Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 596 45 Low Match Long Zhong Pair

Chapter 596 45. Low pairing of Long and Zhong

"It will take about a month to clear out the remaining alien races in the Octarius Star Territory."

Soft light shone faintly, shining in the elegant room. There were voices in the room, but outside the room, the sky was filled with boiling water, blood and broken bones flying together.

"Then it's straight to Macragge."

Ancient Roman floral decorations are engraved on the black armor, and the golden light flashes with the owner's movements.

Butz dipped his fingertips into the wine and lightly smashed it on the table, creating a small wine puddle.

"Although I have less contact with Calgar, this favor must be given to me by his Ultramarines."

Hades said nothing, raised his glass, and tasted the wine slowly.


"Macragge stayed for more than ten days, waiting for the parameters of his quantum slingshot to be adjusted, and then went directly to the maelstrom."

"The Maelstrom has been a place of spiritual chaos for thousands of years. The Death Guard and Faos have supported the Star Claw Chapter here. The current leader of the Chapter, Lutef Huron, is also an old man and two-faced. It’s just that the geographical location is special, so the empire turns a blind eye and doesn’t care about it for the time being.”

"You want to bring Huron over?"

Hades suddenly asked, looking at Buz without blinking,

Huron...in the original novel, he was a warrior sent by the Empire to guard the Maelstrom.

To sum up, this person is extremely ambitious, extremely capable, rules with an iron fist, and is disloyal to the empire.

After failing to pay taxes for a long time, Huron finally fell out with the Empire. He led the remaining Star Claws and changed their name to the Red Corsairs. He decisively rebelled against the Empire and stood on his own. He hid in the Maelstrom and became a force among the renegade Space Marines.

In the original work, the Red Pirate Huron was also a Space Marine who was guided by the Fateweaver of Tzeentch and defeated and imprisoned the original Guilliman.

Now, Huron is still sent by the empire to guard the Maelstrom - but not to guard against Chaos, but to guard against the Sages of Faos who appear from time to time in the Maelstrom.

In the end, this guy still had an affair with Faos.

Butz paused.

"Huron is extremely capable. I do have this idea——"

"But his personal ambitions are not small," Buzz said cautiously. "The cooperation with the Death Guard and Faos is also two-faced, dealing with the empire and Faos."

"You make money on both sides, right?"

Hades said, picking up a piece of glutinous rice cake dotted with indigo petals and eating it,

"He maintains his balance very well."

Buz replied, "Although some methods do make Death Guard Faos feel unhappy..."

"But I'm back," Hades said slowly. "The balance has been broken. Let's see where his sincerity lies - if not, then destroy him or imprison him in Faos."

Huron himself is neither black nor white, and he is not a kind person.

The last step of Hades' trip is Terra. As an important forging world under Hades, the reappearance of Faos is inevitable. So for the empire, the position of the Star Claws sent to guard the Maelstrom is very embarrassing. Yes,

There is no need for Hades to cause trouble for himself. If he senses something is wrong with Huron, he will destroy it directly.

If Huron sincerely follows the Death Guard and Mingzi... Huron, as a talented person with strong political skills...

Hades believes that it is necessary to recruit a wave of talents.

Before Hades fell asleep, all he could lead was the Silent Order. There were only a few soulless people, and the size of the order was small. Hades alone, plus two or three deputies, was enough.

When he was in the Death Guard, he also had the original body sitting there, as well as countless Death Guard managers.

No matter what, the management tree is stretched to death with only two or three branches extending downward.

But now, Hades has to find someone like Buz Bella.

"Then we will stay in the Maelstrom for about a month."

Buzz paused and continued, "If you want to pay off the Claws of the Stars, it will take about a month at most."

Hades poured himself another glass of black water,

"Perhaps it will be smoother," he said calmly, "I bet that the sages of Faos will provide key technical support to Star Claw - the kind whose backend management rights are in Faos."

Butz's expression changed.

"Huron may not necessarily use it," he said, "this..."

"Then it depends on the acting skills of the sages. Let's skip Faos for now. What if we think too badly of people?"

Buz nodded and continued,

"The Maelstrom will stay for a month, and then it will be Nuceria. I have a hunch that the World Eaters will be more relaxed than the Ultramarines. A week's stay is more than enough."

Hades nodded. He thought of Angron. The Lord of Red Sand used to be straightforward in doing things. It seemed that this had a profound impact on his descendants.

I just don’t know how Angron is doing now.

"Then we go to Terra."

Hades said, the wine rippling in the glass,

"The largest garrison in the Sun Star Territory is the Imperial Fist?"

Buzz nodded, "You don't have to worry about this... The Pale Lord once saved Lord Dorn - they have always owed this favor, and it's time for them to repay it."

Hades knew this, Black had told him.

Hades was silent for a moment. Why did he feel that after waking up, the empire was full of favors from Death Guards?

Over the past ten thousand years, Mortarion has done a lot of things.

Hades took another silent sip of his wine.

For example, if you pass down this extremely unpleasant wine recipe, it will cause harm to the world and will be infamy for thousands of years.

"...and the Imperial Guard,"

Hades thought deeply, "As long as the Lord of Mankind still remembers me and the Imperial Guards still obey the Emperor's command, the Imperial Guards stationed in the Sun Star Territory will also... not to mention cooperate, at least they will never hinder our actions."

"This is good news,"

Buz said, he seemed to remember something and frowned in embarrassment, "I have dealt with the Forbidden Army, and they are generally... difficult to understand."


Hades said, "I understand you. I have also dealt with the Forbidden Army. I don't do business - I just think about how to shut me up every day."

Buz was silent. He looked at the unconscious Hades sighing and pouring wine. Buz thought that on this matter, he might be able to reach a rare agreement with the Forbidden Army.

Sometimes, necessary silence can maintain a... sense of mystery and respect that people imagine?

As for Hades, they were wondering what happened to Charon and the others.

Probably the soul has returned to the Golden Throne.

Let's have another drink.

"If the Imperial Army doesn't stop them," Hades held the wine glass and listened to Buz's estimation, "then the High Lords won't be able to hold on for long - their remaining forces include the Astra Militarum, the Imperial Navy, Assassins, and Guardians. Cult armies, Forge World armies, self-armed merchant fleets, psyker armies..."

"But they're not monolithic,"

Hades said,

"Not only within the High Lord, but also the armies under the High Lord are not united."

Buzz nodded, picked up a piece of cake, stood it up, and pushed it gently——


"The moment we lead our forces back to Terra, they will have no choice but to relinquish power."

Buz picked up the cake and said while biting it,

"Perhaps there will be a few small fights - at least we need to establish our authority."

"Hit some, ignore some, and win back some."

Hades took the words and he also picked up a piece of cake to eat.

"Next, I'll have to trouble you to find out who deserves to die and who deserves to live, Buzz."

In this regard, no one is more suitable than Buz, who once served as the imperial regent. Buz can see through most of the twists and turns of Terra's central politics, which is enough.

Buz also knew this very well. Mingzi did not shirk this time, but nodded solemnly,


Hades pondered, if everything goes well, the first thing to be done after taking over the empire is the union and reorganization of the Mechanicus——

The loose form of the Mechanicus must be changed. If those sages have the time and energy to fight internal holy wars, it would be better to send them all out to build the empire.

Technology and productivity must be developed. Now Hades can help the development of technology to avoid Tzeentch interference, and can also avoid Star God interference - then there is no need to hide it from the sages.

Just one thing, Hades thought, was enough for him to drink a pot.

He thought, maybe some of his memories were no longer useful. The original plot was that Guilliman entered Terra, but now it was him.

In the plot where Guilliman enters Terra, Chaos appears.

But for some reason, Hades felt that Chaos would not bother him.

Unless there is a serious fight, no matter how Chaos sends troops, it will just be a speck of mud that will fall into the sea and melt in an instant.

Hades can say this, he doesn't mention anything else now, in terms of fighting Chaos, his special attack points are already full.

But it seemed impossible for Chaos to bother him—after all, there was still a Mortarion in the warp, smashing, burning, and killing.

Thinking about it this way, in fact, Mortarion has shared a large part of Hades's pressure. Whether it is the current layout of the empire or Chaos, Mortarion has definitely contributed.

Hades was thinking about contacting the Death Guard in the subspace again, but the message Karas left was not to read...

Hades decided that if the Death Guard did not notify him, then he would ask the Gray Knights after he arrived in Terra and stabilized the situation.

He also had to remember Magnus.

The Magnus Stone around Hades's waist dimmed, and it looked like Magnus had to rest for a while.

After all, having him follow Hades every day... This is probably another kind of torture for the psionic original body.

"How is the recent war situation in the empire? Are there any larger battlefields?"

Hades asked again, and Buzz shook his head.

"Except for the Tyranid catastrophe that Macragge just suffered, there is currently no war that is enough to shake the empire's situation - it may also be like the Octarius Star Territory, Terra does not pay attention to it."

Chaos, Tyranids, Greenskins, Eldar, Necrons, Tau... For the current empire, the higher threats are Chaos, Tyranids and Necrons.

Chaos is an old enemy. Currently, Mortarion is causing trouble in the subspace, and Hades is in charge. At least in the real universe, he can spar with Chaos.

As for Tyranids, Octarius and Five Hundred Stars have just wiped out two large tentacles. They will not come back in the short term, but now we must start paying attention to Tyranids and eliminate the bugs in the early stage as much as possible.

But in the long run, according to what Hades knows, the Tyranids coming to the galaxy now are just a small branch of the huge insect swarm. If they hope to survive in the endless insect hives, the human empire must develop a technology that can efficiently destroy the Tyranids. Lun's technology.

After all, no matter how much Tyranids evolve, they are still based on flesh and blood, and eating planets only eats the surface, not the stars.

Causal weapons, time-reversing weapons, genetic viruses...these are all technologies that humans have had before, and there are always some that can deal with the Tyranids.

If it doesn't work, there are also evil ways such as Star God and Subspace.

As for the Necron—

If the Silent King outside the galaxy returns and hopes to reunify the galaxy, this may be a very severe test that humans will soon face.

And as far as Hades knows, the current time point is very close to the timeline of the Silent King's return in the original book.

I don't know whether the butterfly effect caused by Hades will interfere with the Necrons.

But if it is against the Necrons... Hades has other ideas.

The Necrons Dynasty was awakened by the "alarm clock" set by the Silent King ten thousand years ago, such as the collision of two stars, using the impact of the explosion to awaken the Necrons Dynasty.

That means, can Hades dismantle all these alarm clocks in advance?

The sleeping Necrons are good Necrons.

The revival of the dynasty takes time. Even if the Silent King takes the initiative to awaken the sleeping dynasties later, it will take its energy and time.

This part can be assigned to the sages later.

So - to put it bluntly, it is to quickly enter Terra to seize power. After taking power, with the help of religion, personal charm, knowledge, and money, develop human technology and customize preparation plans for future enemies! At the same time, try to find talents and primarchs. Hades drank another glass of wine, and the poisonous water drew a line along his throat. Why did he feel that this operation was so familiar? Did that Neos do the same thing back then? The only difference is that Neos went to attack and regain lost territory, and Hades is defending and consolidating the territory this time. In this, Hades has to find a way to solve his own problems. After thinking about how to play next, Hades stopped talking absent-mindedly, eating while thinking about what might happen next. Seeing that Hades began to think, Buzz also stopped talking decisively, but asked the mechanical servants to replenish the goods and wine from time to time. Outside the quiet room for a while, the Hades were still noisy. Knowing that Hades was watching, they fought even more lively. Under the light in the room, Hades looked at the strange painting in a lonely manner. It had a postmodern style. The black smear covered the lines underneath. There used to be a suit of armor and a sickle there, and then... then the painter scribbled in anger.

It was a portrait of Hades.



[Establish a religion headed by him...]

Motarion said weakly, the giant insect slumped in the twisted chair, breathing,

[Contain and divert the belief of the God-Emperor, and at the same time... if he comes back, it will also be convenient for him to work. ]

[A bunch of insects who only recognize religion...]

The Pale Lord cursed, but continued,

[Keep up with the Ultramarines and the World Eaters, and about the Imperial Fists... other small legions... you guys watch the operation, there should be no disputes between the big legions... the Death Guard can come forward to mediate. 】

Karas, who was opposite him, looked at him,

"The Dark Angels don't care?"

The Primarch paused for a moment,

[That's their own twists and turns,] Mortarion said, [and there is... I'm not sure if it's His handwriting, we don't have the energy to play with those beings who play riddles for the time being... Kill one first. 】

Karas sighed,

"Do you really believe he can come back? You might as well look forward to the Emperor standing up - at least we can see him."


[Whether he comes back or not...] Mortarion said firmly, [I believe that the next person to solve this mess will come from the Death Guard. 】

And its branch chapters.

Karas stared at Mortarion, perhaps it would be better to say that after this step is completed, no matter which tough guy wants to take over the Empire, he must have a good relationship with the Death Guard.

Perhaps the Primarch didn't say this just for the sake of face.

Perhaps... he really believes that the next hero to save the Empire will come from the Death Guard.

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