Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 595 44 Go to Macragge first!

Chapter 595 44. Go to Macragge first!

"And a private room?"

Hades said with interest, Buz, who was leading him in front, smiled, and they walked through the holographic camouflage barrier.

Behind the multiple barriers is a space that is obviously more ornately decorated. Scarlet swan velvet sofas are placed on both sides. Among them, the original-sized sofa looks like it was put in temporarily. Two lamps emit a slight soft light. There is a strange painting hanging under the sofa.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa, there are desserts and wine glasses.

Hades sat down and poked the Death Guard doll on the Primarch's sofa - which he had brought with him.

Butz also sat down and smiled.

"Mingzi is not as stubborn as the Death Guard. Many cooperations are negotiated by us. The planetary governor, foundry general, imperial army... we can't take them to a place that is too simple to talk about. The atmosphere inside Mingzi is similar to that of the Death Guard. It makes them restless.”

Hades glanced at the black stone equipment surrounding this small room, and he could confirm that there was an anti-subspace force field here.

"Reasonable spending is better than wasting resources and enduring hardship."

Hades said, "Shall I enhance the anti-psionic power of this space?"


Buz said, Hades's eyes lit up when he saw Buz,

"I have not seen your underworld yet."

Hades released the black domain. Now his black domain can leave a hole. The black domain wraps this space.

"...2B, extend your hand."

Buz stretched out his hand doubtfully, and Hades enveloped the diluted black domain,

"How about it?"

Seeing that Buz's expression turned bad, Hades took back the black domain,

Buz shook his head with a complex expression, then nodded again.

"It's similar to what Senior Karas said," Buzz said word by word, "fatigue, weakness, and... a strong feeling of vomiting."

Hades smiled,

"The low concentration is like this," he looked at the coffee table. The baklava on it looked good. Hades picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Medium concentrations cause unconsciousness and fainting, and high concentrations cause the soul to be devoured - but the physical body functions will be maintained for a short time, and as time passes, it will enter complete death."

Hades said that Mingzi and he needed to get along with each other. For Hades, Mingzi was almost 100% an army under his command after he woke up.

...Of course, Hades knows that the Mingzi are also guarding against him - he also needs the Mingzi to remind him that he is not in the right state, instead of happily joining him waaagh!

Buz picked up the wine glass, and Hades knew that he had understood,

"My father, would you like a drink?"

Buz said, "This is the secret brewing recipe taught to the war group by the Death Guard. It is said that Karas Typhon made a replica of the Pale Lord's poisonous wine - but the toxicity is much weakened."

Hades picked up the wine glass and looked embarrassed.

Since when did Mortarion's brew become a thing for entertaining guests? Do these Space Marines really like to drink this stuff?

Hades held his nose while drinking this wine. In his memory, Mortarion was the only one who could "appreciate" the strange stuff he brewed.

"...Do you like drinking this?"

"In general," Buz said smoothly, "actually annoying - but without this specialty, how would the visitors realize that they are in the Sons of Hades of the Death Guard system?"

The smile at the corner of Hades's mouth twitched,

"Ahem," he said, "Back then, this wine was made because there was nothing on Barbarus. That guy Mortarion was thinking blindly, searched a bunch of inedible things on Barbarus, and brewed them together. liquor."

"As for why we don't use edible wine, it's because we can't waste food."

Hades said with emotion. He took a sip as he spoke. The familiar taste and the indescribable feeling of impacting the soul. This plan must have been improved countless times - improved to the point where mortals can barely drink it without fainting.

Hades picked up a piece of chestnut cake and decided to suppress the unspeakable taste in his mouth.

"I strongly advised him not to waste food back then," Hades said with a complex expression, while Buzz in front of him showed a mysterious expression.

"The seniors of the Death Guard told us that this is a symbol of the Pale Lord's reward for those who have made meritorious deeds, symbolizing perseverance and sharing weal and woe."

"This happened later. I suspect that his taste buds have mutated." Hades took another sip, feeling the torture of Mortarion's tongue after ten thousand years. "At first, he just wanted to find something to drink. You know, in Barbarus at that time, this kind of thing..."

Hades shook it. There were no suspicious beetle fragments or spider legs in the glass. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's very precious."

Buzz drank all the wine in his glass in one gulp. He sat on the red velvet sofa and asked tentatively,

"It seems we have misused the wine of the Lord of Death?"

Hades sighed,

"You can drink the wine recipe he comes up with as much as you want. Such a terrible thing has not become extinct even after ten thousand years... It's all thanks to your efforts."

"Many existences have not disappeared even after ten thousand years."

If Buzz pointed out something, he filled the wine glass again, and the unpleasant smell came out,

"At least I still have to work - are the Death Guard, Faos, and Mingzi communicating with each other?"

Hades asked suddenly. He turned his head and glanced at the duel cage where the duel was taking place.

"Mostly interoperable," Buz said, "but I don't think Faos knows much about the current state of the empire."

Hades saw a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw. He picked up a piece of cream pie with relish while watching.

"...It can be seen that Kirkland just talked to me mostly about technology and the forging world. Regarding the current situation of the empire, he spoke very restrainedly."

"I thought he would be a fanatical believer who takes credit for everything from you."

Buzz joked, he also took a few pastries,

"He always looks like a warrior in front of me."

Hades paused;

"After all, he has lived for tens of thousands of years," he said, "and he is now...not so much Kirkland, but rather the fusion of Kirkland's main personality and the Faos Nirvana system."

Hades muttered,

"I don't even know if the Kirkland I knew at the time was alive or dead."

But Hades looked relieved for a moment,

"He just needs to live a happy life."

Kirkland certainly seemed happy, living life to the fullest, and living with more purpose than most people Hades had ever seen.

"He is definitely very happy," Buzz said quietly, "to be remembered by Hades for ten thousand years - you don't have to worry about that at all."


Hades felt that what Buzz said was reasonable, but the reward was that he would be remembered by Hades, and he could blame him whatever he thought.

Is this what it feels like to be an idol?

Hades suddenly thought, he remembered Nios back then... He somewhat understood Nios's mentality of wanting to avoid Luojia.

But Hades is not the Emperor, and he will face it bravely!

Facing—billions of believers!

Hades covered his face silently in his heart.

He might also understand why Mortarion dressed himself so laxly... maybe it was because he was slovenly.

Hades sighed again, the desserts in front of him no longer looked appetizing,

"Let's skip Sage Kirkland's personal issues for now..."

Hades said, "How much does the Empire know now? How did you know I was here - did you receive information from Tianshi Bari and Empire Citizen Thies?"

"Don't worry, Mingzi has settled Tianshi and Tis."

Buz continued, "We have kept the information tightly locked. Except for the Death Guard, other forces in the empire don't know the current situation."

"As for how we found you - Lord Mortarion sensed you and then notified the Death Guard. Senior Karas then outsourced it to us."

Buz spread his hands helplessly,

“Then I was shaken up and put to work.”

"It's not easy for you either."

Hades raised his glass, Buz raised his glass, cheers.

Buz also sighed deeply,

"It's better to go home to Macragge."

Hades sighed with emotion, "I want to go back to Barbarus now...I wonder how Barbarus is doing now."

"Barbarus will welcome you, and so will Macragge."

Butz said, "But I suggest you go to Macragge now."

"how to say?"

"The main force of the Death Guard is in the subspace now," Buzz said. He also took a snack and chatted. Pluto was almost clearing the table.

"You are now returning to the Storm Star Territory - there is a high probability that you will not be able to get strong support. You need military power now."

"..." Hades said silently, "It seems that Mortarion has finally put aside his prejudice against the Ultramarines."

According to what Buz said, he was confident that the Ultramarines would help Hades - this was definitely not based on the help of Hades. Otherwise, why didn't Buz directly let Hades go to Terra?

First, take military power.

After taking the military power, then enter——!


As for why the Ultramarines are willing to help Hades, Hades can probably guess...

"The Ultramarines and Terra have always been at odds?"

"It should be the Death Guard who are on good terms with the Ultramarines," Buz said smoothly, "but after Lord Guilliman left, the Thirteenth Legion really didn't want to have too many entanglements with the Sun Star Territory."

Hades stopped holding the wine glass in his hand and lowered his voice.

"Is Robert Guilliman still alive?"

"The Ultramarines announced that their genetic father was dead,"

Butz said, "But the true truth...only Lord Mortarion knows."

"Mortarion? Don't the Death Guards know either?"

Hades asked, staring at the Macragge pancake with a smiling face on the coffee table.

Buz shook his head,

"The matters about the original body...maybe only the original bodies know about it."

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and only the noise of the ghosts outside the room could be faintly heard.

"That means he's not dead."

Hades said firmly. He pondered the wine glass in his hand and remembered the potion that Mortarion gave him. Unfortunately, the potion seemed to have been taken away by Trazin. Guilliman was probably trapped in Either fake death, or simply live happily on your own.

Hades once again remembered what happened before Guilliman "suspended his death"... The high lords... Terra...

Although Hades does not want to believe that the high lords and others are so stupid, if he wants to go to Terra, then he must have an army that can threaten Terra's status.

Terra, Hades is a must.

No matter what, he still wanted to see Neos.

"What do you think about the Ultramarines?"

Buzz smiled confidently,

"My father, I am a Macraggean. When I first came to power, I had a very good relationship with them... The Ultramarines welcomed the sons of Hades very much."

Hades waved his hand,

"There is no one else here," Hades said, "2...Buzi, you may be more straightforward. Sometimes the elderly may not be able to keep up with your ideas."

He could deduce what Buz was thinking, but Hades decided to take it easy on both sides - he couldn't directly deny Buz.

Buz coughed twice in embarrassment. Hades looked at Buz, but Mingzi looked normal. He was indeed a political creature.

"I approved the autonomy and independence of the Ultramarines' five hundred worlds, as well as the Death Guard's - except for Karas... the fighting senior who doesn't miss the past, the Ultramarines owe me a big favor."

"After that, the Death Guard and Lord Mortarion also helped the Ultramarines more or less."

"What's more," Buzz emphasized, "the Ultramarines are still extremely dissatisfied with Terra - within this thousand years, Terra's rule has become corrupt again."

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

Hades pondered,

"I don't know Terra's attitude towards me. What if the people of Terra come to welcome me? Will the Ultramarines have any objections?"

Buz paused for a moment, and then he said cautiously,

"You...may have overestimated the high lords," Buzz said. "In addition, the Ultramarines are not unreasonable people. Their current Chapter Master Marius Calgar is indeed a kind person. They are not unreasonable." Driven by hatred."

"You mean they're willing to help me?"

"They will be delighted."

Buzz continued, taking some wine and drawing a line on the table.

First there are the Five Hundred Worlds in the upper right corner, then Faos in the middle, and finally the World Eater in the lower left corner.

"The five hundred worlds in the extreme territory are close to Faos at the same time. At that time, we can also go to Faos to replenish our troops, and then there is the World Eater's home planet that is close to Faos - although the World Eaters' troops are not working hard. Near Kyria, but there's a garrison there too."

"It's the quickest way to get a lot of troops when you can't travel through the warp."

Hades was obviously thinking too. He looked at Buz's plan with interest.

"Kirkland did talk to me about this. I can only travel with a quantum slingshot at the moment - luckily there is a quantum slingshot that is about to be completed in the nearby star field."

Quantum slingshot, the farther the range, the lower the accuracy.

After the probability calculation, Hades should try to take the two closest quantum slingshots,

On the route Buz mentioned, the Ultramarines, Phaos, and World Eaters are all forces with quantum slingshots, and they are forces with a high probability of unconditionally supporting Hades.

"Wait," Hades said, "the main force of the World Eaters is not in Nusria, where is it?"


Buzz said, putting down his glass. "The remaining Sons of the Archangel were absorbed into the World Eaters, who have long been stationed near Baal... to suppress."

"...Suppress the Archangel?"

Buz nodded,

"Although there has never been any abnormal movement on Baal, the World Eaters never leave easily - this should be a direct order from their original body."

"The specific situation," Buzz took a sip of his wine, "I don't know - but according to my inference, Lord Guilliman, who appeared with Lord Angron in the end, will know what is going on."

...An abnormality occurred in Sanguinius, and Angron personally suppressed it. The only person who knew the details of the incident was Guilliman, the imperial regent at that time, and Guilliman faked his death. If you want to find Guilliman, you must find Mo Tarlian.

Hades whispered,

"Sanguinius... Angron... Guilliman... Morta..."


As if he knew what Hades was thinking, Buzz spoke,

"You don't have to worry. According to my understanding of the Death Guard...if Lord Mortarion escapes, he will come to you personally as soon as possible."

Hades thought for a moment, it was true.

Just like when he woke up, he would definitely go to the Death Guard and Mortarion for ventilation as soon as possible, and Mortarion would definitely have to come and chat with him.

The wine in the glass bubbles,

"From Kirkland, I have a general understanding of Sanguinius's situation."

Hades took another sip of wine. This kind of wine paired with this pastry was simply an insult to the pastry.

"Backfired by faith... Because of the legend of the Black Angel and the Golden Angel on Baal, Sanguinius himself did not show any abnormalities before the Ascension Festival."

"But after the Ascension Day, will it be Sanguinius led by the Black Angel?"

Buz nodded,

"The Archangels also actively or passively bear part of the impurities of the state religion to ensure the purity of the Lord of Humanity - the subsequent processing of impurities is undertaken by the Pluto Church."


Hades nodded thoughtfully,

"Give it to me...at least I'm less likely to lose control."

Buz stared at Hades, sat up straight,

"Father Hades," he said seriously, "how is your current condition?"

Hades picked up something similar to a Boston pie and ate it.

"So-so," Hades said, "I rely on the Burner to obtain energy for the time being."

He picked up the small star on his waist and showed it to Buzz.

"To put it simply, I need a huge amount of energy to drive the part of my Star God - if I drive it rashly, I may lose control."

"Don't worry about this part for now. I'll leave it to Kirkland. Solve the problem of my energy intake first, and the chance of me losing control is low."

Hades sent the plan discussed with Kirkland to Buz, and Buz blinked in understanding.

"The path to becoming a god in the physical world?"

Buz asked meaningfully, and Hades smiled.

"Tell me...Did Mortarion act extremely weird in the later period?"


"As expected..." Hades said, "If an individual gains power easily, it will always be counterattacked..."

Now almost everyone is reminding Hades that Mortarion is becoming more and more abstract. Hades is curious about how abstract Mortarion can be.

But it seems that if he wants to save time, he can't go to Barbarus first.

Now Hades's idea is to go to the Extreme Star Territory, get help from two legions, accumulate enough troops, and after making a big splash, go directly to Terra!

At the same time, he needs to wait for the Death Guard to come to him.

The focus of his thoughts was actually on entering Terra, and Hades determined that he needed to meet the Lord of Mankind first - given his appearance, the Emperor could not directly entrust him with dreams.

And let’s see if the current human empire needs Hades from heaven.

Hades has no discriminatory attitude at all. If the human empire is prosperous, he will most likely find a place to stay at a farmhouse.

But it seems...even if it's just Tyranid, the human empire will face a disaster.

"Then we stop in the Octarius Sector for a while and then go to Macragge?"

Hades blinked and stared at the coffee table filled with Macragge-style or other world-style pastries.

The only thing that didn't include Barbarus' pastries was that, except for the glass of wine in his hand, Barbarus had no pastries at all.

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