Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 584 33 He’s coming, it’s coming

Chapter 584 33. He’s coming, it’s coming

"They're coming soon."

In the command room of Battle Moon, Blake Butcher said in a muffled voice. On the other side of the projection communication, Magnus waved his hand exaggeratedly,

The original body blinked his one eye and looked at the huge shadow of the insect swarm in the distance. The reassembled Tyranid fleet was still huge, enough to fight a fierce battle with the Greenskin Empire.

After all, their goal of victory is to destroy every Tyranid and every Greenskin.

In every subsequent battle, the Tyranids will not get the biomass they want. For the Tyranids, they are just fighting a losing war.

What a luxury,

The original body secretly smacked his tongue. The price of "victory" was that most of the planets in the Octarius star field were completely abandoned, but he had no position to blame Hades.

[I know this very well, little Ogryn, you should believe in the great Magnus. If you fail, I will take you away - I forgive you for the sins you committed because of your short-sightedness. 】

"No," Black said, his voice rarely without that disgusting green accent.

Magnus despised this act of self-degradation, and he persisted in using strict High Gothic, so that now the higher-ranking Magnus boys all speak gorgeous High Gothic.

Although Hades stared at Magnus for five minutes after meeting the Mag boy who spoke High Gothic for the first time, which sent shivers down Magnus' spine.

"Not Talon,"

The son of Hades said word by word,

"Reinforcements, at least the Sons of Pluto, are coming. They are in this star field."

Magnus, who was standing sideways, listening to Black's words and instructing his wizard boys, suddenly froze.

[Wait-what? ! 】

Magnus raised his voice, and the red giant almost squeezed out of the communication.

[The empire has sent reinforcements, now? ! Have you contacted the Empire? ! 】

Black paused hesitantly for a moment. Under the urgent and almost angry gaze of the original body, Mingzi nodded and pointed at himself.

"I felt the closeness of my comrades,"

The warrior said lowly, "My blood tells me so."

[Did the Ogryn feel them too? 】

Blake paused again, then shook his head.

The son of Hades said with difficulty,

"I thought the father of genes would notice, but I realized that the connection between me and my comrades was a resonance from the soul."

The implication is that Hades has no wonderful subspace resonance at all.

Magnus wanted to refute something, but the psionic primarch turned around in a circle and finally decided that Black was right.

Magnus smoothed his long hair, frowned and spoke,

[You didn’t report this to him? 】

Blake shook his head again,

"This is just a feeling," Mingzi said. "I will not report it until I collect enough information to prove that this is a fact."

[What about the information? 】


The original body continued to press, [Let me make a simple inference, is it just your increasingly restless soul? 】


Blake nodded slowly, slowly, almost solidly.

"I thought it was a backlash from the greenskin's stance."

Magnus sighed loudly,

[Later you found that your own hypothesis was not convincing at all? In the same vein - the negative psychic Ogryn never believed in the certain feelings he gave him. This was a sign, a precursor to a volcanic eruption. It was not about fatigue, nor was it just about subspace. Everyone No one should ignore the warnings given to them by their hearts, why do you...]

The Red Primarch published a series of lengthy tracts about psionic power, most of which were personal complaints and prejudices.

Blake expertly cleared his mind and fell into a meditative state.

He felt the beating of his own heart. It was close, very close. The blood flowing in his veins told him that perhaps the other sons of Pluto were very close to him.



Kirkland shouted, and the Mecha ax raised with both hands struck heavily on the struggling green skin, blood and flesh flying, the green skin under him screamed, and the mechanical sage struck down one ax after another. , almost mincing this poor green skin into pulp.

Beside him, Jin, the huge mechanical behemoth, slowly stepped out. Next to Jin was Buzi, who was wearing black armor. Together, they looked at the burning nest in the distance.

"That warlord is very intelligent," Jin said. "I have never seen such an intelligent green-skinned individual."

Buzz raised his eyes. After figuring out the composition of the human empire's army, the Bonecrusher dragged the war to the extremely densely populated hive world instead of into the starry sky.

Their soldiers were indeed insufficient. The Sons of Hades were already known for their small number of soldiers, and Faos, who was imprisoned at the Maelstrom, had even fewer manpower.

If troops from the world around Octalius were forcibly recruited, Buz mused, infantry of varying quality would instead further drag the war into the abyss, playing into the enemy's hands.

"It all exploded!"

Kirkland shouted, dragging the too-large Mecha-Dax with both hands, and walked over. The red robe could be said to be stained red with blood.

"Our fleet can completely break through 95.6% of air defenses?! Why continue to waste time?"

"The Bone Crusher occupies the hub planet,"

Buzz said succinctly,

"We need this planet to defend against the Tyranids that may come next, as well as the people here. We can no longer impose an extermination order on a planet where billions of people still exist... There are too many things to consider. No war is just based on The total destruction of the enemy is the criterion for victory.”

Kirkland sneered. He simply sat on the ground with his ax propped up.

"Then just do it?"

"What I need to remind you is,"

Kirkland said grimly,

"Has it been exactly fifty-three standard Terran days since you made such an impassioned statement about finding Hades?"

":D Losers have no right to discuss, Kirkland."

Jin interrupted mercilessly, but Buz was thinking a little. He subconsciously frowned and pondered,

In fact, the brothers of the son of Hades also expressed their dissatisfaction to him tactfully.

The Sons of Pluto internally believed that Buzz was not very enthusiastic about finding the Gene Father.

The specific way they expressed their dissatisfaction was that the cafeteria would never serve Buz's meals.

Even if he asked servants to deliver it, only empty bowls would arrive in the end.

Fortunately, Buz can go to Jin's place to eat.

Buz had not experienced this simple and straightforward method of communication for a long time, and it was still the simplicity of the brothers who were the sons of Hades.

"Maybe Pluto doesn't want us to be too public, and your previous plan will be exposed instead. This is like telling the aliens that there are existences in this star field that are very important to the empire,"

Buzz thought and said,

According to their hypothesis, after realizing the current situation, Pluto’s most likely approach is to hide on a certain planet with the surviving Pluto Black.

Although the forces of Tyranids and Orcs are fierce, the Star Territory is so vast that if they keep a low profile, with Pluto's ability, it will not be a problem to protect themselves and others.

But for them, this means that it becomes more difficult to find Pluto.

Even though the Plutos have begun to try to receive radio waves in various frequency bands, all the radio waves are "waaagh!" and there is no message from Pluto at all.

If you go deep into the star field and search carefully, it means that you are destined to encounter the forces of Tyranids or Orcs.

If this is the case, access routes from the rear must remain clear and unobstructed, and the Bonecrusher must not be left alone.


Bonebreaker deliberately dragged the battle into the complex terrain of the hive city, using civilians as bait in an attempt to disperse the empire's forces. It was very difficult to deal with Mingzi and Faos when they were short of manpower.

They have tried to penetrate deep into the hive dozens of times, but the results every time have been unsatisfactory.

What's more, there seems to be some kind of mysterious weapon on the Bonecrusher's side, and Buzz is afraid of using it.

After all, there may be a tough battle after this, so we should conserve our strength now.

Buz mused, this is indeed a very difficult situation,

Next to the two sages who were mocking each other, the communication channel of the Son of Hades sounded. Buz's eyes lit up. The former imperial regent hummed a few times, and the gloom on his face quickly faded a lot.

"Reinforcements are coming,"

Facing Jin's "?" question, Butz quickly said,

"Not from Terra,"

A rare smile appeared on the face of the son of Hades,

"The Bonecrusher's old rival, Commissar Yarrick, is here. I think he may be able to provide us with sufficient experience in how to fight the greenskins."

"Well, yes, yes," Buz said, while answering the communication on the other side of the channel, "Third Area T5, the order passed, let the distinguished guests come over."

Five minutes later, a small dot appeared faintly in the vast sky, and the engine behind the shuttle spewed hot air.

Buzz turned off the communication and said with emotion,

"I have investigated the history of Bonecrusher and unexpectedly discovered that this hero, Commissar Yarrick, foiled Bonecrusher's plans countless times on the Second Battle of Armageddon. With a small number of troops, he defeated This green-skinned force is firmly on Armageddon."

Buz sighed,

"Based on his age, the political commissar was probably very old, so I didn't take the initiative to disturb him. Unexpectedly..."

Buzz's eyes moved, and the slowly enlarging shape of the fighter plane was reflected in his pupils.

"He asked himself to follow the Bone Crusher."

The fighter plane landed in front of them, dust was flying, the hatch opened, and a slightly stooped figure appeared in the dust and mist.

The hem of the political commissar's uniform was fluttering, and the man in the dust and fog pressed the brim of his hat. One hand turned out to be the mechanical claw used by the greenskins.

A smile appeared on Buzz's lips, and he made a simple eagle salute to welcome this new visitor.

Immediately afterwards, Buz put down his hand and eagerly went to greet Alec.

King and Kirkland stood aside, watching Buzz in silence.

"Why is he acting so...excited?"

Kirkland stared at Buzz's back and asked,

Jin Ze nodded thoughtfully,

"Cherish talent."

"Or," Jin Dian commented, "the sympathy between heroes."


"he came."

Bonebreaker said angrily,

"Old Paoyan, there's no mistake, it's him."

Under the throne, the mad doctor scratched his head and turned to look at the Bone Crusher.

"What are you doing here, Old Paoyan? Aren't you guarding your nest?"

"He came to destroy me."

Bonebreaker whispered, "I know that you will never give up until I fight him out."

The huge green skin slowly stood up, and every piece of metal on its body creaked as it moved. Shadows were cast down, and an undeniable sense of oppression filled the palace.

"But I'm very different from before,"

"I no longer bother to fight with him!!!"

Many greenskins gasped, but Bonebreaker continued to speak firmly,

"I have become more waaagh, closer to Brother Brother Mao. My goal will be a big waaagh that will cause the fall of Xinghai, not a small fight with Xiao Xiami."

"I will fulfill Brother Gang Mao's instructions, kill the big black monster, lead our brothers, WAAAAGH up!!!"


The Bonebreaker roared, and the beasts roared with him,

Old Paoyan, is he still here...

Bonecrusher thought that it would no longer be obsessed with Armageddon! Its goal is no longer satisfied with defeating its previous enemies, it will devote itself to a more grand battlefield! ! ! The first step is the death of the big black monster!

And the old cannon holes will only be the old cannon holes.

And the Bone Crusher, after experiencing the blessing of Brother Goge Mao, is no longer what it was before! It will WAAAAAAAGH up! ! !

An eerie red light shone in front of the Bonecrusher, and in front of the green-skinned warlord, a Necron-style prismatic building was running silently.

Bonecrusher narrowed its eyes and stared at the burning giant trapped in the green rice dumpling——

It's called, it's called Lao Shi Zixing Shen, and this will be their only chance to defeat the big black monster.

A piece of broken golden silk satin was mixed with the flames of the burner's screams, and disappeared in an instant.

…You’re going to start a big waaaaagh…

Xu Xu whispered, and the Bonecrusher sat down and continued to ponder its grand expedition plan.

...It is about to weaken...quickly...quickly go...

It will kill the big black monster first and then activate its WAAAAAAAGH! ! !


[You don’t plan to tell him this? ! 】

"...I'm not sure if this is just my imagination."

Blake said hesitantly,

"With just a few words, we couldn't convince him, he wouldn't believe it."

The son of Hades said calmly, "And he has been under too much pressure recently."

Magnus circled around and cursed a few more times, and finally, the original body said helplessly and angrily,

[Okay, okay, little boy, you're right. 】

[But have you ever thought about it, if the empire saw it——]

Magnus opened his arms and took in all the orderly greenskin society around him.

[This, what will they do with all this? 】

[You are a person of this era, Black. You know what the current crazy state of the human empire has become——

If they see that Ogryn hooking up with the greenskins, no matter how tolerant the inquisitor is, he will immediately declare Hades to be a heretic! 】

"The ones coming may not necessarily be from the Terran side,"

Blake responded dully,

"If it were the Sons of Hades, or the Death Guard, they would stop Terra's people."

[Can the son of Hades or the Death Guard accept the fact of seeing an green Ogryn? 】

Blake fell into a deep silence.

After a long time, a voice came silently from the black helmet,


Magnus took a deep breath. If the Tyranids' main fleet hadn't been rushing over, he would have really wanted to scold these Ogryns, one big and one small, for being unreliable!

[After this battle is over,]

Magnus said,

[Tell him your confusion and feelings, Black - it's up to him to decide whether to believe it or not. 】

[I think,] Magnus raised his voice, [I think he would at least believe—]

The original body thought of Hades again, looking weak and depressed, working overtime continuously, and keeping strangers away.

【--you. 】

His voice fell silently again.

"……you are right."

Blake said dully, seeming to feel a little better about the impending battle.

In the communication projection, Blake picked up the axe,

"Prosperous military fortune, my lord."

Great. No more!

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