Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 601 50 The past is like smoke

Chapter 601 50. The past is like smoke


"Senior Vox?!"

Vox fell straight down——

At the last moment, he saw two similar beings rushing towards him.


Butz had never been so helpless.

Obviously Hades' arrival in Macragge is a good thing.

It should be a good thing that Death Guard Commander Vox, whom he had not contacted for a long time, was suddenly found.

So...why can't he cheer up now?

The smell of disinfectant lingered on the tip of the nose, the dazzling white light shone on the armor, the sound of medical instruments chirping came and went, and the pharmacist hurried past them.


The pungent corruption is like the elephant in the room, lingering for a long time.

Buzz was sitting upright, silent, waiting outside the emergency room. Beside him, Pluto was sitting with a grim look on his face.

Hades propped his forearms on his legs and half-hidden his expression with his crossed hands. Darkness surged, making his expression even more unobservable.

The door was pushed open, and the pharmacist accompanying the son of Hades walked out first. He was wearing a gas mask of the highest standard. The pharmacist nodded to Hades, who immediately stood up and followed the pharmacist into the emergency room.

The pharmacist turned back, shook his head at Buz, and closed the door again.


Buz let out a long breath. Pluto had left. He immediately changed to a more comfortable and decadent posture and spread out on the bench.

He hoped that nothing happened to Vox's old man - and preferably not taking up Hades' time on Macragge.

But - this is obviously unrealistic.


Buz looked at Vox lying on the hospital bed in front of him with a sad face.

To be honest, Woakes's condition is not good. You don't even need to look at it. You just need to sniff the air with your nose - vomit - to know Woakes' state.

The mucus oozing from the wound left a dirty yellow outline of a human figure on the white sheets.

Most of Vox's armor has been taken off, and there is no way to deal with some of the armor fragments that have grown deeply into his organs and flesh. He can only rebandage them after cutting them, and wait for the body's condition to improve before finding a solution.

It was as if he had been buried in the soil in a wet area for several years and then dug out... Three of his limbs had been corroded to the ends, and Buz could even see the mottled bones of the Death Guard.

The half of the metal prosthetic brain was almost rusted into scrap metal, so the pharmacist had to take it off urgently and hastily replace it with a new one.

Buzz was convinced that there were probably countless insects crawling on Vox's broken body - but the brave and tenacious pharmacist had cleared them away first.

In addition to insects, there are also fungi. In the waste disposal box, Buzz saw no less than 49 species of fungi, and there were even green-skinned mycelium!

Why is there everything in Nurgle's garden? !

Buz sighed, but in this situation, this thought still couldn't alleviate the heaviness in the air. Opposite him, Hades was taking a nap with his eyes closed, looking like he was not in a good mood.

The official document has been approved temporarily, but Hades insists on staying here.

Hades is like a statue. He is not just resting. He feels the ebb and flow of the black realm. He "sees" a mess with green as the main tone. Taking a deep breath, Hades operates carefully, trying to Eliminate those cluttered parts.

At the moment when Vox rushed in, Hades had already drastically cleared away the Nurgle aura from the outermost part of Vox's soul. Then, he followed the pharmacists in the operation to suppress Vox's body, almost completely inseparable from him. Symbiotic growths.

It was difficult for Hades to describe what he saw... and it was also difficult to imagine what Vox had experienced.

Facing Vox, even Hades felt troubled.

It's not that he has never experienced similar things. Ten thousand years ago, he "helped" Karas in this way, but ten thousand years later, the situation he faced was more than a hundred times more complicated.

Hades felt the weak light caressed by the darkness - to his surprise and surprise, he could not tell which of these chaotic lights belonged to Nurgle and which belonged to the Pale Lord.

Hades initially thought that the Pale Lord's spiritual energy supported Vox's life, but later he realized that the two spiritual energies penetrated and eroded each other, and existed and died together - he could not separate them at all.

If they were all eliminated directly, Walkers, who had no chance of surviving, would die immediately.

Tried, tried again and again, tried countless times, the only thing that made Hades gratified, even a little bit dumbfounded, was that he at least cleared away the psychic part of the green skin.

It seems that the green skin's psychic powers have indeed affected Mortarion.

Hades thought, and opened his eyes again to look at Vox and the medical instruments - he could not trust servitors, mortals, ultramarines, or the sons of Hades to take care of Vox.

Both emotionally and rationally, it was impossible for Hades to leave Vox alone in the intensive care unit.

He was still waiting for Vox to wake up and chat with him - or visit Macragge.

Or at least let Vox take a rest... and ask him if he's been okay these ten thousand years and how he's doing.

Now, Vox still has the spiritual energy in him, maybe it's Nurgle, maybe it's Mortarion. As for which side has the upper hand, we have to wait until Vox wakes up and ask.

But Hades was inclined to think it was Mortarion. The half of the broken stone in Vorx's hand was tied around his waist, and the unnatural texture of the stone was like a misty white fog.

Why did he still keep such a thing?

It had been ten thousand years... but at least they were still alive... or immortal... could this really be called alive? But for Hades, it was lucky enough to meet an old friend after ten thousand years.

Although for them, it was unclear whether it was joy or sorrow.

Kirkland, who was fanatical about asceticism, Jin, who was indifferent and alienated, Vorx, who looked like a half-step plague warrior... and a hungry man.

Alas, at present, Vorx was the worst.

... He could hardly connect this old-looking man with the slightly youthful younger generation of the year. Vorx seemed to have walked too long and too far.

To some extent, in the long years, the fate faced by Space Marines is far more cruel than that faced by Mechanical Sages.

Parts can be replaced, data can be backed up, and personality can be uploaded. Hades is not sure how much of the two sages' souls and minds are still left, but at least Vorx's self is not so much left in flesh and blood.

There is a difference between immortality and longevity.

Hades wanted to sigh, but felt that it was not good to do so in front of the patient. He quickly changed his action to get the concentrated nutrient solution on the medical cart-

This is prepared for him, not for the wounded.

The disinfectant over there is for the wounded.

Hades's action startled Buzz. Buzz looked at Hades, and Hades signaled him with his eyes,

Do you want to drink it?

Booze shook his head and said no.


Hades blinked regretfully. He wanted to emphasize the importance of eating on time for combat and decision-making, but in the end Hades decided to respect Buzz's wishes.

The only thing Hades didn't realize was that Buzz couldn't drink it at all.

They were the only two people who were not wearing gas masks within a hundred meters of the hospital bed, except for Vox.

These smells had been rendered harmless by the Black Domain, but specifically harmless in terms of psychic energy.

After drinking a bag, Hades carefully put away the waste bag, and then went to take the next bag -

His hand trembled.

Hades was sure that Vox's eyelids had just moved.

Under the white light, Hades was motionless, staring at Vox, as if to confirm that the scene just now was not an illusion.

He saw Vox's exposed large blood vessels surging, his muscle fibers trembling, and then his eyelids trembling violently -

Vox opened his eyes in a trance.

The dazzling white light shone down, and almost at the same moment, tears of rationality flowed from Vox's eyes. The world in front of him was dazzling and hazy, and he could only see a circle of white halo.

...Did he succeed...or did he fail...and fall into the endless nightmare created by the warp?

Vox's world dimmed.

He saw two heads above his world - "Vox?" "Vox?!" "Vox!"

Vox's vision began to focus, and he tried hard to see clearly...why did the Ultramarines carve their emblem on the ceiling?

"Stop arguing..."

Vox said weakly, and then he saw two white-haired heads, one big and one small, looking at each other. The small one immediately rushed out to call the pharmacist, and the big one held his only intact arm and began to shake it, with just the right strength to wake up without hurting the body.

"Don't sleep - Vox, don't sleep yet!!!"

Vox looked at the Ultramarines emblem on the ceiling weakly and felt despair.

At least it seems that Hades is still Hades.


Vox was almost only breathing out but not breathing in.

"I promise I won't die if I close my eyes... Senior Combatant... let me... rest for a while..."

"I'm glad you're okay--"

Hades breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Vox with concern. Vox closed his eyes again, and then a group of fully armed pharmacists rushed in. Pluto was pushed aside tactfully and watched the pharmacists operate.

Booze stuck his head out from the door that was knocked open and quietly touched the side of Pluto who was standing in the corner.

"How is it, my father?"

Booze asked quietly, and Hades also lowered his head, but his eyes were still fixed on the bed.

"Looks good," he lowered his voice, "I'm so glad he still remembers me."

Booze was speechless, but didn't want to remain silent.

"My father, I also have a good relationship with Senior Vox. He once helped me and taught me some tricks-all of them are shady and ruthless."

Hades smiled.

"I I can teach you a little, but maybe Vox has already taught you something better. You know... He and I were comrades-in-arms. We had a lot of fights. Of course, he got hit the most by Garro, but it was those few fights that established his reputation as the most resistant to injuries. You don't know that at that time, he was pinned to the ground by Garro-"

"I can hear it." Vox said calmly,

"I can hear it, senior fighter."

The scene fell silent. Vox looked at the ceiling in despair, and Hades and Buzz turned their heads to look at the bed awkwardly.

Finally, it was the black-armored pharmacist who broke the silence.

"Do you still have the energy to speak?"

The pharmacist from the Death Guard raised his voice, ignoring the Ultramarines pharmacist who was pretending to be a quail beside him,

"Then you can increase the dose. Come on, I'll help you pull out some pieces of armor in advance."

"Anyone who has nothing to do with us please leave first."

Hades and Butz were "invited" out of the ward, and the two people in front of the door looked at each other.

"The first point of the Death Guard's pharmacist training is not to be afraid of authority,"

Buz said a little embarrassed,

"And the training of the apothecary was once handled by Mortarion and Karas."

Especially the pharmacists sent by the Death Guard to provide friendly assistance to the Sons of Hades. The smiles on their faces are often inversely proportional to the joy within the Sons of Hades.

"Understood, understood."

Hades nodded. At least Vox's mind seemed clear now. Hades breathed a sigh of relief. This was all the work of the pharmacist.

Hades glanced at the door, coughed twice, and after placing the black area, Hades took a few steps back.

"Tell me more about your impression of Vox?"

Hades winked, hinting Buzz to elaborate.

In the name of Pluto, Buz certainly would not shirk.



On the balcony of Terra Palace, a biting cold wind rushed through the hall. Butz, wearing a golden cloak, looked coldly at the thousands of ravines and mountains.

Footsteps sounded in the darkness.

With his white helmet stained with blood, Vox slowly walked out and stood at the intersection of shadow and light.

When Protestantism was first established, Terra was still in chaos.

"I never thought that the little boy I pushed to the ground and beat would be able to reach this stage today."

Buzz blinked, his eyes sparkling. He looked back at Vox and stretched out his hand, as if inviting Vox to enjoy the vast snow-capped mountains with him.

"A hero develops from humble beginnings. This is what you taught me at that time. Why did you forget it?"

Vox remained motionless, "I can't forget, this sentence... was also given to me by another person."


Butz's tone was casual, "Up to now... I'm not sure whether I respect Him or just because it's some form of expression of power."

The little thing is arrogant for a moment after gaining power.

"Do you want to be pushed to the ground and beaten by me again?"

Buz laughed, and he bowed magnificently, his golden robe fluttering in the wind, so happy,

"I can beat you now, Lao Den - but my dear Commander of the Death Guard Corps, Imperial Regent Buz Bella needs your assistance and that of the Death Guard Corps."

Vox's eyes sunken, and he glanced deeply at Butz.

"Cherish your current lofty ideals... I hope to see you like this again in seven hundred years."

It didn't take that long. In ten years, the imperial hero of that year had all the edges smoothed out and learned to be a human being.

And find Vaux, apologize inconsolably, and tell him he doesn't want to do it anymore.

That time it was Karas who punched and kicked Butz back to work.


Vox began to regret it.

It wasn't that he regretted running out. The bed he was lying on was thousands of times better than in Nurgle's Garden, but he did feel a certain helplessness.

Vox realized that the image he had built was crumbling.

This was not an important matter, but Vox was not in a state to think about important matters at the moment. His energy was extremely low, so he allowed himself to think about it.

He remembered that maybe he shouldn't be too close to that kid Buz. There were many cases of Death Guard being tricked by the son of Hades. He was careless.

But no matter how you put it, Vox's despair was only directed at Butz.

Hades... is still the same Hades,

Vox thought wanly that when Hades hung the Macragge tapestry directly behind his office, he had expected this day.

But throwing away that identity and facing Butz who had done the same thing, Vox immediately felt a touch of despair.

Vox was silent.

He realized his subconscious different standards... maybe he should treat everyone equally... maybe.

Vox suddenly realized with despair that Pluto and the son of Pluto were the same species.

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