Chapter 544 2. Ten Thousand Years (2)

————*Beast Wars*——————


Dark Sun: Three green-skinned battle moons appeared over Terra.

Regent Robert Guilliman immediately activated the summons, ordering the warbands from all over the empire to immediately return to defend Terra and rejoin the original legions to fight against the greenskins.

Affected by the energy of the green-skinned WAAAGH and the tidal gravity of the three battle moons, Terra's communication with the outside world was blocked.

At the critical moment, Pope Sanguinius used the power of faith to spread Guilliman's orders to any star field where the state religion's faith is located.

But the Primarchs of Terra did not successfully contact the Pale Lord stationed in the Storm Star Territory.

Due to their rejection of the Ecclesiarchy, the Death Guard and its subgroups are not near Terra.

Ordinary orbital bombardments, torpedoes, light spears and other fleet attacks could not break through the air defense of the Battle Moon. The Archangel Sanguinius, the Lord of the Fire Dragon Vulkan, and the Lord of the Red Sand Angron immediately led the original legions and forced the login. The Battle Moon, engaged the Greenskins over Terra, and at a certain cost, destroyed two Battle Moons.

During the battle, people discovered that these greenskins who suddenly tore open the rift in the subspace and jumped to Terra had amazing psychic talents, and their waaagh power far exceeded the greenskins the empire had encountered before.

Sanguinius personally captured a green-skinned kid. From the greenskin's mouth, the Empire learned that the greenskin they were facing were the remnants of Ullanor's greenskin who were thrown into the dark side of the Empire during the Great Rebellion. .

During the Great Rebellion, the dark side of the empire fell into subspace turmoil, and endless demons came from the highest heaven to the real universe, bringing disaster to the real universe.

But for the greenskin race, this means endless wars and endless waaagh.

In the star field where humanity fell on the dark side of the empire, the greenskins became more and more powerful and WAAAAGH in the battle with the subspace demons, gradually forming a powerful greenskin empire.

Finally, the chief witch of the green-skin empire predicted that such a waaaagh life was about to end. In order to live such a happy daily life forever, the boss of the green-skin empire, Beast, made an immediate decision. Before the demon boys disappeared, he led all the greenskins and jumped into In the subspace, a big waaagh war is going on.

It needs to be reminded that the four gods of chaos are not the only ones in the subspace. There are countless undivided demon planets in the subspace, which are also a paradise for the green skins.

During the Great Waaagh Crusade, it is said that six warboss were personally recognized by Brother Go and Brother Mao, and they will lead the greenskins to make the Greenskin Empire great again.

Now, the psychic echoes of human prayers have set off waves in the warp, attracting the attention of the greenskins again. In pursuit of more waagh enemies and wars, this greenskin empire has chosen to return.

The greenskins used the unique technology of this race to teleport the advance troops to the star area with the strongest psychic fluctuations-that is, near Terra.

For the empire, this is tantamount to shocking news.

The Primarchs speculated that if the greenskins the Empire faced now were really the remnants of Ullanor who jumped into the warp during the Great Heresy, the power of this greenskin would be unimaginable.

On the battlefield of Ullanor that year, it was the Emperor and the former Warlord Yujia who defeated the largest warlord "beast" in person.

Even so, during the Great Crusade, the Empire paid a heavy price in order to exterminate the greenskins of Ullanor.

But now, the greenskins from the Great Crusade are back, and this is an greenskin empire that has been fighting the Chaos Demons in subspace for more than a thousand years.

If this green-skin empire chooses to all emerge from the warp to fight against the Empire, it will bring as much damage to the Empire as the Great Rebellion.

The only good news is that at this time, under the leadership of the demigods, the empire has already emerged from the shadow of the great rebellion. The human empire's national power has reached its peak and is strong enough to fight against the green-skin empire.

After successfully capturing two battle moons, Pope Sanguinius, who stood on the corpse of the warboss and raised the green-skinned ugly head, delivered an inspiring declaration of war.

Any human who was fighting against the greenskins heard the words of Archangel Sanguinius.

At the same time, after being caught off guard in the early stages, the huge behemoth of the Empire roared with all its strength under the leadership of Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman.

Mars sent technical troops to work with the Imperial Navy to pull the two battle moons out of Terra's gravitational range, and destroyed the gravity devices inside the battle moons, allowing the two huge war planets to collapse themselves under gravity.

Sanguinius, Vulkan, and Angron, together with the first batch of Space Marines who returned to aid Terra (mostly the Second Founding Chapter and the Space Wolves Mother Group), prepared to move towards the largest, The third battle moon attacks.

Before that, countless Ultramarines, Blood Angels, and Imperial Fists had been attacking the largest battle moon, holding back the green-skinned orcs above, so that the most threatening battle moon could not support its companions.

Due to the large number of green skins on it, to the naked eye, this battle moon even glows with light green fluorescence.

But this battle moon was strangely painted red by the greenskins.

After a brief assembly parade at the Lion Gate of Terra, the vast army began its assault on the Battle Moon.

This difficult battle lasted for three full Terran months.

Initially, the Empire tried to destroy the aerial defense system of this huge battle moon in order to directly impose an extermination order, but then it was discovered that the terrain of this battle moon changed more drastically and more rapidly than the previous two battle moons.

The reliability of a three-dimensional map that has just been verified with blood and sacrifice by the Mechanicus' fellow Astral Military forces can only last for an hour, because after an hour, the terrain here will change drastically again.

In the end, the three primarchs decided to divide their forces into three groups, led by the Blood Angel Priests and the Space Wolf Rune Priests, and head to the place where the Waaagh stance was strongest on the battle moon.

Under the guidance of the Blood Angel Priest, Angron, the Lord of the Red Sand, arrived at his battlefield first. There were five green-skinned wizards who gathered together and called themselves the Imperial Archer.

Sanguinius and the Blood Angels found the warlord's location deep in the earth's surface, and began to fight the warlord who rode a giant motorcycle and shuttled through various tunnels.

Vulkan and the Space Wolves were the last troops to arrive at their destination. In front of them was the green-skinned Technomaster who controlled the Battle Moon.

Angron was the first to end the battle. Seeing that the green-skinned wizard was dead, the Lord of Red Sand immediately began to retreat.

Immediately following was the Archangel. After sacrificing all the Blood Angel Priests accompanying the team, Archangel Sanguinius successfully beheaded the warlord, but at the same time, Sanguinius was seriously injured and one of his wings was torn.

At the same time, with the death of Warlord, the tunnel where the Archangel was located began to collapse.

On the other side, the battle between Vulkan and his party against the Great Technocrat was particularly unsatisfactory. A Greenskin clan's Great Technomaster often had a combat power no less than that of a warlord, and also had countless combat technologies.

During the battle, Dajiba, who realized that Warlord was dead, tried to activate the self-destruction program of the battle moon, trying to bury all human armies on this battle moon.

However, its actions were stopped by a Space Wolf. During the battle, the battle moon began to drift within the solar system and jumped directly into the subspace near Mars.

On the surface of the Battle Moon, humanity was exposed to the subspace. One-third of the Astra Militarum mutated on the spot, and then committed suicide or were shot by their companions.

Mortals near the priest were spared.

Three minutes after entering the subspace, Vulkan successfully killed the Green-skinned Technomaster. Then, relying on memory and intuition, the original body forcibly moved the battle moon to the position where it initially jumped into the subspace. And forced another jump.

In the solar system, it took a total of three days and five hours from the time the Battle Moon disappeared until it reappeared over Uranus and began to disintegrate.

During this period, except for Belisarius Cawl, who stayed with the original body and analyzed and cracked the green-skin teleportation technology for him, no one knew what Robert Guilliman had experienced in his heart while staying on Terra. Experience.

Uranus has one of the only two star gates in the solar system - the Elysian Star Gate. It is an important defense planet and logistics center for the empire.

The powerful super defense platform of Uranus is enough to ensure that it will not suffer irreparable trauma from the wreckage of the battle moon. However, every piece of wreckage falling towards Uranus now has a still-surviving human army on it.

Under the command of the Imperial Regent Guilliman, countless returning Space Marine fleets anchored on Uranus were mobilized and began the "Great Retreat Plan" with the Imperial Navy in the Terra system.

On the third battle moon, one-third of the Space Marines who survived the war were successfully evacuated, while those who had not yet had time to retreat, together with the greenskins above, were bombarded by the artillery fire of Uranus's super-large defense platform, and countless Under the torpedo light spears of the fleet, they turned into ashes falling towards Uranus.

At the same time, the ion wave when the battle moon exploded interfered with the star gate on Uranus. It is expected that the star gate will not be able to operate for thirty Terran years.

Until the last remnant of the Battle Moon turned into ashes, the flames of war that had been raging in the Terra Star Territory finally slowly extinguished.

But the Primarchs knew that this was only the beginning.

In the hall where the archangel and the greenskin were fighting fiercely, six flags were hanging, and the warlord who was beheaded by Sanguinius himself sat under a red flag with a twisted sun painted on it.

There are five warlords left.

At the same time, the green skin's weird teleportation technology means that Terra may be exposed to the enemy's attack range again at any time.

After a short discussion, the Primarchs agreed that nowadays, only by taking the initiative to launch an attack can the Empire gain an advantage.

The biggest war cannot be allowed to continue igniting in Terra, otherwise the bellicose greenskins will continue to attack Terra.

While Sanguinius, Vulkan, and Angron were fighting fiercely in the skies above Terra, Guilliman was also analyzing and dispatching various information. Communications were restored. According to the Astropathic Chamber, everyone in the empire was suffering. , a green-skin attack that suddenly jumped out from the subspace.

After consulting with Inquisition Vincent, a mortal official of the Ministry of Interior, Guilliman believed that Ullanor was the "capital" established by this greenskin empire that had moved out of the warp.

Making a decisive decision, the Empire launched the Great Crusade towards Ullanor.


The Great Crusade of Ullanor:

Under Guilliman's emergency order, several chapters that returned to Terra were reorganized into their parent groups. Chapters that had a record of glory were allowed to retain the original chapter's logo on the left shoulder plate.

The number of Blood Angels and Ultramarines once reached 100,000, while the World Eaters and Salamanders numbered 60,000 and 80,000 respectively.

The Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan and the Red Sand Lord Angron led the Salamanders, World Eaters, Imperial Fists, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Ultramarines, and countless sub-groups Black Templars, Crimson Fist... ...About 200,000 Space Marines launched the Great Crusade towards Ullanor.

Some of the Ultramarines and Blood Angels were guarding Terra with their original bodies to prevent the greenskins from suddenly teleporting again.

Countless Imperial troops were deployed at key transportation hubs within the Empire's territory and on important worlds to prevent greenskin raids.

The Stargate located above Pluto was heavily guarded. In order to maintain Imperial communications despite the interference of the Greenskin Waaagh position, countless outstanding psykers were sent into the city at the behest of Robert Guilliman since the end of the Great Heresy. Xing Yuting has always been left out.

The power of Star Language Court, Navigator, and Star Torch Court expanded during this period.

However, Terra still could not contact the Storm Star Territory. According to Star Language Ting's observation, at least two warlords appeared in the Storm Star Territory.

Due to the route arrangement, the Storm Sector is not on the Ullanor Great Expedition route.

The Empire believes that the Pale Lord in the Storm Star Territory can solve the crisis on its own.

At the same time, Guilliman asked Belisarius Caul and other mechanical sages to start researching the green skin's teleportation technology.

On the other side, this Terran expeditionary force saved dozens of sectors that were about to be captured by the Greenskins, and finally arrived near Ullanor at the end of 007.M32.

Before arriving in Ullanor, this legion had once again destroyed two battle moons and killed a warlord. Vulkan died once during this period, but with the help of Angron, the Fire Dragon Lord stood up again.

Due to the attrition of the war and the need to support garrisoning transportation hubs and logistics worlds, when they arrived in Ullanor, there were still more than 100,000 Space Marines left in this army.

But as they fought against the human empire, the greenskins grew rapidly. They began to evolve tactics and technology specifically for the human empire, and they became more cunning.

Compared with the early days of the Ullanor Great Crusade, the greenskins that people face now are generally 1.5 to 1.8 times larger in size.

Now, after countless battles, this expeditionary force has arrived over Ullanor - the planet where the Warmaster was originally crowned.

However, the urgent situation no longer allowed the original bodies to express emotion about this. In order to end the war as soon as possible, the imperial expeditionary force immediately launched multiple orbital bombardments towards Ullanor in preparation for the subsequent landing battle.

But - something happened that surprised everyone.

Under the attack of the imperial fleet, Ullanor, this huge planet, seemed to come alive. A very long crack opened from the surface of Ullanor and became bigger and bigger. Ullanor was as violent as a coughing green skin. The ground trembled, and from that big mouth with chaotic spiritual energy, something spat out——


Yes, in 348.M31, the Phalanx, which had disappeared with its fellow primarch Rogal Dorn and most of the Imperial Fists, appeared in front of people at this moment.

Angron and Vulkan immediately realized that the Imperial Fists, who had disappeared in the Obscure Star Territory, were caught in a melee with the Ullanor Greenskins. Under the influence of the waaaagh force field, psychic communication was already unstable. The Imperial Fists were cut off from the Empire.

At that time, the message received by Xingyuting was completed.


(WAAAAGH - Greenskins! Greenskins! Greenskins! Warning!!)

However, due to the past grievances between the Astragalus and the Imperial Fists, this message was not fully received by the Empire. The warnings piled up by Rogal Dorn and the Imperial Fists with sacrifices did not attract the attention of Terra. .

Angron and Vulkan immediately changed their attack targets and led their troops to attack the Phalanx, which was now full of greenskins.

The perimeter of the Phalanx has been transformed into a fortress by the greenskins. The corpses of the Imperial Fists are everywhere. Those dull yellow armors are buried under the wreckage, all reminding the Imperial troops who logged in, The war back then was so tragic.

The greenskins here are even more difficult to deal with - they have been fully evolved in the battle with the Imperial Fists.

The parent group and sub-groups developed by the remaining Imperial Fists that led the army to the expedition with Vulkan and Angron all exploded with astonishing combat effectiveness at this moment.

The Sons of Dorne shouted "Primarch above! For Dorne!" and used their lives to tear a path into the depths of the Phalanx.

Not all the Sons of Dorn died back then. During the battle inside the Phalanx, Angron discovered the Imperial Fist Kurland who was still fighting.

And Dorn himself was not dead.

Next to the Phalanx's nuclear power reactor, Angron and Vulkan saw Rogal Dorn who was still fighting.

The one fighting Rogal Dorn was a green-skinned warboss no smaller than the one that seriously injured Sanguinius.

Angron and Vulkan immediately joined the battle. In the end, the three primarchs joined forces and used a lifting machine to smash the warboss into the nuclear power reactor.

Almost at the same moment that the warboss's death cry disappeared, Dorn, who was bruised and exhausted, fell directly.

Angron immediately tried to treat Dorn, but the original body's injuries were too severe. Angron judged that Rogal Dorn was about to die.

Before dying, Rogal Dorn stared into Angron's eyes and uttered a few hoarse words,

[More than...three...three...]

More than three? Of course the originals knew that there were six green-skinned warbosses in total, and so far, three had been killed - and there were still two in the Storm Star Territory, which meant that there was only one warlord left in this trip.

Angron nodded, and immediately decided to retreat with Vulkan, placing Rogal Dorn in a stasis position.

But as they retreated, the two Primarchs realized what Dorn was talking about.

Due to the intense battle with the Imperial Fists, on the Phalanx, in addition to the warboss who first logged on to the Phalanx, two new warboss evolved among the many greenskins - not belonging to the six. two of them.

These two new warbosses have been fighting on the Phalanx, never leaving the Phalanx, and are not known to the Greenskin Empire.

On weekdays, the three warboss take turns fighting Rogal Dorn in a war of attrition, using Rogal Dorn to make themselves more waaagh.

Seeing that [the invincible Big Yellow Man] and Boss Goke were dead, the greenskins immediately surrounded the other two surviving warboss, Boss Tucker and Boss Yake, and launched an attack on the retreating originals.

Having been injured in the previous battle, and having to protect the dying Dorne, Angron and Vulkan were almost defeated by the greenskin attacks.

At the same time, the fleet outside the army was attacked by an unknown fleet, and countless Space Marine ships were drawn into the subspace.

This unknown fleet appeared and disappeared very quickly, as if it deliberately avoided the two original bodies.

Afterwards, the Empire confirmed that this was the work of the Chaos army led by Abaddon, who betrayed the Legion.

On the other side, during the battle, Vulkan died in order to protect Dorne. As a last resort, with the help of Kurland, Angron led the remaining Imperial Fists, World Eaters, and Salamanders to fight and retreat. , taking advantage of the Phalanx's complex terrain to delay as much time as possible, waiting for reinforcements.

Angron knew that the remaining troops could not wait for reinforcements from Terra.

But in front of two brothers who may be "dead" behind him, the seriously injured Lord of Red Sand must fight until the last moment.

But - reinforcements are coming.

Near Ullanor, under the leadership of an unknown Eldar, Two-Face Vox held mistletoe, and a team of Silent Monks, Silent Sisters, Hellhound Legion, and Death Guard (?) came out of the Webway. walked out and quickly joined the battle on the Phalanx.

(It needs to be reminded that during the Storm Farce, the name of the Death Guard's mother group was awarded to the undead Karas Typhon by Mortarion himself. Therefore, from a political perspective, the people led by the original body should be subordinates of the Death Guard. Chapter, this battle should be an unnamed battle group affiliated with the Death Guard.)

The moment this silent army arrived on the battlefield, the situation was instantly reversed.

This army has the ability to suppress the green-skin waaagh's position. The soulless ones wear black armor that is slightly thinner than the Space Marines and massacre the enemies among the green-skin. Even the mortals of the Cerberus have Resist the ability to suppress the greenskin waaagh stance.

The Soulless Ones and the Cerberus, combined with the Imperial troops and Space Marines outside the Phalanx, began to clear out the Greenskins.

At the other end, in the hall of the Phalanx that was large enough to pass through the Titans, Two-Face Vox and the Death Guards began to summon their original body on the Phalanx.

With deathly silence, a white mist descended on the Phalanx, rapidly expanding to a degree that defied the greenskins' waaagh stance.

Inside the Phalanx, Angron, who was struggling to hold on, felt the mist of the Pale Lord and immediately led the remaining warriors to break out.

The two sides finally met, and in the face of the deaths of Vulkan and Rogal Dorn, Mortarion, the Pale Lord, was finally summoned from the subspace and manifested his entity.

The two primarchs joined forces and successfully killed two warboss.

Afterwards, on the battlefield, Mortarion refused Rogal Dorn's death and ordered the remaining Imperial Fists to pray to the Lord of Mankind as soon as possible. At the same time, Mortarion and Angron awakened the dead Vulcan.

Vulkan stood up again.

Rogal Dorn was still unconscious and asleep, but Mortarion claimed that Rogal Dorn was fine.

Soon, thanks to the help of Death Guard reinforcements, the Empire successfully occupied the Phalanx and regained leadership of the Phalanx.

On the battlefield, the three awake Primarchs immediately summoned the remaining Imperial Fists who were still alive and handed the Phalanx back to the Sons of Dorne.

Led by Kurland, all the Sons of Dorne present swore that the Sons of Dorne would remember the help of the three Primarchs.

While clearing the corner of the Phalanx, the Primarchs held a brief meeting, in which Mortarion was asked about various matters.

It turned out that after the Great Rebellion, the almost-annihilated Order of Silence had not really disbanded. Everyone had already acquiesced in their destruction. However, Mortarion found all the remaining members of the Order of Silence and carried out a massacre in the Stormwind Star Territory. Reconstruction and expansion.

After the Dark Day, Mortarion himself did not receive orders from the Empire. At the same time, the Pale Lord himself had to deal with the sudden emergence of greenskins in the extreme southern Storm Star Territory.

After killing two warbosses and ordering the psychic titans to garrison the key world, the Pale Lord received Vulkan's death.

Then, Mortarion watched Vulkan's death and withdrew himself.

Realizing that something was wrong, the Pale Lord immediately found the Ecclesiastical Church in the northern part of the Storm Sector, and with the help of the priest, contacted Sanguinius.

Through Sanguinius, Mortarion learned of the Crusade heading towards Ullanor.

The Pale Lord knew his brothers and what the Imperial army looked like, so without any hesitation, Mortarion immediately dispatched his forces.

But as to how this army arrived in Ullanor amid the chaos of the Warp, Mortarion maintained absolute silence.

Vulkan and Angron were not Robert Guilliman, or Primarchs like Sanguinius or Corax. Therefore, the two Primarchs accepted Mortarion's silence and accepted Mortar Leanne's weird state——

The Lord of Death at this moment does not seem to be as powerful as Sanguinius.

Mortarion grew weaker - less powerful than the two primarchs remembered.

Next, the three primarchs, who took a short rest on the Phalanx and regained their strength, began to launch the final attack on Ullanor.

Facing the powerful team of green-skinned wizards, the three most powerful Silent Warriors among the Soulless Ones sacrificed themselves and summoned an absolute realm - the underworld, breaking the extremely powerful psychic attacks of the green-skinned ones. .

Since the Lord of Death could not appear at the same time as the overly powerful Soulless Ones, the decapitation team composed of the three Primarchs took the lead and entered the Beast Palace in the Gorge Garden under the cover of the Space Marines.

In front of them was the green-skinned "beast" that had not been truly killed by the empire on the battlefield of Ullanor.

This greenskin is twice as tall as the greenskin that severely wounded Sanguinius.

It was the greenskin that had fought against the Emperor himself.

Now, as the leader of six warlords, having accepted the blessings and waaaaagh of Brother Go and Brother Mao, this warlord has evolved again and become some kind of new orc that has not yet been recorded by the human empire.

The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights. In the end, Mortarion and Vulkan joined forces. Mortarion suppressed the waaagh position around the beast. Vulkan climbed onto the beast's overly large body and headed towards the beast's body. The head swung down Dawnbringer.

Before the beast died, a huge psychic shock disrupted the teleportation device in Vulkan's Dawnbringer, and Vulkan was teleported away by his own war hammer.

The Beast is confirmed dead.

Since then, the Ullanor Crusade has ended.

Rogal Dorn was placed in a stasis position inside the Phalanx while he was unconscious.

Vulkan disappeared.

Mortarion was severely wounded and returned to the warp.

Angron was seriously injured.


Angron returned to Terra after carefully clearing away the greenskin remnants near Ullanor.


Sanguinius and Guilliman held a grand welcome ceremony on Terra to celebrate the final victory of the battle.

In order to reward those sub-groups who traveled thousands of miles to return to Terra to support the Empire, Regent Guilliman personally announced that the sub-groups that made outstanding contributions in this battle will receive permanent glory, and they will be independent from the parent group. , no longer under the authority of the parent regiment.


After the welcoming ceremony, the three Primarchs held a short meeting. At the meeting, the Lord of the Red Sand took the initiative to modify the state religion, which was strongly opposed by Sanguinius.

Upon seeing this, Angron summoned the representatives of the Imperial Fists, Salamanders, and World Eaters who participated in the battle, as well as... Two-Face Vox and Pluto Record Vermago, who followed Angron back to Terra.

Kurland, the Imperial Fist, knelt down first and asked Sanguinius to change the state religion and add parts about Hades and Death.

It can be said that without the sudden reinforcements of the Death Guard at all costs and the countless sacrifices of the Pluto cultists, there would be no victory in the Battle of Ullanor, and there would be no survival of... Rogal Dorn.

The other representatives knelt down to show their attitude.


After learning more about the Battle of Ullanor and asking Vox and Mago for details, Pope Sanguinius finally agreed to the Lord of the Red Sand's proposal.


After this, Sanguinius communicated again with Mortarion, whom Vox had summoned.


Since then, the state religion's propaganda has included more parts about the "God of Death", and related prayers such as "Only Death Eternal" have appeared.


An introduction and portrait about [Pluto] appeared.

Due to the special status of [Pluto], he is not listed among the demigods, nor among the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country, so he has a separate column and a page.

However, the state religion does not promote any belief in Hades, and no related prayers appear.


Worry: The serious injury has not healed. Angron immediately led his army on another expedition to completely clear out the greenskins in the empire. After experiencing the Beast War, the empire did not dare to take the greenskins lightly again. Anyone who found the greenskins The planet will immediately attract the attention of the empire.


Ullanor was ordered to be exterminated by the Empire, but the unknown mechanical magi who emerged from the Webway used some kind of technology to take Ullanor away.


The Inquisition's investigation into Ullanor did not continue.


The establishment of the Death Watch: During the Beast Wars, the scenes of multiple legions and battle groups fighting together provided inspiration for the Imperial Regent Guilliman, who established the Death Watch, a specialized anti-alien Space Marine team.


Reorganization of the Tribunal: The Tribunal, which focuses on clearing out Chaos, has been reorganized and divided into two parts - the Demonic Tribunal and the Alien Tribunal.


The flames of the Beast War gradually extinguished, and under the leadership of the Primarchs, the Empire of Man once again entered a slow post-war recovery period, an era of recasting.

The demigods are not far away. Under the leadership of Robert Guilliman, Sanguinius, and Angron, the Empire of Man will regain its glory.

(take a look at the writer’s words)

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