Chapter 583 32. Tyron’s defeat

Absolute greed, forged by the ultimate rationality.

Devour, just for the sake of devouring.

The giant insect screams, and billions of creatures form one. It is watching you with eager eyes, its greedy eyes crossing your neck.

It is the swarm.

The chess players took their positions, and in the shadows, Pluto remained silent, his face sank into darkness, and his chess pieces collided, reborn or disappeared.

He is fighting against a giant insect that is cold enough, rational enough, and big enough. He is fighting against logic, he is fighting against computing power, and he is fighting against an entire race.

The only good news is that the winning conditions are different for both sides.

Hades just wanted them to be buried together in the sea of ​​fire called war——

He creates, He builds, and He protects, only for the final eternal silence!


Forty-two planets lit up the sky, and pure black appeared one after another on the map. The appearance of each black star represented the complete annihilation of a world.

Perhaps Hades and the Inquisitor Kriptman would have something in common when it comes to issuing an extermination order.

Hades's bottom line is extremely simple and clear——

In the Octarius star field, every planet occupied by Tyranids or greenskins can be abandoned, destroyed, and put under the order of extermination.

Everything is just for the final victory. Since humans can no longer use them, let them turn into Death Stars!

Hades would never allow any chance of severely injuring Tyran, and was let go by his own slight hesitation.

Pluto calculated the mass of both parties on each planet. Except for the key planets, he sent an extermination order to every planet with a winning rate of less than 30% and a planet whose Tyran mass was greater than the Greenskin mass.

The bright yellow warning light lit up, and another green-skinned warlord on the first line of defense fell.

For a moment, the seven planets burned slowly and violently, becoming the Death Star in the Octanes star field.

Perhaps Inquisitor Kriptman was too merciful.

Since he has abandoned those planets and sent extermination orders to those planets, why not do it again when the Tyranids are raging?

Hades slowly raised the hourglass in his hand, staring thoughtfully at the sliding gravel.

Only by being more cruel, more rational, and more crazy than the insect swarm can he win this war.

about there,

Hades thought that he could close the battle lines,

He issued orders to the planets located on the second line of defense and notified the fleets to attack.

Next, the Great Devourer will realize that after establishing the victory conditions and the acceptable bottom line, Pluto will do anything in pursuit of the ultimate victory.

Generals have their missions, and soldiers have their missions. It would be dereliction of duty not to fulfill their duties in their positions.

There is only one mission, for the final victory.


Reduce, reduce, reduce—!

Quality is decreasing rapidly!

The nerve nodes flicker, and messages of reduced quality are transmitted layer by layer. This is the only scream of the Great Devourer.

reduce! reduce! reduce! ! !

The Tyranids screamed and struggled to move out of the atmosphere, their biomass sizzling as they were roasted by the flames. Under the extreme heat, their carapace curled up, and their muscles and fat quickly shrank, turned black, and turned to gray.

There is no way to save the Tyranids on these forty-nine planets that are burning up in flames.

The message was transmitted layer by layer among the will of the insect swarm, and it even seemed to be stagnant for a moment. In the face of the huge and tragic failure, all the Tyranids stagnated for a moment.

There's no way around it.

The next moment, the Tyranids who were still fighting on the ground retreated one after another. The Great Devourer already knew what would happen after victory - that is, to accept the extermination order.

On the planets that had accepted the extermination order, the Great Devourer directly cut off the connections of the Tyranids that were still alive on them.

Among them, there are even motherships that have descended into the planet's atmosphere to absorb biomass.

After losing the connection with the insect swarm consciousness, the Tyranids who were roasted by the fire were completely trapped in the struggle of biological instincts. They waved their limbs randomly. However, the fire tongue was ruthless. In the face of real nature, they were nothing more than It's bugs.

The Tyranid fleet began to turn around and try to evacuate the battlefield.


In those star regions that had been swallowed up by Tyranids, the subspace fluctuated violently,

The densely packed bow of the ship rushed out,

That was a greenskin fleet that was far larger in number and better equipped than the Tyranids had encountered before!

One large and one small, the two battle moons slowly drove out of the subspace, respectively blocking the possible retreat path of the Tyranid main fleet.

Ships, countless ships, one, two, three... two hundred and forty-three... one thousand, seven hundred... ten thousand and twenty-three... twenty thousand...

Within these huge fleets, there are also countless huge asteroids that have been swallowed up by the Tyranids. Although there are no traces of green-skinned technology on them, they still look weird and abnormal.

After detecting such a large number of Greenskin fleets, the entire Tyranid fleet stagnated again for a moment.

Because this is simply impossible.


Not consistent with calculations.

Not logical.

Can this green-skinned empire really be large enough to support such a large fleet? In previous observations of green skins, the formation of such a fleet requires a territory at least two to three times larger than this.

Even if the Great Devourer had detected the Greenskins' use of psychic powers to increase productivity, it would have been a drop in the bucket for such a massive mass.


From the Tyran fleet stagnant in the void, hundreds of small frigates suddenly flew out. These frigates were extremely fast and flew towards the star area behind the fleet.

After passing through one or two seemingly normal galaxies, the Tyranids detected scenes that made them despair - if such information could be called despair.

They saw planets that were almost in a semi-abandoned stage, and the entire planet's resources had been violently swept away.

In the hinterland of this green empire, most of the galaxies have not been built at all! There is no defensive base at all - there is only land that has been squeezed to the limit, and large areas of abandoned mines!

The Great Devourers were deceived by the planets with complete defense systems and fierce resistance in the early stage! ! !

In order to deceive them, the opponent even pretended to be the star area where two warlords were stationed, just to make the Tyranids believe that this was an ordinary green-skinned empire!

But this is not the case at all!

In other words, the Underworld Empire invested all its resources in more than half of its territory into fleet construction - just to block the Tyranids in this star field!

The Great Devourer's fleet was silent, and the biological tentacles continued to send back information about the approaching enemy ships. According to the previous battle loss ratio, and according to the current mass ratio of both sides, and on the premise that a large amount of biomass had just been lost,

Fighting with this greenskin fleet is obviously completely worthless.

After a brief hesitation, Tyran changed direction and tried to continue attacking the planet that had just retreated.

There are still at least a dozen galaxies, and in order to deceive the Tyranids, they still appear to be plentiful with resources.


Reality is always extremely cruel.

More than ten hours later, the planet that was besieged by the Tyranids' concentrated army and was about to be captured once again lit up with that terrifying light of fire. Cyclone torpedoes were fired one after another, and one planet after another fell into a sea of ​​blazing fire.

The Tyranids also tried to send fleets to planets that looked desolate but could still be used according to Tyran standards. However, what made the Tyranids feel even more desperate was that they had no chance of winning -

Once the Tyranids release their cabins and try to drop troops on these planets, the upper atmosphere of the planet will be ignited immediately! ! !

The Zerg that had not yet reached the earth were immediately reduced to nothing in the flames that filled the sky.

This means that no matter how we fight next, this insect swarm will only continue to lose quality! ! !

This is Hades's plan.

Looking at the planets plunged into darkness, Pluto’s lips curled up,

The Great Devourer and Tyranids, no matter how calculated this war machine is, it only chooses the plan with the highest winning rate based on the existing experience and data.

Then Hades gave it a special case.

Perhaps in the data of the Great Devourer, such a crazy race does not exist at all. The development of the entire race is just for a war against the Great Devourer that will hurt both sides.

It does not seek racial construction or racial development. It is even different from the Tyranids who rely on war to support war. The Hades Empire develops purely for the purpose of destroying them.

If we follow the Tyranids' thinking, this huge green-skinned fleet should directly conquer other planets instead of encircling and suppressing them——

In this way, both sides will only suffer losses and eventually perish, which is completely inconsistent with the development laws of the race.

This is an empire that has no future at all.

This is an empire that only wants war and destruction!

The consciousness of the insect swarm collapsed at this moment.

The group consciousness disappeared and they immediately dispersed.

Hades couldn't help laughing. He watched the swarm fleet on the map being torn apart. After realizing that it was destined to lose too much mass, the Tyranids would choose to flee in order to survive.

It is worthy of being a race that only seeks development and engulfment.

Faced with this situation, even if you fight to the death, you may still be able to survive. Even if the winning rate is not too low, you will simply choose to disperse and escape.

Just because for the Tyrans, they will only choose the path with the least mass loss.

Glory, kingdom, survival... For the Tyranids, only quality exists!

This is why bugs are so hard to catch.

Hades sneered,



Hades thought that it was impossible to let them escape - give him a fucking fight!

What he promised the greenskins was a huge WAAAAAGH! ! !

The small battle moon is covered with countless strange sacrificial patterns. The battle moon is flashing with a faint green light at the moment. Countless Mage boys are calculating and praying towards the subspace for a response.

Countless coordinates were calculated and immediately sent to the nearest Greenskin fleet. Three warlords stood at the bow of the ship and led their fleets to immediately encircle and suppress the Tyranid fleet that was trying to disperse.

Leviathan, the countless small tentacles split off from this huge tentacle, almost just sailed out of one or two galaxies, and they were immediately besieged by the cheering greenskins.

The scattered Tyranid fleet was no longer the enemy of the greenskins. For a moment, the flesh and blood of thousands of Tyranids splashed in the void,

What’s even more ridiculous is that because all previous galaxies have been devoured by the Great Devourer and can no longer be used,

This means that if the Tyranids really want to escape from this star field, their fleet size cannot be reduced too much.

Because their remaining biomass must ensure that they sail out of this star field and be able to defeat the planet at the end of their sailing distance.

At this time, the Tyranids really tasted the pain. They plundered every planet, leaving no chance for the planet to recover——

This also means that once they are forced to retreat and re-take the path that the Tyranids took before, these Tyranids will not be able to obtain supplies again!

Previously, in order to ensure the destruction of the Greenskin Empire, this greedy Tyranid fleet devoured every planet they captured on the map as much as possible.

You will suffer the consequences!


The greenskins roared in counterattack, and the beast-headed ships rushed into the Tyranids' fleeing fleet.

Hades sneered and looked at the map. On the map, countless small signs of the fall of the Tyranid fleet were popping up like mushrooms after rain.

He waited patiently. This would never be the end. He was fighting a race that was rational and had no bottom line. Once he realized that one path was not working, the Tyranids would immediately switch to another.

Hades carefully directed the greenskin fleet to encircle Tyranids, not too few, not too many, not leaving behind every tentacle, and not destroying enough of them in a short time -

He needed this Tyranid fleet to regroup.

Hades waited slowly, firstly because they might not be able to completely clear out the scattered Tyranid fleet.

The second is because...for Hades, there is more than one real enemy.

Either to eliminate the greenskins, or to fulfill his promise of leading the greenskins to WAAAGH, Hades must reunite the Tyranid fleet.

Hades fiddled with the hourglass in his hand, and the gravel fell rapidly, even though there was still a considerable accumulation on the top.

Three Terran Standard Hours later, the Tyranid fleet was observed to regroup.

Huge chunks of flesh and blood scattered across the starry sky, the engines of the green-skinned ships roared, and almost every ship was stained with Tyranid blood and acid.

Hades was silent as he waited. Even after the massacre just now, the power gathered by this Tyranid fleet should not be underestimated - they still had the possibility of fighting the greenskin fleet and even winning.

Even with two battle moons, it would be very difficult to defeat this Tyranid fleet with all its might.

However, for the Tyranids, this will mean paying a heavy price.

The current situation, as far as these Tyranid tentacles are concerned, they have failed. No matter how they choose, how they fight, or even win, the gains outweigh the losses.

Perhaps, for the Tyranids, this is the true sense of failure.

Previously, the Tyranids would gain mass even if they lost, and as long as the mass gained was greater than the waste, it was a victory.

The Tyranids' simple escape and retreat mechanism can also stop losses in time, but only lose a small branch.

But now, the entire Leviathan may be destroyed here!

This is a painful enough price. The mass they previously swallowed in Octarius will be spit out, and even the mass they own will turn into flames in the void.

It's just mass, let the flames convert the mass into energy that lights up the galaxy! Spend it generously and it will all turn into ashes!

This is Pluto’s chess game.

This is also a glory that only the green-skin empire can accomplish.

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