Chapter 602 51. Mortarion’s plan


"Not bad," Vox coughed. He felt his throat itchy. He hoped that the crawlers in his esophagus had been cleared out by the pharmacists.

He still felt that the dry and clean reality was like a dream, but the faint feeling of disgust and the Ultramarines badge on the ceiling reminded him that this was not a subspace.

Just now, Hades took the initiative to tell his current situation without Vox asking any questions. Now, the metal mask covering the lower half of Hades's face was shining with a cold light.

Compared to the anger he heard from Buzz before, the half-decayed Death Guard felt boundless melancholy.

Even Hades was not immune to being corrupted... despite the curse he suffered from the physical world.

But at least it's still Hades.

"...There will be a solution."

Vox said, and Hades nodded,

"I'm now able to temporarily suffocate these powers."

Vox was silent for a moment;

"You are becoming pessimistic... Haunted, I mean the permanent solution,... we can go find the Necron."


Hades thought that maybe Trazin would choose to help him, but depending on Trazin's intentions, this kind-hearted Necron would probably be consumed in the lawsuit between dynasties in the short term.

And... next time we meet... I still don't know what the relationship between them is, and what the relationship between the Empire and the Necron is.

"The Death Guard came into contact with other Necron?"

Vox nodded,

"We have never given up... There is a special team of gravediggers within the Death Guard. We also have some Necron technology, but we have not announced it to the outside world."

"I guess Buzz doesn't know either?"

"he does not know."

Vaux explained,

"Before he fell asleep, he had been a key concern of the empire and we could not expose him."

"This part of technology has always been kept by the Death Guard technical sergeants as a possibility to deal with the final crisis-if all allies betray the Death Guard in the end."

"This time I went to Corruption Heaven and used some of the corresponding technologies."

"...but you are back, we can speed up the progress."

Hades nodded. Part of the Necron's technology was given by the Star God. With reference technology, he could try to quickly add some technology trees.

"...You have done a lot," Hades couldn't help but sigh. "Establishing a second religion, establishing autonomous regions, expanding infrastructure, secretly expanding the army... you even studied Necron technology."

A smile appeared on Vox's lips,

"It's not the technology of the Necrons, it's the technology of all alien races, the Necron, the Eldar, the Greenskins... He doesn't let go of any possibility."

He meant Mortarion, of course.

Thinking of this, Hades had mixed feelings in his heart. The stubborn original body that could not be pulled back by seven cows now looks much more mature.

What happened to Mortarion?

"Mortarion..." Hades said, "What does he hope to do?"

"--Killing God."

Vox said calmly, but his heart was not calm. It has been ten thousand years, it has been ten thousand years, and only a few people have known about this plan.

No one can say it, no one can believe it, no one can understand it.

"The Pale Lord has sent me back..." Vox said, "to explain his plan to you."



He still hasn't grown.

Mortarion is deeply aware of this, and the lowest and deepest emotions that drive him are still hatred, fear, and despair...

But it doesn't matter.

He accepted the reality calmly.

Under the command of the Lord of Mankind, some Primarchs are keen on guarding the territory, some are keen on maintaining order, some are keen on exterminating traitors... He is keen on destruction and overthrow.

Just like Hades once said, he is a bit extreme.

But fortunately, this vast galaxy is more extreme than him.

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, there is no shortage of beings who need to be overthrown, annihilated, and beheaded.

False gods are among them.

There is nothing to say. The torn galaxy once cast a shadow on his retinas. Mortarion knows who is the biggest enemy and who is the existence that deserves to be destroyed.

If it is not necessary, he will not care about the rise and fall of the empire. Others will worry about it - if Mortarion needs to take care of it, then there is no need for this huge empire to exist.

The empire established by the Lord of Mankind needs to learn to be self-sufficient, rather than relying on one or two supermen to move forward.

For Mortarion, the Primarch had only one responsibility.

That is killing gods.

Or... instead.

The Lord of Mankind showed him the truth, and after a long period of collapse, Mortarion began to deconstruct this unacceptable truth. Finally, he came to his conclusion-

Modeled after the Eldar pantheon, the Emperor desired to establish a "temple" of humanity.

Mortarion sneered,

Maybe he shouldn't call this "temple" so hastily. After all, the Lord of Humanity has emphasized the fact that he is human countless times.

It's just another name for diverting the power of subspace.

The essence is the original body that exists in subspace, and it is naturally the best carrier to carry the power of subspace.

Mortarion raised his hand and stared at his skinny palm.

He couldn't help but think of the previous Webway plan of the Lord of Humanity, to move all humans into the Webway and isolate the influence of human souls on the main subspace...

...As human faith disappears in the main subspace, Chaos will gradually weaken.

But the human race's beliefs do not disappear directly. They are just transferred from one place to another. They still need a carrier - otherwise these beliefs will spontaneously form new existences.

The new carrier is the original body.

The nineteen original bodies are enough to dilute the negative impact of faith.

Mortarion had enough evidence to believe that the Primarch was a being whom the Emperor wished to divert his faith from.

But that was before,

Now they have Hades.

But... Mortarion cannot guarantee that his former comrades will always respond to them, and Hades's response continues to weaken...

He had hoped to find Hades first and then attack the subspace.

But the reality is unsatisfactory.

The Necrons were far more troublesome than he thought. Attacking a dead race was far more difficult than attacking an enemy that he had already dealt with. Over the long years, he was wearing out... He was almost running out of time.

Mortarion never hesitated when his faith backfired and he lost himself, or when he gave up before losing his strength or consciousness.

He wants to kill gods, he wants to swallow the flesh and blood of Corrupt Heaven... He wants to take it... no...

Gods are immortal beings.

Within the laws of subspace, the rebirth of a god is exchanged for the death of a god.

"Consciousness" can be erased and replaced, but the dissipated authority must have something to carry it, otherwise the old god will never be destroyed.

Mortarion was afraid that he could not swallow all the power of the Corrupt Heaven. There must be an existence to share this power with him. He did not want to just be the new god who ascended the throne of stasis. What he wanted to do was What he wants to do is to crush the power of the gods and steal the humans he shaped into scythes.

He might be able to directly throw Nurgle's authority into the realm of Hades, but in the years when Hades was increasingly silent, Mortarion did not think that he could summon Hades' blessing in the vast ocean.

After that, some changes happened, and Mortarion was exiled, which strengthened his guess until...

...until the Eldar found him.

Another candidate to devour corruption has arrived,

The opportunity Mortarion had been waiting for came.

Every step that follows will be a step towards death.

Or maybe it was a step that would be worse than death, but Mortarion had no regrets. There was nothing to regret, even if the only sigh was that he could not see his old friend again.

Maybe he should apologize to his old friend who was clamoring that he was human for the dark churches that are now everywhere in the empire, or he should apologize for using the Dark Domain without explaining... Even if Mortarion knew that Hades would Forgive him, but the primarch still mourns.

In the extreme reality, either voluntarily or involuntarily, he made too many mistakes.

But Mortarion still has no regrets.

In this desperate world, he has learned to be silent.

First... is to use the Eldar method to send Death Guard ships to the subspace on a large scale.

The vast ocean was undulating, and the ship's bow was thin. Seven by seven Nurgle demons were pierced by black stone spears and nailed into the deck. As a guide, the Endurance broke through the psychic ocean and rushed into the highest sky.

He was not worried about other beings in the warp interfering. The clues collected by the Death Guard told him that there would be someone to stop them - maybe the Emperor, maybe the Emperor, it didn't matter.

Because only the Emperor or the Emperor is happy to see the old gods fall.

It is those two existences that have been entangled with other subspace existences.

Even if the position of one of them is not clear.

Next, use black stones that have been accumulated for thousands of years to disturb the ocean currents in the garden.

The whistle sounded, the missile took off, and hundreds of millions of black bombs fell into the garden like rain.

The dust exploded, and he heard a groan of pain deep in the garden, like the moist earth cracking and a slug retracting its eyes.

...The negative psychic properties of the Black Stone were weakened in the vast ocean.

Mortarion listened to his struggle. He released his own mist, and the white mist rolled up. The position of the nearby black stone would be reversed by his spiritual energy.

The mist is steaming.

And then there’s the fight… the fight… the fight…

Save Isa, share the food of Nurgle...gain strength...leave here...

The contract he made with the Eldar was to rescue Isa, serve as a substitute for the "Eldar Death", and kill the youngest queen.

In the process of killing the youngest queen, the Eldar will fully assist him.

The arrogant Eldar did not understand the reason why he was obsessed with Nurgle... They even did not understand why he was willing to agree to be friends with Isa... He needed the authority of [Rebirth]... and also needed the information of the Eldar Pantheon from back then.

Mortarion planned to obtain the secret of [Rebirth] from the Eldar goddess Isha after leaving the Garden of Nurgle - as long as it was enough to deal with the Necron.

At the same time, he needs to find another Primarch to share the [Rebirth], and the Eldar God is just a stopgap measure.

But... yes and no...

The Eldar hope to use his name as the "God of Death of Humanity" to replace the identity of the "God of Death of the Eldar". If they want to hold his sickle... they have to pay a price for it.

If Mortarion is indeed lucky enough to make it to the end, and Slaanesh falls to his scythe... Mortarion will ensure that the Eldar will cease to exist.

As the only false god among the four gods with a clear record of awakening time, Slaanesh may not be as persistent as Nurgle. He is too deeply bound to the Eldar and was seriously injured ten thousand years ago.

He is more powerful and easier to destroy.

Mortarion has initially thought about how to deal with Slaanesh, but the premise is that he can get out of Nurgle's garden and get the help of the Eldar.

And... on the road to facing Slaanesh, Mortarion thinks... he may also be wary of another ambitious demigod.

... Emperor.

Then... then... nothing else.

During the trek in the garden, there was a commotion among the Eldar. They mistakenly believed that Mortarion did not have the ability to continue fighting, so they persuaded Isha to leave in a hurry -

and then fell into the eternal stagnation of the Corrupted Sky together.


One breath, one minute, one hour, one year... a thousand years... until the verdant WAAAGH wind blew into the stagnant garden, and time ran recklessly again.

He should unite with the greenskins...

... not the Eldar.

But the old friend has returned - his former comrade, commander, logistics manager, cafeteria raider, spiritually glorious Macragge, the eternal son of Barbarus... In short... that existence has finally returned.

Go to kill a god.

Go to really kill a god.

This is Mortarion's choice.

The construction will be done by future generations, and he only needs to lay a stable sky for them.



Hades said, he stared at Vorcus, and a faint sense of oppression emanated from Hades,

"... Mortarion... did so much?"

Hades listened carefully to Mortarion's plan. The Primarch had almost completed his first step, and Nurgle was indeed greatly weakened.

But Hades knew that Mortarion's plan was carried out when the Empire still had that mess and he was close to losing control.

In the middle, Mortarion should have returned to the Empire to put out two fires.

Vox nodded heavily,

"My Lord...has changed." Vox said tiredly,

"After you left, too many things happened. A whole huge empire really weighed on the Primarchs. Even if the Pale Lord thought he would not manage the empire...but you know..."

Mortarion still went to manage it.

Hades pondered, "Vox, how is the battle in the garden now?"

"It's almost over." Vox said, "Corruption Sky has failed, and the thousand years of preparation have not been in vain."

As if thinking of something, Vox smiled,

"Wandering Soul, you don't need to go out this time, the Death Guard can solve the battle by themselves."

It's just possible...Mortarion needs some time to "negotiate" with the Eldar.

"Can Nurgle be left alone for the time being? Then the next one is Slaanesh?"

Hades asked, and Vox nodded,

"We can also solve your problem," Vox looked at Hades with some concern, "Experience ten thousand years ago tells us that you are the best candidate to kill Slaanesh."

Hades frowned, what happened ten thousand years ago? How come he is the best candidate?

"Why do you say that?" Hades asked, "And the Emperor... Emperor, Emperor, what is the Emperor?"

Vorx's expression became complicated almost all of a sudden, and he turned pale.

"This is top secret," he said slowly, "Only the Primarch can know... And the Emperor... This is the word written by the Pale Lord before he left, I don't know the whole picture... Don't ask me."

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