Chapter 597 46. Ending

Buzz talked with Hades in detail for three days and three nights.

The duel cage competition on Son of Hades only lasted three days and three nights.

In the greenskin sector where the ship is docked, the stars slowly turn around,

The scorching warm light shone on the matte black hull for the third time, the sound of footsteps came from the private room, and time began to flow again.

Buz, who looked a little tired, stepped out of his camouflage stance. Although he had served as the regent of the empire, it was still a little difficult for him to keep up with Pluto's thoughts.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Pluto's voice followed Buzz's steps,

Buz raised his eyes, and outside the dazzling white light of the duel cage, countless pairs of bright eyes were staring at them in the darkness.

——To be precise, it was Hades behind Buz.

"Nice fight!"

Hades raised his voice, raised his hand, and applauded these damned devils,

The crisp applause echoed in the hall, not urgently.

Hades scanned the faces of every Son of Hades. He was sure that in the past three days, at least 700 Sons of Hades had come on stage to fight——

Just to show him.

Hades didn't just watch, he discussed with Buzz while writing down the strengths and weaknesses of each Mingzi.

This is what he must do as a [qualified] genetic father.

Again, a [qualified] leader.

In the darkness, the pack of wolves looked as if as soon as the applause stopped, these enthusiastic warriors would immediately rush forward.

The corner of Hades's mouth twitched into a smile. On Faos's ship, he had already experienced what passion was.

That's no longer necessary now.

"Fighters for humanity, I have remembered each and every one of you here,"

Hades slowed down his applause and said loudly,

"I'm sorry. Due to the situation, I have to put aside my acquaintance with you for the time being and learn about the current situation of the empire."

As if he thought of something, Hades paused. He took a step forward - Buz suddenly felt something bad - and patted Buz's shoulder armor.

"I'm glad that there are such outstanding political talents in Mingzi, so that I can understand the current situation at the first time."

...Although his genes make Buz want to do something to provoke these guys with green eyes, but in his heart, Buz is sweating soybeans.

He remembered what he had said deliberately in front of Blake earlier.

Together with Pluto and think about it together.

But don't sell him, thank you.

Although he thought so in his heart, Butz still had an unchanging expression of loyalty on the surface.

Ignoring Buzz, Hades coughed,

The lighting engineer appropriately directed the white light gathered in the arena to Hades.

Hades didn't understand why the spotlight in Son of Hades also had a direction-turning function.

Glittering white dots floated on the black helmet, and the dim black armor seemed to be shining. Hades continued,

"To be honest, I am very happy. I am happy that ten thousand years later, there will be stars shining brightly among humans and outstanding people will emerge in large numbers. Of course, what makes me most happy is that I met you."

"I realized that at this point in time, I was no longer fighting alone. Ten thousand years ago, although I led an army and was the commander of the Death Guard, I knew that they were just afraid of me. Only if you respect me personally and love me personally can you follow me.”

"In short, they follow me just because I am who I am."

Hades stopped, and the Burner Dyson ball on his waist was peeling off.

Hades showed a relaxed smile,

"For a general, there may be nothing better than this. Soldiers must be loyal to the general. This is the principle for efficient war."


Hades changed his words,

"I look at you, you are too good, you should not just be soldiers - I hope you will be generals, heroes, saints... or any role you think can contribute to mankind... "

"...not just following me, you have your own pursuits and ideals. Of course you can refute me and question me."

Hades paused;

"Now, we are just fellow travelers - I just traveled thousands of years earlier than you."

"If you question, refute, or even criticize, let the facts and truth determine what is right or wrong. This is your right, and this is why you are the sons of Pluto."

In the silence, there was only the sound of breathing and the unblinking eyes above the tight corners of the mouth.

They have to be slowed down.

Hades's smile widened and became cheerful, and his tone became relaxed and exaggerated,

"Of course, I ask you this because I am too good. I am not just a general..."

His voice became quieter,

Show them another big one.

Hades raised his hand, made a silent gesture, and then pointed in the direction of Terra.

Following Hades's gesture, the crowd slowly turned their heads in unison, folded their arms, raised their sickles, stood or sat, but all stared in that direction...

It was resplendent with gold and jade, and there were many glasses of wine. The person in charge was well-dressed, and under his clothes, the badge hanging like a bunch of plump grapes was shining.

…There’s Terra.

"Ten thousand years,"

Hades's sighing voice sounded like a ghost,

"There are still powerful enemies around, and there are still intrigues. The only change between the hive city ten thousand years ago and the hive city ten thousand years later is that there are a few more statues of the national religion."

"Why doesn't this make me sigh?"

"It's time... to make some changes that don't involve the Warp."

Hades fell silent,

People looked at him again, and Hades thought that accidentally, he seemed to have taken on a big job for himself.

But there was no way, seeing as Mortarion worked so hard to build an army, sold favors, and even ran into the subspace to beat Nurgle... and others... Hades, who had just returned, couldn't do anything.

"Go to Terra,"

Hades said,

"Imitating the feats of the master of mankind thousands of years ago, I will lead mankind again... on a path that can at least survive and develop independently."

"I need your help,"

Hades looked at the sons of Hades and raised his eyebrows,

"It seems like everyone here will not reject me?"

The crowd was silent.

It's obviously the default.

Seizing the opportunity, Hades quickly spoke,

"Promise me, everyone,"

He continued,

"Continue to remain yourself and remain speculative - you have already learned how to pick up the weapon of thought in the Sons of Pluto Chapter. Promise me that you will always be loyal, always pure, and always rational - as human beings."

As soon as the words fell, all living beings became silent.

There is only the beating of the heart and the flowing pulse of warm blood.

Standing in front of Hades, Buz Bella, the only one with his back to Hades, felt his scalp numb and his hair trembling.

He was sure that he was shocked and deeply moved - this was indeed a unique impromptu speech, and it was completely different from the person who had just been drinking and vomiting and found the wine unpleasant.

Buzz began to deeply doubt, was it really Pluto who had just quickly cleared the table?

Or...Pluto has a dual personality?

But the logic and was indeed Hades who was discussing current affairs with him just now.

No... Buz thought, this should be Mingzi... But the contrast is a bit big... He should understand... After all, he also likes fishing - and this shocked many powerful people.

This is also a kind of inheritance.

The crowd remained silent, Hades blinked, and he tapped Buzz's shoulder armor again,

Buzz was stunned and hurriedly spoke as if he had just woken up from a dream,

"In the name of Pluto, we will clear out the aliens in the Octarius Star Territory next, but the time will not be short. The legion's itinerary for the next three months has been sent to each group leader. The leader can coordinate changes to the training content on his own.”

"I will also try my best to make time for one-on-one guidance,"

Hades added,

"But due to limited time, I will give priority to coaching fighters who have room for improvement in both political and combat skills."

Buzz nodded appropriately,

"I personally suggest strengthening political construction - there are no other matters. The top ten on the duel field have just been left. For the rest, I will now assign the tasks of the Octalius Star Territory to a group..."


【Medical room】

"Is he okay?"

Hades sat in front of the bed, blinked curiously, and looked at Blake who looked like a dead man on the bed.

"It's totally fine,"

The pharmacist said with a straight face, "Black Butcher will be able to swing his ax again in three weeks, and in four weeks, he will be able to go to war on crutches."

"……That's good."

Hades paused and opened his mouth to say something else, but the pharmacist had already left to take care of the instruments. For a moment, he and Black were the only ones left in the single ward.

The familiar smell of the potion wafted into Hades's nose, and it really felt like home (?).

Hades looked at Black. Butz went to command the battle group to join Jin and the others. He poked Black, but Black did not move.

Generally speaking, this position belongs to Hades.

Hades stared at Black. After a few minutes, he seemed to remember something again. Hades took off the Magnus Stone from his waist.

"Magnus? Magnus?"

Hades asked in a low voice. The stone did not respond at first, but then it flickered weakly.

【What's the matter? 】

"How are you?"

[I can do better if you don’t release your black domain everywhere. 】

"Ah-haha, then I won't ask you if it's okay."

The Magnus Stone flashed angrily.

"Another suggestion," Hades lowered his voice, "You know I can't do this."


[What happened to those greenskins? 】

"If you die, what else can you do?"

Alarm bells rang in Hades's heart, "You are still thinking about the greenskins... you won't..."

The Magnus Stone shone faintly,

[I just want to ask, were the Tyranids and Greenskins finally dealt with? 】

Hades breathed a sigh of relief, but he had decided to take the remaining green skins to another level - he was thinking about Magnus, the green skin... Hades had reason to suspect that this guy had developed feelings for the green skins. .

The black stone pendant on Hades's waist remained silent.

"The solution is almost there,"

Hades replied, "Next we will return to the human empire - those human worlds that you call glorious civilizations. I mean, how can you recover a little bit?"

[Book, quiet environment, no dark realm, no Pluto, no son of Pluto...]

"You have one more chance."

[I am now asking you for my other soul fragments, can you do it? ! 】


Hades thought about what he had asked Buz before.

For this, he can go to the Gray Knights. According to Buzz, the Gray Knights have suspected fragments of Magnus, but they don't know how many.

"Not now, but within a year,"

Hades said, "I can give you an answer, little Mag."

Hades' affirmative answer made Magnus silent. After a long time,

【Do you have news? 】


Hades said, he chuckled, "In my war group, the sons of Hades are not vegetarians."

[…rabble] Magnus whispered, and then raised his voice, [I look forward to your reply in due course, Negative Psychic Ogryn, but for now, don’t trouble the great Magnus, I need to rest. 】

[If you are in trouble - or encounter a problem, a problem that requires wisdom to solve, then call the great Magnus. 】

"Okay, little Mag."

Hades said, then watched the Magnus Stone dim.

He turned the stone again, and after making sure that Magnus would ignore him, Hades sighed and took back the red stone.


"You, come with me."

boom! boom! boom!

The entire nest was shaking violently, rubble was rolling down from the dome, and the front teeth were holding a machete, standing with their heads held high.

In front of the green-skinned warlord, the Bonecrusher, whose leg was pinned down by a stone, was gasping for breath, and blood was flowing out from under it.

"You are so big."

The Bonebreaker said with emotion, then he tore off his clothes and tore them into strips of cloth. He turned around and tied the front ends of his legs, regardless of his larger front teeth.

"Don't plan to leave?"

The front teeth saw the Bonecrusher's wishes. The greenskin squatted down and looked straight into the eyes of the Bonecrusher from its side.

"You have great potential,"

The front tooth said,

"You know, in ancient times, there was their giant green-skinned empire. They fought in subspace for hundreds of fucking years. After they came out, they hit the human empire in the face with a stick."

After tightening the bandage, the Bonebreaker pulled out the knife and pointed it at the pressed part.

Bonebreaker smiled to himself,

"You want to keep me as your dog?"


Incisor shook his head, and a huge WAAAGH sound burst out! The Bonecrusher's blood and bone splattered on its face.

Incisor watched the Bonebreaker move the knife in his hand,

"I just want every greenskin to live a happy life in a big waaagh. I can see that you have great potential. You just lack the guidance of a - what is your name - a noble person? ”

"I was also a naughty boy," said the incisor. "It was Pluto who enlightened me, and you need to enlighten me too."


The Bonebreaker spat, stood up unsteadily, picked up a fallen iron bar, and pointed it at the section of half of his leg.

"I'm a fucking old man! Get out of here! WAAAAAGH!!!"

The iron bar penetrated right into the broken bone and became the Bonebreaker's new prosthetic limb.

It hurts, it really hurts.

Bonebreaker gasped, and he heard the footsteps of the old cannonball. This human could obviously kill it with cannons, but did he still come over?

"I'll give Old Cannon a good fucking fight first, and then I'll give your girl a fucking shot in the head!"

Incisor shook his head,

"It seems that you have rejected Hades."

"Then there's nothing to talk about. Let's go."

The incisor turned away directly, and the big magma behind it turned back step by step, but still obeyed the incisor's order and started the teleportation.

The frost climbs and the front teeth disappear.

"You don't take it in, but you still keep it alive?"

Damage asked in surprise, but Qianshan just shook his head.

"...There is no need for him...he nobleman is an old cannon...stubborn...he doesn't even look at me, it's just like I met the nobleman."

Da Mage nodded slightly convinced, but he knew...this might be the kindness of the front teeth.

The bone-crusher raised his knife and scratched the ground with its tip.

It can no longer be damaged, the blood is almost gone, and it is leaning on a cane.

In front of it, the old political commissar who led the team to break through into the center of the hive city was staring at it.

Old Paoyan has become extremely old, his face is full of wrinkles, and all he needs is a cane.

"Why don't you shoot some cannons at me, old cannonball?"

Bonebreaker said contemptuously,

Alec sneered,

"...Cunning Bonebreaker, how can I confirm whether you are dead or alive without seeing your real body?"

Yarick stretched out his hand and signaled the soldiers to retreat.

"Today...I'm here to see you off on your last journey to hell."

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