Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 618 The 67 Empire is full of talented people

Chapter 618 67. Talents emerge in large numbers in the empire

Dust mist was everywhere and cobwebs were densely covered. Karas raised his feet, and a light layer of dust covered his helmet and boots.

The long-stagnant engine started running again, the buzzing sound was like an ancient whale, and layers of white mist hit the giant ship layer by layer.

At the foot of the giant ship, the dead trees that had grown over the years were broken like twigs. On the deck, the armor was either bloated and rotten, or warriors as thin as bones were walking in a hurry, replacing the long-dead crew members to launch the ship. ship.


Stranded in the garden mud, the Endurance began to move slowly.

Karas breathed a long sigh of relief. In the star observation hall, the star counting platform designed and cast by the Pale Lord himself began to move. The course was correct and the time was correct.

A long sob sounded in his ears, and Karas didn't want to tell whether it was Nurgle's or Elsa's.

Except for the Pale Lord, they are all too cowardly.

Karas thought, and he felt relieved. The delicate balance that had existed for thousands of years was finally broken by the two alien gods. Nurgle could no longer hold the son he thought he loved.


Karas roared, and the last black missiles in the Death Guard's inventory were released, giving this dilapidated garden a parting gift. Smoke and dust rose not far from the giant ship, and the edge of the garden became darker.

White mist washed away, and the Tenacity slowly sailed away from here.

it's over……

Karas took a deep breath again, before and after, a total of 490,000 troops, as well as hundreds of millions of auxiliary troops and accompanying sages were exhausted. In the end, only a handful of soldiers survived... 70,000... them Most of them are obviously mutated.

Mortals survived even less. Only strong believers related to the God of Death barely survived, less than a hundred people.

Silent white mist surged up along the cracks in the corridor and gathered gently. Karas felt that the pain all over his body, as if he had been run over, became lighter. Mortarion dispersed his power to his followers——

But Karas wasn't sure if it was just a painkiller or if it actually had healing properties.

It doesn't matter.

Karas raised his head and looked at the ceiling. The Pale Lord had locked himself up, and he needed to prepare to return to the physical world - maybe he would try to make himself less scary, or maybe not.


Tired, achy, hopeless.



With his bone-like fingertips stained with the blood of aliens, Mortarion squatted on the ground and patiently drew the numbers required for the ritual. The words written in blood were like chains, and like living spider limbs, pulling prey to the ground. Locked in the center of the array.

His wings like a tattered cloak hang down to the ground, and patterns like screaming skulls scream among them.

7665678...Mortarion wrote, his eyelashes moving,

【Quiet. 】

He said, looking up at the sacrifice nailed to the floor, Mortarion needed some authority over [life], or at least weakened Elsa a little so that the prisoners would not escape easily.

Tears flowed out, and Mortarion accelerated his speed. The God of Life of the Eldar loved to cry, and teardrops had the ability to enhance herself. Digging out the eyes could not stop crying. Mortarion tried .


The Pale Lord stood up, walked towards the center of the altar, and held the black stone spear stuck in the ground - the polarity was positive.

+May I...+

A thin whisper sounded, like the soft tone of Barbarus, but twisted like the hum of a garden. The spell that could control Nurgle's authority was a variant of Barbarus - none of this was a coincidence.

The spell lit up, the whole hall flickered, and the sacrifices began to whimper, but were quickly drowned in white mist.

The sound of rustling growth sounded.

The bright yellow shoots emerge from the cracks like bone-like armor, the vines hang down, and the pink new flesh grows out, quickly climbing up the insect-like shell to form muscles and skin——

——Mortarion blew out a puff of white mist from between his mask.

The scorched yellow color climbed onto the leaf buds, the vines curled up and withered, gray rotting tissue fluid seeped out of the newly grown muscles, and the body of the Pale Lord swayed.

Mortarion still held the spear tightly, and the light flickered. His hand holding the spear slowly loosened, the ceremony was suspended, and the mist subsided quickly like the ebbing tide.


Mortarion coughed and looked at Elsa. The Eldar god had passed out.

Unbearable...Death is inherently incompatible with new life.

He needs to find someone else, Mortarion breathed. This result did not surprise him. The original body himself could not imagine himself in charge of [life]. He was not attached to life.

Mortarion's mind searched for his brother... maybe Vulkan could give it a try.

Giving up the attempt, Mortarion turned around and sat back on the bench, slumped and wearily.

Mortarion raised his hand and looked at his bony hand, which was like an insect's limbs.

He took seven deep breaths... went back, went back... Pluto is in the Sun Star Domain.

He hoped that Hades would not mistake him for an alien the first time he saw him.

…When did he look so much like Guilliman? Such optimism.

Maybe he shouldn't go back to the physical world.

The physical universe does not welcome a subspace existence too much, although there is a way for it to pass through, only at a certain cost.

Mortarion's hazy green eyes blinked, and he silently calculated in his heart. He thought of the beheaded Dark Eldar. The emperor took action, but the Pale Lord hid it very well - his old stubbornness was well hidden. protected him.

Terra...Emperor, Emperor, Hades...Mortarion could hardly imagine the coexistence of these three, but the numbers told him that they formed a delicate balance.

The gas mask sprayed out another puff of white mist.

Go back, go back... No matter what, the Pale Lord needs to return. Since no one among his brothers is willing to return first, he will take the initiative to return.

Humanity needed help, and he needed to see his old friend.

Mortarion was silent for a moment and looked at his hands again.

Rather than despair, he should probably prepare in advance an escape route in case Hades goes berserk when he sees him.

The Pale Lord laughed desperately.

His former friend finally became an alien on the top of Mount Barbarus. Mortarion felt despair, but he still existed, continued to exist... and refused to leave.

After all, his long-cherished wish has not been fulfilled, after all, he prides himself on being tough.

7... Mortarion looked at Elsa who was struggling slightly, and he knew something was wrong.

He needs to obey the laws of the warp.

The subspace has its own unique order. The first one should be 6, then 7...

No…the first one doesn’t have to be 6…

Mortarion fell silent, but he still remembered his wish.

At least two... he thought, fulfilling their wishes back then.

Hope the other person still remembers the promise of the past.

...I hope he returns as a human being.


【Athens Academy】1.1 update.

First of all, Hades cruelly limits the forum traffic of each sage. They cannot dump garbage on the forum without limit, which puts too much pressure on the main server.

But he still maintains a hierarchical system. The higher the level, the more traffic.

Another change is that Hades increased his level to fourteen. He still underestimated the sages, and his combat power expanded a little too quickly.

Five months after the establishment of [Athens Academy], not only was there an avalanche of mid- and low-level technologies, but Hades also received a lot of technologies left behind by the golden age.

Some of the technologies were not even understood by the sage himself, so he uploaded them directly to the Academy of Athens, wanting to see how high the technology he held could be rated——

In short, I use Athens Academy as a free valuation system, or I want to see if there is a full version of this technology.

In this way, a lot of middle and low-level technologies were received, and very few were high-level. However, the highest level beyond high-level received many incomplete papers in a daze - because the sages did not know the value of the technology in their hands.

Hades was shocked by this.

This added a lot of workload to him. In addition to the government review, Hades began to work with the sages to complete these extremely valuable technologies, such as general cannons, super giant viruses that can swallow an entire star region, and the trajectories of stars and planets. Change……

During this period, there was no shortage of emerging technologies that did not care about our life or death. After a brief evaluation by Hades, Hades believed that the weapons formed by applying these technologies could even easily compete with the Necrons.

Speaking of Necrons, the application of [Athens Academy] also brought unexpected surprises. Hades discovered a very small amount of Necrons technology in a large number of uploaded technologies. Following the clues, Hades found a sharp mind. Innovative sage.

This ordinary sage who mastered some Necron technology came from the notorious forge world No. 8, and was lucky enough to be on the same ship as Caul.

α3 Alina, through Caul's help, Hades successfully found her. After simple communication (coercion and inducement) and the charm of reputation, Hades obtained a loyal sage.

This sage is very good at digging graves and has his own set of tomb robbing skills. He likes to dig Necron graves underground on jungle planets.

So far, she has successfully dug up the tomb worlds of no less than four small dynasties.

Although according to the sage, only one of the worlds involved deep excavation - just because she was convinced that due to natural reasons, there was something wrong with the automaton souls of this small dynasty, so that the Necrons could not resurrect normally, and this planet Became a Death Star.

This also became the reason why α3 Alina was exposed to Hades' gaze.

Deep in this small dynasty, under the coffin where the Necron Lord was placed, α3 Alina forcibly inserted her 654tapeh into the socket under the coffin, and forcibly downloaded a piece of Necron data using four different communication protocols. .

This garbled code was not successfully cracked by the sage, and was forgotten by the sage for a long time. Finally, the sage judged it as a useless code.

With the mentality of casually gaining some experience so that she can go to the forum and compete with the sages of the human science and technology supremacy faction, α3 Alina uploaded this "waste code" to [Athens Academy].

And was successfully discovered by Hades.

With just one glance, Hades judged the value of this code - it was a lord-level control protocol.

"So, O great Om Messiah...what does this mean?"

α3 Alina stood in front of Hades and asked hesitantly.

Hades was silent. He realized that there are always talents in human beings, but these talents may not realize what they have done.

"this means,"

Hades said slowly,

"After finding the key corresponding to the corresponding dynasty and breaking through the firewall of the automatic machine soul - this agreement will allow us to gain lord-level control and take over the lower-level armies of the Necrons."

The female sage also fell into a long silence. After a long time, she spoke again carefully and meaningfully, "My Lord, I think the first two points are difficult to do?" Hades was silent again. If he was not there, it would be difficult for humans to decipher the keys of the Necrons, but he was here - he had the knowledge of the Void Dragon, cracking the keys and breaking through the firewall... As long as there was enough time, it would not be particularly difficult. Emperor, this is too blasphemous. This opened a new door for Hades, but even a pragmatist like Hades felt a little unacceptable. ... Command the Necrons army? In fact, in the world of the Necrons, there is a world called [Isolated World]. This is a world automatically managed by an automatic machine soul. For different reasons, the minds of the space lords on it were destroyed, unable to wake up from hibernation, and unable to realize the advanced functions in the program. The consciousness of the Necrons on it has been completely deleted. But the time for revival has come, so the automaton souls that cannot find the managers will mechanically awaken the Necrons, and imitate the actions of the former lords, leading the Necrons to expand.

This proves one point, that is, the Necrons' army does not look at who the commander is.

They "obey" the orders of the automaton souls, or in other words, the drive of the program.

Low-level Necrons do not have high-level functional minds, do not have their own personality and soul, and only know how to accept orders from the soul.

Then... if humans intervene in the automaton soul at this time, input the management protocol, and let the automaton soul confirm the new manager.

Hades looked at the sage in front of him who was submissive and felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

Hades was brainstorming.

No, Hades thought that the empire's strength was unstable now, and this could not be exposed rashly.

Each dynasty has its own unique key. It takes at least one automaton soul on the tomb world to crack the key of the entire dynasty, and breaking through the firewall requires real-time operation.

Hades thought that if he wanted to increase his bargaining chips in the battle with the Necrons, he should increase the number of dynasty keys in his hands now.

He thought of the gravedigger team of the Death Guard.

There is a team of technical sergeants in the Death Guard that specializes in digging graves of the Necrons, but perhaps because of Hades's guidance ten thousand years ago, the Death Guards are not as wild as the Sages, directly connecting the human-machine to the Necrons' machine soul system -

and thus missed the opportunity to discover the management protocol.

It's time to form a new tomb raiding team, Hades thought, it would be best to have a small number of people, quietly, without shooting, to dig the Necrons' tombs and find the keys...

Although doing so might be unfair to the Figure King, Hades would rather owe the Figure King some.

"α3 Alina, I have a mission for you." Hades said seriously, "Next you need to connect with the technical sergeant of the Death Guard."


"Are you happy recently?" Malcador said, calmly placing a piece on the chessboard. Hades, who was opposite him, pretended to be profound and rubbed his chin,

Then a hearty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth that was harder to suppress than a grenade launcher.

Fortunately, he was wearing a mask at the moment, covering his image-destroying smile.

"I thought of something happy." Hades also moved his black piece, and Malcador stared at the chessboard numbly - another bad piece, this kid's heart was not here at all.

Hades has contacted Mortarion...?

Malcador thought, he felt the approaching power of annihilation, but he didn't stop it in the end... Did the Pale Lord notice his true face? Maybe not, but it doesn't matter...

As the last puzzle, the Tuchucha engine is about to be found.

Damn the Eldar... He can't be impatient now.

Malcador thought, picked up the white piece,

"I know you're anxious," Malcador said, Hades' smile became brighter,

"You guessed it, old horse? I thought you didn't pay attention to..."


Hades was stunned. He felt the approaching psychic energy. He subconsciously raised his head and stared at the tight door.

Malcador sighed, threw the chess piece in his hand casually, and stood up, "I have been helping you keep an eye on the garden. He is back, so I won't bother you anymore,"

Hades looked up blankly,


Isn't it the news that he found the control agreement of the Space Necrons? !

Wait? ! Who is back? ! ! !

Without waiting for Hades to react, the short and treacherous minister immediately left from the side door. The door slammed shut, and Hades stood up suddenly.

He hurried to the door and saw the surging mist in the black area. The psychic energy content seemed a bit too high. Hades subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Although he asked Vox every day like a timekeeper when Old Mo would come back to share the hardships, the news he got was always soon - Hades did not hold out hope for this. But - but - what was that? ! Hades' pupils trembled. He did not expect it to be so careless and easy, just like Vox at that time. Well, he should be mentally prepared. According to common sense, Hades should open the door directly, give his good brother a warm welcome ceremony, and randomly perform a cheerful gorilla dance. But Hades just stood at the door, and his hand on the door handle was hesitant to exert force. The spiritual energy also stopped on the other side of the door. Death, despair, and extinction, Hades felt these three forces.

White mist filled the air from the crack in the door.

Hades took a deep breath, adjusted his facial expression, and opened the door suddenly.

"Hey! Damn-"

The inhuman shadow hung with the mist, and the words in Hades's mouth were stuck in his throat.

[Long time no see,] Mortarion said tiredly. The God of Death looked at the frozen Pluto, with mountains of wrinkles piled up at the corners of his eyes. Mortarion breathed a long sigh of relief and patted Hades on the shoulder. First.

Mortarion passed directly by Hades and naturally sat on the only original-sized chair in the room. He sat there and stared at Hades,

【I'm so tired. 】

Mortarion said, not surprisingly seeing Hades turn around stiffly.


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