Chapter 582 31. Digging for bait

One side is an observation window, standing in the command room on a high slope.

"This is what Boss Hei gave me,"

Didig said,

The green-skinned warlord carefully took off the small pendant from his waist. It was a jet-black green-skinned mushroom made of black stone. He fiddled with it carefully and showed this ordinary pendant to the surrounding warriors.

"Boss Black told me that I and the Ministry of Agriculture under my command are its most valued arms and its giant squiggs. No matter where we fight, it will always trust me."

It said slowly,

The earth is trembling, and the sky of this fortress planet has turned scarlet. Countless bright green biomass pools are rolling and spitting out poisonous gas. The newly hatched Tyranids are densely crowding the world.

On the ground almost covered with corpses, the huge remains of Nonggang Gats transformed from agricultural machines knelt silently on the battlefield, one after another, as hazy and oppressive as distant mountains.

The long-legged Insect Saint screamed and stepped onto the corpse of the green-skinned Titan. A scream erupted from its mouthparts, and the light of plasma gathered here, like a charging horn.

The bodies of greenskins and tyranids were piled high on top of each other. The chariot was stuck deep in it, its tires were spinning, but it was unable to break free.

The Tyranid warrior waved his bone blade, and the chariot that was stuck in the pile of corpses was immediately surrounded by knife insects. Bang! boom! boom! Insects hit the car body, making a rough metal collision sound.

In the sky, the bomber with its wings torn off screamed and fell to the earth. The fighter plane painted bright red smashed into the sea of ​​​​insects, bursting out bright sparks one after another.

If they looked up through the blackened sky, and looked up again, with all their eyes, the greenskins would see the Tyranid approaching fleet, silently passing by the flaming ship skeletons.

"It trusts me,"

Didig said,

"Believe me, I will definitely win. I am the greenskin chosen by it. It personally taught me how to use a scythe - I am the only one who can use a scythe."

The green-skinned boss roared and slapped the door of the command room. The wailing and the voice of the boss asking what to do alternately sounded, but Tudou turned a deaf ear.

"So I'm the first,"

Dicu said, it showed the little black mushroom to its subordinates,

"I am the most unique one in its great plan. I am not the incisor in the Department of War, or the one in the Department of Industry who is the toughest. I am the one who digs."

"And I,"

Didigu stood up and slowly walked to the huge red button.

"Dig dig, never bring failure to Black Boss' WAAAAGH!!!"

PENG! ! !

Didigu slammed the button,

The surrounding mountains trembled, the command room trembled violently, the giant beast snorted from its nose, the mountain stood up, the red soil shook off, two fangs like pillars reaching the sky appeared from the foot of the mountain, and the giant Oklinosaurus stepped out With one of its feet, the ground shook violently!

The command room is not built on the mountain, but on the back of the giant Oklinosaurus!

Thick plate armor was draped on the body of the giant beast, and countless thick and large gun barrels shook and quickly adjusted the course. The Mag boys roared, and the psychic fireworks quickly rose up, lighting up the battle clothes for the giant Oaklin dragon.


The mountains echoed with the cry of digging, and the answer was a continuous roar as surging as the sea waves.

Countless cavalry formations composed of Iron-headed Scrooge bosses rushed out from the foot of the mountain.

The Scrooge under each boss is majestic and strong, with strong and strong feet, white and regular buck teeth, and his bright red body is fully armed with iron armor.

The green-skinned bosses were holding twin scythes, wearing battle robes, and flying black cloaks. The pale skeletons of the Hades clan stood above them, staring coldly at the Tyranids.


All words ended with a great WAAAAAGH! ! !

WAAAAAGH! ! ! No need to say more! ! !

The Scrooge bosses jumped onto the battlefield, maneuvered nimbly among the corpses, and rushed towards the Node Tyrans with discipline and purpose.

The dark armor of the giant Oaklin dragon reflected the blood light. He did not join the other warlords in painting the armor jet black instead of scarlet.

Just because it believes that the black color on Black Boss is the coolest color! ! !

The giant Oaklin dragon roared and began to slowly accelerate, charge, and violently jolt. The other green-skinned bosses in the command room were all thrown to pieces, but Digou still stood firmly in the command room.

It will bring the black boss great WAAAAGH again and again!

Digchu carefully put back the black mushroom, and he remembered that day, that hot and dull afternoon, it was just an unknown boss.

It was assigned to the agriculture group and was working diligently to instruct the boys to dig the soil. It was also digging the soil diligently, because the front teeth told them that the boss would need to let them dig the ground if he touched his face!

It stood in the field, waving its big hoe.

There were noisy sounds from the distant horizon, everything was like a dream of Gorge Mao,

The black boss almost landed next to it with a "WAAAGH" sound,

A dark shadow enveloped it, and Boss Hei patted it on the shoulder hard, almost knocking it down.

"It's you! Good boy! I'm amazed at your bones! You are a born leader! Now you are the boss of the Ministry of Agriculture!"

Then Didig became the boss of the Ministry of Agriculture!

With its mouth wide open, it raised its head, its neck bent and bent until it was almost broken, and it could barely see Boss Hei's face - but there was only darkness there, and it couldn't see Boss Hei's expression clearly.


"Attack! Attack!!!"

The Insect Saint screamed, and the plasma lit up a deadly straight line in the air,

Peng! ! !

The giant Oaklin dragon grunted, but its figure did not move. It just left a scorch mark on the giant beast's thick body.

The white blade of the scythe cut through an arc, and the iron-headed Scrooge bosses cut off the heads of the Tyranid warriors neatly. The ugly heads of the Zerg were flying in the air, followed by the speeding figures of the Scrooge bosses. .

Countless sturdy boys poured out, following behind the Iron-Headed Scrooge bosses, and surrounded and suppressed the swarm of insects that fell into chaos after the death of the node creatures.

Tudu knows that he is not as smart as the front teeth of the Ministry of War, and he is not the toughest person in the industrial group, but the black boss chose him to be the boss of the agricultural group!

Didug can swear to the boss who touched his face and the black boss that he carefully fed every squirrel and oaklin——

Every kid that grows out of the ground is not a defective product!

This is why it is the boss of the agricultural group!


"Hei...Hei boss..."

Digdig opened his mouth wide, trying to respond to Boss Hei's words, but it was as if there were seven jumping dogs stuffed in his mouth, and he couldn't speak at all.

After the black boss said the words that changed its fate, the shouts of the crazy people from the inspection team were heard in the distance. Tutu watched the black boss turn his head and respond to the black butcher.

They must be discussing an important topic. The black boss turned around casually, leaving it behind, and walked towards the green-skinned team following him.

Bigger than Didig, greener than Didig, and WAAAAAAGH, the greenskins immediately swarmed in and surrounded the black boss and left.

Before leaving, Boss Hei seemed to have remembered something, turned his head and said to him easily,

"Good job, green boy."


The black boss is very busy, very busy, and perhaps very lazy. Even the green-skinned Di Di, one of the six in charge, rarely sees the black boss.

But that doesn't mean the Black Boss doesn't exist.

On Diku's first day as the boss of the Ministry of Agriculture, he received a thick lesson. The green man in the inspection team handed him over to Diku seriously.

He also told Dizu that it was strictly forbidden to show it to other greenskins. The black boss told him that after reading one page, he would memorize one page and then eat the page.

Cool, big brick book! This is proof that Didig is recognized! That's why it's the WAAAAGH! ! !

It wants to prove to the black boss that it is the most WAAAAAGH! ! !


There was a hissing sound, and from the tumbling insect nest, the Tyranid executioners rushed out angrily,

Their bodies, comparable to a heavy tank, collided directly towards the queue of the Iron-Headed Scrooge!

The Scrooges dispersed immediately, but the Scrooge who was a step slower was still hit hard! Scarlet chunks of flesh and blood splashed out, and a thick, well-raised Scrooge was crushed alive.

The boss on Scrooge was thrown away and hit the ground hard, almost smashing her into mushroom paste!

But the next moment, the green-skinned boss stood up unsteadily, raising his sickle to face the executioner of the heavy unit!


The green-skinned boss shouted, and Dugou, who had witnessed everything, couldn't help but roared,


rush! Go! ! !



War Day happens every seven days. This is the only chance to meet the black boss. After the boys' war is over and the review is over,

Five groups of green bosses will fight with each other all night long. The black boss will personally watch their fight, and the winner will get a chance to fight the black boss.

Although the winner every time is either the black butcher of the inspection team or the incisor of the War Department.

Digo is lying on the ground, his mouth is full of the smell of blood, I am the hardest in the Ministry of Industry! Beat it once again.

Dugou struggled to stand up, and saw the greenskins watching the game cheering like a tsunami at the industrial group, my hardest mountain, my hardest WAAAAGH! ! !

It looked at Boss Hei carefully. Boss Hei was, as usual, holding his head with one hand and arrogantly lying on the throne, like a sculpture, without expressing his position.

The carnival that follows is not for losers.

Dichu was discouraged. It just wanted to ask the black boss why it was him in the first place and how it was doing - fighting against the black boss meant that the black boss would respond to its enemy.

It was defeated, and the agricultural team withdrew from the battlefield in despair. The night was dark and their hearts were cold. They left amid boos.

Didigu dragged his footsteps and walked heavily back to his home.

"You're playing well, WAAAAGH."

When he opened the door, he suddenly saw Boss Hei slumped on the largest chair in his room in the same posture as before.

Didig opened his mouth wide, feeling that the boss must have appeared after touching his face.

Boss Hei stood up casually, walked over, and took out the sickle from behind with one hand.

"I'm going to teach you a few tricks. Listen up, good boy. Don't tell other greenskins."

"What you are holding is the same weapon as Mortarion, the God of Death. Let me show you one!"

The scythe whirred in front of the digger.


The executioner's long sickle blade split open the green-skinned boss in front of him, and blood spurted out, splashing onto the boss.

The green-skinned boss kept swinging his scythe and fell backwards blankly——

The giant Oaklin's flank turrets lit up with plasma light, a magnificent blue light burst out, the executioner was overturned, and the thick melted carapace gave off a burnt smell.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! WAAAAAGH!!!"

Dig Di roared, and the Iron-headed Scrooges rushed into the battlefield with indomitable attitude. They all knew that they could not win, but they knew that they would bring a big WAAAAAGH to the black boss! ! !

They're going to die on such a WAAAAGH battlefield! ! !

The three Insect Saints roared and rushed towards the Giant Oaklyn Dragon from different positions. The huge biological cannon was aimed at the Giant Oaklyn Dragon, acid sprayed out, and the Giant Oaklyn Dragon roared.

"Cum! Cum! Cum!"

Dizu roared angrily, and the giant Oaklin dragon was almost illuminated by the fire ignited by the muzzle, and the cannonballs poured down like an angry rain, hitting the Insect Saint.

But the speed of the insect saints has not slowed down at all!

Just as an Insect Saint was galloping, on the route where the Insect Saint was running, a Gangaat that was lying on the battlefield suddenly struggled to move and let out a roaring roar.

Nonggangjiat stretched out its big mechanical claws and grabbed one of the feet of the galloping Insect Saint!

The Insect Saint who lost his balance was almost overturned. The giant object slowly drew a curve in the air. Nonganggat was brought into the air and hit the Insect Saint's body heavily——

boom! ! !

An explosion brighter than the sun lit up, and along with the poisonous mist secreted by the Bug Sanctuary, shock waves rose up layer by layer, and the bugs and greenskins were overturned together.


Feeling the grief, indignation and determination of Chu Chu, the giant Okrinosaurus, who only accepted the command of Chu Chu, roared, opened its mouth big enough to swallow a tank, charged and bit an insect saint directly!

The giant insect was knocked over and was crushed under the giant Oklinosaurus. It was trampled wildly with its four legs. Its long and sharp legs stretched out and tore at the body of the giant Oklinosaurus randomly and desperately.

Several green skinned wounds were torn out, another insect saint screamed, plasma attacked again, and the turrets on the giant Oklin dragon turned around and spewed out anger!

The bones were deep enough to be seen, and the scars on the internal organs were scratched out. The heavy dark organs were exposed and hooked out of the long feet of the Insect Saint. The IQ of the giant Oklinosaurus was not high. Soon, during the fight, its feet were fierce Step hard on your own internal organs!

The fatally injured giant Oklinosaurus will not die. This creature is slow enough that before it realizes that it is dead, it will be difficult for this giant beast to fall, and it will only continue to charge in the dull pain.

Soon, the giant Oaklin turned its head and rushed towards the Insect Saint who was attacking from a distance!

The witches and gargoyles descending from the sky are constantly tearing at the giant beast, but in front of the real giant beast, they are just flies!


"Learned it?"

"Learned it!"

"Hahahahaha! Okay! I admire you, you are awesome!"

Boss Hei smiled and patted Dudu's shoulder. As if he remembered something, Boss Hei casually stretched out his hand, and his hand condensed into a black mushroom.

"Listen to me, kid."

Boss Hei said, throw this little mushroom to the digger.

"You are the boss of the Ministry of Agriculture and the foundation of our empire. Every boy is grown from your land. You don't have to be strong, but the boys grown under you must be strong and WAAAAGGH."

"Understood? Do it well."

Boss Hei said, then opened the door and disappeared into the silent night.


Next to the corpses of the four insect saints, the giant Oaklin dragon that had drained its last drop of blood fell down after a long mournful cry.

The giant insects have been eliminated, but the overwhelming swarm of insects on this planet has not decreased at all!

As far as the eye can see, the last green-skinned boys are struggling.

Diku raised his scythe, and before he could recover from the resonance with the giant Oklinosaurus, it directly opened the door and rushed out of the command room first.

"WAAAAAAAAGH!!! For the black boss, for touching his face!!!"

It slashed with its scythe at the nearest Tyranid warrior.

If Hades taught this greenskin normal Imperial etiquette, if it were a Space Marine,

So now, the mouth of the green-skinned warboss will shout loyalty!

But when it waved its sickle and strode toward its destined burial ground, it would only shout out that one word——



Rapid bright yellow dots lit up in the central hinterland of the green-skinned empire, Hades's eyes lit up, and the first dead warlord appeared.

Hades still remembered that he randomly grabbed a green skin and went to work, that is the green skin.

They are greenskins from the Ministry of Agriculture. They do not have outstanding leadership skills or powerful psychic powers. At the same time, they have seemingly numerous but not sophisticated troops.

This is the bait given to the Tyranids so that all the swarms will willingly step into the heart of the war.

On Hades's waist, a black mushroom was hidden among four pendants of the same material.

"Extermination order."

Hades stared at the constantly updated map and said thoughtfully,

Seven minutes later, forty-two modified cyclone torpedoes buried beneath the crust of the planet, which was almost completely occupied by Tyranids and were being drained of mass, were launched.

The atmosphere burned violently! Forty-two fireballs as dazzling as the sun rose in the heart of the Greenskin Empire.

The Zerg that was greedily chewing on it were immediately swallowed up by the flames.

They screamed and tried to retreat one after another. The fireballs like a sea of ​​stars struggled to fly towards the void, but it was in vain.

On the map, black spreads symbolizing death.

In Hades' hand, silver gravel was slowly dripping from the hourglass.

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