Chapter 635 83. Dig your grave

"Stubborn old guy!"

Orikan the Astrologer swore, and the Necron swung its fist, smiting its nemesis.

"Fart! You are the one who deserves to be buried in the grave!"

Trazin the Endless retorted, mobilizing his own energy reserves and struggling hard. The Astrologer was riding on it and punching it in the face. Trazin had to protect its head with one hand - it was obviously a slap in the face. Undignified.

The secret weapons of both of them had been exhausted in the previous battle of wits, so the two gladiators returned to the purest form of dueling. They used their bodies made of living metal to beat the opponent, making a clang! clang! the sound of.

In the years when they were fearful of death, these two "civilians" obviously would not have been able to beat the opponent as fiercely and happily as they do now. Their bodies may not be able to withstand such intensity.

"You're messing with fate—"

Orikan yelled angrily, elbowing Trazin!

"My hard-working and straight timeline has been destroyed again! The stars are out of place and the sun is in chaos - Trazin!!! All of this - it's your fault -!!!"

"If you don't think so, then stop barking here!"

Trazin covered her face carelessly, and a hole was smashed into its metal head shell.

"For your self-proclaimed '100% accurate' prophecy! How many times have you used the time tracer?! Just to make the 'facts' be as you predicted?!"

It focused its energy on the joints of its legs, preparing to deliver a crotch blow to the astrologer who was straddling its waist and beating it.

"You don't call this a prophecy at all!" Trazin roared, and it was ready to exert force. "This is called a self-directed and self-acted script!!!"

work hard! Boom! ! !

Orikan let out a scream, Trazin seized the opportunity, got up from the ground, staggered and kicked the astrologer.

Beside the platform where they were fighting, the last few undead overlords who walked out of the court and prepared to return to their own dynasty silently looked away. They obviously thought that watching this scene was degrading.

"Of course I-" Orikan shouted, it tried to stand up, but was kicked to the ground by Trazin,

"Of course I can do that! I shouldn't succumb to time and fate anymore! Why don't I rewrite the script myself!"

"Is this the reason why you use the time retractor?!"

Trazin roared and lunged at Orikan.

"Change fate, and the collection in my museum will be reduced because of this! How do you compensate me?!"

"Compensate for nothing!"

Orikan roared, getting ready to fight Trazin's jumping chop. They struggled again and a new round of free 1v1 ground fighting began. There was no excessive skill, it was all based on personal feelings.

"You know what you're doing?!"

Orikan roared angrily, and it grabbed Trazin's arm with its hands to prevent the attack of the Endless' hand - without a trace of hesitation, Trazin suddenly tilted his head back, and then - head attack!


This obviously had a certain impact on the balancers of both of them. Both Necrons felt a little confused. A bright green light flashed between Trazin's eyes, and it spoke in a voice that only the two Necrons could hear. The voice said,

"In the name of collection, you raised a monster with your own hands,"

Orikan said,

"The fluctuations of fate are so chaotic - humans are crazy!!! The timelines are superimposing, do you know what the guy you raised wants to do?!"

The whisper drifted over, and Trazin was silent for a moment, then it made a hoarse whisper,


The Endless One hesitated for a moment. Does it really know what it is doing? It may have come with the interest of investment, but it never thought that Hades could grow to such an extent - before it realized it, it could no longer stop.

"My pleasure!"

The Endless shouted, another blow to the head, and Orican let out a scream of annoyance, while the Endless continued to defend itself,

"Otherwise, what can we do?!" Trazin yelled, "No matter how hard you try to go back in time! Aren't we still like this?!"

The pitch of Orican's scream suddenly increased, and the Endless One knew it had stepped on the Astrologer's painful foot. Orican's scream almost pierced the entire hall,

"That's fate-"

Orikan shouted, "Necessary, futile fate - no one can prevent that stupid decision! I tried! I tried!!! Trazin! You forgot who finally captured me ?”

"Don't blame me!"

The Infinite broke free from the shackles of the Astrologer and once again struck Orikan with his arm,

"I was hiding in the library! You came with the guards!"

The two started a meaningless tearing and fighting with each other again, until the energy reserves of the two Necron bodies were about to be exhausted. The two Necrons stared at each other fiercely with eyes that wanted to tear each other's metal bodies apart.

"He's coming back,"

Ourrican spoke sarcastically, "I predicted that Yao Zi's galaxy would be shattered, and this would be the alarm clock to call him back. The good news is that he is also old and confused; and the even better news is... you guess he will Won’t you discover your little tricks?”

The Infinite knew who Ourrican was referring to - the only Necron, the one being who could command all Necron, the Silent King.

"What do you think your sleeping Emperor will think of you?"

Astrologers joked,

This made Trazin feel unhappy. The Necron dynasty to which Trazin belonged was the Nihilak dynasty, the richest Necron dynasty. If the Silent King returned, it would definitely seek the support of the Nihilak dynasty.

Trazin is not the king of the Nihilak dynasty. He is just the master of one of the tomb worlds. The sleeping king Crispek is the real leader of this dynasty.

An even worse news is that King Crispek apparently supports the Silent King.

The class rule of the Necrons continues the characteristics of the Necrontyr rule. Through the guarantee of various agreements, subordinates need to unconditionally obey their immediate superiors - this is the underlying logic of their programs.

"It's none of your business," Trazin whispered, "as if you don't have to obey it."

The Silent King holds the [Master Control Agreement] that governs all Necron. This agreement ensures that all Necron are its slaves and owe their loyalty to it.

Orrican laughed,

"I figured it out," it said happily, "I will be freed from the shackles, and you, Trazin, you should first think about how to explain to your King."

The Astrologer struggled to get up and limped away, while Trazin dragged its battered and mutilated body, trying to lift itself up and look at Orikan.

"Hey! Wait! Wait-"

The Endless shouted, "Where are you going next?!"

"[When the stars return to their alignment, I will be promoted to the master of time and destiny.]"

Orikan shook his hand,

"Time is too messy, I have to sort it out again - but don't worry, we will meet again when the Silent King returns."

Orikan laughed out loud;

"I hope that next time I see you, you will have been hung in public for treason."

Trazin watched Orican disappear, and the Endless struggled to get up, muttering to himself,

"God, maybe I have to find a way out for myself. Trazin, Trazin, you are still too greedy."

The King is still sleeping, which is why he is still free.

It has to seize this freedom - instead of being grabbed and thrown into the furnace of biological transformation as it was in the past.


"Ni, Xi, La, Ke Dynasty?"

Hades frowned and read out the undead words on the black stone fragments one by one. He vaguely remembered this group of words. This seemed to be the dynasty to which the figure king belonged.

Opposite him, α3 Alina was looking at Hades expectantly. As early as five months ago, Hades had promised to dig a grave together, but then they caught up with the updates of the [Athens Academy] and the Hades Gathering. There were other matters, large and small, so this matter was repeatedly shelved.

Now that the Pluto moon is coming to an end, Sage α3 Alina believes that it is time to dig the grave. The great Pluto should focus on more important things instead of talking to those Pluto people from the edge world.

Hades finally agreed to this application that had been delayed repeatedly. Sage α3 Alina thought that there might be Jin's handwriting in it, but no matter what, it was a good thing that Pluto agreed.

And Hades obviously has his own considerations. Now that Malcador is still fighting abroad, he must go to the Storm Star Territory again——

Personally investigate to what extent the power of the Death Guard in the Storm Star Territory has developed, and...his little selfishness.

At least now, Malcador will not suddenly return to Terra. If Hades does not leave, when Malcador comes back, he will obviously not be able to leave.

Hades asked Mortarion about this matter, and the Pale Lord first remained silent, and then acquiesced that Hades would return to the Storm Star Territory.

Therefore, ostensibly on the pretext of visiting the Hades of the Storm Star Territory, Hades was planning to set off for the Storm Star Territory - and by the way dig up the undead graves in the Storm Star Territory.

He handed the approval notice to α3 Alina, and then the sage began to screen the tomb worlds that were on the way and of suitable size, and then—this was it.

Hades turned over the fragment of black stone held between his fingers.

Generally speaking, under the same dynasty, the owners of the tomb world and the tomb world are also different. If he goes to poke at the tomb world that does not belong to the figure king world under the dynasty of the figure king... there should be no problem... right?

Hades was silent for a moment. He fumbled and pulled out Trazin's letter from the filing cabinet. The figure king did not leave any contact information, nor did he say that he could not touch the grave of his dynasty.

That's okay.

Hades thought,

"Okay," said Hades, "let's get started."

Hades took two days to approve and prepare, and before the emperor could react, Pluto had followed the returning Hades ship to the quantum sling attached to Mars, ready to launch.

"No running away, just go home."

This is the leave note left by Hades to the Lord of Humanity.


This is a tomb world that is relatively close to the forge world of Graai.

α3 Alina Sage chose the planet environment she is most familiar with - a rainforest planet. According to the sage, Necron tomb worlds are generally not built on planets with too many organisms. The reason for this situation After the undead fell asleep, the planet's surface changed drastically, and finally a rain forest was formed.

Intense rainfall, vegetation changes to the original soil texture, and river infiltration mean that the undead tombs in this world are easily affected and become unstable, causing some confusion in the operation of the program...

In short, it is suitable for shoveling when you have nothing to do.

In order not to disturb the anti-chaos procedures of this edge world, the empire's ships used quantum slingshots to arrive here. Due to the presence of Hades, four-fifths of the ships successfully reached their destination, while the others were scattered in the nearby star field.

Sage α3 Alina's advance team had already completed the investigation of this galaxy. After the main fleet arrived, three black ships with black stone obelisks immediately surrounded the tomb world, building a weak physical barrier.

Don't intervene unless necessary. Hades followed this principle and watched the sage's operations.

Then came six ships carrying psykers. According to rigorous calculations, they were scattered in more distant places. As the psykers chanted on them, the supreme sky began to fluctuate, and the psychic barrier unfolded, isolating the planet from the Communication with the outside world.

Hades restrained himself here, and finally he chose to enter the field of the internal construction of the black ship - trying not to think about the ship full of psykers as much as possible.

In this way, stabilized internally by a black stone field and isolated externally by a spiritual energy field, this marginal tomb world quietly lost the possibility of communicating with the main dynasty.

Next, the troops were released. In order not to disturb the automatic mind of the undead above, α3 Alina chose the partridges, the mortal troops raised by herself, and the Ogryn troops.

Like Space Marines, first-class psykers will most likely directly enable the tomb to activate the secondary protection, so there is no need to take risks.

According to α3 Alina, this army is the gravedigger talents she gathered from all over the world - they have special skills.

The partridges quickly followed the traces of the undead scarab and traced back to the entrance of the tomb. Seventeen entrances to the tomb were identified, three of which collapsed seriously.

Monitors disguised as small local creatures were put in. The biological sages under α3 Alina remotely controlled the nerves of these creatures and probed into the tomb.

"Please don't worry. We also have geological sages who can disguise themselves as rolling stones and enter the cave - again, there are specialties in the art. On the way to find the truth, the Shanshan No. is a professional, Pluto."

Hades looked at the monitor in silence. Those who called themselves "Partridges" skillfully began to use echo machines to build a map inside the tomb, and decided to believe α3 Alina's words.

Every field has its own talents.

If it were Hades, Hades might just choose to use his strength to create a miracle.

They spent a day building a map of the shallow layers of the tombs. Just as α3 Alina expected, most of the shallow tombs collapsed and flooded seriously - two of the entrances to the tombs were connected to a river.

The Machine Soul didn't even care about these landslides, which further proved the collapse of this fringe world.

The plan initially went well. Next, they needed to go down to the middle level tomb, then find the technician's tomb at the deepest part of the middle level tomb, invade the technician's mind - get the key, and then evacuate.

This step must be done by a sage who is capable enough. Only sages who specialize in this area can complete the work of obtaining the key. For this, α3 Alina and Jin are ready to go together.

Have a thrilling "physical hacking".

Hades has no plans to go down to this world personally for the time being. If he is discovered by the undead army in this world, the Anti-Star God Agreement will immediately wake up all the undead on this planet.

He came here... just to ensure and verify the feasibility of α3 Alina's plan and to make a backup precaution.

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