Chapter 587 36. Dessert


The Bonecrusher's ships coughed and spat out the dregs of their alien race.

A bit of fire trapped in the green light fell from the starry sky, and the fiercely burning fire light drifted, and bits and pieces of golden silk and satin flashed——

……take me……

The wreckage of the green-skinned ship was mixed with the corpses of the Tyranids. The fire was surging and slowly lit up in the pile of ship corpses.

……take me……

His eyes looked far away at the planet where death and silence spread... The Void Dragon, the Night Holder, and him... The familiar aura lingered around him... This was exactly what he wanted...

……take me……


That is an even more ancient story.

It has been so long that these new races have not yet been born.

So long that the Necron are not yet Necron.

Back then, they were called Necrontyr.

At that time, He was called the Messenger.

Now He is called a Deceiver.

Words are His weapons, love and hatred, joy, anger, anger and ignorance, sweet words dripping with honey, promises that are as strong as love, He creates beautiful illusions, He sprinkles hazy mist, and He watches them fall into madness. .

He dug up hatred, took out the treasure called hatred from the deepest place of consciousness, and ignited the flames for this eternal war.

The Necrontyr began to envy and hate the Old Ones.

He promises glory and pictures an immortal future.

Biotransformation, the Necrophobe abandons his physical body and turns into a metal body.

He is despicable by nature, like a wolf, and instigates his companions to eat their hands and feet.

[You have tasted the soul, my friend...]

The souls of the Necrontyr...the core of these short-lived species.

[Exceptionally delicious? ]

[No, no, no, the real delicacy is not the soul...]

Shining golden silks poured down, and the source of disaster spewed out from His mouth,

[The delicacies are from the same clan, and you and I... our strength comes from them. ]

He made every star god believe that the other star gods are the most delicious existences in the world, far more delicious than stars, and far more intoxicating than souls.

The Star Gods began to fight against each other and devour each other.

However, after losing their souls, the former slaves at their feet turned their guns and aimed at the Star Gods who were fighting against each other.

...Being crushed, imprisoned, and exiled, tens of thousands of years passed by in a blink of an eye.

The kin who devoured each other were either mad or crushed to pieces, sealed to a corner of the galaxy, until everything about the Star Gods was forgotten by the world.

The only intact Star God...the Outer One, but after devouring many Star Gods, he fell into madness amidst the screams of the Star Gods and exiled himself from the galaxy.

Their era has come to an end, along with the dust on the Necron tombs. The gods on the physical side have fallen, and all that remains are rats.

The eternal war came to an end, the ancient saints left, huge waves arose in the subspace, the Octagon of Chaos emerged, and the four subspace gods slowly took their seats.

The greed of subspace began to invade the real universe, but the Star Gods were crushed and imprisoned.

Their time is long gone.



Until that human defeated the fragments of the Void Dragon and imprisoned them in the wilderness of Mars.

The gears of the Ohm Messiah began to turn, and human greed and ambition forged new miracles.

The fragmented He could not and was unable to notice it, but the arrogant Necron threw a part of Him into it——

He saw it.

He wants to touch it.

He wishes to devour it.

He wants to replace it.

The devouring among the Star Gods allows them to acquire the abilities of the devoured ones, and he is looking forward to it.

He expected... so expected... Its greed was so huge, such a wonderful and pure desire, such a special existence... He felt that he was about to make a move, and the beautiful memories of seducing his fellow humans hundreds of millions of years ago emerged. If it … He will effortlessly instigate it to continue feeding, instigate it into madness.

Devour it, devour it, devour it!

Star God has already fallen into the abyss due to appetite.

Even though He is just a piece of imprisoned fragment, He still has infinite time and energy. Every move of the chess pieces, every coaxing, every success, He operates carefully, stirring its dreams, trying to obtain information about it. More information.


Until that warp madman discovered Him.

[Emperor] is coming.

The scarlet robe is decorated with treasures, the crimson velvet cloak hangs to the floor, the gold threads are neatly arranged on the Tourt-style tights, white glazed velvet covers most of the body, red roses and bows are layered, falling on the gold Red and white high-top pearl white leather boots.

In the white gloves with golden tassels, the golden scepter is placed frivolously, and the mysterious subspace incantation is inlaid on it, which is full of brilliance.

A crown is shining brightly.

+Who are you looking for? +

Under the crown and silver hair, a pair of eyes were looking at the Deceiver Fragment with interest.

[Are you looking for him too? ]

The emperor smiled and said nothing, and his gloved hand played with the gem on the top of the scepter.

The deceiver smiled. He is the most adept at playing with people's hearts in the world.

[I can help you... Do you want to find your former subordinate and help him, or do you want...]

[Destroy it? ]

The smile in the emperor's eyes grew.

+I can help you break free from your current constraints. +

The tip of the scepter was raised, pointing towards the undead cage that imprisoned Him.

+Go find it,+Makado said flatly,+Look at it for me. +

+After this, bring it to me... regardless of kernel. +

The emperor raised his eyes slightly. The scepter he pointed at the undead building stopped moving, and the tip drew a slight circle, waiting for the deceiver's answer.

The fraudster smiled.

[Looks like we thought the same thing. ]

They have a tacit understanding of what will happen if the fraudster doesn't agree.

If the fraudster didn't agree...Makado wouldn't just walk away.

The two demigods spent a lot of time testing each other, and finally the deceiver thought that the other party was a fool controlled by the subspace.

The Emperor had no idea what the Star God meant.

After devouring and displacing it, the Deceiver can easily break the oath, something He has always been adept at.

Using language as a chess piece, they reached a consensus. The Emperor helped the Deceiver break free from the prison, and the Deceiver was the first to sense its return. Next... it was His stage.

He will devour it, displace it, take away its physical authority...and make it pay for its former greed.

The golden satin is floating in the galaxy. Because it is the creation of the ancient saint, the Orcs are naturally repelled by him.

That orc...why is his obsession so powerful...

He can't spend too much energy on the Orcs now. He is trying to resonate with the fragments on Pluto and interfere with it.


Looks like I'm going to catch another ride.

The Deceiver waits, his cunning nature ready to take action again.

The Emperor's ideas are empty talk... Does he want the Deceiver to serve Him, or does he want the Deceiver to be consumed by it and then have it serve Him, a Warp being?

Perhaps He simply fell into the madness of authority.

Tyran's scream sounded, thick fleshy tentacles wrapped around him, and the smile on the deceiver's lips deepened.

On the subspace throne, the emperor was silent and arrogantly pondering his scepter.

The Deceiver laughed at Him for not understanding the Star God.

He laughed at Him for not understanding Hades.


"The Bonecrusher is back?"

Buz said in surprise. After the Bonecrusher fleet penetrated deep into the star region, their vanguard ship followed closely behind.

The news coming from within the Octarius sector surprised everyone.

The star area alone where the Orcs and Tyranid fleets sunk has reached an embarrassing level. The void where scrap iron and flesh are suspended... even dyes the stars red when viewed from a distance.

But for the human empire, this may be good news.

This means that the alien races in the Octarius star field have been greatly weakened. Buzz and the political commissar Yaric judged that it was the power of the Orks and Tyranids in the Octarius star field that was greatly reduced, and the Bonebreaker chose Enter the star field immediately.

Buz was silent. His political sense and military intuition told him that the war between the greenskins and the Tyranids, which almost exhausted all their forces, was not simple.

According to Tyran's habits, using all his strength to fight a war of attrition... is ridiculous.

Under Buz's insistence, the advance troops managed to capture some greenskins... However... the words from the aliens' mouths shocked him even more.

Buz still remembered that at that time, he, King, Kirkland, and political commissar Yarrick were watching the green skin in the torture room.

The greenskin said...

"WAAAAAGH!!! Touch his face for Death!!!!"

Buz, who was drinking tea, squirted out a mouthful of water. At that moment, time seemed to slow down extremely. Mingzi only remembered that he knocked down the political commissar Yaric at a not-so-gentle speed, and then immediately ordered to erase this part of the political commissar's memory.

Kirkland's somewhat resentful voice came from the side,

"Didn't you respect him very much just now, the son of Hades?"

Buzz coughed and watched with concern as the medic left with Alex.

Only Jin stared straight at the green-skinned one, the pixels on the sage's face dancing.

After a long time, Jin slowly spoke,

"My lord has taken part in the quarrels of these foreign peoples."

Buz nodded, but a more ominous premonition slowly rose in his heart like a dark cloud. He always had a premonition that he was going to hear something extremely bad.

Sure enough, next, in the mouth of a green skin, Buzz heard an even more shocking fact.


The three of them stood there, looking at each other.


Buzz said with difficulty, "My father..." He swallowed again, "He personally acted as an Orc and formed an Greenskin Empire to consume the Tyranids' power?"

He almost felt dizzy. This was not what Senior Karas mentioned in his letter——

No matter how crazy or arrogant the fantasy is, this kind of fantasy will never appear. He is already prepared to see a monster made of metal and darkness——

But now the facts tell him that the father of genes that he is wary of and wary of is acting as a green and black green skin?

? ? ? ! ! ! !

Buz felt a little out of breath for a moment. The son of Hades took a deep breath, trying to understand the mysterious words in the green skin's mouth again.

He simply couldn't imagine...if the empire knew that Pluto was leading the greenskins to fight...just the fact that Pluto took the initiative to help the greenskins develop...even the most tolerant inquisitor would firmly call out heresy.

Buzz almost subconsciously began to think about how to help Pluto cover up this matter. This kind of thing cannot be spread at all. Not only the conservative high lord, this matter itself is challenging the bottom line and the bottom line of the human empire. Torah.

If word spreads, in addition to being met with fierce opposition, there will inevitably be imitators, which is not a good thing.

But compared to Buz, who was already sweating coldly, the remaining two mechanical sages seemed much more sensible.


Realizing Buz's nervousness, Great Sage Jin said slowly,

"Praise Hades, we still have room to control this matter, and... my lord succeeded, and the Tyranids were destroyed."

Buz wanted to say something, but his words came up and swallowed several times. Finally, he smiled awkwardly and said,

"I understand where the whimsical atmosphere in the Chapter comes from."

"It's just more expensive for the Inquisitor."

"You were once the regent of the empire and now the hero of the empire."

Kirkland said nonchalantly, "Don't tell me you haven't dealt with incidents like this - but these are small things."

"The important thing is, we need to go find Him!"

"Even aliens know how to worship Him as a god. What are we, the self-proclaimed believers, doing? Neglect of duty, a complete dereliction of duty! Why are we still cowering? After we did nothing, He even stepped down to resolve the crisis himself! "

Kirkland shook his head, sighed and scolded,

"Why don't we set off now? I could tolerate your timid caution before - but now, you have no reason to delay again, Jin! Little boy! If you don't set off again, Faos will go alone!"

Kim revealed a :D, "Shut up, Kirkland."

Kim Physics shut up Kirkland, and the Great Sage looked at Buz, waiting for Buz's decision.

Buz was silent. Pluto's actions disrupted his previous thought construction... A green-skinned Pluto... The God of Death is on top...

Buz sighed inwardly while sorting out the current information.

Now that the most threatening forces within Octareus had been eliminated, the Bonecrushers redirected their forces and turned their forces upon their own.

In addition, he knew that Hades was the founder of this green-skinned empire.

Buz thought for a moment,

"Send troops and advance."

The son of Hades said, "Detach part of the army and let Yaric drag the Bonebreakers. We will bypass them and go directly to Hades."

Kirkland let out a muffled cheer.




In the silence, alarms wailed.

Hades slowly opened his eyes. Being awake after a nap made him feel even more tired. In the dark room, Hades saw the green-skinned guard falling to the ground.

Hades blinked, his thinking began to become sluggish, just like the state when he just woke up. Hades didn't seem surprised at all when he saw the green skin.


The ear-piercing alarm sounded, and Hades stood up in a daze. He walked to the door and opened it——

He saw bodies lying all over the place.

All kinds of unmanaged instruments are screaming, warning red lights and yellow lights are echoing alternately. In the distance, the building that has lost the blessing of my power of thinking is collapsing.

The dazzling sunlight shone straight on his face. Hades squinted his eyes, raised his head, and saw the Tyran biopod falling from the sky.

boom! boom! boom!

The earth trembled, and following the tremor, Hades raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

As far as the eye could see, he saw the green-skinned giant garbage galloping towards this side. A huge green-skinned giant stood above the ancient giant garbage, shouting in the direction of the command room,

"Black boss——!!! Are you okay?!!!"

Hades opened his mouth. In front of his eyes, the darkness spread under his feet.

do not come! ! ! !

Hades raised his arms, waved and shouted,

"don't want--"

boom! ! !

The green skin on top of the ancient giant garbage fell down, and the ancient giant garbage rushed down as if it had lost control.

The dust mist rose, and the loud noises of the biopod falling to the ground sounded like machine guns. Hades stood there and watched the Tyrans crawling out of the biopod and began to attack each other.

In a daze, Hades returned to the afternoon when he just woke up.

He seemed to be out of control with hunger for a while?

Hades slowly raised his hand, and the silver-white metal condensed into a giant scythe in his hand, and tiny arcs of electricity rose.

He is hungry.

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