Chapter 586 35. Before Chaos

[What does the emperor want? 】

There were many chess pieces, large and small, high and low. Conrad frowned slightly and placed a piece.

Fulgan opposite him immediately followed, and the chess pieces moved faster and faster, like a continuous rainstorm,

[He...] Fulgen was speechless, [I think he will watch, or indirectly intervene in the chess game. You know how cautious he is. 】

【I don't care what He is doing,】

Conrad sneered, and the arm where he placed the chess pieces almost left an afterimage. Unable to break through the defense line, the Bonecrushers began to march toward the hinterland of Octareus at lightning speed.

On the other side, the battle between the Orcs and the Tyranids had just come to an end, and the remains of two huge fleets were floating chaotically in the void, turning into space junk.

[I am asking, is it because of His whim that He watched this matter and intervened in this matter? ! How many things did He play because of His whims? 】

Fulgrim laid down his pieces, the Trickster positioned himself beside the Bonecrusher, the C'tan's power cutting off sight from the Warp.

The lower chessboard was not peaceful either. The gods of the Orcs rushed into the garden, which meant that they could not cast too many eyes on their heirs for the time being.

The strange thing is that the green-skin empire formed by the monsters turned to the gods of the orcs to provide the power to rampage in the garden.

Conrad made a move.

The Eldar danced in the garden, and flames ignited beside the Death Guard. The garden was bustling with activity, and the three rings were intertwined, resenting each other, cursing each other, and twisting each other.

[I think He has something up his sleeve this time. 】

Fulgrim said cautiously, he nodded and looked at the Bonecrusher's troops, which passed through the battlefield of the remaining Tyranids and Greenskins like sharp arrows.

【That is "monster",】

Forgan said,

[This unique existence in the galaxy possesses powerful power, and it is impossible for the emperor not to act. 】

The two greenskin forces met for the first time, and the two Primarchs saw a disagreement between the Bonecrusher and the Deceiver.

It seems that the greenskins of the Hades Empire have provided the Bonebreakers with a channel to reconnect with their gods, and the deceivers are beginning to fall into disadvantage. There is an old saying, never treat an greenskin for a fool,

【He wants...】

Conrad stared unblinkingly at the chess pieces of the Deceiver's fragments. Now his dark eyes could see clearly. He could see very clearly that the Deceiver bore the mark of the Emperor and that a deal had been made between them.

In addition to Tzeentch, there are also beings in this galaxy who like to play with fate and tricks, the Star God Deceiver, the Eldar Laughing God Sigoch, and of course... the Emperor.

But except for the Emperor, their strategies may be far inferior to Tzeentch.

No wonder there are cheater pieces on the chessboard they manipulate. According to common sense, such powerful existences will not be simulated by the chess game. The chess game cannot detect their existence unless they are actively exposed.

…The question is, what exactly was the deal between the emperor and the fraudster? Why do fraudsters go after monsters? What does this have to do with the emperor?

Conrad slowly raised a hand. He compared it to a gun, with distinct knuckles, and pressed it against his forehead.

【The emperor wants...】

The original body made a shooting gesture.

【Kill it? 】

Fulgrim was silent, and the original body seemed to be deep in thought. He looked at the green-skinned planet that was gradually sinking into darkness and eternal silence.

【I am not sure,】

Forgan said,

[For the emperor, this is the last resort. 】

The muscles in the original body's hands twitched slightly uneasily.

【There is another possibility,】

Fulgrim's tone gradually became lower.

[He is the emperor, and the emperor is the superior who uses others as tools. He may want a good sickle now, a...]

Fulgrim swallowed, the Star God can overwrite memories and seize personalities.

[A black sickle that can bring Him death and the end. 】

Conrad stopped talking. After realizing what Malcador might want to do, the Lord of the Night's face turned ugly and terrifying.

【Him? 】

Curze hissed,

[He hopes to drive a nightmare that, as a subspace creature, will give him a lifetime of nightmares just by looking at it? Can He control His instincts? Madman, He won’t...]

Conrad said in disbelief, and then the original body seemed to think of something. Conrad raised his head and chuckled,

[I know,] As if he was about to say something funny, Conrad raised his hand and picked up the treasure chain,

[I know, the Lord of Humanity also drove monsters in the same way back then - He was just repeating -! ! ! 】

Fulgrim sighed and calmly wiped the blood that had splattered on his face.

"By the way," said Fulgrim, "my brother." 】

Fulgrim lowered his eyes. The chessboard had already been stained by the fragments of the original body's exploded internal organs. It was bloody and blurred the chessboard.


"My Lord cannot be reached."

Blake, who had temporarily escaped from the aftermath of the explosion of the Battle Moon, took off his helmet and said with a heartbroken voice,

【Already expected it. 】

The red stone on Blake's waist flashed, and the shadow of Magnus appeared. The original body could finally show his original appearance.

[The aftermath of the explosion affected the radio waves, and the Tyranids' shadows and anti-psionic forces also interfered with psychic communications. The negative psychic Ogryn doesn't have the power to think, so we won't be able to contact him for at least seventeen hours. 】

Blake, who was sitting in the corner and resting, looked even more depressed, with dried blood dripping from his forehead.

There was a huge opening in his breastplate, as if it had been broken open by a giant blade. Blood poured out from the mouth, and was then frozen into ice.

"Please do not do what my Father forbids,"

Black said, "My dear Primarch, otherwise I will cost you my life and destroy you again."

Magnus sneered,

【Just you? ! And - do you think the great Magnus is such an unreasonable being? Don't compare me to that negative psychic Ogryn! 】

Blake stopped talking again, and Magnus let his words hang in the small cabin in embarrassment. The son of Pluto didn't like to talk at all. After the original body paced a few times, in order to save power, he chose to transform into a human again. Stone.

He himself is also very weak now. With an entire Tyranids evolving against him, Magnus believes that even the largest remaining fragment of him will probably become extremely embarrassed.

"The greatest battle is over,"

Outside the ship, countless shipwrecks were floating slowly, and they bumped into the ship from time to time, making bang! A muffled sound.

A battle between Tyranids and greenskins. In the face of the overwhelming numbers and madness, any words and descriptions became pale. The intensity and breadth of the war even directly tore the chain of command from the logical level. In the end, everyone All beings are fighting, trying to pierce the enemy's flesh with anything sharp and hard.

Death slid down like every snowflake in an avalanche. Billions of deaths gathered into a disaster that swallowed the sky. This star field was like the ground where fire rain fell. Bright lights lit up one after another, bringing explosions and death. And the silence after this bright flash.

The chitinous carapace shattered, the ancient giant garbage fell, collapsed into garbage, the Tyranid intestines that produced bioplasma were torn out, and condensed into a lump of ice in the air, and the little bug balls in the acid were thin The ground screamed and turned into a puddle on the ground.

Ignoring his bones groaning in pain, Blake raised his hand and wiped the acid from his hair. The screams of the little bugs still lingered in his ears.

In the final moments before the explosion, the battle moon led by Blake was almost coated in a coating of flesh made from greenskin and tyrann flesh.

This is a grand war, and Black is convinced that it will set off waves in the subspace, about death, about green skins... He doesn't know much.

But even if it is so grand, a war that even affects the fate of other races in the galaxy to a certain extent, passing by its corner, is just a silent mime.

Further away, there is just a dim, twinkling star.

Further away, they were annihilated together in the void, buried in the long darkness.

Blake knew his father would never see him fighting,

Countless bugs, those that Blake knew, those that he didn't recognize, those that were logical and those that were illogical, all fell under his axe.

He would only bring a string of numbers to his father, representing death, victory, and completion of the mission, even if the number of digits on it reached an astonishing length.

But Black knew that his genetic father had participated in wars that were far bigger, more cruel, and more glorious than this.

Magnus Stone sighed,

[I even... maybe I should fulfill the wishes of those greenskins. 】


Blake sat calmly,

"Faced with an existence that will eventually be destroyed, you shouldn't pay too much attention to it."

Black paused.

"Didn't you realize that our Lord has been trying to be indifferent to the individual existence of the greenskins?"

"They were...not in his sight."

The Magnus Stone flashed, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Hades had been waiting for a war that would reduce both sides to ashes, and now, he had his wish.

Black tilted his head slightly and looked through the porthole on the side. The remaining fleets of Tyranids and Greenskins were still fighting each other, and most of them were already in ruins.

But the crisis remains.

During the battle, a Tyranid fleet headed for the capital planet of the Greenskin Empire.

And... just now, Black received a message from the Bonecrusher, who was gathering the remaining greenskins of the Hades Empire.

Because the helmet was completely damaged, and Black could not find a face covering that could completely block the green skin detection for a while, Black was unable to directly come forward to lead the green skins of the Underworld Empire.

And because of his continuous high-intensity fighting, his overstretched body did not allow him to continue working.

But thinking of the army and defense of the Green Skin Empire's capital planet, as well as Pluto's ability, Black believed that neither of these two forces could cause any substantial harm to his genetic father.

This is not the blind confidence of the son of Hades, but Blake's inference after witnessing the battle of Hades.

"Now I have two choices, go to my father,"

Black said,

"Or are you going to join the fleet of the Son of Hades?"

The Magnus Stone flashed,

[Anyone is fine, but are you sure you can explain my existence clearly? I mean, I don't want those brats to be rude to me. 】

Magnus emphasized the last word,


Black was silent for a while. He thought of his fighting seniors who had never listened to his words, and the terrifying Sage Jin. In terms of practical logic, Black might be able to stop the sons of Hades, but if Jin came with them, things would be complicated. Hard to say.

Blake's silence directly acquiesced to Magnus' concerns,

The original body raised his voice, [This is not a multiple-choice question at all, little boy! Although--】

[Although that negative psychic Ogryn is an extremely rubbish person, he is still a guy who is beginning to take on a human form.]

Magnus said, [...I know whether it is good or bad. 】

"Well," said Black, "let's go find Hades."


Things don't seem to be like this.

On the throne, Bonebreaker held his forehead in thought, feeling the blood vessels on his forehead pulsing.

It decisively gave up the opportunity to fight the old cannon eye, just to kill the monster and rescue the heirs of Brother Mao and Brother Go, but...but it shouldn't be like this.

The Bonebreaker pondered, staring at the green-skinned prisoner standing proudly in front of it. This green-skinned prisoner had strong muscles. Even though the fur and armor on its body were riddled with bullet marks and stained with blood, it could still vaguely reveal its sophisticated equipment.

The green-skinned boss stood proudly, scorning the Bonecrusher Warlord with his eyes.

"伱! Outsider!"

The green-skinned boss roared harshly,

"You're too late!!! The super WAAAAAAAGH promised to us by the God of Death and the Black Boss is over!!!"

Bonebreaker exhaled a touch of hot air from his nose,

"You! If only you were sensible!"

The green-skinned boss yelled,

"Put your father and me back! I will die in the WAAAGH with the bugs! My boss, warlord, and I are the hardest to die! Even if this is the aftermath!! I will die here happily!!!"


Bonebreaker suddenly asked, and the green-skinned boss laughed contemptuously,

"He's from Crunch Corner! We have six warlords in our Underworld Empire! Surrender quickly while you still have sense!"

Bonebreaker choked, six warlords? ! Is this really a monster? No monster would bring out six warlords! Let them participate in the big WAAAAAGH happily! ! !

This is a hero!

Bonecrusher blinked his beady eyes, and the green-skinned warlord thought hard, but he didn't find out what the big black monster had done wrong. He was simply the biggest green-skinned philanthropist!


The Bone Crusher was silent, and the scene it saw shocked it deeply. In a daze, the Bone Crusher even thought that it had arrived at the ancient battlefield at the feet of Brother Mao and Brother Go. It was a ship huge enough to swallow up the world. War between ships.

This is simply the embodiment of the great expedition in Bonebreaker's dream!

And all of this was given by that big black monster.'s a monster...kill it...

The Bone Crusher was silent for a long time. It felt that the belief it had always insisted on was collapsing. It gave up the duel with the old cannonball just to launch the abnormal WAAAAGH. But now, when it came here, it found that the WAAAAGH had ended. Got it!

The Bonecrusher was silent, and the dreams that had previously seduced it began to dim, like an old jump.


Bonecrusher slapped the armrest violently,

"I want to go back," Bonebreaker said, "Good boy, we will help your Yamingdi clan fight the remaining bugs."

"Then I want to go back," Bonebreaker said. "Old Cannonball is so old and wrinkled. I want to go back and fight him one last time."

……no no……

Bonecrusher scratched its skull,

"Throw that big green rice dumpling out, I don't like it."

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