Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 585 34 Love and hate are clear

Chapter 585 34. Love and hate are clear

"you say,"

Blake's fighting senior, Cobb, son of Hades, was staring at Blake with piercing eyes. His gaze reminded Blake of some kind of dangerous and unstable canine beast.

"Would you like nutritious porridge or roasted mushrooms tonight?"

Blake, who was secretly nervous, breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Cobb, who had finished his political literacy class, was going to make a long speech again. He was really not good at discussing these things.

Blake thought for a while,

“…roasted mushrooms.”

"I decided to eat them all."

Cobb said seriously,

"Although that annoying sage says Pluto likes nutritious porridge - grilled mushrooms aren't a bad idea either."


Blake realized that this was the prelude before Cobb was about to carry out some kind of fantastic idea. Compared to Blake, his battle brothers all had their own unique views on politics.

Blake continued to walk down the corridor in silence,

The battle brothers who had finished training with him were noisily walking towards the cafeteria, so this corridor was now very noisy, very noisy.

The atmosphere is completely different from other battle groups.

Black could feel Cobb scratching his head inadvertently, which was a sign of his embarrassment.

Cobb could have joined those small groups that were actively discussing, but in order to integrate Black into the circle of battle brothers, the senior who captured Black into the Sons of Hades insisted on talking to Black.

Cobb seemed apologetic for Blake's incompatibility, and more than once he made insinuations about whether Blake had something on his mind——

Did he still have an old mother and young children at home? Or, on that bleak afternoon when Cobb grabbed Black and carried him on the boat, was Black preparing to confess his love to the girl he loved and spend the rest of his life together?

Blake's response was to seriously shake his head, neither.

He was just on a routine hunt to fill his stomach,

Before that, he had been living alone in the wilderness outside the hive for a long time, so long that he couldn't even remember when he was alone.

Then a ship came from the horizon, and a giant came down from it. The giant looked at him, picked him up, and left.

He didn't resist because he didn't feel any malice.

Cobb's recollection of this is that the kid was frightened.

After confirming that Black had no residual problems from the past, Cobb began to harass Kim again - he believed that Black might have used the wrong seed during the surgery, or was held by the wrong legion.

Kim responded by checking the surgical records and kicking the man out of the lab.

"Blake? Blake?"

Cobb's voice brought Blake back from his thoughts. Blake looked at a similar scene in the corridor. In two minutes, they would arrive at the cafeteria.


Black responded briefly to Cobb, and then Cobb asked the question,

"Black, what do you think of the Son of Hades?"

Blake's eyes swept over the crowd without trace. The crowd was still as noisy as before, but the new blood had noticed the subtle ups and downs in the atmosphere, and the other warriors pricked up their ears.

Perhaps only the son of Pluto would ask a question like this to a new blood,

"very good."

Blake answered dully matter-of-factly.

His fighting senior frowned, stroking the beard on his chin, and patted Black on the shoulder, seeming to determine whether what Black said was true or false.

"You don't have resistance training?"

Blake shook his head;

"I take every game seriously."

Cobb took a breath,

"That's true..." and "Aren't you lazy..." appeared alternately in his mouth, and the other sons of Pluto also murmured in small voices,

In just five seconds, through the sons of Hades around him, Blake heard at least three ways to be lazy in training.

Blake was used to it.

Cobb thought about his beard again, scratching his big beard while staring at Black and thinking,

"Black, if you feel uncomfortable, just say, it really doesn't work. The Chapter also has connections to put you in the Chapter you like. If you don't like the Chapter and like the Imperial Fist or something, we can also try I'll ask you - look, that guy in front of you, yes! He saved an Imperial Fist Captain, and I have connections with your brother."

Blake shook his head seriously again and said frankly,

"The Sons of Hades Chapter is very good, I hope to stay here,"

Black said that in order to dispel Cobb's various strange thoughts, Black thought for a while and specially added the second half of the sentence,

"Brother, do you think I shouldn't stay in the Son of Hades?"

Now the eavesdropping crowd stopped pretending and were in an uproar.

"Hey! No! You slandered me with your empty words!!!"

Cobb immediately started to jump up and down to explain, and then there was no need for him to use his brain to say anything. Blake cleared his mind and the nutritional porridge was at the first window.

Until they started eating, Cobb was still talking endlessly, and Blake drank his porridge without saying a word, and most of the words were missed by his empty brain.

"Maybe you need an experience of your own to find your own rhythm,"

Cobb said seriously,

"Well, I understand, you need some passion in your life. Blake, let's do this. After dinner, I will go to the oil man to apply for a new round of destiny investment for you. Don't worry, our eight groups have enough people. , If it’s not enough, I will use my connections for you. Don’t worry, the group will definitely vote for you to enter the finals.”

Seven days later, Blake was launched.

Blake was speechless.

In fact, he usually doesn't have much to say.

"It's really a hearty education."

Cobb sat on the ruins of the hive city, smoking a pipe the size of a Space Marine. The resting and vigilant underworld men around him teased him. Cobb did not show any weakness, took a puff, retorted, and then Blow the chimney,

"Anyway, that boy is the first to see my lord,"

Cobb said happily,

"Hey! When one person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven! When the time comes, I will fool Black for a few words, and then I will go to see Hades as the person who introduces this boy to the war group. No one can stop him."

"What a beautiful thought! Cigarette basket! That guy with no mouth can't hit a fart with three punches. You still want him to say a few words for you? Have you forgotten that you were worried about your beard in order to get this boring gourd to speak? Falling to the ground?”

"That's called personality!"

Cobb raised his voice,

"This guy Blake has been smart since he was a child. What do you know? Those who make big things happen don't talk lightly!"

The other sons of Pluto laughed one after another. Cobo paused, blew his beard and stared, and started to refute again, but the other sons of Hades just laughed. In the end, Cobo couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

"Oh, anyway, in the end it was our eight groups who took over the responsibility of following the dragon. How can we make a fortune?" Cobb said, knocking on the chimney, picking up the remaining tobacco and putting it away. He put away the chimney and stood up. There was a message on the channel. Here comes the order, you can continue to push in.

"Let those idiots from Group 7 be envious,"

Cobb said, "If you tell them to occupy seven, the dogs will bark every day!"

Team 8 leader Cobb stood up and with a simple gesture, the surrounding soldiers immediately stopped joking.

After receiving the order from the team leader, the technical sergeant who was operating the unmanned vehicle started data transmission. The 3D data of the hive road he had discovered was transmitted to the helmet.

This operation was in conjunction with the Chapter's final outflank mission against the Bonecrushers.



It's going to explode.

thought Black, as he sprinted across the rugged surface of the Battle Moon with his great ax in hand.

He deliberately lowered the magnetic force of the helmet and boots, and relying on the smaller gravitational pull of the battle moon, Blake almost ran as fast as a leap.

Outside the thin atmosphere is the dark starry sky. Now, the starry sky is burning fiercely. There are more Tyranid living ships than the stars.

The greenskin and Tyranid fleets are almost completely intertwined, regardless of you and me.

The ferocious flesh-and-blood monster was burning, passing through the line of sight at high speed, and slammed into the greenskins' battle moon.

The Tyranids have gone absolutely crazy.

The heavy ax simply drew a silver line in the hand, and cut off a tyrant with teeth and claws as light as a swallow. Extremely acidic mucus splashed out, and the armor that was stained made a hissing sound of corrosion.

Blake landed like a glider. He tried to find the surviving green-skinned boys, but he failed. The Tyranids' suicidal first wave of charges almost wiped out all the special green-skinned boys.

Countless insects rushed towards him from the sky, the ground, and the ground. Blake refused to accept any comer. The battle ax in his hand was like a part of his body, a continuation of his will.

For Hades!

Blake thought about charging among the insect swarms like a sprinting war horse, and the chitin-wrapped limbs splashed up. Due to the smaller gravity, they slowly slid through the air, forming a cluster of blooming limbs.

He felt the earth tremble, and in the distance, the long-legged Tyranids, which were more twisted and more bizarre than the Insect Saint, hit the battle moon, and then were teased by the moving mountains of the battle moon, stumbling and roaring.

A harsh high-frequency scream pierced the atmosphere, and Blake felt blood flowing from his ears.

Maybe being deaf wouldn't be such a bad thing, Black thought, so he wouldn't have to listen to his battle brothers' annoyance.

But he realized in an instant that he could no longer hear Pluto's instructions to him, so Black gave up the idea just now.

He concentrated on fighting with the Tyranids. Now there was no need for any tactics. The Tyranids and the greenskins stood on the ring together, facing each other with swords.

What made Black uneasy was that the Tyranids were no longer the ones he was familiar with. The Tyranids were changing rapidly.

The bugs are becoming more aggressive and crazy, and their mortality rate is increasing crazily. Some individuals don't even look like creatures that can survive for a long time. Let them stay quietly for an hour or two, and maybe they will. Die directly.

After realizing Pluto's plan, and realizing that no matter how they proceed to the next step, they will enter a dead end, the Tyranids went completely crazy.

They threw all their mass into the war, misguidedly, and Black realized that even though they had weakened the Tyranids many times, there were still too many of them,

The solid hard shell collided with the battle ax, making a loud metal collision sound.

In fact, Mingzi's command class taught that when outflanking an opponent who still has strength, try to leave a gap that looks like a way out, so that the opponent will not fight to the death.

Then use various methods to weaken and finally destroy the enemy.

But now, this huge Tyranid fleet is obviously a cornered beast.

Black heard scattered waaagh sounds, maybe Hades was fulfilling the wishes of the greenskins...

At the end of his sight, a bright star exploded, and the aftermath spread out like butterfly wings. Blake suddenly heard a huge waaagh sound.

Light green light waves spread across the Milky Way, and the densely packed insects that besieged the planet were washed away.

The battle moon Magnus was on exploded! ! !

Black frowned almost subconsciously. He now fully agreed with the Gene Father's point of view, that is, psykers were unreliable.

He gritted his teeth and blocked the scythe of the violent beast with an axe. The noise in the communication channel was deafening.


He roared angrily, but there was only endless noise in the private channel,

Blake jumped up and jumped over the tyrannical beast that had lost one of its legs.


[Be respectful, kid! ! ! 】

The roar of the original body sounded, and Black breathed a sigh of relief.

"You were defeated too quickly! - You didn't even ignite the battle moon as planned! The Tyranids will absorb that mass!!!"

【At least I'm still alive! Your Majesty! The Tyranids have evolved anti-psionic units! ! ! There was no warning at all, it was an entire anti-psionic fleet—I, I didn’t even have time to rescue Archimedes! 】

The Battle Moon led by Magnus is a purely psychic unit. Even the formation of the moon was held together by the power of my thoughts.

Blake took a deep breath angrily, and blood streaked across his throat.

"Dear Primarch, Archimedes is a fucking greenskin!!! Before he met you, he was even called Archimedes!!!"

[Be respectful! Little boy! If only your damn father hadn't been here...but it just saved me! It blocked those attacks! ! ! ——Oh, my God, this is so——】

The channel went on intermittently, and the person on the other side was probably Magnus muttering to himself in wonder,

"Lord Magnus, I don't think your heir would want to be on the same level as a greenskin."

Blake struck another ax and struck the Tyrannosaur's head hard, twisted his wrist, and said almost through gritted teeth,

【Of course! ! ! 】

The primarch suddenly screamed,

[This is only research on alien races! ——Blake, haven’t you ever had other thoughts? ! 】

Black held the ax in his hand without any hesitation. He thought of Bakuzi, who happily brought him his specific food every meal time; he thought of Awa who had just blocked a blow for him and turned into spores in the sky; and other things. The green-skinned, cautious and sincere followers of the Black Butcher's inspection team...

But this is not enough, far from it.

Small favors cannot change the great meaning.


Blake yelled, his voice being buried in the roars of the Tyranids,

"I promised them a WAAAGH!!! I did it!!! Learned Primarch - do you really think that what you are happy to see is what the greenskins want?!"

"They will only die in war! The peace in daily life is just a facade!!!"

He still wanted to live, return to the Son of Hades with honor and integrity, and give Cobb and everyone who voted for him an axe.

They threw him out, so Black was going to give them each an ax in return.

They lead him to Hades, so Black decides to hack them with the moves Hades taught him.

"Don't you try to hide the greenskins! Heretics!!!"

Black roared angrily, but Magnus did not respond to him. The Zerg Titan in the distance moved crazily, and the next moment, the soil under his feet began to collapse.


"Ah sneeze!!!"

Buz turned his head and glanced at the broken warehouse at the bottom of the hive. The Human Empire army had completely occupied the place.

"Cobb, please smoke less."

Buz said casually, and Cobb, who was holding his gun on guard, responded guiltily,

Then Buzz turned around and went to ask Yarrick who was standing in front of the abandoned green leather throne.

"It escaped..."

Yarrick whispered, "No, Bonecrusher is not such a greenskin."

"what do you mean?"

Buz asked. He leaned down and tried not to look down at the person. Alex frowned and coughed a few times.

"Sir, please don't call me that. I'm just a little political commissar."

"This is my freedom," Buzz said. "It's because of you that this war went so smoothly."

Yaric almost predicted every corner where the Bonecrusher would lay down his ambush. In the complex structure of the nest, Buzz watched in amazement as Yaric and the Bonecrusher fought for the territory inch by inch. Everywhere They all have mysteries, and the political commissar reveals his tricks as smoothly as breathing,

Even if it were any other strategist, they would probably suffer in front of the Bonecrusher.

"No need to say hello," Buzz raised his hand in time and smiled in a friendly manner, "We are in a hurry now, so please just tell us your conclusion."

Alec swallowed down the modesty that had just reached his lips. He was indeed not one of those complimentary people. His eyes were deep under the brim of his hat. Alec thought for a moment and then spoke,

"The Bonecrusher is in a hurry. There is something in this star field that is attracting it - I think this may be related to the expedition it hopes to launch."

The old political commissar saw that Buz's expression changed slightly, but Buz did not reveal anything. After that, the imperial regent continued to politely ask the old political commissar about the layout of other wars.


"Kim, how's it going?"

After seeing off the other personnel, Buzz asked,

In the shadow, Jin's huge figure slowly appeared,

"The probability of 67.9% is the Burner," said the Mechanical Sage, "but there are remnants of other Star Gods. I can no longer identify them. That existence is more hidden, or in other words, cunning."

Buzz pondered,

"Can our current troops defeat the Star God?"

Jin spread his hands,

"The person who has studied the Star God the most is Faos. I asked Kirkland, and his answer was that he can barely fight."

"Star God," Buzz's face was obscured by the shadow of the hive, "I remember that my genetic father has the blood of the Star God flowing in his body?"

Jin nodded,

"According to the information provided by the Forbidden Army, the Lord of Humanity made an extremely bold attempt... but Pluto survived, and this is how the legend came about."

\u0026quot;I've been having a problem,\u0026quot;

Buz continued to whisper, "I know that Pluto's abilities are different from those of all living beings. His original abilities did not include the power of the Star God?"

Jin nodded,

"Actually, Buzz,"

Jin said slowly,

"It is the Star God who has adapted to my Lord, not my Lord who has adapted to the Star God - the Star God will devour all souls, and my Lord has no soul. The answer is that simple. Apart from that, there is no other relationship between them. Adaptability.”

"You mean," Buzz lowered his eyes, "that the fragments of the Star God are attached and can be absorbed?"

Jin looked at Mingzi silently,

"Only Pluto can succeed, and only he can succeed. He has no soul but a strong and non-self-consuming self. He is the only such individual in this galaxy besides the Star God."

Buz was stunned for a moment;

"So similar?"

Jin shook his head again. He thought of those crazy star gods.

"Perhaps Star God's ego is far inferior to his."



In the quiet command room, Hades sat slumped on the soft seat in front of the map. He had never closed his eyes since he started operating. Let Hades think about how long it had been... six months, twenty-three days and seven hours. Zero eight points?

Now... the map is bursting with fire, and the plan has reached the final step, letting the Tyranid and the Greenskins fight - no matter who wins, it is done.

He placed a Primarch, a Black, and three Warlords on the front line. He wouldn't lose badly no matter what, right?

The war was burning fiercely, and Hades had already arranged all the fleets that could be mobilized. Due to the large size of both sides, even if the flames were raging, they would still need to burn for several days and nights.

Staring at the map, Hades' eyelids became heavier and heavier.


Whispers rang in his ears, and Hades decided to take a five-minute nap. After briefly giving instructions to the greenskins standing guard, he let his thoughts sink into the deep sea.

One minute and thirty-four seconds later, in Hades's dream, all the greenskins on the capital of the green-skinned planet fell into eternal silence.

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