easy to wear. Broken.

[…I’m as shocked as you are. 】

The Shepherd God spoke slowly, his voice was calm but slightly trembling,

【my son,】

Horus spoke, and the angel realized that he was repeating the Emperor's words,

"This is a ring I made when I was a child. I used it to help me thread needles and mend clothes."

The Emperor said calmly. The light that had previously dazzled Horus faded away. Malcador stood gloomily behind the Emperor, his hood covering the old man's eyes.

"It was made after the first murder."

The first murder in human history, Neos's uncle killed Neos's father. Since then, the boy named Neos has become the emperor. He killed his uncle and completed The first revenge.

"Luperkar, both you and this ring were created after the first murder."

The emperor's tone had no fluctuation,

"I'm sorry that I can't take you and humanity back to the years before that."

【Father? ] Horus trembled slightly, [I don’t understand? 】

The cold eyes stared at him, nothing like the smile she had just given him when she handed him the gold ring, there was too much drowning in it.

"You have been brought into a cruel world, a world where murder, revenge, and fratricide have occurred."

The Emperor said, Malcador swaying slightly behind him, but Horus completely ignored the mortal, who was staring at his father in confusion and uneasiness.

"This was not my intention."

The emperor paused.

"At least after I saw you, my first found son, Lupekar, I realized that I was as cruel as the world, and that I ordered a child to face a world where murder had already taken place."

Horus grinned, trying to make a smile.

[Father, I can bear all this. I have led the legion to conquer countless worlds. I will not be stingy with my bullets. I let the war burn raging - the extermination order is not an unbearable sin. 】

The Emperor still stared at him. He looked sad, like a father who couldn't raise enough money for his child's journey, even though he had given him the entire galaxy's legion.

"... I believe you can do it, Horus, face it like I did, face this world, face the first murder."

The Emperor continued, staring at the mud ring, and Horus seemed to see the ring flashing with golden light in a trance.

"Rings are usually ornaments, symbolizing wealth, power and status."

"But in ancient Terra, it also appeared as a practical tool."

The Emperor was silent,

"I hope you can carry it with you."

Horus paused, he carefully picked up the ring from the small box, he could feel the angel bending down beside him, staring at the mud ring silently and cautiously.

The angel lowered his voice very low,

[He may know what you will face, Horus - but he still chooses to believe you. ]

Horus slowly turned the mud ring,

[But... what will I face? 】


"The current troop of the Empire against psychics is the Order of Silence, led by Hades, the Lord of the Order of Silence. They are now fighting the World Eaters in the Ultramarine,"

"Like the Imperial Guard, you can notify them, but you cannot command them directly. The right to assist is in their hands."

Malcador reported the previously omitted work expressionlessly, after the Emperor and Horus performed the fatherly and filial piety in front of him.

He looked at Horus who was pretending to listen to the old man's words seriously, but in fact, the wolf god's mind was definitely on the Emperor, not Malcador's words.

Malcador sincerely hoped that Horus would use his little head that had been overwhelmed by the Emperor's words, why was the report of the Order of Silence the only one that was omitted, and was emphasized after the Emperor said those words to him.

In fact, except for a few specific Primarchs, the other Primarchs knew more or less about the existence of the Warp creatures. Magnus was told the most, followed by Horus. The Khan and the Angels learned it all by themselves and maintained the greatest vigilance against the Warp.

Then there was Mortarion - Malcador didn't know how much Hades had told Mortarion, but he was sure that Hades, who was the type who always leaked things, had basically said everything he could say.

Malcador finished his brief report, and the old man returned to his backstage gloomily.

The Emperor coughed.

"Lupercal, you can ask the Order of Silence for help in dealing with psychic species and the Warp."


[He also hopes that I will communicate more with the Order of Silence. ]

Horus spoke,

[The Order of Silence... This is just like its leader, it appeared too abruptly. 】

Horus said thoughtfully, and Sanguinius beside him had a dark look in his eyes.

Just now, the archangel stopped Fulgrim in the hope of getting more information. Mortarion obviously knew something, and so did Lorgar.

The angel spoke softly and patted Horus's shoulder armor.

[The deeper we go into the galaxy, the more psychic species we encounter. To better eliminate psychic species, I think this may be his intention. 】

Horus lowered his head and continued to stroke the ring with his fingertips. He remembered that the soldiers in the Moon Wolves were possessed by the warp creatures.

[It seems that I may encounter more psychic troubles in the future-you were with Mortarion just now, dear friend? 】

The angel's wing tips trembled slightly,

[Yes, I chatted with him, Fulgrim, Khan and Lorgar for a while. 】

Horus sighed softly,

[I hope he gets along well with Fulgrim? ]

Sanguinius silently looked away. Well, actually, Mortarion should not have gotten along well with Fulgrim—but then Lorgar came.

Finally, the angel carefully considered his words,

[Fulgrim seemed to have a little dissatisfaction with Mortarion's etiquette, but they got along well overall. ]

Horus laughed and sighed loudly,

[I know, angel, you must have concealed it from me—I should thank you for your kindness. ]

[Do you care about Mortarion? ]

The angel asked his question. Given the identity of the angel and Horus' close friends, this question was quite provocative. He looked at Horus cunningly, and Horus laughed loudly, but shook his head helplessly,

[I am the first Primarch to return to our father, angel, and he once told me that he hoped I would be a good brother. ]

[You have always been a good brother, even though you are now the Warmaster. 】

Sanguinius said gently, and Horus waved his hand,

[The second Primarch to be found was Leman Russ. I still remember standing there, full of anger - I couldn't accept that someone broke in and took away the Emperor's attention from me. 】

The angel silently encouraged Horus to continue, and Horus spread his hands,

[But later... I found that Russ was not what he seemed. He walked into a room with me, and then instantly took off his wolf skin. 】

As if remembering something funny, Horus laughed,

[To be honest, I was shocked at the time. It can even be described as frightened. But I also instantly realized the fact that my brothers are already adults. I can no longer be hostile from the perspective of a child. My brothers, so I started to communicate with you in an adult way, which really helped me get through that difficult time. 】

The angel also laughed,

[A calm and rational Russ, sorry,] Sanguinius laughed louder and louder, and the fine chain ornaments on his wings jingled, [Maybe you are the only one who has seen him like that, Wolf Shepherd. 】

[Yes,] Horus said happily, [I later realized that the identity of eldest brother allowed me to see a different side of you. 】

The Shepherd God paused and touched his ring again.

[The same is true for Mortarion. The first time I saw him, I realized that this would be a big trouble. The aura on his body was so unique, and he didn't carry many traces of civilization. 】

Mortarion even looks like he once had a farming career, as evidenced by his skill with his scythe.

This really shocked Horus. A Primarch couldn't even survive on the supplies given to him. He had to farm by himself - not even hunt. A Primarch who hunted with a gun was far better than a Primarch who hunted with a gun. The scythe-farming Primarch is more acceptable.

The angel looked at Horus, who recalled the scene of Mortarion mixing drinks just now.

[Perhaps he enjoys it himself... But I understand, you have developed a sense of responsibility for him, Horus, isn't that so? 】

Horus lowered his eyes. He smiled awkwardly and continued to touch his ring.

[Normal communication methods do not work with Mortarion. He is very wary of perceiving malice and hypocrisy. 】

[So you tried using less mature communication methods, Horus? 】

Horus nodded,

[I also feel guilty. I didn't expect that Curze would suddenly become violent. This was my dereliction of duty. I could have felt that Mortarion had just established trust in me. 】

The light in the angel's eyes flashed,

[He cares about the Death Guard, right? 】

This sentence made Horus immediately pull out of his emotions, and the Wolf Shepherd straightened his back. This was also his ultimate purpose in turning the topic to Mortarion.

[I am very concerned, what is the relationship between the Death Guard and the Silent Order? Angel, do you hear something? 】

Sanguinius fluttered his wings and his expression became serious.

【I just happened to hear a lot,】

Sanguinius said,

[It seems our father is far more wary of the warp than we thought. 】


The emperor stood there, silently watching the retreating figure of the Wolf Shepherd. Behind him, Malcador's hoarse voice sounded from the shadows,

"My Lord, do you really love them equally? Will the love you give No. 16 be completely equivalent to No. 12?"

The Emperor took the initiative to ask Horus to have more contact with the Silent Order. This was not in their plan. It was more like the Emperor was subconsciously thinking about Horus.

The Emperor was silent for a long time, and then the Lord of Mankind slowly spoke,

"Luperkar...he is the most human being."

4.1k! Updated 6k+ today, nothing more, great!

Oh, by the way, those two asterisks are the original sentences, not that I am gay.

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