Chapter 619 68. Reunion

Hades once thought about a serious question——

That is, what does Mortarion look like now.

According to the profile descriptions of others, Hades believed that the answer to this question was not particularly optimistic.

But maybe they were making a fuss, Hades thought, he had seen people who had painted the chess pieces of the four Ascension Primarchs.

Perhaps Mortarion, who has liberated his essence, will be similar to his demon-ascending chess piece.

In his opinion, the chess piece model of Ascending Demon Lao Mo is extremely cool. It is larger than the average original body, painted in bone white or Nurgle green, with large colorful wings, and is floating in the incense burner. The fireworks...

In fact, as a DG party member, from an aesthetic point of view, Hades also likes the flying little Nurglings that carry incense burners for the chess piece Old Mo. He paints them the same color as Old Mo. A pleasing thing.

Of course, Hades seriously thought that this was what happened in his previous life, and in this life, he would fight against any chaos gadget.

The more important point is that Hades only saw chess pieces in his previous life. Perhaps in the eyes of others who have seen Mortarion, the aura of the God of Death is enough to scare them.

These thoughts are not important. For Hades, what is important is that he has established psychological expectations and will not show a reaction that would embarrass his old friend.

In fact, if Mortarion really developed into something like a chess piece for the second time, after blocking his sense of smell, Hades thought that he would sincerely compliment him on how handsome he is and touch his wings.

Although Hades can also fly, obviously becoming a Birdman or Mothman is a cool thing, worth celebrating and flying more.

But... but... but...

Tired white mist accumulated around his feet, Hades turned slowly, his trembling pupils focused - ah, this chair may be a little too small for Mortarion.

Hades thought he might have opened his mouth in surprise, but he was wearing a metal half-face, which obscured his expression, leaving only a single, wide-open eye.


Hades blinked. He walked over in disbelief. He saw a god of death that was completely opposite to what he expected -

Not as swollen as a chess piece, Mortarion is very thin, tall and thin, so thin that Hades thought that the original flesh and blood of the original body had been completely stripped away, and now Mortarion is just a skeleton wrapped in armor. .

Hades walked up to Mortarion and turned around naturally.

The armor has also been completely changed...

Hades thought that as a master forger, he was familiar with the various armors of Space Marines. The armor on the original body might not be called "manufactured" at all.

These bone-white armors grew on the God of Death. They looked like they were made of white bones and shaped like insect carapace. Hades even saw protruding stingers and stingers hidden in the "cloak", no, under the wings. insect arthropods.

Mortarion sat casually, and the god of death threw the scythe to the side of the sofa and looked at Hades.

Mortarion tried his best to hide his perspective in the warp. In the high sky, Death saw a rift, a black hole - an existence that denied his essence.

Mortarion felt his hands shaking subconsciously, his breathing speeding up, and the tiny limbs on the gas mask clicking.

This was an instinctive fear, but Mortarion hid it well. There was nothing to say. Death had already expected it.

Perhaps to a certain extent, Mortarion admired his so-called "biological father" for being able to maintain his calm demeanor in the face of Hades.

In Mortarion's hazy physical sight,

He saw a more tired Hades. The neat white hair in the past became a little shapeless. He was thinner and his eyes were deeper. The light in Hades's eyes seemed to have faded a lot - the God of Death had been in Guilliman. I have seen this transformation in myself.

He has become a lot colder and indifferent, more irritable, sharper, and more tired.

This may also have something to do with the lower half of the mask worn by Hades.

Hades turned around and came back,

Mortarion calmly saw his twisted figure reflected in this smooth silver mask, with his mouth sewn shut by a metal chain - Hades's aesthetics may have improved.

Now the monsters of the warp were staring at him.

Suppressing the trembling feeling, Mortarion spread his hands casually,

【Have you seen enough? 】

This sentence seemed to turn on some switch, Hades blinked suddenly, he laughed, wiped his mask with one hand, and the mask disappeared, revealing a familiar smirk.


Hades said, then suddenly laughed, he opened his hands,

"You're so handsome, I'm dumbfounded. God of Death, I haven't seen you for ten thousand years. Why have you changed so much?"

"That's cool Mortarion, why don't you stand up and let me see again - are these your wings or your cloak?"

Mortarion's gas mask sprayed out white mist, as if he breathed a long sigh of relief, but no matter what, the Death God stood up reluctantly.

The inner sides of the wings, which were originally blocked by the sofa, were exposed, revealing a bright pale green color. Patterns of anthropomorphic eyes and screaming faces appeared, and the patterns twisted and screamed at Hades.

Hades chuckled twice, rubbed his hands, and was ready to reach for Mortarion's wings.

The wings of the God of Death look like a cloak at first glance. The outside is dark and hazy, but the inside is completely gorgeous with patterns, reminding Hades of a dead leaf butterfly.

"Mota-oh shouldn't I call you by your name now? Is that okay with Death?"

Mortarion shook his head,

[No,] he said tiredly, [The God of Death is also my title, you can change it. 】

"So..." Hades's voice sounded from the side of the original body. He took off his helmet and touched Mortarion's wings curiously. The magical feel and texture were similar to flax and insect scales, but Very strong, Mortarion might launch these scales like hidden weapons,

Sensing Hades' restless behavior, Mortarion stood calmly, his wings trembling slightly, and then——


Mortarion spread his wings, and the entire hall fell into a sea of ​​pale green.


Hades suddenly stepped back and exclaimed, "Cool! That's so cool, Old Mo!!!"

Lao Mo...?

Lao Mo will be Lao Mo...

Curious and excited, Hades walked from behind the original body to the front. He looked at the patterns on the wings and had an excited smile on his face, as if he was excited that his good friend, whom he had not seen for many years, suddenly dressed up in an extremely NB outfit.

Mortarion breathed a sigh of relief again,

"Can you fly?"

Hades stepped forward and glared at the screaming skeleton on the inside of Mortarion's wings at close range.

"You're talking nonsense," Mortarion said calmly, "Revenant." 】

Apparently Hades didn't care about Mortarion's indifferent ridicule. Hades felt that the screaming skeleton was looking at him, so he reached out curiously and poked one of the skull's eye sockets with his finger.

The skeleton looked at him, screamed and ran away.

There will still be a reaction. As soon as this thought came into Hades's mind, the big wings in front of him suddenly moved forward and slapped him in the face.

"Don't let—touch?"

Hades drawled his voice in a low voice, with a smile on his lips as if he was about to plan something, and stared at Mortarion. Mortarion looked at Hades, and he hoped that his face did not scare his old friend.

Well, from the look of Hades, it's obvious that this man who is sometimes lacking in aesthetics doesn't care about this.

Mortarion hoped that was what he thought... and not Hades' reaction simply to avoid embarrassing him. Was Hades faking it? Or is he too worried?

He should probably give up on the answers to these questions. There are a lot of worse questions in the world than this one, and there is no shortage of this one.

In fact, after knowing his true nature, no one except the former Lord of Red Sand commented on Mortarion's appearance - no one.

But from their frightened eyes, Mortarion could also glimpse a glimmer of the truth. Mortarion thought, and he realized pessimistically that he was similar to the being in the garden. Existence was a mistake. Mortarion hated the Lord of Men. ——

Hades' words interrupted Mortarion's thoughts,

"Okay, if you don't let him touch you, you won't let him touch him, then--" Hades shouted, and he suddenly rushed towards Mortarion, a hungry tiger pounced on food! "Come on and take me to fly with Lao Mo!"

Hades had already imagined Mortarion flying in the sky and himself swinging happily below.

Without any hesitation or thought, Mortarion believed that his survival instinct had saved him.

The Primarch suddenly jumped up on the spot, his appearance was extremely funny, his head hit the ceiling, but he succeeded, and the blurry shadow of Hades slipped under his feet, and then——

Jingle bells! Hades smashed into the huge pile of furniture.

Fluttering his wings, Mortarion landed gracefully on the ground, turned around and looked at Hades crawling out of the rubble.

"You overestimated my carrying capacity," Mortarion said. He laughed and was about to sit down again, but Hades, who was buried in the ruins, raised his hands firmly.


Mortarion was stunned for a moment.

"That's my chair!"

Hades shouted, green thunder gathered in his hands, and together with the flash of Mortarion's wings, the room became a green flash special disco.

Mortarion opened his eyes wide, and he saw silver droplets floating up against gravity. He felt that there was something more special - the void dragon, and other existences.

The God of Death had already dealt with the Void Dragon, but seeing Hades skillfully use the power of the Star God...

Mortarion may understand how others feel when they see him fall into the ways of the psionic.

Hades struggled to stand up. Fortunately, there were no valuables in this room. He curled his lips.

Hades was thinking about what kind of chair would allow Mortarion to sit properly and put down his big wings - the sitting position of Mortarion just now cannot be said to be awkward, it can only be said to be extremely awkward.

In the end, Hades decided to use the technology of hollowing out the chair back. Perhaps it would be better to change to a memory material, but unfortunately he only had Star God metal on hand now.

The silver light rose, and a strange big chair gradually took shape. It was not as hasty as the chair he made himself. Hades also thoughtfully carved some patterns for Mortarion's chair. He chose numerology, seven. A small sickle resembling the number seven is engraved on the back of the chair.

Hades thought that this chair complied with insect ergonomics. He looked back with some pride and saw Mortarion standing there.

But between the fluorescence and the mist, Hades caught a glimpse of the original body's trembling hands from the corner of his eye.

Hades blinked, only to see Mortarion staring at him with disgust,

【ugly. 】

said the Primarch, his bony fingers pointing towards the chair, and his words paused for a moment [...are you using numerology? 】

Hades nodded, and the lightning disappeared,

Mortarion sighed,

[Numerology is a rigorous scientific calculation,] said the original body, [you should not...]

Mortarion's voice softened, and his eyes narrowed, as if he saw something that was too much for his sight.

"Hey, hey, hey," Hades said, he raised his hand again, and the lightning lit up, "Then what am I going to do with them?"

【Need not. 】Mortarion walked over, pressed Hades's hand, and then sat down as quickly as possible. It seemed that standing for a second longer was painful.

Mortarion stretched out his hand and knocked on the few crudely crafted runes. There was no subspace echo, and they even cursed the subspace in the opposite direction. White mist rose, and these blasphemous words became less unbearable.

It's even, Mortarion thought, remembering the time when he tried to draw a statue of Hades... but now there's no need, the living Hades is standing opposite him, looking like this.

It's Hades.

He has seen what Hades looked like in the past. The current Hades is just... hungry for a long time and under pressure... Star God...

But Mortarion was convinced that it was Hades now.

Once on Barbarus, during the years when they first got acquainted, Mortarion saw Hades who was irritable because of hunger. The initial mental state of Hades was not like that after he became a Space Marine. Stablize.

Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I am dumbfounded, sometimes I howl, sometimes I stand by the river, it looks like I will fall into the river in the next second, but I stand there for a whole day.

Mortarion breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the scythe lying beside Hades' sofa...forget it, he didn't bother to take it.

The metal single-seater sofa of the original body was a bit slippery. Mortarion allowed himself to slide down a little. Maybe some pillows would be better... but compared to the garden... it is already very good now.

Maybe there is no Hades here...

Mortarion suppressed his nausea, maybe he would be more relaxed, but if Hades was not here - expelling all other subspace sights, Mortarion would not behave like this.

What a paradox.

Mortarion laughed to himself that his only fault was that he was a wizard.

But...that's the reality.

The heavy reality made Mortarion painful, but having a comfortable place to sit obviously relieved his pain greatly. How long had it been since he sat down, no longer resisted, no longer vigilant against everything...

For a long time.

Maybe he never had such a past.

Mortarion glanced at Hades again. He was instinctively resisting Hades.

Seeing Mortarion sit down, Hades also regained ownership of his sofa. He sat down, and in front of him was a limited edition of Mortarion that he had almost never seen before.

He blinked, remembering the scene where Mortarion's hands were shaking.

...This feeling is always familiar.

Hades thought of... Magnus, and Malcador... he had seen them, but was subconsciously ignored.

The current Magnus Stone is not in Hades. Today, Magnus went to persuade the Gray Knights to kill less and release more.

Hades was silent for a moment. This feeling was not new. When he was on Barbarus, when his physique was still uncontrollable, people treated him the same way.

Time plays tricks on people!

Hades tried his best to contain the black domain. Behind him, a black domain stretched out like a shadow, wrapping the entire room, only exposing the cavity of the room, blocking the gaze of all subspaces.

Hades carefully observed Mortarion's condition, but except for the mist sprayed from the gas mask, Mortarion was as silent as a still bone moth.

Mortarion did not stop him from doing so.

After Hades completed the complete isolation of the Black Domain,

【alright? 】

Mortarion asked, and Hades nodded. Mortarion's head spread out on the back of the chair sprayed out white mist again, completely disregarding his image. Hades thought, and he remembered the troubles in the intensive care unit back then. With a mummy Mortarion.

The room fell silent except for the sound of Mortarion's breathing.

[...I am a wizard. 】

Mortarion said quietly. He didn't look at Hades, but stared at the ceiling.

Hades did not reply to him immediately. After a moment, Hades spoke,

"I think I dislike Karas Typhon because he is Typhon, not because he is a psyker."

Hades watched as Mortarion coughed violently, and the original body straightened up, coughing and laughing,

【you can not……】

Mortarion coughed, [Are you still resenting Karas? ! 】

"No," Hades said calmly, "but the fact is that the hatred between us started with him, because he didn't want to see the Soulless."

Hades saw the original body's figure stagnate.

Hades smiled inwardly, his offensive and defensive momentum was different. Looking at his output and changing the topic, at least he would not look like some big moth who would dwell on his own problems for too long.

"So," Hades' voice deliberately became sad, "Old Mo, am I really that unbearable in the subspace? I don't think the Lord of Humanity or Malcador has such a reaction."

In the distance, Malcador retched as he walked out of the dark room...nmd...Hades...

Mortarion straightened up, placed his hands on the armrests, stared at Hades closely, and did not speak for a long time.

[Are you still planning to continue devouring Star God fragments? 】

Mortarion asked one word at a time. Hades felt bad, how could he deceive the opponent's ultimate move with a fake move - he had intended to make the atmosphere more relaxed.

Hades coughed a few times and said, "I won't let my appetite succumb to my taste."

Mortarion slumped back again,

[Acceptable...] Death said lightly, and as if he thought of something funny, Mortarion laughed, [In the end, we all became the most unacceptable freaks. 】

Hades raised his hand. He had no psychological burden at all about teasing Karas, because he knew that Karas must be the one who scolded him the most.

"We cannot slander Karas."

Mortarion still wanted to say a few words for Karas, but he had already laughed, completely betraying his thoughts.

(Double monthly pass tomorrow, please)

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