Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 405 119 Perturabo, do you want to be beaten?

Chapter 405 1.19 Perturabo, do you want to be beaten?

"What did you see?"

The heavy black helmet stood on the loose soil, the bolter hung down, and little Herrera was silent.

Her hand tightened on the bolter.

"The corpse of the enemy, Hades."

Hades clapped his hands. He squatted half-crouched, his black eyes staring expressionlessly at the gray-helmet corpse lying on the ground.

"They...have no soul."

Hades whispered, he finally understood what went wrong and why this weird feeling kept haunting him during the battle - now he knows.

Fighting the Iron Warriors reminded Hades of his past fights with the Necrons, giving him a vague sense of familiarity.

What on earth did they go through? What happened to the Iron Warriors? As the first known Fallen Legion?

Hades stretched out his hand, and he pulled out the sword from the waist of the corpse, trying to find more clues, but as Hades moved, the belt tied around the waist of the corpse moved, revealing a hidden small bag. fell out.

Hades' fingertips paused, and he reached out and opened the small bag.

A photo was taken of three young people under the statue of the emperor. It was half soaked in blood. It was turned over and signed on the back, and there was a sentence:

"For the Empire! For the Iron Warriors!"

Hades looked up at the corpse indifferently, and recognized the one on the left in the group photo with his eyebrows.

A green arc of light lit up, Hades stood up, and the flame burned out between his fingers.

"Prepare for attack, southeast."

Hades said clearly as he watched little Herrera salute and then trot away.

The cold mask covered Hades' face without any warmth. Even though the data of the entire battlefield had been deduced in his mind, Hades still spent some time thinking about this problem.

Finally, standing among the corpses, Hades came to his conclusion.

Someone has to pay for the blood of these former Imperial warriors.

Whoever does it will be punished by death.

Hades looked far away, and the picture coming from the battleship was very clear. The iron shoes plowed through the loess, and the faint roar drifted from the wind——

The big fish is coming.

Although Hades didn't know who gave Perturabo the courage.

He stood in the wind, the stench of psychic sorcery lingering on his nose.

Then darkness fell.


Ingelser chuckled, and glanced at Vashtor with its round, toad-like eyes. The Lord of the Hearth looked deflated.

"They are not satisfied with you, worms of iron and bronze."

The big demon said happily, as if to show the four gods' love for it, it opened its tiny and fragmented wings, and looked back at "Luojia" who was instructing the Word Bearers to build an altar.

"Come on, Uriah."

Ingelser said sweetly, its fate is tied to Luojia, no matter which tributary of fate it is.

Then it turned its head and continued to say aggressively,

"Did you already fail? They decided it was him?"

Sparks suddenly burst out of Vashtor's mouth, and it pressed the toad's chin with a craftsman's hammer,

+Since our cooperation needs to continue, you'd better be polite. +

The scorching temperature roasted Ingelser, who snorted and mucus flowed out.

"I have sensed the aura of [Number One]. You hate it, right?"

The big devil smiled,

+It's just a subordinate,+

Vashtor hissed,

+And I am a collaborator, ma'am, are you aware of that? +

Ingelser smiled and moved the frighteningly hot craftsman's hammer away with his fingers.

"up to you,"

it says,

"You can't even persuade the Rusted Disaster. Do you think he will give up? Or does he know something? He is your only card, isn't it? I know, contract, contract-? But now it seems He's going to be kicked out."

The tightly wound iron wire cables climbed up, and the Lord of the Fire stared at Ingelser. Behind the gaps in the swaying flames seemed to be an endless abyss of hell.

+ No - + Vashtor said word for word, + - That's it, he is not that person, and he has not been too deeply affected by the spurned person. +

If Chaos wanted this to be more secure, it wouldn't be Perturabo.

Vashtor thought that even though the Forsaken God's destiny was associated with machinery and steel, darkness had not yet touched the Man of Steel.

Steel... Vashtor thought with jealousy, the existence of blasphemy, it never thought that the Forsaken God would be connected to the machine. Does the false emperor know what he is doing?

The Messiah of Om, who, unwilling to bear the crown himself, gave it to others in such a sacrilegious manner? ! This is not the best time for the Lord of the Hearth to embark on the path of hatred, but if it does not take action... it will feel the declining authority in the river of the future!

But...ignoring the words of the slave of the Four Gods, Vashtor thought, it felt the power gradually rising, coming from the not-too-distant future - this was part of the contract.

It means their victory, it means Vashtor's victory.

A gentle and kind voice sounded from behind the two ugly monsters. Luojia stared at them with violet eyes.

【alright. 】

The believer raised the enlightened one and turned sideways to let the two of them look at the altar. Blood fell from the black stone obelisk in the center of the altar. The corpses were piled up to form an upside-down sculpture of the pseudo-emperor, which was tied to the black obelisk. A sword made of human bones Directly pointing to the direction of God’s abandoned ones.

"Love you, honey."

Ingelser said in a pinched voice,

"You always do a good job...it's a pity...if only you were really him."

【It does not matter,】

Uriah said that he was the last believer on Terra, and the fire was burning. He threw himself into the flames under the eyes of the false gods and completed the final sacrifice.

[Piety is personality. 】

Uriah said, his new body twitching as he spoke.

Vash'tor stared at Lorgar gloomily, the Fire Lord thought, it couldn't be Perturabo...it thought, there was no connection...unless...unless they wanted to...

The Lord of the Hearth was silent.

The next moment, with the sacrifices of the Word Bearers and the demonic armies of the other four gods, Vashtor also began to summon its army.


come on……

This was not a rational move, Perturabo thought, but he had done too many crazy things so far.

He stared intently at the dark corner of the map, which was shrouded in darkness, undetectable and unobservable. The familiar feeling of being out of control made his eyelids tremble nervously.


Perturabo thought, but this small subconscious was quickly submerged in tens of thousands of thoughts. The Iron Warriors' army was still marching, and he felt the losses on the front line. He lost many people and many armors. , but the other side is also bleeding.

If Perturabo wanted to, he could use a huge amount of resources to kill Hades before Faenus arrived - but this would make him completely unable to compete with the Lord of Medusa.

No... no, the Lord of Medusa is not Perturabo's main target, although the Lord of Steel cannot tolerate defeat at the hands of Fainus.

Perturabo sneered inwardly, as if the idea of ​​war with Faenus made him laugh. His thoughts refocused on the front line, and he stared at the two monsters.

He stared at them, perfect yet incomplete creations. In a daze, Perturabo thought of the sculpture he had smashed on Olympia, and of the alien creations that he had been unable to study and learn through countless days and nights.

He smiled crookedly, he would have smashed them too.

It's just...it's just that he needs some help, and he was promised.

Amidst the turbulence, the steel vehicle Tormentor is about to arrive at the front line.

Perturabo stared into the deepest part of the darkness, as if he had seen the figure.

The Lord of Steel's lips moved.



Provocative words sounded,

In the darkness, under the white hair, the scarlet eyes locked in an instant. The ion blaster on the top of the divine machine took aim instantly. The next moment, the hot plasma was shot directly into the enemy formation.

Not surprisingly, after a burst of space distortion, the intense plasma disappeared. Hades was not sure whether it was witchcraft, a void shield, or both.

But he didn't need to know that clearly. The huge machine underneath him roared, and the magnetic soles of the black helmet boots kept Hades motionless. Without a trace of hesitation, they began to charge.

A mountain of tanks surged towards him, with fire in the cannon barrels, but in front of the God Machine Titan, they were as vulnerable as babies besieging adults.

Every time he took a few steps, pulses and storms alternately exploded from the body of the Omen-level psychic Titan. The huge shock wave tore a path of iron and blood in the enemy's queue, and the knights followed closely behind. Use the gap opened by the Titan to fight the Iron Warriors from the side.

In the darkness, Hades took a deep breath,

"Perturabo—come out!!!"

Hades roared,

"Come out! Traitor!!!"

The strong wind poured into Hades's mouth, but the hot roar shattered the sound of the wind, and it resounded throughout the fields like a sweeping heavy sword.

The noisy radio waves rang, the speaker system started to work, and Hades heard the low laughter,

[Me, the traitor? 】

Perturabo said frivolously,

【Who betrayed humanity? Who used lies to cover up the truth, and pretended to deceive my brothers, trying to ascend to the gods with the help of the primarchs. 】

Hades shouted, and the Titan under him roared with him. A dark lightning exploded, and in the tank group, the deep space tore apart the powerless war toys.

"Then this is the truth why you worked hard to become a lackey of Chaos?! How can you blame him for being a slave? At least he will not let humans become slaves - the Empire has never betrayed humans! The Emperor has never failed Humanity!!!"

"What about you?! What about you?! Perturabo - tyrant! Is this how you treat your heirs who trust you?!"

Perturabo chuckled. He waited for the power of subspace to enter the battlefield. His thoughts were stuck on the word "slave" for a moment, but the Lord of Steel quickly took the initiative to move his thoughts away.

[I am not anyone’s puppet. 】

Perturabo said softly, listening to the sound of information transmission from the pipe connected to his head,

[But I never had a choice? 】

The Lord of Steel's eyes went blank for a moment, but he laughed again, and Perturabo shouted mockingly,

[I just gave them the best life. Instead of living this life as waste, it is better to turn it into the cornerstone of a great cause. The shallow thoughts of ordinary people cannot understand the great cause. They are just fools who only work hard for their own happiness - —]

As if to give an example, Perturabo stretched out one of his hands casually, and at the same time, he opened the door of the tormentor, and the strong wind mixed with sand and gravel slapped him violently,

[Nihil military exploits, meaningless praise from superiors, so-called loyalty - all of this is a game of war, and we are all actors. 】

The three Titans stepped onto the bloody soil amid Perturabo's brisk words, the huge cutting machines roared, the volcano cannons flashed, and countless knights were surrounding the iron-gray Titans,

In Perturabo's eyes, they rushed towards the Taita that rushed into the depths of the Iron Warriors.

Perturabo felt the slightly laggy transmission of data, like attacking a firewall. Something was trying to rob him of control over the Titans. Perturabo strode forward, and he suddenly shouted loudly. Laughing, words tinged with madness,

【And you? ! Hades - You were tired of playing this game, so you chose to control them directly? What’s the difference between you and me——]

Perturabo's final note turned,

【No! At least I won't deceive them with false beliefs! The guy who is pretending to be a ghost! 】

Hades was expressionless. He was trying to seize control of the opponent, but it was obvious that these Titans had their own machine souls.

Under the control of Hades, the Omen-level psychic Titan under him rushed forward. The incomplete engine on his left arm was like an arm blade and stabbed directly into the driver of the oncoming Titan from bottom to top. In the cabin, the sound of broken steel sounded, and subtle blood left there, turning into faint blood patterns.

The omen-level psychic Titan suddenly pulled out its hand. After a huge and long roar, the Titan in front of them fell straight towards them. At the same time, two meters in front of where Hades was standing, a void appeared. The ripples of the shield fluctuated violently, and a dazzling plasma slowly disappeared on it.

The smell of burnt cables drifted over. The smoke had just dissipated from the volcano cannon on another catastrophic psychic Titan behind Hades. Hades glanced casually. In front of him, he had just moved toward On the Titan where Hades fired plasma, the frame on the left side was burning with flames.

Lift your feet,

Hades thought, the Titan under him took a step forward, and the storm with the violent electric arc suddenly blew up, like a bright crown crowning Pluto, and the corpses of the fallen Titan were blown away in all directions, fearfully Ripples rippled layer by layer, and the powerless knights floated and spread out in the dark lake.

In the darkness, Hades was condescending and was about to enter direct range... Pluto stared coldly at the figure standing in front of the dark gray tank.

The shadow of the Titan God Machine hung down, covering the Iron Lord with darkness.

"Who gave you the courage, Perturabo?"

A red light flashed and Hades said softly.

Perturabo smiled,

[The real coward is you, Hades. 】

Hades raised his eyes. The next moment, a storm of psychic energy blew violently in the distance. Unsurprisingly, Hades heard the last scream of the dying Alpha psyker who was already overwhelmed at his feet. .

The battery is dead.

Hades stared at Perturabo calmly. Behind him, the knights of the Order of Silence stepped forward. Faenus was about to arrive...but--

"You think I can't beat you?"


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