Chapter 576 25. Too many bugs

【A few months later】

"Kriptman! You fucking know what you're doing?!"

The door of the conference room was kicked open violently, boots hit the ground heavily, red robes fluttered, and a man who looked like a judge barged in menacingly.

He looked across the long table, past the planetary governors, inquisitors, commanders, caravan representatives, Forge World representatives, and Chapter Masters sitting around the long table, and looked at the man sitting calmly at the end of the long table.

The man wearing round glasses spread his hands helplessly. The Death Watch beside him, a black-and-white helmeted alien-killing enthusiast, turned to look at the intruder.

"The unbreakable defense line has been forged, and my plan is one of the few feasible."

"Doable?! The Gedisco area has fallen! And for your failed plan! You imposed an extermination order on at least dozens of worlds!!!"

"You still hope to rely on Orcs to hold off Leviathan Tyrant - ridiculous! Ridiculous! You have now created two monsters!"

The intruder cursed, and countless people sitting at the long table looked at Kriptman with dissatisfaction.

Kriptman sighed softly and stood up slowly.

"Please give me a chance to state the reality, sir."

The intruder wanted to curse, but was afraid of the death watch's aggressive gaze and had to keep silent.

False blue light shines from the projection equipment on the long table, and the dots of light outline the appearance of this star field, the Octalius Star Sector.

It can be seen that the world in the belly of the star sector has been completely disconnected, and the green and red colors symbolizing Orcs and Tyranids are flashing - the empire is not even aware of the war situation inside the star sector.

On the outside of the star area, the bluish white dots are extinguishing one after another and being swallowed up by red.

During the battle between the Orcs and the Tyranids, the Tyranid army gradually moved to the outer line of the sector and attacked the Orcs and the Human Empire from both sides.

On the map, there is a line of many galaxies connected by fluorescence, which does not break the defense line. But now, two of this long blue line of defense have fallen into red.

Countless Imperial armies are moving towards the fallen sector. They need to block the gap. Leviathan is breaking through the gap and extending its evil tentacles towards the Human Empire.

"Sir," Kreptman said, "if the defenses were not breached - do you think the Imperium of Man could have defeated the Tyranids?"

Kriptman sighed and walked slowly,

"I have personally experienced countless battles with the Tyranid. I know that the Empire cannot compete with this power. A Tyranid tentacle can even penetrate into the five hundred worlds of Ultramar and gather in most of the Ultramarines and their parent group. In this case, Macragge was severely damaged."

"And now," Kreptman waved his hand down, and dots of numbers and some small badges jumped out on the map.

Thousands of Imperial Guard regiments, four Space Marine Chapters, about a thousand Space Marines in total, Sisters, four Imperial Knight Houses, Adeptus Mechanicus reinforcements (mainly Ryza), 2 battleships of the Imperial Navy, 50 A cruise ship, and its attached frigates and transport ships.

This is almost the entire army that can be mobilized in the Octarius sector.

"When we can only mobilize the following troops, not breaking the defense line is the only way."

"How?" the intruder sneered, "Your defense line has been broken! Two gaps! The follow-up Leviathan army will soon reach out!"

"Then use an extermination order," Kriptman said. "The extermination order blocks part of the road, and then moves our troops over. We must not let them break through."

"Pay the price and hold the line."

Kriptman said, his eyes flashing coldly under his cloudy glasses,

And his opponents laughed almost in despair,

"The world inside all gave up - executioner, you are not the person who handles communications and transportation. Have you heard the last screams of those human planets before they fell?"

The man covered his mouth, lowered his head in frustration, and put one hand on the table.

"Kriptman, you should have been stripped of your title of Inquisitor."

"Yes, I am," Kriptman replied easily, "but my arresters from Terra have not yet arrived, so I am still the Inquisitor."

"Damn it," the opponent cursed in a low voice, "what kind of trouble happened to Terra again."

"They're inefficient, and I think you and I know that," Kreptman said.

"I could have stopped you." The man raised his head and looked at Kriptman. "I could have stopped you from building this damn bullshit defense line. At least before that, the empire could still fight Leviathan."

"You're a little confused," Kreptman nodded.

"Even on the home planet of their own legion, the Ultramarines almost fell. Do you think the force in the empire can still resist Leviathan?"

The man gasped and exhaled hot air from his mouth. He hesitated for a moment and said a word,

"Death Guard."

"Death Guard?" Kriptman almost smiled, and he opened his arms. "Which of us here has the right to mobilize this legion - or does it have their favor?"

The Death Guard of the Storm Sector are famous for their stubbornness and inhumanity. Perhaps before Kriptman, it was the Death Guard who were famous for the Order of Extermination.

They rarely leave the Storm Segmentum, and after the era of Regency Buzz, it has become more difficult for the Empire to mobilize the Death Guard.

For the Inquisitors, the Death Guard represents extreme difficulty, mission failure, unknown disappearance, and death.

"You may just want to find an army large enough to fight Leviathan, without considering the reality at all."

Kriptman said, "The reality is that the high lords of Terra don't care about this star field at all. Unless Tyranids land on their dining table, they won't pay too much attention here."

"The good news is that Terra is indeed sending us reinforcements - but that's all."

The objector took a deep breath, "You think your plan is realistic, Kreptman?"

He raised his head and stared at Kreptman calmly,

"You are just walking towards desperation step by step. We could have paid a heavy price and eliminated this tentacle, but now - if your defense line collapses, then we will completely fail, and there will be no more painful victory. The empire can't win because of us."

"You have never thought about what would happen if Orcs and Tyranids attacked the Empire together. You have never thought about one of them becoming stronger and then counterattacking the Empire."

The opponent stretched out his hand, and the projected map shattered. A sharp tentacle stepped on the long table. He heard the sound of people sucking in cold air.

The Leviathan Zerg variant is standing on the long table with its teeth and claws snarling.

"They're getting stronger!"

The man yelled,

"Now even the Death Guard can't solve the problem - have you seen the shadows of the insect hives that have absorbed Ork biomass and almost covered several star systems?!"

"This is no longer a tragic sacrifice, a problem that can be solved by a few extermination orders! This is a continuous battlefield. It is conservatively estimated that we need at least tens of thousands of corps, two legions, countless knights, Titans - and Fleet! Battleship!"

Kriptman's hands hanging behind him clenched tightly, then slowly loosened them, then clenched them tightly again, until his knuckles turned white.

"Your understanding of alien races is too shallow," Kriptman said. "I have done countless experiments on Orks. Orks can hold back Leviathan. You haven't noticed that Leviathan has recently moved outwards. Has the offensive become weaker?"

In the hinterland of the Octarius sector, which the Human Empire could not observe, the battle between the Tyranids and the Orcs seemed to have become intense again, and the Tyranids who had been on the offensive defense line began to retreat.

"They are supporting the belly battlefield."

"And then raise a powerful orc force?!"

"We will show up when they both lose," Kreptman said. "No matter which side wins in the end, the winner will only be the Empire."

Kreptman gave a forced smile.

"What's more, you and I have no other choice now, right?... We can only maintain the defense line with all our strength, but we are determined to defend the front to the death."

The man wanted to speak, but was interrupted again by the door suddenly opening.

The nun, who looked like she had just come off the battlefield, panted and looked at the surprised senior officials in the hall.

"Report! The Semisis sector has fallen - the attack is from the orcs - an external orc force is tearing apart our defense line from the outside!"

Kriptman suddenly looked at the long table, and the projection was stuck. After that, it refreshed again.

On the map, a green arrow was roughly inserted from the outside of the unbreakable defense line. The Semisis sector fell and turned green.

A few seconds later, the flag of this orc force was refreshed, and the Bonecrusher's logo appeared on the map, and seemed to be expanding along the unbroken line of defense.

The atmosphere in the hall was almost completely stagnant. Except for the gasps of the battle sisters, it was difficult for anyone to breathe. They found it difficult to understand and believe this scene.

The sound of Skeleton Kara sounded clearly, coming from Kreptman's clenched fist. The judge's mouth was pale,

Why are the orcs from Armageddon here?

"Send troops," Kreptmann said every word. "We must hold the line—at all costs."

He held the gun at his waist, "I will go to Semisis myself. Now, prepare the ship."

Kriptman hurried to the door, the Death Watch followed him, and the Battle Sisters saluted them, but the people in the hall seemed still frozen,

As if thinking of something, Kriptman smiled bitterly. He turned around and bowed to the decision-makers in front of the long table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there is no room for attacking each other now. I need you to use all your troops, give up any attempt to save the refugee ship, give up the interests of your relatives within the defense line-now, all , everything will hit the defensive line."

The sound of boots hitting the ground left coldly, and there was still no one in the conference hall.

With a clang and a falling sound, Kriptmann's opponent collapsed to the ground, staring at the ceiling absentmindedly.

"It's over," he laughed, "It's over! It's all over!"

Laughter breaks the silence,

"We have no conscience and pushed hundreds of millions of people into the mouths of insects with our own hands! It's all over! Hahahaha, there is no difference between one death and all death! Hahahahahaha! He deserves it! He deserves it - we deserve it!"



【A certain nest city】

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The towering spire of the hive city collapsed, slowly smashing into the middle hive, tumbling down,

Rolling smoke and dust emerged from the gap in the hive city, covering half of the sky. Tyranid's tentacles greedily stretched out to the earth, piercing into the flesh and blood,

Thin women were holding their children, following the crowd, screaming and cursing deafeningly.

She was knocked down by people fleeing behind her and was trampled on. Blood spurted from the woman's mouth. She tried hard to push the child in her arms forward, but it was in vain. The forearm protecting the child was broken by the trampling.

The crowds surged and soon left them behind. The crowd began to thin out, sporadic gunshots rang out, and bodies were trampled to death on the ground.

The woman was almost human-like, but she still pushed her child forward persistently, letting out a whimpering howl.

The child, who had not yet reached the knees of an adult, cried out. He was well protected, but he did not follow his mother's wishes and ran in the direction of the crowd's escape. Instead, he tried to throw himself at his mother.

The woman whimpered urgently and signaled the child to run, but her hand gradually lost strength. The child just opened his mother's hand and rushed towards the woman. The woman reluctantly raised her face and looked at him with tears streaked down——

Click! !

blood splattered

The woman's eyes lost their luster, and she lowered her head in vain. A thick leg dug into her skinny back, stepped through her chest, and killed her completely.

The child babbling looked up and saw the broad back of the Astra Militarum.

"Little guy,"

The soldier held his knife and pressed it firmly against the mouth of the knife insect. He stood on the woman's body and wrestled with the knife insect. Blood overflowed from his mouth. The knife insect's appendage pierced his abdomen, dripping red from the black tip. dropping,

The child's eyes reflected two other knife bugs rushing toward him. He saw the exploded head, and then those sharp mouths stabbed at him.

In the distance, people running to the port were blown away by the air current when the noble ship started, and fell to the ground, breaking bones and groaning.

The people who fled to the lower nests screamed and watched as the collapsed buildings fell down, burying them among the rubble.

In the chaos, the noble ship took off, the void shield glowed blue, and gargoyles like dark clouds hit the ship. The huge shuttle screamed and gradually deviated from the channel - falling.

In the sky, countless ships tried to take off. The falling smoke was like meteorites, but some lucky ones succeeded in taking off. However, looking far away, beside the ship window, a man with a round forehead was looking at the fallen world with a smile.


"We are willing to cooperate with you - we can provide you with all resources. Ah, if you are willing, I can get you a pass to other star regions..."

The man who looked like the planetary governor was kneeling on the ground, muttering in a low voice and sweating profusely.

In front of him, the Bonebreaker sitting on the throne smashed his mouth,

"No fun, kill him."

"No - sir! Ahhh!"

The head fell to the ground with a bang, and he stared at the Bone Crusher with his eyes wide open.

"Spineless little shrimp," muttered Bonecrusher, "not as strong as an old cannonball."

Outside the room, there were screams and waaaghs. Grotto and Scourge were dancing and dancing on the human stumps, nibbling on this and that. The huge greenskins happily chased the little shrimps, watching. As they panicked and fell into the Jusu Pond, they made a gurgling sound.



Hades roared with anger, raised his fingers in the air, and the black flag sounded fiercely in the wind.

There was a roar, and the convoy rushed into the wave of knife bugs first. The limbs smashed by the bugs flew away, and the greenskins shouted and shot at the Tyranids.

In the distance, dazzling light condensed on the back of the huge ion cannon worm, and the sound of charging hissed. However, on the other side, the wizard boys raised their scepters, green flames rose, and the particle cannon worm fell down with a mournful scream.

The Tyrannosaurus began to advance slowly, and the spiked gears in front of the rival green-skinned Bonecrushing Fortress hummed.

The gargoyles and witches that covered the sky descended, and the attack planes crashed straight into the insect pile with huge explosions, smashing the Tyranid array with huge stings.

Billions of artillery pieces soared into the sky from behind Hades, the fire dragon roared, and the fireball hugged by several people hit the ground heavily.

Above the starry sky, the Death Dealer ship crashed into the swimming insect ship. The other insect ships surrounded it one after another. The green-skinned ship that looked like Squiggs spurted out black smoke and shook violently——

BANG! ! !

Brilliant fireworks exploded, several Tyranid ships were swallowed up by the explosion, and huge blood flowers bloomed in the void.

Hades's mechanical brain sent out electric waves to command the army of the Sky Planet. He felt his feet trembling. The Tyranids who were used to fighting greenskins were proficient in beheading tactics.

Unfortunately, they picked the wrong target!

Boom! ! !

The ground collapsed, and the greenskin guards around Hades roared in terror. Hades jumped up first, hanging high in the air.

He saw a python big enough to swallow him rise from the hole in the ground, and its sharp scythes pierced Hades' defensive gap!

At the same time, there was a commotion at the front line not far away, and a shadow rushed across the horizon. It was a winged tyrant no less big than the python in front of Hades!

Hades laughed,

"We've only been fighting for seven days! Are you so afraid of me?!"

"Okay! Let's fight!!!"

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