Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 363 352 Two or three things about the construction of Faos

Chapter 363 352. Two or three things about the construction of Faos

Good times are always short-lived.

Although it is difficult for ordinary people to call life in the Maelstrom a "good time", whether it is Hades, Angron and the World Eaters, they all agree that it is indeed a good time.

In five years, after confirming that Angron was in good health, Hades mainly focused on the construction of Faos.

Now, Hades can confidently say that Faos is definitely the master of the maelstrom, and the Two-One Cathedral above it is a unique skill among unique skills.

On that small holy land, Faos has a physical side that is far purer than the physical universe. Thoughts are no longer monitored. Logic returns to logic. Except for mathematical problems that may drive people crazy, there is nothing else here. Poison knowledge.

If you are a "lucky" sage, you might be able to get a small fragment of knowledge from the faint neighing under the cathedral.

Promise me, sages, to use technological beatings on Tzeentch.

No one expected that the technological innovation blockade would be unlocked in the maelstrom of psychic chaos.

According to Hades's instructions and the suggestions of several great sages, several large laboratories have been completed around the Eryi Cathedral. In the foreseeable future, this place will serve as an important experimental data testing site.

New technological ideas burst out from the contemplation room of the church, are verified in the laboratory near the cathedral, and then samples are assembled. The samples are then taken to the chaotic psychic field of the maelstrom to continue testing their properties in the psychic field. reliability--

After all, reality is not as pure as the meditation room.

In the Eryi Cathedral, the highest-level borrowing room, there are also countless handwritten materials by Hades on display. Some knowledge is destined to require countless practices and tests of time. All Hades can do is to study in the dark night of knowledge. Light a few lights to illuminate different paths.

Of course, there is also a data version. Hades has uploaded all of them to Nirvana, and sages of sufficient level can check it by themselves.

Rather than being a scientific researcher, Hades still needs to become a qualified general. In the past few years in the Maelstrom, Hades has spent most of his time fighting.

But in between beating up his neighbors, Hades still managed to complete several projects.

One is the Black Box, a personality collector for Nirvana updates, which only allows the highest level Sage equipment.

There is also a spiritual lamp, whose inspiration and technology come from Kirkland. This is a small light bulb that can detect the spiritual energy field within at least one kilometer around itself. The stronger the spiritual energy, the brighter the light.

May be worn by any sage of Phaos.

Although it has no attack power, the spiritual lamp can at least serve as an early warning. Attacks against psychic energy are currently limited to [Soulless Ones], and small-scale black stones are just ripples that resonate with the Soulless Ones.

But large-scale black stone buildings can indeed play a certain anti-psionic role.

Countless black stone obelisks stand among the rows of factories in Faos.

What needs to be made clear is that the Black Stone Obelisk is not [anti-psionic], it is more like some kind of amplifier, which can increase both the physical side and the psionic side.

This is why, in the Black Stone Obelisk of Barbarus, except for the main tower, the other auxiliary towers have no starting system at all, and the starting circuit of the main tower is also broken. Only Hades knows how to connect and start.

This is a measure taken by Hades to prevent people from taking advantage of the negative side of Black Stone Tower to increase the psychic side.

For the Black Stone Tower of Faos, Hades also made a similar design. The activation system of the main tower was strictly kept secret, and only the highest-level great sages knew its key.

At the same time, there is a piece of black stone infected with the physical side dug out from the underground of the Second Cathedral at any time and placed next to the Black Stone Tower starter.

Psykers are also prohibited from entering the area surrounding Blackrock Spire.

Now, as long as the sages are willing, Faos can activate the physical field that envelopes the entire planet.

In five years, Faos has transformed from a barbaric land into an industrial planet with a complete industrial system, air defense system, and even a psychic defense system.

Countless mineral supplies were transported here from the routes opened by Hades himself in the war. The port handled huge ships, bullets and guns filled every warehouse. The sages were busy. Even the most mediocre sages also hoped for themselves. To be able to achieve the great honor of being admitted into the innermost recesses of the Cathedral of the Second One.

The Nirvana system has been used in logistics and energy distribution on a small scale and will be further expanded after passing the next hundred-year acceptance period.

The mantra written by Ohm Messiah himself has also spread throughout the thinking engines of every sage. For the sake of truth and mankind, in the field of science and technology, Faos will become His most loyal knight in charge.

Although this forging world is now only the dominant force in the Maelstrom, if it wants to support the grand war between the star seas further away, this rapidly developing planet is still not that interesting.

Hades smiled, but no matter what, at least Faos had developed before he left. Although there was no Liushen outfit, the transition set was complete.

A huge roar sounded, and Hades turned his head and saw the sages commanding the transport boat to continuously carry ammunition to the World Eater's ship.

The sages obviously knew that this estimate was based on hundreds of years - especially in the chaotic maelstrom of time.

So they seized every opportunity possible to replenish supplies for the World Eaters who had suffered heavy losses previously.

【Lord Hades,】

The female voice of World Eater Captain Salin sounded from the channel, with a hint of impatience.

[Forgive me for being disrespectful, but please don’t let those oil guys stuff ammunition into the fleet anymore. Sir, I don’t want the Conqueror to become a firecracker that can explode at a moment’s notice. 】

Hades got along well with the World Eaters - so well that they didn't seem to regard Hades as an outsider.

Hades obviously had a straightforward conversation with the World Eaters. He was straightforward and had a personality that pursued order and glory.

Hades said jokingly,

"You can just negotiate with the oil guys directly. This is your ship, Ms. Salin."

[It would be nice if they listened. 】

At the other end, Saleen was staring through the porthole at the fleet flowing outside. Beside her stood Kahn. Kahn held the ax casually and spoke,

"No need to trouble Hades, we can use those vacant lounges as storage for the time being-"

"No! Never!"

Saleen turned her head and became angry. Her high-pitched voice convinced Kahn that she would be an expert at warcry.

"Unless this is Lord Angron's order - what does Lord Angron think? No, don't answer me with your dawdling attitude!"

Kahn looked away, not to argue with Captain Sarin, convinced that Angron's only thought about the matter was to be happy with the sages' enthusiasm.

Well, Angron, who actually sensed the good intentions of the Sages, had a hard time rejecting the oil guys, but he was also having trouble dealing with the World Eaters' bad-tempered female captain.

"……Listen to you."

Kahn said slowly, anyway, the ammunition the Sages have stuffed is enough to fight the World Eaters for three or four years without eating or drinking, and there will still be a surplus.

Of course, this is also related to the substantial reduction in the number of World Eaters. The Legion cannot recruit troops in the Maelstrom, so after leaving the Maelstrom, the World Eaters' first priority will be to recruit troops.

In the end, Hades, who had heard enough of the show on the channel, saved Kahn. He took his time and contacted the Great Sage Hessen to ask the sages to stop stuffing things into the ship.

While listening to Hessen's report, Hades was thinking about the next path out of the maelstrom. He originally wanted to go to the Death Guard, and by the way, he asked Mortarion to see if Angron's brain was fast. Possibility of healing.

But it was a pity that the Emperor did not give him a chance to take a holiday. The Lord of Mankind kindly pointed out the next place for him to work overtime——


Yes, code

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