Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 406 120 Run? Are you going to run again? !

Chapter 406 1.20 Run? Are you going to run again? !

Without any hesitation, Hades raised his hand and shot. The black scythe cut through the space. From the Titan, Hades jumped straight towards Perturabo.

Darkness enveloped him, and with crackling lightning, he saw Perturabo trying to make the turret behind his armor move, but after a few soft clicks, Perturabo's eyes panicked for a moment, and his The attempt failed.

But Perturabo raised his weapon almost at the same time.

Hades raised his sickle and compressed the black area at the same time. One blow, only one blow——

clang! ! !

Sparks burst out from between the erected warhammer and sickle, illuminating their faces. Hades' jaws went numb. He clearly saw that the sharp tip of the obituary had touched Perturabo's head, and the bright green blade broke Open the skin and bleed.

But Perturabo had already lost. Hades felt that the long warhammer pole blocking his scythe had lost its strength. Perturabo stood in his armor almost as if on the verge of death, relying only on the support of the armor. Standing, his body has lost its strength, and Hades exerts downward force——

? !

In the scale of nanoseconds, Hades suddenly raised his eyes, and his dark pupils reflected strange and fluctuating shadows. The demonic army and the psychic storm were overwhelmingly attacking here.

Along with the critical curse, the strong wind brought by the psychic storm tore through Hades's hair and lifted him directly! The scythe resting on the Lord of Steel's head was just a moment away, but only a moment away——

Vashtor, who was running quickly in the distance, laughed.


Hades smashed directly into the body of the God Machine Titan behind him, and then a tank that was overturned by the hurricane smashed into it!

boom! ! !

Smoke billowed into the sky, and the huge machine made a distant roar. It fell backwards in an irreversible posture and fell into the ruins of the vehicle.

The darkness that suddenly left also gave Perturabo a chance to breathe, and he breathed violently like a fish falling into the desert.

Light shone in his eyes again, and at that moment he seemed to truly realize death, and the violently swaying soul fire seemed to disappear briefly at that moment.

Perturabo coughed violently, and at that moment his whole world went dark. There was no longer a vast sea of ​​data coming, only himself, and only himself.

And just when Perturabo coughed and vomited, and began to take control of his body again, above the smoke-filled Titan's body, and around the Lord of Steel's armor, strange green arcs of electricity jumped up, crackling, and became more and more intense, The width of lightning ranges from the thickness of a thumb to the thickness of an arm in just an instant.

A cold voice sounded from the smoke, with a hint of anger,

"You should be glad this is Cardia."

Hades stood up from the remains of the Titan. The fragments of the tank scattered from his body, but with a strange silver light. Perturabo's pupils trembled, and the solid steel turned into something semi-soft. Silk-like existence, they sparkled from the darkness and slipped off Pluto's black armor.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Hades's mouth. He compressed the black domain that enveloped this area. The huge and trembling spiritual light was shining on the border of darkness. For a moment, it was impossible to tell who was eroding whom.

But Hades's eyes were unmoved. He stared at Perturabo, and he saw blood flowing from his forehead.

The concentration of psychic energy here is extremely strong, and it is aimed at Hades. If not, Perturabo would have died long ago.

But it doesn't matter, Hades listened to the shouts of the demonic army approaching in the distance, felt the pressure that was squeezing him all the time, and breathing became difficult, as if this place was no longer air, but the vastness. Ocean-filled deep sea.

It doesn't matter, it's just a difference of ten seconds to death.

Hades raised his feet from the broken steel wall. He stared at Perturabo, whose armor had been locked. The Lord of Steel was obviously aware of this. He looked at his armor in panic. The Lord of Steel drew The proud armor was shedding silver tears, as if repenting of its sins.

The liquid gold dripped down, then floated up in a gravity-defying manner surrounded by green lightning, slowly condensing into slender spikes that were half a meter in size, floating gently in the air, as if they were not disturbed by the strong wind.

Hades also took a deep breath. Through the mist of Cadia, he seemed to see the huge eye of fear slowly staring here, with a strange and colorful light.

Darkness enveloped each other, and the gap of time seemed to be stretched extremely long. The whole world was like a tilted seabed. Time slowed down, and the panting each other also became slower.

Tsk tsk.

A slight piercing sound sounded in the middle of the night, accompanied by screams as the adamantine shattered. The teardrops turned into spikes, piercing the adamantine armor, and blood seeped out drop by drop, flowing into Petula surrounded by steel. Bo's feet.

The long needle pierced the Lord of Steel's body straight, and the prison beast could not move at this moment.

A crazy smile appeared at the corner of Hades's mouth. Unfortunately, he could not control these droplets accurately, otherwise he would aim at his brain. Hades waited for the gap where the psychic storm weakened, and pressed against it. The front legs of the earth began to exert force——

Hades stormed out.

The emerald green edge of the blade cut through the darkness around him, and the sickle went straight towards the imprisoned Perturabo's head!

At the same time, the long sword pierced Perturabo's weakened body, his hard armor split into cracks, and the smell of blood rushed straight into his nose.

Hades stared at Perturabo, and he saw Perturabo staring at him. The face of the original body was ferocious and terrifying. Perturabo's eyes were about to burst, and small drops of blood fell from his eye sockets. Oozing.

The cracking sound of cracking sounded from the Lord of Steel's body.

"Repent, traitor!"

At the last moment, Hades' roar sounded, but at the same time, the sound of breaking steel bars suddenly reached Hades' ears——

It was almost a dark gray wind.

The sickle, which had no time to turn, flew into the air!

Hades turned sideways almost as soon as his feet touched the ground. The war hammer hitting his side made a heavy sound, and an obvious dent appeared on Hades' breastplate.

Hades immediately turned around and turned around, and the bright green light turned into a circle of death around him. He heard the sound of metal falling to the ground, but the touch from the sickle told him that he had missed it.

Hades' eyes were again locked on Perturabo who was further away. He stared at the Lord of Steel in surprise. Perturabo was standing there, still crumbling——

With the help of the spike's broken point on the armor, the Lord of Steel broke free from his armor!

Now, Perturabo is only wearing a light Olympian-style combat uniform. He is half-naked and holds the war hammer in his hand. The broken spikes protrude from his chest muscles, abdomen and arms, pointing straight towards the outside world. .

Perturabo smiled, feeling...feeling the feeling of finally becoming unfamiliar. In this darkness, everything became silent, including, including——

[It seems that my guess is right. 】

Including the feeling of being watched.

Perturabo knew that something was broken, and it would no longer be the past. In this dark ocean, he could no longer feel the lines of control, those that commanded the Iron Warriors, and those that pointed at him.

This is true freedom.

Perturabo laughed, no, not even close, he could feel the presence of disgust in his soul, not only the recent dirty rust, but also the golden light earlier.

They existed in his soul at the same time, and to Perturabo's amusement, in a way, these outer lights protected his true soul in this dark sea.

He even looked at Hades, who was being used by him, with some frivolity. Even though he felt faint fear and uneasiness, his soul was trembling and screaming, but the crazy excitement and ecstasy made him still stand here.

【You, Hades——】

[Why do you want to be a chess piece? You have absolute freedom, you should be the ruler. 】

Perturabo said that his soul was disappearing and burning, but he worked hard to gather his flame. The Lord of Steel carefully controlled the distance between him and Hades. The fire of his soul was getting smaller, but After erasing those impurities, it becomes brighter and brighter.

Even in the darkness, Perturabo's eyes lit up, a dangerously bright yellow shining through the dark gray.

He turned sideways with some difficulty, and two firelights passed by, leaving scorching burn marks on his shoulders.

Perturabo licked his lips. He could hear the voice of Vashtor calling him. He looked at Hades. Hades also looked very embarrassed. He was fighting against something - against those invisible beings. Perturabo knew that this was all with the help of Vashtor and Lorgar.

Perturabo opened his hands slightly, and he raised his body, blood flowing from his chest, painted into a battle suit,

[I can ally with you, Pluto! 】

Hades aimed another shot at Perturabo's mouth, and he gasped. He seemed to know what the four gods were doing. They were similar to the Emperor's phalanges, but more violent, and a more arrogant force was squeezing him.

But Hades was also resisting. He resisted violently. He could feel that they had paid a heavy price, so much so that the psychic energy that suppressed him had changed into two different colors in a few moments.


Hades shouted, and he rushed towards Perturabo, but Perturabo was obviously not ready to fight him in close combat again, and he obviously became more agile after taking off the heavy armor. .

Without hesitation, the Lord of Steel turned around. His goal had been achieved, and he began to——

Run back.

Fire splashed from the ground beside him, and they began to chase through the concrete jungle.

Hades almost felt like he was going to explode. He was running out of time. Perturabo was fooling him - he wasn't even ready to fight Hades!

Or did he realize after taking the next move that he couldn't beat Hades? !

But that's not important. What's important is that Hades' opponent once again chose to escape.

In a daze, Hades seemed to have returned to that afternoon when he was running on the alien flagship, but this time there was no Lord of Death to help him stop these damn lackeys.

"Coward! Don't run!!!"

Hades shouted, he raised the obituary high, and the iron chain made of black stone was wrapped around his right arm.

Perturabo's words kept ringing in his ears,

[You are a willing lackey and a false god, so what reason do you have to condemn me? ! 】

Hades stared at the escaping figure, even though blood was still flowing from the corners of his mouth, he aimed -

A bright green full moon streaked across the sky.

Enough sharpness brings a light touch, the section of flesh and blood is exposed in the air, and bone residue splashes!

Perturabo made a dull sound. He looked down and saw the green shadow. His left calf was cut off at one third, exposing the contracting tendon.

Perturabo, who was running rapidly, was in a daze for a moment. At this moment, bang! The huge broken sword gliding in the air slammed into his head like a stone slab. Perturabo finally lost his balance and fell towards the ground.

In order to catch Perturabo and close the distance between the two in a short time, Hades jumped forward——

His cold hands arrived on the battlefield three tenths of a millisecond later and grasped Perturabo's head, but at this moment the Lord of Steel was already unconscious in the black realm, and Hades also fell to the ground, his heavy pressure On Perturabo, weapons were scattered around, and without hesitation, Hades directly smashed Perturabo's head towards the sharp steel bars exposed in the wreckage next to him.


Hades roared angrily. He looked at the steel bar that was flattened by the original body's head, and realized that he was momentarily dizzy with anger, but even so, in a few seconds, Perturabo's soul would Dissipated directly in his dark domain.

The rumbling noise filled Hades's brain, and he couldn't tell for a moment whether it was the blood flowing in his brain or the sound of the battlefield.

Hades took back the broken sword with his other hand. He struggled to kneel down again. The broken sword stabbed Perturabo directly into Perturabo's neck. Perturabo pressed his lips against the earth with a smile. The bet was right——

Boom boom boom—boom! ! !

The huge spaceship fell directly into the battlefield from the darkness above. In a trance, Hades saw silver and gold worm cables. The explosion fire violently impacted his sight, containing white light with spiritual energy. At that moment, Hades caught a glimpse of the metal monster.

Vashtor stood in the center of the fire explosion, its secondary limbs slowly picked up Perturabo who was paralyzed in the wreckage, and that damn thing still had a smile on its lips.

Hades's sanity was interrupted for a moment at that moment.

In the midst of the fire, Hades, who was blown away by the shock wave, inserted the broken sword into the ground. He stabilized himself and then slammed into it like a mad cow, completely ignoring the psychic energy that was pressing towards him crazily. It seemed like four madmen were screaming in his ears, but it didn't matter anymore. Hades's ears were buzzing and blood was flowing out——

He straightly and resolutely raised his broken sword towards Vashtor, who turned around in horror and saw that he was still here. He saw that the smile on the corner of that damn Perturabo's mouth finally turned into the same mouth before the roar in fear. type.

To be able to make Vashtor scream, he must have looked like a madman at that moment.

Psychic energy fluctuations rippled around Vashtor, which was a precursor to psionic teleportation - Hades pounced directly on him, he raised the broken sword, and the darkness almost made the area tremble and interrupted their escape. .

Vashtor's secondary limbs were broken under the sword. In order to catch up with them, Hades gave up his balance. He fell to the ground, but he instantly twisted towards Vashtor and Petula who also started to escape. Beau rushed over, crawling and running.

"Give me - die!!!"

Hades shouted, but in his peripheral vision, he saw the blazing scarlet steel bull running towards them from a distance. Without any hesitation, Vashtor spread his wings and rushed towards the bull, and one of its secondary limbs grabbed it tightly. The steel bull, in the darkness of Hades, smoothly and frightenedly carried Vashtor and Perturabo away in its arms.

Hades was half-kneeling in the ruins with an unknown expression on his face.

Hades roared angrily, angrily,

"Uh-uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhest use me! Come back here!!!! Coward!!!!"

The next moment, the psychic tide that suppressed his black domain suddenly subsided, and the noise of bombers came from the sky.

Hades didn't seem to care about all this. He roared angrily. In the distance, the knights of the Silent Order who came in an emergency began to fire ammunition into the sky. And further away, Luojia in the center of the altar was almost paralyzed. Falling to the ground, the makeshift sculpture of a false god hanging upside down had turned into charred waste.

4.4, great

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