Chapter 404 1.18 A light fight

Above the sky, there is a thorough gray-white color, and between the clouds and mist, strange and fluctuating colored lights are watching everything in the world.

The cool wind howled by.

The roar of the armor tore through the continent, and the tracks rolled over the sand, making a crunching sound. On the flat desert, a long line of deep iron that could not be seen at a glance was slowly advancing. Layers of thin sand were raised, and the earth was yellow. On the fine steel, the fast-moving Iron Warriors showed no signs of sluggishness.

The sound of breaking wind came from high in the sky, and the sharp blades of the Storm Bird's wings tore through the sky, reflecting the blurry silhouettes of countless spaceships in the gray sky. Looking far away, the black and gray dots stretched back with no end in sight.

The sand and gravel trembled, and then were violently shaken. The huge steel machine passed by. On the layers of dark gray, there was no trace of the original Titan Legion flag - they were corroded, erased, and finally were greedy. The Lord of Steel put on the flag of his own legion, which is the Titan family belonging to the Iron Legion.

The huge figure of the knight seemed so small at the feet of the Titan at this moment. They flexibly interspersed under the shadow of the divine machine to provide assistance to the steel giant.

Hades stood silently on the small stone slope in front of the black stone obelisk. He frowned and counted Perturabo's troops. At the same time, the scanning of the bird servants of the Thunderhawks of the Silent Order was also going smoothly. The ground flowed into Hades's mind.

Enemies on all sides.

Based on previous estimates of the Iron Warriors fleet, Hades estimated that there were at least 80,000 Iron Warriors stationed on the planet, as well as countless armored troops and Storm Bird troops.

Staring at the steadily advancing figures, Hades frowned.

No, something's wrong.

Hades thought that the pace of the rebels' advance was a little too consistent. In the world of sound waves and radio waves, this army was completely silent, almost like an army of the dead. No one issued commands, but everyone Everyone was moving as if they had planned it.

Hades originally planned to start electronic warfare first and cut off the other party's communication, but the strange scene at this moment made him have other ideas.

At least on the physical level, Hades did not detect a trace of signal, and there was no need for communication from the other side...

It still takes a close encounter to know what's going on.

Hades thought, but the first thing they had to do was to withstand the first few rounds of fire bombings from the Iron Warriors. He had already heard the slow rotation of the artillery arrays and heard the violent energy being accumulated.

The pace of the slowly marching army has obviously slowed down. The long armored troops began to raise the gun barrels, calculating data, and aiming -

Hades wasted no time. He first ordered the reconnaissance Thunderhawks hovering in the airspace to avoid the airspace. Although the air troops on the opposite side were Stormbirds and the Silent Order's more advanced Thunderhawks, under the Iron Warriors In front of the huge number, these little birds are obviously not enough.

The figure of the Thunder Eagle disappeared from Hades's eyes, and the air superiority of this airspace was temporarily vacated. If Hades did not make up for it next, the Iron Warriors' Storm Bird would occupy this place.

But now, Perturabo will not send the Storm Birds. Hades knows it very well, because he knows that the Lord of Steel is about to start a land-washing bombing.

Hades took a few deep breaths, and green arcs of electricity appeared as he breathed, crackling like tiny static electricity, but it was too far - Perturabo cleverly kept a far enough distance. Seems to realize that distance weakens Hades' power.

Hades pondered. The black stone obelisk occupied by the Silent Order was at the junction of a sandy desert and a low hillside. In the sandy desert, there were still three black stone obelisks standing in a triangular distribution, and the short Behind the hillside, there are no traces of these foreign buildings.

But no matter where you are, as long as you look far away, you can see the Iron Warriors' army. The army closest to Hades is the armored company on the sandy desert. The sharp color of steel stops closest to Hades. Not far from the black stone obelisk in the desert.

The good news is that the Iron Warriors who had previously stationed under the Black Stone Obelisk left a trench for them to avoid fighting. The trench was dark and deep, produced by Iron Warrior, and looked very solid.

Hades smiled. He briefly remembered his cooperation with the Iron Warriors Trident Dantioch. I wonder if he broke away from the Iron Warriors in time? Hades remembered that in the original book, Perturabo sent the heroic Iron Warrior to other battlefields, and Dantioch also escaped.

Hades glanced at the trenches dug deep into the black stone obelisk. The Titan dropped its solid left arm beside him. Hades stepped onto it silently. There, the unique shadow left hand of the psychic Titan was standing. Reflecting weak sunlight.

He now has a total of two psychic Titans and a team of soulless knights. Except for the necessary soulless ones guarding under the black stone obelisk, Hades did not order too many soulless ones to come down.

The Titan stood upright silently, the huge steel trembled slightly, Hades knocked on its shoulder casually, a dull sound sounded, as if it sensed something, the psychic Titan was forcibly imprisoned, Alpha as a rechargeable battery The super psyker seemed to tremble.

The Warlord's Omen-class psionic Titan belongs to the Order of Omen. The stingy Malcador finally divided it into two units of the Order of Silence. They are charged by three psykers and piloted by a male untouchable—— Yes, before the establishment of the Order of Silence, female Untouchables would be inducted into the Order of Silence, while male Untouchables would be secretly trained by the Empire to be pilots of these big guys.

However... the Warlord Doom-class Psychic Titan that Hades was riding on did not have a Soulless driver inside.

The green arc lit up, and silver-white droplets silently flowed through the nutrient chamber that imprisoned the psychic. Now the driver of this big guy was outside its cockpit, and Hades directed it to aim at the armored cluster in the distance.

Those long dark gray lines were reflected in Hades' dark eyes.

Perturabo thought he would enter the trenches to avoid the battle? No, no, no, no, since Perturabo was the builder of these trenches, Hades was sure that the Lord of Steel knew how many shells it would take to completely blow up these trenches.

Although the Order of Silence also had an advanced close-in interception system, Hades believed that the temporarily deployed system was still not enough to fight against the oversaturated bombing.

Then... for Hades, the choice he needed to make was obvious.

The engine roared, and in a very short time, Hades' troops were warmed up to the best condition.

Hades smiled. Perturabo, who only wanted to defend one place and seek stability and accuracy, probably didn't think about what Hades would choose to do.

According to inertial thinking, Perturabo would only think that Hades would use the bunker trenches to lead his army to defend the stronghold they had just conquered.

This is why... why his army is still too close to Hades.

Perturabo was very cautious. He knew to stay away from Hades, but he was also arrogant enough. He arrogantly thought that this distance could stop Hades' sickle.

The Lord of Steel believed that Hades would never take the risk of provoking the long front of the Iron Warriors with a very small army without any reserve army - this was tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg.

But he underestimated Hades. At the same time, Hades only needed to hold on until the Iron Hand arrived.

The gray mist floated weakly, and a faint smell of gunpowder passed by the tip of the nose.

Hades held the sickle, and the bottom of the sickle fell down, making a distant horn sound.

In an instant, the black blade charged at the steel wire.

At the same time, tens of thousands of shells screamed into the air, and the black lines wove a huge spider web in the air.


In the strategic room behind the front line, Perturabo stood up suddenly and angrily "stared" at the front line.

What is the other side going to do? What are they doing? !

They... they want to die here directly? !

The artillery roared, the earth and rocks flew, and the hot flames violently hit the ground, but the knights' charging steps never hesitated for a step, as if they had predicted the landing point of each shell in advance, and they accurately crossed the deep pits that were blown out.

The strange Titan strode forward fearlessly, and the void shield lit up bright white ripples two meters away from the Titan God Machine. Unlike the knight who could dodge flexibly, the Titan charged directly into the firepower, and the shells hit straight up, and exploded scattered fireworks on the white curtain.

Unconsciously, Perturabo had already gritted his teeth, firing, bombing, bombing!

The Titan's void shield reactor has an upper limit. As long as the opponent's shield energy is exhausted, an effective attack can be carried out... Or, the Iron Warriors need to deploy armor that can match the weird Titan on the opposite side.

Behind the armored front, the giant figure that was originally used as a long-range fire support platform began to move slowly.

The smoke of the first round of main bombardment began to dissipate, but Perturabo never wastes any opportunity. The faster-loading artillery has already begun transitional bombardment, but after taking the first round of artillery bombardment, the opponent who realized that the Iron Warriors also needed to adjust the trajectory also began to change their movement route, and the speed of the charging queue was even faster and faster!

How could it be!

Perturabo stared at the picture sent back from the front, and not even one knight was left behind. The strange silver-white metal covered the parts that were blackened by the artillery fire, and it was slowly crawling like a living thing.

What kind of witchcraft is this...

Perturabo wondered, when did his father hide such a strange existence under his command? Compared with the cursed, the psychic tricks that Magnus had shown Perturabo became more approachable.

But this was not the time for him to think about these things. Perturabo adjusted the angle of the turret, and he opened his eyes angrily. Since the indirect firepower did not solve the opponent...

The Order of Silence was about to enter the direct firepower range of the Iron Warriors. By then, the Iron Warriors' armored forces would give them a surprise-

The hot and smelly wind hit Hades on the high ground. The Lord of the Underworld did not blink, and the Titan under him ran and shook violently.

They were about to enter the direct firepower range of the armored forces-in other words, the Iron Warriors had entered the wedge formation and charged, the firepower range of the Order of Silence.


Hades said, and at the same time as his voice, the ominous light on the left arm of the Doom-class psychic Titan sounded.

The broken engine on Shadow's left hand let out a chilling scream. A strangely waving black ball of lightning twisted and swam in space, piercing the armored company in front of Hades. From the ominous black light to the scream, it seemed to take only a moment. A violent scream sounded, and the space within the Iron Warriors' company was torn apart abruptly, and a strange light lit up from that end.

It was like a small vortex existing in this space. The heavy armor that Perturabo was proud of was torn apart easily like a piece of paper, and the steel was twisted into fragments and then sucked into the vortex.

Hades stared silently at the crack that suddenly appeared in the Iron Warriors fleet. Now the seemingly perfect array of Iron Warriors has been torn apart in a physical sense. The vortex finally expanded, struggling to take away more Creatures.

This is like an enlarged version of the vortex bomb used by Mortarion. The principle is to tear a hole in the subspace, and then let the twisted and mixed space tear apart everything around it.

For a moment, the whirlpool screamed, and the armors that were originally motionless seemed to be in chaos for a moment, as if they didn't react, but Hades would not give them a chance. The moment the space was torn apart, the Titans The thermal cannon fire from the knights at their feet also hit their enemies.

Not even close, Hades thought.


Like witchcraft, following Hades' words, two more whirlpools were formed, easily dragging all the creatures they encountered into the abyss.

At this moment, the heavy artillery fire that fell behind Hades's charging queue seemed like a joke. Hades didn't even need to look back to know that two or three meters of sand had been blown down from the continent behind them.

Buzz buzz—boom! ! !

The first violent Wanderer Knight has already rushed into the enemy's queue. The Reaper's chain sword roared and shredded the metal. The adamantine armor crashed directly into the Predator tank. It brutally chose close combat, opening and closing. Wielding a chainsword.

The roar of the chain saw was the next horn. The knights rushed into the steel queue one after another. Their tall riding steps disrupted the opposite queue. At the same time, the dark gray knights also rushed out of the layers of battle lines on their side. They wanted to fire artillery fire, but the wandering knights led by Hades had already rushed in front of the opponent, and the chain sword slashed straight into the cockpit!

The next moment, the huge Titan also entered the battle line. Hades lowered his eyes. Invisible ripples seemed to suddenly appear around the psychic Titan. Then, violent pulse waves vibrated around the Titan and inside the short armor. Already broken into scrap metal.

As violent pulse waves spread around, darkness began to fall. Brutal green lightning lit up from around each Knight and Titan. Fanatic praise rang out on the channel. Silver-white teardrops dripped down the sand, and on countless metal Above the corpses, it spread slowly and silently, climbing up to the unconscious dark gray steel.

Hades frowned deeply.

"keep away."

There was a moment of darkness, and the next moment, Hades frowned and watched those beings struggling to attack the charging formation fall into deathly silence.

No - they have no soul?

Hades thought, but the Titan he controlled still did not hesitate at all, and the divine machine rushed straight towards the black stone obelisk in the steel queue——

Perturabo hit the podium hard, and Vashtor beside him gave him a slow look.

Above the wasteland, the second black stone obelisk lit up with black lightning.


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