Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 609 58 are disgusting with each other

Chapter 609 58. Mutual disgust

Malcador took a sip of tea, lowered his eyes, and stared at the aging reflection in the teacup.

Frankly speaking, he didn't like this image.

But there are always people who like nostalgia.

He looked up and looked at the Lord of Humanity, who looked normal.

It was just calm on the surface.

Perhaps ordinary people could not discern the emotions under the mask of Neos, but Malcador could. He saw the undercurrent under the calm sea surface -

No subspace existence could face it calmly, no.

Especially when it woke up again, the former ants had already grown into giants driven by appetite. Perhaps they could cover up the dislike with the light they emitted before...

But now...

Malcador was silent. He felt that the body he controlled was tense, and the knuckles holding the teacup turned white. He heard the footsteps coming from far away...

Darkness walked in happily and easily.

Malcador remembered an afternoon tea 48,646 years ago. He was still young and had been invited to join a gathering of Eternal minorities. He witnessed people scrambling for rotten and mystical food. The restaurant was surrounded by the corpses of his own kind. He was also under the influence of psionics and his senses were amplified. He had thought that was the most disgusting thing he had ever experienced in his life. He would not even be distressed by the half-dead fermenting bodies in the trenches. He could face the strange liquid food of the minorities or a handful of sticky liquid in the stagnant sky without changing his face. But in fact, it was not half as painful as Hades. He wanted to vomit. He should not have drunk so much tea just now. Malcador was painfully aware that even in this body, the pain brought to him by the black tide was supersensory, above all experience, based on the laws of the warp and above the laws of the warp. This disgust once overwhelmed reason, and the Emperor couldn't help but question whether His plan really needed such an existence. Perhaps He should give this good job to the Lord of Change instead of taking the field himself. In the tide of negative emotions, he heard the footsteps stop. Instructed by the emotions of the Lord of Humanity, the Imperial Guards decisively stopped Hades.

This pain was not borne by him alone.

Malcador and the Emperor's eyes met for a nanosecond, and Malcador was sure that the Emperor was also caught in a vortex of doubt and pain.

But reason will always prevail over reality.

The Imperial Guards retreated, and the existence began to climb.

Malcador's dizzy ears heard nonsense like "Nyos, Malcador! Can I use the Black Domain to explore first?"

There were some meaningless sighs and condolences, but these simple notes were melted into the slowly rising black tide.

They tacitly did not answer anyone and acquiesced to Hades' request.

Malcador only reduced part of his power here to control this body. Malcador felt the muscles under his robes began to twitch subconsciously.

He watched the tentacles extending from the darkness, they were ignorant and clumsy, but extremely fast.

At the moment when the darkness came up, Malcador thought of a cold joke at an inopportune moment - this might be the moment when the Lord of Humanity is closest to standing up. Then... he heard the... darkness surge... ... ... Hades slowly put away the black domain he was trying to explore. He finally remembered where this familiar feeling came from... Malcador...

Ten thousand years later, Malcador's psychic energy was noisy, but also much stronger.

But why were there Malcador's psychic energy on those ships?

Hades temporarily suppressed his doubts. Most of his willpower was now on self-control.

Don't swallow it all.

The brilliance of the Emperor and the Golden Throne was too dazzling. To Hades, it was like an apple drenched in gold, but it was too hot. While emitting an alluring fragrance... it was also burning Hades.

Compared with the Emperor, Malcador's breath was much more familiar and gentle.

It also required more... self-control.

Hades suppressed the black domain. He felt a little dizzy and felt that another part of his body was awakening. The Star God was greedy for souls, while the black domain wanted more psychic energy - the two produced a wonderful chemical reaction in his body, which reminded Hades of the curse that the deceiver had once cursed him.

The reunion of the three friends in the past reminded him of the conversation on the track of the Perfect City, but now... he is no longer the same.

Fortunately, the remaining two are still intact.

... Hades took a deep breath and steadied himself. He regained his rationality and looked at the two old friends in front of him.

The Lord of Humanity sat calmly on the throne, as quiet as a sculpture.

Malcador maintained a mysterious posture of drinking tea, and Hades caught a glimpse of his hand holding the cup trembling slightly.

Hades remembered that he had already said hello once.

But neither of them paid any attention to him.



Hades shouted tentatively, and the emperor blinked slowly, looking at Hades with seemingly out-of-focus pupils.

"Long time no see, my... friend."

Hades laughed. The Emperor was still awake and intact, and his psychic powers did not look like he would transform into the God Emperor. Except that Neos looked a little pale now - this might be squatting on the toilet. The sequelae caused by it over a long period of time.

"Long time no see, and Macado,"

Hades looked at Malcador. He could not describe his feelings now. He remembered that Malcador was in the illusion ten thousand years ago... He had desperately realized that because of his own reasons, Malcador might never be the same again. exists.

But now Malcador was sitting in front of him, drinking tea.

Hades watched in confusion as Malcador coughed violently. The old man coughed and was out of breath.

Hades turned around, squatted down and wanted to pat the old man's back, but Malcador slapped his hand away.

The moment he turned around, Hades missed a trace of happiness and regret in the emperor's eyes.

"It's not necessary...cough cough cough! Long time no see...Hardy..."

"Long time no see! Malcador, I thought I would never see you again—"

"Stop!!!" Malcador suddenly stopped coughing, "Change your title, don't call me by this title anymore, you can use any code name, don't call me by that title anymore!"

"You don't look as comfortable as you thought."

The faint voice of the Lord of Humanity sounded from behind Hades, speaking to Malcador.

Malcador laughed, "Then you can tell us your real name, the great Emperor, I think-"

He hesitated in his words. Malcador looked at Hades, who immediately spoke,

"Wandering soul, just wandering soul."

"I think the wandering spirit will be happy to call you by your real name."

"No need to go to such trouble, I have already exchanged a copy of my past identity with him."

The Emperor said, he was silent for a moment, "Wandering Soul, please take a seat."

Hades stood up silently and turned around. In front of the Golden Throne, on the empty platform, except for the psychic chair where Malcador was sitting, and the golden toilet of the Lord of Humanity, there was no other one. There's room to sit.


Hades opened his hand, but the emperor still had that calm expression - he had always been like this,


the Emperor repeated again.

If it were anyone else, Hades might have thought he was here to cause trouble maliciously, but this is the lord of mankind.

"Okay," Hades raised a hand, emerald lightning flashing at his fingertips, "then I'm not welcome."

Tens of seconds later, a silver metal sofa the size of Hades appeared.

Hades sat down and looked at the Emperor and Malcador, "It seems I don't have to expect anything to drink?"

Makado laughed first,

"I can go out and treat you to a feast after this, Wandering Soul, but now... your demands are a bit high."

The old man's eyes were piercing. He and the Emperor had both witnessed the scene where Hades used the power of the Void Dragon. He was right. Hades, who had defeated the Deceiver, must have begun to become proficient in the Star God's abilities.

It's too valuable...not to be given up easily.

Malcador began to laugh at himself again for being shaken just now.

This is the sharpest and most immortal black sickle in the treasury of the Lord of Mankind.

Hades raised his hand and wiped the lower half of his face. A metal mask appeared. He swallowed and said dullly,

"I look forward to your hospitality, Lao Ma, but you...you don't have to come with me then."

Old, horse.

Makha took one more breath and sipped his tea.

"Why not?"

Hades paused. He didn't know whether to tell the story of that year in the illusion, but his current situation needed to be known to the Emperor and Malcador.

"Offended, Lao Ma, but for my personal reasons... you look..." Hades's voice became smaller and smaller, like a fly. "Tastes good? I didn't want you to appear with the food, I'm sorry." ,but……"

A chuckle.

From the Lord of Mankind.

Malcador ignored the Emperor's provocation, realizing that perhaps the pain came not just from Hades's essence, but from his non-existent soul.

"...Is your condition getting worse?"

But it's...a necessary compromise.

"Wandering Soul," Malcador sighed, "Your situation was not optimistic during the last meeting ten thousand years ago."

"Does the empire know my current status?"

Hades asked in surprise, but Malcador shook his head.

"Any creature looking at you from the perspective of subspace will realize that something is wrong with you."

Makhado brought the tea and took a sip.

"And now, your condition looks even more abnormal - but it seems like you can still control yourself...but you're just a little bigger."

Hundreds of millions.

He watched Hades's expression become serious. Hades paused, then looked at the Emperor and Malcador to explain,

He did not doubt Macado, who smiled behind his tea cup.

"...That's it," Hades said with a sigh. He glanced at the honest red stone on his waist, "I almost swallowed Magnus's fragments several times, and later I met the Star God Deceiver..."

He swallowed and glanced at Malcador guiltily.

Machado said nothing and continued to drink tea.

"Fortunately, I stopped in time. All this is thanks to Lao Ma. Maybe you don't know, but ten thousand years ago, when Lao Ma went to save me... I saw him in the fantasy realm,"

Hades paused. He turned to look at Malcador, his expression became serious.

"Ma...Old Ma, I really appreciate you."

Is this your plan, [Emperor]?

The Lord of Humanity is silent, sitting on the golden throne, using the fragments of your past and dead self to earn the trust of your former best friend?

He felt a little sad, but he was also impressed by the emperor's courage to endure his own instinct and mediate with Hades.

Back then, Malcador took Hades through various subspaces and sailed through subspaces in this way.

Perhaps Hades can also be temporarily handed over to Malcador... He should trust Hades's wisdom. Hades will hinder Malcador's plan and continue to consume Malcador's energy and power.

But Malcador, who was entangled in strength and a little obsession, would not give up the goal of Hades easily.

The Lord of Humanity's expression remained unchanged, and his current faith was shunted away by Malcador, who deliberately took his power, which meant that some information was shared between them.

...The Lord of Mankind admitted that it might be a bit tricky for him to manage Hades now.

Hades will disperse part of his will and power. This is an unnecessary sacrifice at the moment when he is preparing to mediate with the Lord of Change. He can give this part of the sacrifice to an unfaithful minister, but it is best to be reliable. Heir... When will Mortarion return?

The Lord of Mankind explored psychic powers, but still failed. The Pale Lord refused the Lord of Mankind's blessing. After Sanguinius was broken, Mortarion became even more resistant to the Emperor's power.

I hope Mortarion returns soon, the Emperor thought, but among the Eldar troops in the garden, there may be Malcador's eyes and ears - Malcador does not want to let the Pale Lord return and occupy Hadi Sri Lanka's energy.

Malcador...he is too persistent.

In addition to his plan, Malcador was also shaped by his past obsessions and desires. The power from the subspace made him obsessed with [control] and [collection]. This is what the [King] must do in the subspace. prepared authority.

The emperor thought about it and saw Malcador put down his teacup. The old man sat up straight and looked at Hades seriously.

"I know what you want to say, I know what you have experienced, soul of the dead... because... I have also experienced it..."

Malcador spoke softly, and the emperor looked on coldly. The flames of the Ministry of Interior were burning, but there were no more screams, only the fire burned lonely.

This was all to get the Emperor out of Malcador's way.

… He might not have to be so extreme.

The Lord of Humanity has done too many things, walking together and betraying him midway. Now that their cooperation has not yet begun, Malcador can go with him for a while...

…Perhaps this is also Malcador’s obsession.

At the very beginning of ten thousand years, he was still actively reforming the imperial system...

"I know, Hades..."

Hades held his breath, waiting for Malcador's words.

"Rice cooker."

Malcador watched calmly as Hades coughed and fell in front of him.

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