Chapter 608 57. A little regret


Buz was silent, looking at his nose and heart, while Hades in front of him was holding the list and looking down with a frown.

Hades looked down, looked down, and looked...

"You want to kill so many?"

Hades suddenly asked, eyebrows furrowed,

"Those hereditary nobles are too prolific," Buzz said calmly, "which has led to Terra's bloated bureaucracy."

Hades paused, "Then the vacant position... let the Ultramarines come?"

"That's exactly what it means," Butz said. "I think our cousins ​​will love this job. They naturally enjoy politics, especially meetings."

Buz raised his hand and sent the paper "Why Ultramarines Are Suitable to Work on Terra" to Hades.

Hades raised his eyes, and the two looked at each other in tacit understanding, understanding each other tacitly.

"...If only Guilliman was still here."

Hades said slowly,

"Since he is not dead... we can try to find Robert Guilliman with great fanfare after asking the Ultramarines - and recruit other administrative talents, such as those Ultramarines stationed abroad."

Hades said, and suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by something. His expression was as usual, and he expanded the black area, but found nothing.

...maybe it's an illusion.

At least in Hades's impression, Guilliman was not a Primarch who would voluntarily give up his duties and leave... At least as long as there was a glimmer of hope, Guilliman would not give up.

After all, he is one of the few Primarchs who has hope.

Hades pondered for a moment,

"Kirkland has just informed me that Mars has sent an application for academic discussion to the Phaeos fleet - it is not aimed at me, but in the hope of competing with Kirkland and the others for the academic holy land."

To put it simply, fight over who is the God of Pluto.

"I don't want to agree. After all, Faosglaier has helped me too much, but I think Kirkland and the others are eager to give it a try."

Hades continued, remembering that Rejoice uploaded the data to Kirkland, a Titan-like war machine.

He is not good at pouring cold water on him.

Hades put down the information in his hand,

"So I agreed, but the premise is that the movement is smaller, and it is best to control the war to the scale of the continental plate. Mars also agreed."

"Those oil guys really need a chance to vent their energy," Buzz said. "Otherwise we will see countless sages trying to intervene in the subsequent Terran coup in their own name."

On Terra's side...

Hades was silent,

"There is no news from Terra. Two days ago, Terra was cut off from all contact with the outside world," he said simply. "I received a letter of nomination from the merchant fleet outside the Sun Star Territory, but it was not The chief representative from the current merchant navy - is a deputy representative."

"They're just fagots," Buzz commented. "You can ask the sage to sell them some more benefits... they will give in quickly."

"I'm not worried about that," the bell rang, and this short quantum slingshot project was coming to an end, hoping that the landing error would be smaller this time.

Hades stood up and said, "The merchant fleet is not powerful enough. We are going to meet with force this time... I am more concerned about the movements of the Imperial Navy and the Astra Militarum... and the psykers."

"But think on the bright side," Hades' tone became more relaxed. The light inside the ship turned scarlet, and the final login began.

"Since the Emperor will let the Imperial Guard protect Nirvana, he will probably let the Imperial Guard stop those crazy psykers."

Terra has the Emperor in charge, so there won't be too much chaos.

Hades thought as he strode out of the office. Because of the quantum slingshot, they did not have to take the subspace passage of Pluto or Uranus, and naturally they did not need to pass the approval of the navigators.

But as an early warning, they have launched a login notification towards the Sun Star Domain - they will land at a random point in the Sun Star Domain.

Hades walked into the command room. The stars behind the portholes were shining on the ground. He was looking forward to the feeling of the sun shining on him.

Seven minutes later, a fleet suddenly appeared over Terra.

Just right, just right, and appropriately, he landed in the group of escaping ships.

"Wait a minute," Hades said. He lowered his head and glanced at Buz's solemn list, and the radio frequency bands of nearby ships were ringing in his mind. "Come on - it looks like we have to clear out the deserters first?"

"No," Hades then added, "Capture them first, understand the situation, and kill them later. Now contact the Imperial Navy immediately. The Astra Militarum and the Imperial Fists,"

It's a pity that he still wants to keep it simple.


"Archbishop, is that lord coming?"

In the darkened chapel, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs smiled. He put down his praying hands and looked at the Archbishop of Hades, Samuel.

The old man in solemn black robes smiled. Samuel's bald head shone in the darkness. He stomped, step after step, deliberately stepping beside the high lord who was waiting uneasily. .

Compared to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Lord Commander of the Astra Militarum in the dark room was much calmer. The middle-aged man was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed, silently reciting prayers.

Admiral Lord Shigo of the Imperial Navy is not here, and has taken refuge in the National Church Cathedral.

Samuel raised his head and glanced at the sculpture of Pluto in front of him - he didn't believe that Pluto would come, but since he was here, there was no harm in it.

As for whether Hades wants to kill him or reward him, Samuel doesn't care, it's not his business.

As long as the Hades Cathedral can't be captured by the crazy psychics, and by the way, fool these ignorant high lords, Hades has already ordered that he wants to meet the high lords.

"Wait," Samuel said, "Who are you and I? Hades must go to meet the Emperor of God first, you listen..."

He deliberately kept quiet for a moment,

"Is the sound of the artillery outside quieter? Those idiots of the state religion must have gone back."

"You don't..." The head of the Ministry of the Interior paused, "You don't go to greet Hades?"

"Hades didn't give such an order, as believers, we naturally follow God - no."

He was killed, but the Hades Cathedral must be defended and cannot be occupied by these psychic insects, otherwise what will happen?

At least it is clearly written in the doctrine that the Hades Cathedral is sacred and inviolable.

Hades was not evaluated like this.


Psychic power... This is... Tzeentch's... Not... Slaanesh?

It's not like it...

... But it's still familiar.

The red blood dripped from the black helmet boots, and the helmet boots made a clanging sound on the deck of the refugees. Hades walked out of the dark cabin and looked up at the dim Terra in front of him.

Ten thousand years... Terra still looks like this.

Compared with Macragge, which he just visited, it is much inferior.

Hades has received the message from Terra. The warriors of the Imperial Fists told Hades that the airspace has been opened.

There are some "small" disturbances on Terra now. According to the description of the Imperial Fists, different factions have fought, and there are suspected Chaos and Eldar among them - but because the situation is too chaotic, the Imperial Fists have not yet figured out the current situation, so they can only stabilize Terra's defense with the Terra garrison.

... As expected.

Go to the palace first, meet the Imperial Guards and the Empress before taking the next step.

Hades thought that Pluto was slowly devouring the remaining spiritual energy on the ship, and he could also disinfect some of them when he landed.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Looking into the towering hall of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the wind blew through the hall, the flames flew, and the papers accumulated for thousands of years turned into ashes.

The flames were blazing, and the thin clerks attacked the imperial guards who had entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to put out the fire and rescue the documents, waving their paper cutters.

The guards' spears swept through the flesh and blood of mortals, and the golden figures rushed straight into the depths of the flames, but in the space distorted by the heat, the figures of Lan Yu and the Eldar were looming.

The flames rolled up the contemplation and fatigue accumulated between the documents for thousands of years, and ignited a carnival.

On Terra, the rest of the forces had already withdrawn from this strange area and gathered elsewhere.

On the ridge of the Himalayas, the dark Gothic buildings towered into the clouds. The distant bells of the Hades Cathedral rang out, and each bell sounded like a cry. Each bell sounded like a shock in the subspace.

With each bell sound, some of the psychics gathered around the Hades Cathedral fell down, bleeding from all seven orifices, and collapsed in the snow, exploding like a white flower on the bright snow. (*)

The explosive arrows tore through the wind, and the soulless and the Hades guards hid in the bunkers, silently pouring ammunition on these angry guys.

The psychics who attacked them were completely crazy - they were deceived by the stories of thousands of years, and they knew that they were blasphemous and could not get the forgiveness of Hades at all, so they chose to fight directly.

The real representatives of the Astropaths hid themselves, and the regular troops of the three psychic departments did not come out directly. Some fled, and some mixed into the mob psychic troops and attacked the Hades.

The high lords were timid.

Under the ridge, countless hives were also ablaze with smoke. The gangs and beings hiding in the dark were aroused by such noise, including Genestealers, Thunder Warriors, Dark Eldar... But compared with the war in the Ministry of the Interior, it was still just a small fight.

Red dots lit up on the radar array, the authority was granted, the missile silos were no longer tracked, and the roar of the Thunderhawks passed over Terra.

It was much better than he imagined.

The airflow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau made the shuttle bumpy. Hades curled up in the cargo hold and looked out of the cabin - he remembered the first time he came to Terra, when Malcador received him.

Unfortunately... the old friend was gone.

He looked at the smoke rising from the densely packed hives like anthills. Terra after ten thousand years was even more crowded and chaotic. Just by simply exploring with the Black Domain, Hades had already felt the distribution of the four kinds of chaotic beliefs - perhaps this place was a little too hive-like.

The only tricky part might be the Ministry of the Interior. Hades squeezed by the porthole and looked at the fire, but heard that the Imperial Guards had gone to put out the fire - and they did not ask Hades for help.

Bump! Then the engine gradually died down. They stopped at a platform in front of an exit of the palace. Hades saw a sparse, obviously improvised welcoming team of the State Religion of the Holy Emperor, and a Imperial Guard.

The simple welcoming ceremony made Hades frown. Why didn't he see the team of the Hades?

But... maybe it's better this way.


[Golden Throne]

The morning light flickered quietly, more dazzling than the diamonds dripping on the grass at dawn.



"You're not leaving?"

Neos silently looked at Malcador in front of him, who was drinking tea without saying a word.

But at this moment, he was no longer the [Emperor]. All the jewels were put away, the gray cloak blocked the jewels, the scepter was put away, the crown fell, and wrinkles climbed over.

Rather like the palm print maker back then.

"Not leaving."

Makado said calmly, "Or you go."

"I couldn't stand up."

The Emperor said, "You don't want to welcome him?"

"I want to welcome him," Macado said, sipping his tea again, "but he doesn't welcome me - or you can feel his enthusiasm up close. He still has poor self-control now. "

"I don't understand."

The emperor said,

"I think you can hide it from him, Malcador, why don't you go?"

Malcador smiled mockingly,

"Are you obsolete, my former best friend?"

"I remember," Malcador said, "I think... you have not experienced this passively in the past."

"Or..." Makado said slowly, "You don't understand his current hunger and cruelty."

"At least in this aspect," Machado's expression remained unchanged, "subspace creatures should unite a little more. We are still on the same journey in this aspect."

"I don't understand."

The emperor said, but the next moment——

He saw darkness.

Surging, rolling, jumping...the black tide.

He understands Macha much.

...Perhaps he has given too much faith to Hades in the past ten thousand years.

No, this was the Warp's problem, not his.



There was silence, only the sound of the whistling wind and the sound of the engine idling. Hades squeezed out of the cabin door casually, completely regardless of posture - because no one would record all this,

At least here, everyone is sleeping soundly and peacefully.

It's dark on the Himalayas.

Don't worry, the black area is under good control - none of them are dead, they just wake up... maybe vomiting slightly for a while.

He expressed a slight apology to the people who came to welcome him, as well as the sons of Hades who sent him. Hades walked to the Forbidden Army who was still standing. The black domain passed by the Forbidden Army, forming a cavity. Hades waved Wave.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

The Imperial Guard was stunned and nodded slowly.

"First clean the ground and plow it," Hades smiled apologetically, "I avoided the positions of the Star Torch and the Lord of Mankind, is that okay?"

The Custodian nodded slowly,

"Then take me in now? To meet the Lord of Mankind?"

Hades asked tentatively, watching as the Custodes turned sideways to make way for him.

In the distance, Samuel looked out of the observation hole. He looked at the team of psykers who fell on the ground and the paralyzed Pluto army, and shook his head.

"It seems that the real Pluto is here," the archbishop said to himself, "I'd better prepare a suicide note."



Malcador took a sip of tea, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the pale-faced Lord of Humanity.

"It seems you regret it?" Macado asked casually, "Why, you don't welcome him again?"

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