Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 364 353 Angron, Hades, Mortarion

Chapter 364 353. Angron, Hades, Mortarion

Human beings are creatures with subjective initiative.

So Hades chose to spend the voyage to Nicaea on the World Eaters' Conqueror rather than on the Silent Order's Kokotus, a style of décor that Hades said he was allergic to.

To further his own initiative, Hades brought the Macragge blanket from his bedroom on the Kokotus to his lounge on the Conqueror.

Angron once asked Hades what it was, and Hades very honestly told the Lord of the Red Sands that it was the home planet of his brother, Robert Guilliman, and Angron expressed his sincere regret for this act. Puzzled.

[Brother, aren’t you... aren’t you from the Silent Order? 】

Hades blinked, why did he always feel like the edges of this carpet were pilling? He didn't remember that he was tossing the blanket.

"The Order of Silence is not a complete legion. Angron, uh... to be honest, I belong to the Death Guard of the Fourteenth Legion."

Angron suddenly realized,

[Ah, are you the original body of the Death Guard? 】

Hades coughed violently,

"No! No! I mean I am the commander of the Death Guard - and by blood..."

Hades paused, seeming to be thinking about complicated things, some confusing theories of seniority that even Ohm Messiah could not understand.

"Well...you and I shouldn't be considered brothers anyway, I mean in the sense of blood."

Angron first laughed and patted Hades, telling him that friendships established on the battlefield are far more reliable than blood relationships. Then Angron paused and asked cautiously,

[Brother, I said, so the Fourteenth Legion and the Death Guard have another original body? 】

Hades nodded wildly,

"Mortarion, the Lord of Death, I think you will meet him when we arrive in Nicaea. He is very knowledgeable in potions and anti-psionic powers..."

“And numerology.”

Hades paused for a moment, then he said thoughtfully,

"Although I see Mortarion either preparing poison or on his way to prepare poison every day, he should also have some research on treatment and rehabilitation. Let's see if he can help you then."

Hades glanced at Angron's nails. The nails had turned into decorative dreadlocks, with layers of blood and dirt accumulated at the bottom. These were traces of the original brain's growth and efforts to squeeze out the nails.

It was rare that Angron didn't speak immediately. Hades hadn't realized that Angron was confused by him, so he quickly continued to express his thoughts,

"I'll introduce you to Mortarion then. He's a nice guy, but he's not very good at interpersonal communication. But he won't give you poison, so don't worry."

It's just possible to draw some blood from you, Hades muttered inwardly.

[Wait a minute, brother, so...]

Angron said hesitantly,

[You are the commander of the Fourteenth Legion, and you are also the leader of the Order of Silence - but you hang a blanket from the Thirteenth Legion in your lounge? ! 】

Hades blinked innocently,

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

Angron thought a lot at that moment, and finally the Primarch decided that he could not figure it out because he had been away from the center of the empire for too long. This might be a common phenomenon, but he just didn't know it.

Angron grinned,

[Then I will give you some good things from the World Eaters later. Whatever you want, Hades, you can take it. 】

Hades mused that he couldn't hang two axes on the wall of the lounge, although this seemed to work.

He waved his hand,

"Thanks, Angron, I will just take two axes from your arsenal when the time comes."

A week later, Hades received a gladiatorial rug that was slightly larger, bulkier, and with rougher stitching than the Macragge rug.

Comes with two axes.

Hades raised the blanket, and he stared speechlessly at the wild bloody arena on it, which looked like it was temporarily sewn.

I just don’t know who is so unlucky that the Lord of the Red Sand calls him over to do such a thing.


【Come on! Enough, enough! You've said it many times. 】

Angron patted Hades' shoulder armor carelessly with one hand, and picked his ears impatiently with the other hand.

[Compared to the interpersonal relationships of my brothers, you might as well learn a few ax dance moves from Kahn. 】

Hades shouted,

"You have to listen, Angron! You are going to attend the Nikaea Conference!"

Angron frowned,

[This is just a meeting, not a fight. Why do you pay so much attention to it? 】

Hades winked.

"Sometimes, a single word at a meeting of high-level decision-makers can start countless wars. Angron, you must be a qualified decision-maker, not just a general."

Angron shrugged indifferently,

[I can’t fight, I can’t even be called a general now. 】

Hades laughed, and he began to swing his ax in front of Angron mockingly.

"It's been a long time since you've had a fight. Your hands are itchy, right?"

The millisecond before Angron bared his teeth and his mood began to turn to anger, Hades decisively threw away his battle ax in a gesture of surrender, and at the same time began to escape quickly,

"Okay, Angron, you still have to listen. The Council of Nicaea is a multi-person Primarch conference initiated by the Emperor. You will serve as the Primarch of the World Eaters in the conference and decide whether to support the dissolution of the Think Tank. Express your own unique perspective while gradually discovering the chaotic relationships among many Primarchs."

[Where did you know so many strange sentence patterns? 】

Angron yelled, and at the same time picked up an ax and threw it to Hades, telling him to shut up.

[Didn’t you say that Mortarion and the Death Guard are not good at speaking? ! Why do you talk so much! 】

Hades took a deep breath,

"It's just because I said it, they don't have to speak! I'm just a poor messenger!"

[Then you are now the messenger of the World Eaters, brother! 】

Hades suddenly stopped and looked at Angron with a serious face. Angron looked at him in surprise.

【What's wrong, brother? 】


Hades said sincerely,

"I don't know why I went to Nikaea. I can still deduce that the Legion went to Nikaea to express their opinions and vote. I really don't know what I went to do."

[Emperor...my father didn't tell you what you were going to do? 】

Angron paused.

[Hades, aren't you the Lord of the Silent Order? Since we are discussing psychic issues, there will definitely be a place for you. 】

"I...I'm not sure whether the Emperor needs me to appear?"

Hades touched his nose guiltily,

"Brother, I don't think everyone accepts my existence as well as you do."

Angron became confused again.


Vox stood behind his original body, Mortarion, with a serious face. The Lord of Death was busy tiredly in front of his potion table, and the pungent stench floated into Vox's nostrils.

[My first company commander, you will go and meet the wild wolves at that time. 】

Mortarion said hoarsely,

[Wild wolves are all rough barbarians, and I don’t expect you to get along well with them. 】

Mortarion watched the liquid slowly drip into the distilling flask,

[But they have evidence that can kill Magnus. Vox, we need the death penalty. Words cannot kill. We must get evidence of guilt. 】

Vaux paused for a moment, then he asked cautiously,

[My lord, what did the wild wolves discover? It was enough to sentence Thousand Sons to death. 】

Mortarion put down the reagent tube that was shaking in his hand, and turned to look at Vox,

【one person. 】

"one person?"

Vox was stunned for a moment. He watched Mortarion narrow his eyes in dissatisfaction and turned back.

[The Wolf King claimed that he had discovered the fact that the Thousand Sons were toying with the fate of others in order to spy on the secrets of other legions. 】


Motali settled down for a moment,

[Regrettably, although I hope that Magnus can be buried in a swamp and die together with his Thousand Sons, I think the evidence of the Wolf King is difficult to make the liar die directly - maybe we should try indefinitely. 】

Vox thought about it. He had not attended the banquet of the Lord of Death and the Scarlet King, but he went with them. When he came back, Jialuo, who had a bad look, had obviously explained a lot of problems.

Mortarion was against Magnus, that was clear and clear, Vox knew it,


"Father, what are your views on think tanks?"

Vox asked cautiously. The main topic of the Nicaea meeting was still the think tank issue, but it seemed that Mortarion was unwilling to abolish the Undertaker in the Death Guard. This seemed to have some views against Magnus. departure.

Mortarion's calm voice sounded,

[The Legion can have a small number of think tanks, and they will be the best to warn the subspace in advance, but my brother Magnus has obviously gone too far, and he needs to be punished. 】

Walker paused.

"And what will you say at the meeting, my lord?"

[Abolish think tanks. 】

Mortarion said without changing his face,

[Vox, the Death Guard does not have a think tank. If anyone asks about this, just say that the Death Guard has canceled all think tanks since one of the Death Guard think tanks lost control of their psychic powers. 】

Vox was silent, and the Lord of Death mercifully explained to his dutiful First Captain,

[Vox, there is no think tank in the Space Wolves either. 】

[But I think that when you go to connect with them, you will find a kind of wild wolf called Rune Warlock, and there may be quite a few of them. 】

Mortarion bottled the potion. He looked at the liquid in the small bottle with satisfaction. Then he turned around, squatted down and pinned the small bottle to Vox's waist.

[Get it. 】

Mortarion said,

[These are the potions I made from the Imperial Guards next to Hades, as well as the potions against the Sisters of Silence. Nicaea is the territory of the Emperor, and you will meet many Imperial Guards by then. 】

Then Mortarion raised his head, and under his hood, he looked at Vox with keen eyes,

[Listen up, Vox, you will serve as the Death Guard witness to the Thousand Sons' guilt, appearing behind the scenes where no one can touch it. If the Wolf King comes up with evidence, then let him show it to his heart's content - but I don't believe Ma Gnus would be unmoved. 】

[If Magnus takes action, remember, Vox, your goal is not to stop Magnus, your goal is to make this matter bigger, bring it to the stage, and let everyone see that the wizard is trying to Cover up his crimes, let everything get confusing, and then we'll have irrefutable proof of his guilt. 】

Mortarion whispered, he patted Vox on the shoulder and sighed,

[Go with ease and don’t worry about the wild wolves. The short-term cooperation does not mean that we are their true allies. 】

Mortarion stood up and turned around to clear the potion table.

[Wox, remember to go to the armory room to get more white and black bullets. 】

The Lord of Death listened to the sound of Vox saluting and leaving. Seventeen years later, he thought, would he see the Lord of the Silent Order at this Nicaea meeting on psychic issues?

But no matter what, he will face Magnus seriously and let this ugly wizard tear off his mask. This is his most heartfelt curse for psykers.

3.3k, great!

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