Chapter 437 2.17 Angron is running

This is just a clumsy, last-ditch farce.

He couldn't even exert much power.


Angron roared, his roar was like a raging wind,

[Is this all you have? ! ]

The Lord of Red Sand was trapped in the fog, slashing at the monsters running towards him in the fog. They seemed like illusions, but also like real individuals.

A little bit of blood splashed on his face.

The demon tide was surging, but in front of the Primarch, they were nothing.

They were weaker than what Angron had faced in the Maelstrom before.

Before he angrily ordered the demon army to attack Angron, the Lord of Red Sand had already experienced eight rounds of illusions.

Angron ignored them, he would find his descendants, even if he died in battle.

The last demon army's head was chopped off, and Angron strode into the sand field of the arena-

He saw the Ultramarines.

The Ultramarines stood there, larger than ordinary Space Marines, with brilliant blue armor that stood out among the bright red.

He was stepping on the corpse of the World Eater.

The next moment, the flying Blood Father exploded the head, and the Ultramarines' head cut in half flew into the air. The last image in the eyes of the hovering head was Angron with one hand raised at the entrance of the arena.

At that moment, Angron felt endless anger.

The sons were slaughtered, and the pain before death hit him. He heard the World Eaters shouting for glory and loyalty in the last moment, and he heard their screams before they died.


Angron asked himself, why.

Why is it always him, why is it that the World Eaters always bear all this, why, why is this?

The Primarch ran over, and the place was surrounded by blood mist, but there was no enemy.

Only the corpses of the World Eaters.

He stared at his sons in disbelief, their broken and bleeding bodies, and Angron tried to reach out with a trembling hand to close their unclosed eyes.

[I'm sorry to see all this, my brother.]

A strange yet familiar voice sounded, Angron turned his head and saw a strange giant.

His face was engraved with scriptures, and his violet eyes were full of compassion.

Angron moved his cracked lips, he recognized the man, he had seen his brother in the portrait,

[Illusion, tell me what you want to do?]

Angron stood up slowly, the battle axe in his hand dripping with blood,

[Do you want to fight me?]


"Lorgar" said, he opened his hands peacefully,

[I just feel that you are in pain, all this is meaningless to you.]

Angron calmed down, he was preparing for the next attack.

Fake, he thought.

[Landing in Wrath of Rhea, then the Great Whirlpool, and finally Macragge, this is too unfair to you.]

[For all this suffering, you could have been freed, your fate is not so bumpy. Angron waved his hand and chopped at "Lorgar", but the axe did not feel like it hit a real entity. He hit nothing. This "Lorgar" was just a projection. Angron stared at the chattering phantom, and he retreated cautiously, preparing to leave. [I can save you, brother.] "Lorgar" said, and the Primarch looked up, and Angron followed his gaze - he hadn't noticed that there was an altar there before? ! At this moment, there were several Ultramarines and Word Bearers standing there, standing there like corpses, like dead candlesticks. "Lorgar" opened his hand, [The power of fate is always stronger than we think, Angron, I am deeply aware of this.] "Lorgar" turned sideways, he looked into the depths of the blood mist with interest and patience, and Guilliman rushed out from the blood mist with his sword raised. [Guilliman? ! 】

The sword and the axe collided, a loud bang exploded, and the sparks of metal splashed into Angron's eyes.

Angron clenched his teeth, what on earth was going on? !

Guilliman, whom he was facing, seemed to be overwhelmed by anger. He looked at Angron with anger in his eyes, as if Angron had burned his Ultramar!

It was the Ultramarines who killed his warriors!

Angron roared and pushed Guilliman's sword away. He felt that his blood was boiling abnormally, and anger urged him to raise the axe quickly.

His emotions were provoked by the death of his offspring, and his emotions pierced his brain like needles. Angron tried to pull back his reason, but it was not easy.

Angron exhaled blood from his mouth. All this was not as it seemed. He forced himself to calm down.

What should I do now? What should I do now? !

His soul was disturbed by the raging fire, so hot that it was unimaginable--

Angron remembered something.

Angron gave up the initiative to attack, he took the attack from "Guilliman" in vain.

Angron took a deep look at the fake Guilliman, he felt angry, he felt unwilling, he felt aggrieved.

He sensed the souls of his other living children.

They needed him, and he couldn't just abandon them.

No honor, no dignity... Angron thought, his instinct was rebelling against him, cursing him.

But there are still people who need him, the World Eaters, Hades, Guilliman... He cannot fall into the enemy's trap again.

He remembered what the fake Luo Jia said, why him? Angron thought, why him? Why did the enemy keep watching him?

Angron's reason stabbed him, and he felt ridiculous, but he seemed to know what he should do.

Angron thought that higher-dimensional enemies were sitting on his throne, trapping them with blood and illusions everywhere, and they could only fight in the traps he set?

He draws his strength from war and glory, Angron, you know this, you know - you know what you have to do.

They had already stepped into His trap, and Angron did not want to step into His stage step by step again.

Blood spilled from Angron's mouth, and his vocal cords were trembling.

You can do it, Angron, you can do it.

This is not... this is not what you thought.

Angron thought, his soul trembling violently, angry, and finally, to convince himself, he thought of Hades.

During the days after leaving the Maelstrom, Angron sparred with Hades once after confirming that Angron was in a state that could be used for simple combat.

Finally, Hades used his scythe to drive away Angron's battle ax,

Angron used his battle ax to knock away the fake Guilliman's dagger.

The corner of his mouth forced a smile. In the end, Angron still couldn't do what Hades did -

"I give up! Stop fighting!!!"

[Fighting with you is boring and without honor - I will not continue fighting with you! 】

next moment,

Angron turned around and began to run away.

This was the first time he took the initiative to escape.

No, Angron thought absurdly of the nonsense Hades had told him. This was a strategic retreat, Angron commented.

The angry dagger slashed through his shoulder armor, and the monstrous anger screamed towards him, with some kind of collapsed shouts and despair, the anger of being fooled, and the blood throne roared,

The altar that had been built collapsed, and Luojia's phantom disappeared with a scream of collapse.

Angron showed no regrets, he ran towards the direction of his living heir,

Because he knew he won.

And successfully mocked that existence.

He was furious.

In the past, they could only fight each other in the arena.

But on a real battlefield, fighting is never the only option.

Angron thought, and he laughed, feeling the inexplicable absurdity and pain. He ran quickly, running away from the stage He had built for him, and running away from his original destiny.

Angry blood lapped at him, but Angron knew it was all in vain.

He found it funny that the first step to crushing the enemy was to crush his own persistence in the past.

But he knew that it was all worth it, he knew that he had a future that was more worth dying for, and that his children still needed him, instead of dying worthless now.

In Angron's sight, he saw Roark and the other World Eaters, who were fighting hard against the Ultramarines——

Angron's pupils suddenly dilated,

【Get out of the way! ! ! 】

He roared, hurling battle ax blood at Guilliman, who was charging at them at the same time.

No more, great!


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