Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 438 218 Can’t fight, can’t fight at all!

Chapter 438 2.18 It can’t be fought, it can’t be fought at all!

【calm! ! ! Guilliman! 】

Angron roared, and without any hesitation, he raised his fist and smashed it into Guilliman's face.

Robert Guilliman had never fought against Angron, nor had he experienced a fighting style as explosive as Angron's.

Guilliman took a step back suddenly, and the wind of Angron's fist passed in front of him.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Angron immediately turned sideways and picked up the tomahawk he had just thrown. The chain ax let out a deafening roar.

【withdraw! Rock, take everyone back, but don't stay too far away from me! 】

Angron roared, his eyes fixed on Guilliman.

He was convinced that he was his brother, and in fact, the Lord of the Red Sand had the ability to recognize the emotions of others, able to distinguish fantasy from reality from beginning to end.

Robert Guilliman is in terrible shape.

Angron saw the sticky blood dripping from his armor, mixed with some kind of blue fragments - Guilliman had killed the Ultramarines, or rather, something wearing the skin of the Ultramarines.

He looked a lot older and tired. There were layers of dried blood around his ears. The years had worn down Guilliman.

Robert Guilliman fell into an irritable rage, but there was still a firm clarity in his blue eyes.

【Guilliman! it's me! Angron! 】

Angron shouted, dodging Guilliman's sword swing. He was sure Guilliman heard him, but he didn't believe him.

Robert Guilliman has been trapped in the illusion for too long. He may have fought Angron countless times in the illusion.

Angron had to make Guilliman realize that it was the real Angron who stood before him now.

Angron turned sideways again, dodging Guilliman's dagger. Guilliman immediately swept away, and Angron resisted the blow with his battle ax.

There was a loud sound of metal colliding, and both primarchs stared at the opposite side.

Normally, Angron would feel excited about fighting.

But now he doesn't. The fighting between the original body has not aroused any fighting spirit in him. He is now particularly sober and relaxed.

Perhaps he was still savoring the taste of the strategic retreat just now.

Angron stared into Guilliman's eyes,

[Guilliman - Think of Mortarion, he is still waiting for you in Macragge! 】

Angron roared,

[And how did Hades teach you to identify chaos in the first place? ! 】

The corners of Guilliman's eyes twitched,

He briefly withdrew from the inertia of a certain kind of fighting, fighting, observing, analyzing, fighting, changing. He had repeated this set of behaviors for so long that he didn't put much effort into this set of behaviors.

It's like an assembly line machine.

And this is what Guilliman has found to be the best way to reduce his anger and desire to fight.

At the beginning, thousands of demonic armies emerged from the blood mist, and Robert Guilliman fought against them. He became extremely bellicose and angry, but he always controlled his emotions before the red line he set for him.

Time became extremely long. Perhaps after the opponent realized that this would never defeat Guilliman, the illusion Guilliman faced changed.

He saw the Emperor, he saw Horus, he saw Korakos, he saw his Lady Jotun, he saw the bastard who killed his adoptive father...

He saw everything, the logical, the absurd, everyone he knew and didn't know, and he fell into one illusion after another, which tried to defeat Guilliman with words.

It was usually a scene that was hard to let go of, then a fight, throwing out the hard-to-accept truths, and then a fight, yelling at Guilliman while fighting, shattering his cognition step by step.

Guilliman has already summarized the template for this.

At first, he knew it was an illusion, and he tried to argue with the opponent. Robert Guilliman shouted all kinds of words full of logic and speculation.

Guilliman thought and argued.

He proved to the opponent that creatures and races do not rely on war to survive. After certain conditions are met, the rate of war outbreak in this world will be reduced to an extremely low probability.

But his enemies did not respond to him with a frontal fight; they eschewed this and instead attacked Robert Guilliman directly rather than the ideas he stood for.

They simply wished to provoke Robert Guilliman to such a rage that he would lose his mind.

Guilliman could feel his energy being helplessly consumed. Maybe he could stand and fight for another thousand years, but would this illusion last for thousands of years?

In those illusions, Robert Guilliman almost fell into the abyss. He hugged Jotun's body in vain, and Curze's broken and sharp laughter and ridicule could be heard in his ears.

They persuaded him to give up, give up, using illogical "facts" one after another to shatter Robert Guilliman's underlying logic.

Finally, after being persuaded by "Angron" for countless times, Robert Guilliman showed no expression on his face. He stretched out his hands and slapped his ears suddenly!

His whole world buzzed.

Guilliman raised his sword and took the initiative to attack the illusion!

As long as he does not listen, he will never be corrupted.

Robert Guilliman's battle has returned to the beginning, fighting, observing, analyzing, fighting, and changing. Whenever the blood in his ears dries up, Guilliman follows the same pattern and destroys his hearing.

According to common sense, if he loses his hearing and cannot hear the sound, then those words to persuade him will be useless. And when his thinking is not disturbed by the outside world, Guilliman believes that he will not be shaken.

If Guilliman "heard" those voices, then he was in an illusion, and Robert Guilliman would not be swayed.

He closed his thoughts and relied solely on the instinct of the original body to fight. He saw the slowly rising sea of ​​blood and the scarlet waves lapping at him——

But Robert Guilliman would only carry out the process he had initially set for himself, fight, observe, analyze, fight, change, he carried out, and as much as possible avoided, building up anger as the cycle continued.

In the end, he only remembered that he had to fight, observe, analyze, fight, and change - those distant, beautiful memories that had been twisted and exploited countless times were gone.

【Guilliman! 】

Angron's roar exploded countless times, and Guilliman knew that his hearing had returned. He quickly backed away, trying to destroy his hearing again.

A hand suddenly reached out and took Guilliman's hand.

Guilliman looked sharply at Angron - something was wrong? ! In his calculations, 0.003 milliseconds is not enough for Angron to get close? !

The sound of broken hand bones was heard. Guilliman swung his sword quickly, and the light of the sword flew into the air. Angron stared at him and roared again,

[Guilliman, how did Hades teach you to identify chaos? ! 】


Guilliman's long-laid thoughts began to come alive. He recalled his memories and suddenly realized that there was only one person he knew who did not appear in Guilliman's angry memories.

It's Hades.

Angron watched Guilliman's attack slow down and grinned. He was right.

Hades is someone who will never appear in a fantasy world.

Those cowards are afraid to mention him, afraid to let people think of him, they hope that they, hope that mankind will forget him.

But for those of them who knew Hades, it was too difficult to forget such a person who impressed them so deeply.

【...Who is Hades? 】

Guilliman spoke with a hoarse voice. He stared at Angron in disbelief and slowed down the frequency of his attacks.

Angron put down his axe. He opened his hands as if he was trying something.

[You know him, Guilliman. 】

His eyes were flashing with jumping fire, and Angron felt the stinging pain coming from his brain without any trace. It seemed that he had not yet reached the "use your brain period" that Hades had enjoined.

Angron wanted to try something like he had tried a tactical retreat.

He breathed deeply, taking in Robert Guilliman's emotions.

Robert started thinking again. This was the instinct of the Lord of Macragge. His multi-threaded and complex thinking mode was activated, and he began to recall the past in confusion. Who is Hades?

Robert's instincts saved him.

When Guilliman was focusing on memories instead of resisting anger, Angron touched Guilliman's emotions and began to pull Guilliman to escape from the monstrous sea of ​​blood.

He succeeded.

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So, do you want to reach the center of the world above the wasteland?

No, I want to solve all the bosses, darken all the positive characters, and make the world more chaotic.

"I'm not extreme at all, and I never play with human nature - I'm just a little villain, not a devil who confuses people's hearts."

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