Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 575 24 battles! Cool! call!

Chapter 575 24. Battle! Cool! call!

"WAAAAGH!!! For touching his face!!!"

Boom boom boom—boom boom boom—the engine hummed suddenly, and the bombing attack aircraft painted completely black passed by the sky. The fire was splashing under the aircraft, and the super tug-dang gun made a clicking sound.

boom! boom! boom!

The side of the speeding motorcycle formation splashed with debris, "WAAAAGH!!! Hit me from afar! You hit the wrong person!!!"

The motorcycle boy raised his hand and fired several shots at the big explosion in the sky.

A violent roar roared from around it, and a cooler and bigger car with flashy guns kicked up dust. The big studded tires could almost crush a green boy directly.

"Hahaha, you are so incompetent! We are catching up! I want to take the lead!"

Being tied to the gun-catching car, the fart on the front of the car was screaming at the top of his lungs.

"It's amazing to drive your big car?!"

The leading motorcycle boy with a black ribbon on his head immediately hit the right and stabbed——! The motorcycle and the car collided, causing sparks to fly!

The driving boy turned the steering wheel with one hand and held a gun in the other. He leaned half of his body out of the window and stared at the motorcycle boy fiercely.

"What are you looking for——"

Buzz-whoosh-boom! ! ! !

The deafening sound of the engine speeding up covered up the yelling, and the huge thing in the air passed over their heads, casting a black shadow. For a moment, the greenskins didn't have time to open their mouths wide, and looked above their heads with green eyes.

Wow wow wow! A modified version of a heavy motorcycle that is a hybrid of a jump bike and a turbine tractor!

Under the dazzling sunshine, the white badge with a sickle and an ax crossed on the matte black paint looks like an evil ghost.

WAAAAGH! ! ! It's the inspection team! Those lunatics from the inspection team are here!

Bang! The heavy vehicle hit the ground in front of them, and the raised clods of dirt just filled the greenskins' wide-open mouths.

In the smoke and dust in the sky, a figure stood firmly on the tail of a heavy motorcycle like a war madman, the giant ax in his hand flashed with blood,

"You bitch! If you keep fighting among yourself! I'll tie you up and drag you with the car!!! I'll grind you to the size of your ass!!!"

Almost spitting roars and roars! The two greenskins who had just shown off their power immediately succumbed and buried their heads in their shoulders.

The black butcher roared, and the iron chains tied to his arms made a rustling sound, as if he was trying to pick a green man to tie up.

"Black butcher!"

Motorcycle Boy suddenly shouted, and it pointed forward, but the green skin's slower reaction speed prevented it from finishing what it said.

Its big black eyes reflected the undulations of the skyline in front of it, a small pointed thorn, which was the flag of the Gough clan.

And what accompanied the appearance of the enemy troops was artillery fire that filled the sky!

However, the black butcher was still yelling and cursing, with no intention of turning back!

"I'm coming——!" "Ahhhh! I'm afraid of heights!" "Don't kick me!!!"

The attack planes flying above suddenly began to dive regularly. The big tech masters holding the towers were kicked out of the hatch one by one. They were hurriedly adjusting the instruments on their backs.

Stab! Stab! A force field shield flashing with faint blue fluorescence appeared in front of the leading convoy,

boom! boom! boom!

Brilliant fireworks exploded in front of the car formation. The flames dispersed along with the billowing smoke and dust. Fist-sized wreckage splashed beside them. The heavy-duty motorcycle engines in the lead roared and rushed straight into the smoke.

The black helmet was coated with a layer of red-fire lava, and the black butcher from hell raised his ax high,

"WAAAAAAAAGH!!! Come with me!!! Cum for me——!"

"WAAAAGH!!! For Mortarion!!!!"

Looking at the handsome figure of the Black Butcher, the boys suddenly remembered a sentence:

True greenskins never look back to see explosions!

"WAAAAGH!!! For touching his face!!!"

Raging flames spurted out from the muzzle, and big bangs and big bangs were sprayed forward indiscriminately. The fighter jets raised again, dropping big bangs towards the enemy in front.

boom! Whoosh - Thick smoke came out of the attached rocket launcher, "Load! Load!

Looking at the greenskins of the Hades clan who had already entered combat mode, Black turned around. The chains wrapped around his arm armor rattled, and the ax in his hand was about to move.

Leading the aliens to kill aliens - this was a scene that would never appear in Blake's wildest dreams.

At the same time, behind the advance convoy——

"The power to communicate with the vast ocean - yes - meditation - you are psychic greenskins, you can do whatever you want!"

The tall fuzzy phantom whispered, and the witchcraft boys gathered under him pretended to meditate while holding various messy things.

Faint green fire rose at the forefront, accompanied by extremely thin mist. The phantom of Magnus holding the golden scepter raised his hand, and strange space fluctuations rose and the curtain was thinning.

"For Lord Mortarion! You need to remember him - the Lord of Death! He will help the Hades to win! Whenever he comes, mist will appear!"

This area is turning green, literally turning green, the wizard boys murmured to themselves, and a thin layer of frost formed under their feet.

Blake lowered his head and saw a trace of mist wrapped around his palm.

Praising Death, he cast his gaze over the area.

Black's heavy foot slammed into the enemy's formation, and he swung his axe. The side of the axe's blade was rough and stained with blood.


The ax whirled, slashing straight at the large iron can in the center of the enemy formation - a crude greenskin imitation of the Space Marine's Dreadnought.

The chain was wrapped around the connection between Fearless Iron Can's big head and body several times. Blake grabbed the chain violently, and the heavy motorcycle driver in front of him also turned the front of the car tacitly and collided sideways.


A big explosion hit the Dreadnought iron can and exploded. The waste made of metal garbage let out a mournful cry and fell heavily under the combined force of the explosion and Blake.

"Plan B."

Blake said roughly, and the motorcycle boy responded, and a large engine occupying the tail of the motorcycle sprayed out bursting blue flames.

Putting strength under his feet, the Black Butcher jumped up. He pulled on the chain and sent himself to the fearless place where he was standing staggeringly. At the moment when the parabola reached its most perfect point, he pulled out another axe,

He hasn't gotten used to the double ax yet, but he will get used to it.

He will bring death a heroic death!

The muscles on his thick arms were tense, and with the help of gravity, Blake struck down the ax hard,

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The Dreadnought Iron Can screamed, but was immediately drowned out by the sound of tearing metal. Blood and sparks flew everywhere. Blake tore off the big guy's head and raised it high above his head.

The greenskins around him were so frightened that they fled, but were immediately smashed into pieces by the Hades Clan's vehicles that rushed into the enemy's formation.

Motorcycles and tanks circled randomly in the enemy formation, ammunition was poured out crazily, and countless enemy boys were crushed into pulp in an instant.

"God of Death Mortarion, your descendant Black Butcher pays tribute to you for regaining your power! May death last forever!!!"



From Blake's feet, the mist began to swirl.

At the other end of the distance, a wizard boy let out a terrified scream, and then, mist poured out of the end of its scepter,

"It's coming! It's coming! The God of Death is blessing us!!!"

Green flames appeared together with the mist, and green fire erupted from the rapidly rotating tires. Along with the steaming mist, the boys of the Hades clan were full of fighting spirit!

"WAAAAAAAGH!!! For touching his face!!!"

Only the vague phantom flickered for a moment, muttering to himself in a low and uncertain voice,

"...I remember that Green Flame is a green-skinned psychic skill? Not Mortarion's?"




Subtle ripples spread out layer by layer, the fingertips twitched slightly, and the corpse was moving.

The buzzing flies gathered on the corpse were still noisy, or a few rot flies were startled by the twitching fingers, but after a brief pause in the air, they fell again.

The flies continued to make noise, but it was just an illusion at the time.


seven heartbeats,

Crash-the flies suddenly exploded, and the mud and water rolled down one after another. The standing giant hunched his head and looked deeply into the depths of the garden with his sickly eye sockets.

His arms were wrapped around the sickle pole, barely supporting his body, and he covered his mouth with one hand. Mortarion coughed violently.


The Pale Lord vomited a pile of poisonous water, and the vomit was filled with twisted and wriggling fat white maggots, flying insects covered with spikes, and the minced flesh of the original material could not be distinguished.

The swarm of flies that had just been dispersed suddenly gathered and immediately attacked Mortarion more violently. They surrounded the head of the Lord of Death, using his body as a bullet to hit the ears, eyes, nose and tongue.

The black and large swarm of flies almost solidified, completely covering the Lord of Death.

But Mortarion didn't seem to care at all. He just continued to vomit, as if he wanted to vomit out everything, vomit out the part he had no intention of greeding for, and vomit out the part he was forced to give.

The last thing vomited out of the Pale Lord's mouth was a rodent stump, stained with black disease.


There was a slight splash of water drops, and a rot fly fell into the water, lifeless.

Snapped! Bang bang bang——

The heavy rain suddenly started, and the big black insects fell one after another, crackling and splashing into the turbid river water.

The two dead branches that had stayed in the swamp for a long time moved, the water rippled, and the dead flies covering the surface of the water undulated with the waves.

Mortarion walked slowly towards the shore. He felt a restlessness, a chaos that broke his balance - this was something he had tried hard to avoid in the past, but now, he needed it.

Tiny green flames burned at the edge of his damp cloak. Mortarion paid no attention to them. This was a necessary price.

His absent-minded and cloudy pupils looked to the other side of the garden, and he felt the vibrant area - those Eldar idiots.

Before he yelled out the disgusting mantra of the green skin, Mortarion interrupted the waagh first,

There's only one word that can beat waagh.

[...Hades. 】

The God of Death felt slightly unhappy, not only objectively, but also subjectively, expressing his anger at the Hades cult's anonymity.

but not now.

The giant beast rising from the swamp staggered towards the shore.


Hades blinked and paused for a moment.

He was sitting on the largest greenskin throne on the planet, leaning on his face as he watched the greenskins fighting each other below.

As for the original owner of this seat...

That's the green leather head at Hades' feet.

"For the Death Boss Mortarion!!!"

Incisor roared, and the boys from the Hades clan also roared in response, fighting, chasing and biting the enemy boys in the palace.

They divided their forces into two groups. The troops led by Black and Magnus went to defeat the main greenskin army on the planet, while Hades's group directly attacked the command point.

Another reason is that Magnus needs massive death and greenskin warfare to complete communication with the High Sky - which means Hades must stay away.

At the same time, Magnus persuaded Hades that he try not to interfere in the battle, because the part he interfered with would probably not be included in the part [for the Lord of Death to recover].

So Hades began to watch the show.

He sat on the greenskin throne on the high steps, watching boredly as the greenskins under his hands chopped each other off——

Those who were dead were sacrificed to Mortarion, and those who were alive were kept as cattle and horses for him.

Under the towering steps, blood spattered everywhere, and waaagh sounds and wailings continued, but no green-skinned one dared to approach the black boss on the throne.

Just because just now, the black boss stepped into the palace alone, pointed at the green-skinned warboss, and said loudly "Death!"

Then the guards beside the warboss throne watched helplessly as the boss made no sound, the huge green-skinned corpse swayed, its center of gravity leaned forward, and then rolled off the throne.

There was a dull sound of footsteps, stepping on the carpet, and the black boss walked towards the throne calmly. No greenskin could react to what happened.

Just when the black boss stepped on the first step——

"I - you - I want to avenge the boss -"

A sudden shout came from the battle bunker in the hall. The greenskins looked at the good boy who stood up with a big chop, and then watched its beady eyes turn white——


"Ahhhh! WAAAAAAAGH! Weird, monster!!!"

The greenskins who had just been prepared immediately became confused. They either hid themselves as much as possible or rushed towards the door, but the door was opened, and the large incisors holding large chops were standing at the door.

Behind the front teeth are countless well-equipped and huge greenskins.

"For Mortarion, the God of Death! WAAAAAAAGH!!"

Incisor raised his big chop and slashed at the first greenskin who ran to the door!

The head flies up!

Hades stepped onto the last step. He listened to the shouts of the greenskins behind him, and remembered Magnus's advice. He had better not shout war cries.

"I'm sure now," Magnus said seriously, "You'd better give us a nickname - of course not Xiaomag. There's no problem in calling the full name occasionally, but it's best not to call it frequently. 】

Magnus paused. There was another reason. The original body always felt that Hades would become a little anxious when he called his full name?

Hades once again suppressed the idea of ​​shouting Mortarion himself.

He sat down, ignoring the rolling guards beside the throne, and waited for the end of this war.

It's a pity that he can't just raise his hand and end them.

Hades regretted that it was too low-level, a low-level war, but it was necessary for the evolution of the green-skinned race.

If the black domain is used at this time... Hades thought that there is a taste difference between the green skins and green skins of different clans.

Then Hades couldn't help laughing at his own thoughts. He felt like a tyrant in a daze. Some tyrants exploited for palaces and treasures, but he was simply hungry.

"A tyrant who eats his own people."

Bang! The door that had been closed to prevent the greenskins from escaping was kicked open again, and Hades watched with satisfaction as Black walked in holding the head of the greenskin general.

The big greenskin's dead head was thrown to the ground. Black was full of blood. At Hades's signal, the butcher stepped straight up the high steps and went to Hades.

"Well done,"

Hades whispered, then slowly stood up,

The sound of the clash of armors, for some reason, was particularly harsh in this noisy hall. The greenskins who were fighting with each other slowed down and couldn't help but look at the being on the throne.

Hades said angrily,

"You! You Gaofu boys! I see that you are not too bad, now I will give you a chance! Let you not die! You can participate in even bigger WAAAAAAAGH in the future!"

"Listen up! We are believers in the God of Death. As long as you bow your head to the God of Death, I will not kill you!"


There was a rather awkward silence,

"I worship! I worship!!!"

A green-skinned one who was beaten on the ground shouted miserably, "I worship the boss of Death!"

Like a rolling stone hitting cold water, one blow stirred up thousands of waves, and the sounds of begging for mercy were heard endlessly. For a moment, they were all words like "God of Death, please save me\

,"Facing the boys begging for mercy, Qianshan shouted a few words, and the greenskins from the underworld let go.

Hades laughed, "Okay! Listen carefully, after you worship the boss of the God of Death and join my underworld clan, you will have to shout like this from now on!"

Hades waved to Black and Black came over. Hades lifted Black like an old baboon lifting the little Lion King.


"For Mortarion, the god of death! Death remains forever! WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"

Blake's voice was deafening;

"Touch Death's face! Death lasts forever!!! WAAAAAAAGH!!!!"

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