Chapter 581 30. Insect Swarm

【Three battlefields,】

Fulgrim said, putting down the chess pieces with his bony fingers, and the Sons of Death, symbolizing the Death Guard, took their positions in the garden.

The withered-haired man looked at the chessboard intently. On the chessboard, there were faint sounds of shouting and fighting, and fireworks started.

[The long war for gods is finally coming to an end,] Fulgrim murmured to himself, [Ascending to godhood, or becoming a demigod, our brothers are still so persistent...]

[He just wanted to kill the gods,] Conrad suddenly said, [Only gods can kill gods, or he personally pulls gods down to the throne - for him, the throne is a by-product that he does not want. 】

Fulgrim blinked, his long eyelashes trembling, [It looks like he failed. 】

Conrad laughed dryly, [Both sides suffer, he picked the wrong god, the first one to disappear will not be 7, why should we cling to an "eternal" god? 】

"Foolish," Fulgrim said, "or maybe he has another agenda. 】

"Let's look forward to his next step," Conrad said calmly, scooping up some kind of fluid with one hand, it was some kind of thick green liquid, and it made a small popping sound, waagh,

The original body held on to the armrest, stood up slightly, and poured the liquid on the chessboard.

[The Emperor will not expect the Pale Lord to join the monster. The most suitable location for the Pale Lord is the garden. He is too rebellious and radical. 】

Fulgrim said, he picked up a child, alien style, and placed it in the garden,

Hearing this, Conrad frowned without any trace, and the various jewelry on his body shone even more.

"That was His plan," Coates said. "Since He didn't tell us, we just continued to watch this farce." 】

[What's more, he is also watching this farce performed by the Lord of Death - even if the Lord of Death fails, this god-killing drama will provide him with a lot of inspiration. 】

[I guess the emperor will start to pay attention to the alien god. Maybe he will try to drive the green skin. According to his character, this is not impossible...]

Fulgan remained silent and glanced at Conrad coldly.

[You didn’t tell us...have you found the lion? 】

The corners of Conrad's mouth twitched a few times.

"He is not in a hurry to question us," Conrad said. "His thoughts are probably all on the garden and the monster." 】

Fulgan shook his head helplessly,

[It’s time to start accelerating. ] Fulgan said, he stared at Conrad, Conrad raised his chin high and said nothing.

After a long time, Fulgan sighed, and he picked up the chess piece angrily.

[Next is Octalius, an ordinary apocalypse-level battlefield,]

He laid out the Bonecrusher pieces. The battle itself was nothing noteworthy,

Although there may be other beings lurking in it,

[I'm looking forward to Faos' debut,] Conrad suddenly laughed and tapped his temples with his fingers, [I remember them, quantum slingshots, right? 】

Conrad chuckled, [He suffered a big loss here. He underestimated the oil guys too much. Could it be that his experience of helping the Lord of Mankind deceive the oil guys made him take it lightly? 】

The jewels on Conrad's body became even more dazzling. Fulgan stared at Conrad nervously and silently. He watched helplessly as the long chain of pearls that Conrad carried began to grow, and the pearls were shining brightly. grow out.

The Lord of the Night stopped talking, curled his lips in dissatisfaction, then picked up the chess pieces of the Son of Hades and Phaos and put them down.

【mean. 】Conrad commented that he picked up those long chains casually. They were just chains with jewels connected to them. To the Lord of the Night, they were a kind of vicious teasing and insult.

"You should stop mocking him," Fulgrim said cogently, pushing the star-god-looking chess piece to the dark side.

"Now that he is the emperor," Conrad said sarcastically, "then I am his jester." 】

Fulgrim calmly leaned back slightly to prevent blood from splattering on him. Opposite him, Conrad made a whooping sound as his throat was cut.

The huge white pearls were stained with blood, and the dazzling diamonds were covered with plasma. The jewels on the Lord of the Night strangled him, squeezed him, and were deeply embedded in the flesh. The yellow and white fat was squeezed out and squeezed into the plump pearls. Between the gaps in the chain, the sound of broken bones was heard, and gold was embedded in it like a dull knife.

Conrad struggled subconsciously to a small extent, but something restricted him, nailing him in place, making it impossible for him to break free forever.

After a long time, Fulgen sat upright silently, staring at Conrad who was arranging the jewelry in a panic. Conrad coughed up blood while struggling to rearrange the gold and silver jewelry.

【……mean. 】

Conrad said hoarsely,

[You have touched the reverse scale,] Fulgan said, [You know clearly that He used to be called this...]


[I don’t deserve it, right? 】

Conrad said sarcastically, "You and I are just one of His flashy toys. He never imposes any expectations on us. I am just a toy for His entertainment." 】

Fulgrim's eyes were as calm as dead water,

[So what kind of ending do you expect, Conrad? 】

Conrad suddenly choked, and he fell silent for a rare moment. The dripping blood on the jewelry gradually faded away. It was absorbed by the greedy treasures, and the gold and silver became more shining.

After a long time, Conrad said dullly,

【All right. 】

He picked up the chess piece that symbolized [Pluto] - it couldn't be called a chess piece at all, but an industrial waste, like the waste from smelting, without any order or shape, with different lusters shining.

[Let’s take a look at the monster’s performance. 】

Conrad put [Pluto] into the boundless greenskins, and what faced the greenskin empire were the Tyranids who were almost overflowing the chessboard.

The chessboard cannot even hold the size of the Tyrans, and Leviathan is expanding and evolving crazily, at a frightening speed.

Perhaps Chaos should be grateful that the Tyranids were not interested in the Warp.

[…a fierce battle. 】

Conrad whispered, staring thoughtfully at Hades,

[This is the existence he hopes to recruit under his command - but can he really try to seduce him? 】

Fulgrim's eyes slid over the fraudster's pieces without leaving any trace.

"He will always try," Fulgrim said cautiously, "but which time will it be?" 】


Conrad was silent for a moment, and then hissing sounded like a curse,

[The premise of all this is based on the fact that it can really defeat Tyranids - but I am not optimistic about it...]

As if to adapt to the size of the swarm, the chessboard stretched laboriously, exposing endless Tyranid troops to their sight.

This is not a small amount,

The two Primarchs looked at each other.

Then Conrad laughed in disbelief.

[The farce he expected has not yet begun, but he is about to fall into the swarm of insects. 】

The forces that have been fighting each other for thousands of years, their little cleverness begins to pale in front of the real visitors from outside the river.

In all the calculations, one fact seemed to be ignored, an elephant in the room. They stubbornly stayed in their chess game until the elephant appeared in front of them with its trunk snoring.

That is, the size of this Tyranid fleet is really large.

Unimaginably big.

At this time, the two original bodies suddenly remembered where the most urgent crisis that the monster really faced came from.

And what will happen to the galaxy if the monsters fail.



This will be a tough battle.

It takes a lot of sacrifice.

In the largest, tallest, and most waaagh building on Hades, Hades stood in the highest command room, staring at the star field map in front of him with a solemn expression.

This building looks like a huge green skin lying down, or a huge garbage dump.

On the head of the big green skin, there are countless antennas. The Mag boys stand under the antennas to update the battlefield dynamics and transmit information at any time.

But he couldn't rely on him to command alone. As if he knew that this green-skinned empire relied on a core to run, Talon specially lengthened the front line.

The long and rugged projected front stretched almost to the full on one side of the emerging empire.

Based on the frequency of Licat's movements on it, Hades estimated that Tyran was about to launch an attack.

Likarts, some kind of Tyranids' vanguard, appear on planets that the Tyranids choose to attack.

But there is another possibility that Talon is playing him. In any case, Hades is also prepared for Talon to be playing him.

He divided the greenskin empire into seven parts, and the army was divided into seven groups. Each group had a big greenskin warlord who led the group, and the leader of the five groups and two groups was the greenskin.

Under the seven big green-skinned warlords, there are also countless green-skinned warboss. Hades has strictly reviewed them to ensure that each warboss is amazingly skilled and has its own unique skills.

This is to ensure victory in every small battlefield. In addition, this will also consume Tyranid’s efficiency——

The Tyranids like to evolve and produce specific armies for their enemies, and Hades lets them evolve as much as they can.

Once the Tyranids form a specific army, the greenskin armies in each zone will immediately switch.

Thanks to Magnus and Magboy, as well as the technical staff, the Greenskins are now much more mobile and all their ships are painted red.

But this is not the point. Beside the map that is so huge that it occupies one wall of the room, Hades is pacing slowly.

He had to lead the Tyranids deep into the Empire, which meant failure, loss of troops, and it had to be realistic enough to make the Tyranids believe it—but not so much that Hades' plan would actually fail.

If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

Hades rarely felt the pressure. Compared with the previous small fights, Tyranids were more numerous and evolved faster than he imagined. This was a perfect expansion race.

If this force is released, perhaps the human empire will suffer disaster.

But now, without using a single soldier from the human empire, relying on deception, Hades will lead the greenskin empire to severely damage or even destroy this Tyranid force.


The piercing siren sounded, Hades raised his head, and a small green dot turned red, which meant that the Tyrans had begun to take action.


Alarms fell one after another like a torrential rain, scarlet quickly reflected on Hades' armor, the red line twisted, and the huge map was torn open in an instant.

Even within the green-skinned empire, dense red dots appeared.



The deep Milky Way is cold without any warmth. The stars in the distance blink and fall on the far shore. Looking at this end,

The swarm is on the move.

More dense than the stars, colder than the Milky Way, they come from beyond the river to feed,

Long and greedy tentacles stretched out from the front of the battleship, squirming to capture the scent of prey.

What is the Sea of ​​Insects?

It was boundless, like a real ocean wave, and the waves were continuously lapping.

This is a huge nervous system, with pulses measured in nanoseconds rapidly emitted from the mothership and transferred to its lower terminals by tens of thousands of nodes.

Devour, grow, devour, grow, they are extremely pure, using war as their teeth, biting down every planet.

The narwhal insect ship slowly sailed out of the insect sea. The gravity around the ship began to collapse, and the space began to fold and twist.

On the target planet, the greenskins raised their heads in confusion. They saw an abnormal glow, a long chirping sound from the earth, and a sudden drop in the coastline.

In the exploration station, the detective boys rushed to the biggest and reddest big button and took pictures of it!


The alarm sounded almost simultaneously on the planet and in Hades' command room.

The first is the distortion of the planet's gravitational field, which is a by-product of the Tyranids' faster-than-light voyage.

The Hive Fleet is a purely biological force. When not fighting, it generates no electromagnetic signals at all, which means that they cannot be detected by conventional means.

The space stations surrounding the planet have entered combat readiness mode. The detection lighthouses on them stand upright, with screaming Mag boys tied to the top.

The battleship sailed out of the space port, flames erupted from the end of the engine, and it was rampaging. However, the waaagh roar of the green skin could not be heard in the vacuum of the universe.

In the silent darkness, the twisted creatures came ashore.

It was a huge creature like a conch, with its body covered by a thick and solid carapace, and the spikes on its back protruding from it. They were Tyranid's living torpedoes, and thick predatory tentacles protruded from the front and were waving.

One ship, two ships, three ships... one hundred and three ships... one thousand, seven hundred and fifty-four ships... fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty-three ships... twenty thousand... thirty thousand... four...

This is a point that any intelligent creature would be ashamed to see. Perhaps Chaos should once again thank Tyranids for their insensitivity to the warp.

For some generals who are not determined, perhaps just seeing this scene will drive them crazy.

Every thousand biological ships gathered into a formation and launched an attack on the target star system.

They have only one goal, to devour all the resources of this galaxy, go deep, deep, and join the main fleet.

Hades raised his eyes, signs of war appeared, large and small, and more than a hundred battlefields were ignited with flames of war.

First is the naval battle.

First round of charge!

first! It's a space flying brick!

WAAAAGH! ! ! The greenskins pressed the red acceleration button one after another, and the engines roared deafeningly. They formed a straight line, and the greenskin warships rushed straight into the Hive Fleet!

At the moment before the two armies fought, countless sparks bloomed! The thick torpedo spurted out and hit the enemy ship straight!


The beast-headed warship opened its mouth and drove in like a dump truck!

Huge chunks of flesh and blood exploded in the void, bone plates flew out in circles, and the warship covered with insect remains quickly sailed out of the Hive Fleet from the other end.

Most of the green-skinned warships successfully merged at the other end, and some stayed in the insect ship forever. Countless small ships hooked on the side of the green-skinned warship, eroding the warship with tentacles, teeth and corrosive liquid.

Countless clumps of Tyranid creatures were sprayed out. This was a unique Tyranid gang-hopping battle.

The green-skinned battleships that were racing too much immediately turned around and began to prepare for the second round of charge.

The Hive Fleet, which was smashed to pieces by the greenskins' mindless charge, immediately began to regroup.

The Tyranids began to scream, the bioplasma cannons glowed, the acid muzzles hissed, and the sharp biological torpedoes that automatically sought the enemy were released one by one from the backbone of the Tyranids.

Not to be outdone, the greenskins smashed the buttons one after another. For a moment, torpedoes and missiles flew around, plasma and light spears.


Second round of charge!

Following the footsteps of the greenskins, fire cannons were spit out from the mouths of the modified battleships, just like the acid bombs of the Tyranids, with liquid bombs wrapped in the middle. Huge gas fuel bombs were sprayed out, followed by a small drop. Small, cute detonators.

The fuel bomb hit the Tyranid ship, and a huge gas ball immediately splashed and covered the front of the ship. The next moment, the target was hit by a detonating bomb with "We are the most WAAAAGH" written on it!

Huge fireballs immediately exploded in the void! As hot and bright as stars, the Zerg struggled in the fire and quickly turned into ashes.


The bright firelight made the greenskins rejoice. The boys surrounded by incendiary bombs and fuel jumped on the red carrier aircraft one after another, and the engines accelerated! Go, go, go! ! !

The fastest in the galaxy! Noise classy! WAAAAGH! ! !

For the black boss! Touch his face for Death! Let's go! ! !

In the outer galaxies, the green-skinned warships, whose number was far smaller than that of the hive ships, launched charges again and again, bringing WAAAAGH! ! ! They bring death! ! ! They bring burning! ! !

The sunk greenskin ships pressed the red button for the last time and rushed towards the largest hive ship around them.

Together with each other, they turned into the brightest and most WAAAAGH stars in the galaxy.

The first is weakening and sacrifice.

Hades thought slowly as he watched marks symbolizing the failure of the naval battle appear on the map. The appearance of each mark represented the annihilation of a greenskin fleet.

The remaining victorious Hive Fleet continued to move towards the target planet. Next, the wreckage of countless green-skinned space stations fell into the planet's atmosphere.

Hades lowered his head casually, playing with a small hourglass in his hand.

Grains of silver metal gravel were on the upper end of the hourglass, and as Hades thought about it, they were falling to the lower end.

Each grain represents a portion of the quality of the Tyranid fleet.

Attrition, Hades thought, a large number of failures and attrition will constitute the early stage of this war.

The early war and practice with Tyranids told Hades,

In space battles, biomass will not be recovered from ships engulfed in flames due to the cumbersome collection process.

But... planets conquered by the Tyranids will once again provide them with mass.

No... no rush.

Hades thought, looking up again, he stared at the map, patiently watching the insect's tentacles come in...

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