Chapter 545 3. Ten Thousand Years (3)


The Beast Wars are over.


As the greenskin waaagh's stance subsided, the subspace re-entered a state of "calm".


Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman announced that the Empire had entered a period of recasting, and the Empire of Man began to slowly heal the wounds suffered during the Beast Wars.


During this period, people discovered traces of the Dark Legion in some distant worlds that had lost contact with the Empire due to the Beast Wars.

————Recast period————


Mortals age easily: Tarasha Yutun, the adoptive mother of Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman, passed away. Faced with the long years, this mortal lady finally refused all kinds of life-support equipment provided by the Mechanicus and died in Macragge. Passed away suddenly in the palace.

Robert Guilliman, who was busy resuming work after the Beast War, did not see the last of his adoptive mother Euton.

Robert Guilliman himself was arguing with the Astronomical Chambers and the Navigators when news of Lady Joden reached the Palace of Terra.

Guilliman immediately stopped working. After spending five minutes alone, the Primarch returned to work.


The Salamanders are Immortal: The Salamander Legion released the last video of their primarch before his disappearance to all sub-legions, and announced that the Sons of Salamander would never give up on finding their primarch.


Fragment: A suspected fragment of Magnus was discovered in the southern part of the Ultramarine. The Inquisition sent the Gray Knights to check, and finally obtained a fragment of Magnus's soul.


Robert Guilliman visits Belisarius Cawl.


Robert Guilliman returned to Macragge and stayed on Macragge for three years.


Blood: In the Extreme Starfield, Angron encountered Chaos after clearing away the remnants of the green skins. Angron himself fought a battle with a Primarch who claimed to be "Alpha". The Primarch expeled Alpha at the cost of being injured.


Angron himself returned to Terra.


Traffic Operator: Citing the reduction in warfare, Imperial Regent Guilliman reduced the powers of the Astronomical Chamber.

After that, for a long time, the Astrology Hall was marginalized in the High Lords Council.

In order to demand its own political rights, the Star Language Hall began to rely on the Navigator and Star Torch Hall in the High Lords Council.

It should be noted that the main force of the Astrology Hall is on Pluto and is responsible for the huge information transmission of the human empire;

Navigators are family units, responsible for the navigation of ships in the subspace, and each legion has a navigator family gifted by the Lord of Mankind, which is only loyal to the legion and its original body, and is divided from the Terran navigator force;

The Star Torch Hall is responsible for the daily burning of the Star Torch.

Since these three forces all need a large number of psychic talents, there are frequent government affairs exchanges on weekdays.

In recent years, the state religion's demand for psychics has also led the state church to gradually join this small group.


Emergency treatment: After Dorne fell into a deep sleep, the Sons of Dorne have been looking for a way to awaken the original body. After inquiring about some information, led by the Imperial Fist, the Sons of Dorne found the elusive The Primarch, Mortarion, asked the Primarch to heal their father.

Mortarion, who has not yet mastered the power of [Life], rejected their request.


repent! : A group of unknown Space Marines rushed into Terra and tried to kill Vincent III, the chief of the Inquisition. However, the plan was blocked by the Assassin Tribunal Sevatar. All the Space Marines who came to assassinate committed suicide before being captured.


According to comparison with the gene seeds preserved by the Martian Mechanicus, the genome of the Space Marines who came to assassinate this time came from [Leon Jonson].


Robert Guilliman, together with the Assassin Tinsevatar, began to re-investigate the fall of Caliban.


Guilliman broke into an uninvited guest in Terra's chambers, Cypher of the First Legion.

Cypher knelt down with Leon Jonson's Lion Sword on his back and told the Primarch a story, a fragment of history on the eve of Caliban's fall.

After a long moment of thought and silence, Guilliman agreed to Cypher's request.


A document with the words "Fallen Angel" and "Primary Body Genome" written on it was placed in the original body's filing cabinet.


The Court of Assassins' investigation into the Dark Angels was halted.


The Dark Angels, and their sub-groups, began to be deliberately assigned by the Imperial Regent to the fringe star fields further away from the center of the Empire.


At the behest of Guilliman himself, the Empire began to deliberately reduce the use of Dark Angels gene-seed.


It should be noted that the current commander of the First Legion, the Dark Angels, is Luther, the adoptive father of Leon Jonson.

However, due to being seriously injured during the fall of Caliban, Luthor himself remained reclusive and did not appear often.


The third army was founded.

After the Beast Wars, due to the disappearance of most of the Primarchs, the proportion of Ultramarines and Blood Angels among the Space Marines increased. The number of these two legions (including sub-legions) once reached one-third of the total number of Space Marines. One to one half.


In this army establishment, a special group of space warriors from the Storm Star Territory also gained the empire's recognition - [Sons of Pluto]. The combination of Jin-306 and the Apothecary of the Death Guard finally broke through the technology around 450.M32. Barrier, using the gene seeds left behind by Pluto at that time, established a team of less than fifty people.


Year-End Friendship: Due to the assassination of the Fallen Angel, the Assassin Chamber Sevatar and the Inquisition Vincent III became friends.


Under the leadership of the Primarchs, the Empire emerged from the haze of the Beast Wars, and the planets once invaded by the Greenskins gradually returned to their former glory, even shining brighter in the galaxy.


During this period, due to the need to speed up production and construction and clean up the soil contaminated with green skin, religious construction was temporarily put on hold at the behest of the Archangel Sanguinius.

During this period, Sanguinius completed the writing of a new version of the National Religion, which was a version that added [Pluto].

However, due to many problems such as territory and dissemination, this version did not spread widely within the empire. On the contrary, the previous version of the state religion spread like wildfire within the empire. When the empire neglected religious construction, the original state religion The version has already evolved into many different versions in different star fields.

The time had come, Archangel Sanguinius decided, that it was time to spread the Faith once more.

After hundreds of years of silence, under the leadership of Pope Sanguinius, the Ecclesiarchy once again entered a period of glory.


My thoughts failed: The Martian Mechanicus announced that the research on the green-skin teleportation device had failed. The technology developed by this creature has no scientific research value at all.


Continue to wonder: According to the informants of the Martian Mechanicus, in the forge world at the junction of the Extreme Star Territory and the Storm Star Territory, there are mechanical sages who are still trying to study green-skinned technology.


Still alive: The forbidden army that has been guarding the Lord of Humanity reported that under the nourishment of the power of faith, the condition of the Lord of Humanity has slightly improved.

This was considered to be the result of the spread of the state religion. On Terra, after celebrating, the three primarchs decided to increase the construction of the state religion.

Countless churches that were abandoned and destroyed during the Beast Wars were resurrected.


Subspace will never be a slave! : After the death of Pluto, the probability of psykers appearing among humans has decreased. However, according to investigations by the Astrology Hall, Navigators, and Star Torch Court, the number of psykers among newborns has begun to increase in the past decade. And gradually returned to the number before the death of Pluto.

Psykers born during this period have a high affinity for the psychic powers of the Lord of Mankind.

This was considered evidence of the re-healing of the Warp, and at the joint behest of the Primarchs, the Imperium strengthened its armaments, while at the same time the Inquisition's Daemonium was entrusted with important responsibilities.

During this period, the power of the Inquisition, Astrology Chamber, Navigator, and Star Torch Chamber expanded.

Unexpectedly, or perhaps justifiably, the empire received no news about Chaos during this period.


The Obscurity Star Territory was reported to be infested by the Dark Eldar. In fact, during the Beast Wars, the edge world of the Obscurity Star Territory was plundered by the Dark Eldar.


Confess to me again! : A Space Marine tried to kill Vincent V, Chief of the Inquisition, by poisoning him, but the plan was blocked by the Assassin Tribunal Sevatar. Sevatar was seriously injured, and the Space Marine who came to assassinate committed suicide before being captured.


After communicating privately with the Primarch Guilliman, Sevatar named the Space Marines who came to assassinate him "Fallen Angels".


Private Investigation: The Assassin's Court reopened its investigation into the Dark Angels.


Standout from the crowd: Among the psykers sent to the Star Torch to keep the Star Torch burning, a suspected fragment of Magnus was discovered.

The Gray Knights then went to contain the deviants.


Manifestation: Reported by the Covenant of Fire, a figure suspected of being Luojia appeared on Colchis, the home planet of the original body, Luojia, in the Taiping Star Territory.

This sign is regarded by the state religion as a sign that the Lord of Mankind is about to return to the world.

It should be noted that due to the Legion's actions during the Great Rebellion, although Luojia himself was not marked as a traitor, the remaining Word Bearers Legion has long since been expelled.

Today, stationed on Colchis is the Salamander Sons, the Covenant of Fire.


With more and more signs proving that the Lord of Mankind was about to resurrect, the Primarch Sanguinius devoted himself more seriously to the construction of the state religion.


Clues: After restarting the Inquisition's Document Mountain, Sevatar discovered that the disappearance of the first Inquisitor Corax might be related to the First Legion.

Due to his commitment to his friend Vincent III of the Inquisition many years ago and his "prejudice" against the First Legion, Sevatar continued to investigate this incident in his own name.


Work Fatigue: The work of the entire Empire was piled on the three Primarchs. During a nap, Angron realized that the Primarchs were not in the right state.

The Lord of the Red Sands proposed that Guilliman and Sanguinius rest, but after seeing the hope that the Lord of Mankind might be revived, neither Primarch was willing to give up their work at this critical juncture.

In contrast to the tired Primarchs, the Empire and the State Church grew rapidly.


Threat at the Door: Mortarion, who has not been seen for a long time and is almost forgotten, pays a personal visit to Terra.

Mortarion gave Sanguinius a stern warning, strictly forbidding the Archangel from expanding the state's religion.

During the period when both parties gave evidence to each other, neither could convince the other.

Sanguinius showed the state that the Lord of Mankind had gradually restored over the past hundred years as the state religion developed.

Mortarion insisted on his belief that the power of the warp would come back to bite its master, and no one would be spared.

But Mortarion could provide no other example to prove his point other than Mortarion himself.

Mortarion and Sanguinius quarreled for three days and three nights. Finally, the quarrel ended with Angron grabbing Mortarion and Guilliman grabbing Sanguinius.

Before Mortarion left, he warned Angron and Guilliman to be wary of the Archangels.

After that, Angron and Guilliman closely observed the Archangel for a long time, but Sanguinius only showed some fatigue under the high-pressure work, which was no different from his previous performance.


Nightmare: The Custodes report that signs of the Master of Man's activities are becoming more frequent.

The Primarchs believed that the Lord of Mankind was only one step away from awakening.



The human empire is once again glorious, the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

The efforts of the Primarchs were not in vain. Humanity entered a new era and the territory was prosperous.

On this occasion, the Lord of the Red Sands finally convinced the two Primarchs, and Sanguinius announced that in order to celebrate and welcome the resurrection of the Lord of Mankind, he would conduct a religious procession throughout the empire.

Angron and Guilliman will travel with Sanguinius. The Imperial Regent hopes to take this opportunity to test the abilities of Terra's political staff, while Angron himself may just want to go out and stretch his muscles.

Before leaving, Guilliman visited Belisarius Cawl again.


People all over the empire are cheering to welcome the demigods. The pain of the beast war thousands of years ago has long been wiped away, and what is left are poems and songs praising the demigods and angels.

The Great Rebellion has long been a fleeting shadow in the minds of a few people, and no one has ever remembered the blood that was shed.

Under the vigorous spread of the state religion, humans have a natural affinity for these battle angels of the God Emperor.


The Sorrow of the Old Ones: The first stop for the Primarchs was the shattered Fenris in the Sol Sector.

Fenris has long been turned into several large planetary plates floating in the void, and countless planetary fragments are floating in the void, forming a broken galaxy belt.

Among them, on a large planet plate, there is the Wolf Fang Castle built by mixing the state religion and the local mythology of Fenris.

The Wolf King himself is said to have appeared on the fragments of Fenris.


Political acumen: After the departure of the demigods, undercurrents surged in the High Lords Council on Terra, and various forces were wrestling with each other - this was a scene that had long been anticipated by the original body, Guilliman. The Lord's actions were all within reasonable limits, and the Assassin's Court did not respond to this.


Traitor: Meanwhile, Sevatar is certain that Corax's disappearance is connected to the First Order.

With the division of the First Legion, Robert Guilliman's order to stop investigating, and the disappearance of the First Inquisitor, Sevatar realized that there might be a secret implicated in the Great Heresy.

After realizing this, Savita decided to put down the review, but then the Assassin's Court once again discovered the spy who had infiltrated the Inquisition.

After torture, the spy was identified as a [Fallen Angel].

In the Joint Inquisition, Sevatar decided to investigate this matter thoroughly.


Baal: The Primarchs arrived at Baal, the home planet of Archangel Sanguinius. This planet with its magnificent sunset has long been decorated with countless towering churches and has become a religious planet, with white stone sculptures singing its praises. In honor of the great deeds of the gods, the scarlet wine exudes an intoxicating fragrance.

The original bodies stayed on this planet for a year. During this period, the archangels received guidance in dreams. They needed to find a breakthrough for the power of faith they had accumulated. They needed a grand and magnificent ceremony.


Macragge: The Primarchs had a relatively pleasant time on Macragge.


Colchis: The Primarchs arrived at Lorgar's home planet of Colchis. Most of this planet has long been abandoned. Amidst the dust and sand, there are ruins that once praised the Lord of Mankind or the Four Gods of Chaos. It has long been submerged under the sand.

On Colchis, the three primarchs saw Lorgar's figure in the long yellow sand. The primarch himself stood in the sand like a phantom, with tears in his eyes, and shook his head at them.

The wind blew and Luo Jia disappeared, and the scene just now seemed like a phantom.

What needs to be emphasized is that since the end of the Great Rebellion, except for the two phantoms of Luojia, so far, the Lord of Mankind has never taken the initiative to lower his power, there has been no dream, and there has been no famous living saint in the future - people speculate that this For a while, the Lord of Mankind was still unable to use his power.

The abnormality of Luojia's phantom made the three primarchs aware of their uneasiness. Perhaps something was about to happen——

What happened next [seemed to] echo Luo Jia's hint.

After visiting Colchis, the parade is coming to an end, but there is still one star field left that has not been visited, and that is the star field that has been deliberately ignored by the Primarchs of Terra for thousands of years, the Storm Star. area.


Assassination: On a southern hive planet in the Segmentum Tempestus, Pope Sanguinius was assassinated.

Sanguinius himself was severely wounded.

Externally, the Empire claimed that Robert Guilliman quickly found out the identity of the assassin, who was an assassin legion jointly cultivated by the Cult of Pluto and the Mechanicum from the Stormwind Star Territory.

In fact, the real assassin is the Pale Lord himself who suddenly appeared in the white mist.

The age of apostasy has begun.

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