Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 636 Whose head is on the head of 84?

Chapter 636 84. Whose head was dug?

"You have a dead air about you, Kim."

α3 Alina said, the sage used the Gear Ax to push aside the branches blocking the road, and moved briskly towards the U2 Robbery Cave.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Jin said that his huge body was obviously a bit reluctant to walk in the rain forest. He was like an elephant, breaking all obstacles on the way forward.

"I don't understand you," α3 Alina said. "You are obviously the most favored sage under Pluto, so why did you choose to self-exile? You can have a better choice."

"I want to be a human being," Jin said. "If you insist on asking, then my original intention of following Pluto was [human being]. Ten thousand years later, I self-judged that I was far away from this anchor point - yes, I am a believer, but I am more than a believer, I am me, I am who I am, and this is what he truly advocates.”

Jin was silent for a moment;

"Compared to the people of Hades, the Mechanicus obviously misunderstood him."

"...It's all that idiot Kirkland's fault."

Jin cursed in a low voice and blocked the birds flying towards him with his personal void shield.

"The creatures on this planet are highly aggressive."

α3 Alina said, they walked to the marker, "It's time to say goodbye. You go to i6 to steal the hole, and I'll go to u2. Okay, I still don't understand your point of view, but maybe I can understand 64.08%'s attitude. , It’s like others don’t understand my enthusiasm for digging for underground truth.”

Jin waved his hand,

"See you underground."

Sage said, and the two mechanical teams parted ways.

α3 Alina may not understand that there are other purposes for Jin to come here... other things. He wants to take a look at the Necrons to warn himself that living is something that requires vigilance, and the living cannot Imprisoned by the past, they need to move forward and flow continuously. This is living. Instead of being completely stereotyped by the past self, that is not living.

That's Necron.

King thought mockingly that maybe Kirkland's underlying code had something in common with the Necron, which was obviously supported by logic, but he didn't tell anyone else what he thought.

Pluto's knowledge comes from the dragon, the star god. The void dragon once gave the Necron technology - and now, Pluto is replicating this process.

Jin kept silent about this. Now he believed that human nature would hold Pluto back. If he couldn't hold him back... he would stand up again.

But now, it's time for him to make his own path.

Even so, with the help of [Demi-Star God], humans still cannot fully master the technology of the dead. As the most trusted sage under Hades, Jin knows why Hades is worried now. What Pluto wants most Technology acquired and applied——

【Living Metal】.

After Hades transformed into the C'tan form, he could freely use living metals, but the metals he created would quickly become deactivated and could not be preserved or used by humans.

But Pluto obviously lacks the knowledge of how to build a living metal assembly line from scratch, just like a person who cannot learn how to mobilize muscles and how to make the heart beat as described by others...

For Him, this kind of thing needs to be learned?

This is why the Tomb Robbers Team exists. In addition to obtaining the keys, this team is also responsible for decrypting the Necron technology. As of now, the Gauss Pistol for personal use has been mass-produced.

Jin temporarily stopped the third-level thinking task in the thinking engine. While he was thinking, they had arrived at the entrance to the tomb robbery. Several partridges were squatting near the newly opened robbery cave and smoking. When they saw the great sage coming, They all saluted and moved out of the way.

Jin nodded. Due to geological erosion, the fulcrum hub on this route has stopped running on its own, leaving only the scarabs and tomb spiders working blindly and automatically, so they can sneak in directly.

The Death Guard gravedigger behind Jin nodded to the sage. There are also dedicated grave robbers in the Death Guard - otherwise, where would the mass-produced Gauss pistol come from?

Triple stealth positions, garbled attack fields, psychic stealth, DDoS disruptors placed at different locations on the mountain, and then fully equipped weapons - if discovered, they must at least be able to defeat the opponent.

It's like a failed theft that turns directly into robbery.

This is their creed of tomb robbing.

Jin carefully walked around the silent crawling simulated insects on the ground and entered the thief's cave.


The Silent King will return...

Trazin lay facelessly on a lounge chair in its museum. It stared at its collection, a team of seven small Death Guards, thoughtfully.

Orican was right about this. Calculating the time... The Silent King is indeed coming back soon. More and more dynasties are about to wake up. There is no doubt about this.

The Necron Overlord felt irritated. As a Necrontyr, it did not support the Silent King - it was the Silent King who had put his people in their current situation, even though the Silent King had shown them no mercy before.

It also wants to continue to be happy rather than obey the orders of the Silent King.

The Endless thought of Hades again. This guy actually complied with the rules and stayed in the insect nest for a year before coming out.

Due to the Hive Shadow, the Endless didn't know what was going on there, not to mention that it was at war with the Astrologer Court at the time.

And it itself... Trazin thought, its army may be a powerful force, but it is still not enough in front of the powerful King of France or the King of Silence.

Not to mention that the Silent King is a madman, Trazin fretted. It will never forgive the biological transformation decided by the Silent King. No Necrontyr with a conscience will forgive this.

But the reality is that the Silent King is about to return, and it can't defeat them. If he hides, and if the Silent King doesn't pursue the case, Trazin may be happy for a while, but if Hades's affairs are exposed...

Trazin was silent for a moment, and it decided to immediately change the ten thousand-year-old containment document to "On how to use the C'tan fragments more efficiently for experiments."

Cut it, cut it immediately—at least without letting other Necrontyr discover its handle.

Or go and see Hades?

Why did it impulsively agree to that little guy?

...The first impulse always requires a lot of making up for later. On this point, Trazin readily admitted it.

Trazin felt a little regretful. How did it know that this guy could grow so big? But subconsciously, Trazin had some ambitions of his own.

A possible star god to win over? And the subspace allies behind him? For a dead race, this would not be a loss-making deal.

Trazin tried to comfort himself that this was a helpless move. Under its observation, the Supreme Sky expanded... Since the death of the Star God in the physical world, the balance failed, and the Supreme Sky began to erode the physical world.

A new anchor point must emerge in the real world to confront the Supreme Heaven.

Trazin thought, and its thoughts drifted to Ourikan's crazy words. What is "Yu Zi's star broken?"

Maybe this is Oerikan's nonsense, but why are the astrologers so sure that the return of the Silent King will not cause it to suffer?

Trazin didn't believe that this old guy had the means to fight against or escape from the Silent King. In this regard, they were both half price and eight taels, so no one should look down on the other.

Could it be...could it be...? !

Could it be that that guy has found himself a new backer?

Trazin immediately thought of the Storm King, the Pharaoh of the Sotech Dynasty, one of the most powerful dynasties of the Necrons in existence, with extremely strong military power, and the Pharaoh who was least able to deal with the Silent King.

It shouldn't be, Trazin thought again, the Storm King can't escape the control of the Master Control Agreement, or have they found a way to get rid of the agreement?

Does this possibility really exist?

Trazin was silent, but it didn't have much to deal with the Storm King. In fact, it had a little friction with every dynasty - after all, its museum needed collections.

It doesn't have much favorable impressions of its kin.


"Severe damage."

α3 Alina said that she looked at the undead soldiers who could no longer get up. It was unbelievable. The shallow tomb was almost completely destroyed, and the automatic machine soul had no reaction to it. It seemed that they were lucky enough to touch one. Severely damaged tomb.

"Get ready to enter the second level."

α3 Alina received news from Jin, and Jin’s team has begun to go deep.

The female sage was silent for a moment. She thought this was an opportunity. Since Pluto was already protecting them, why not go deeper?

This time he brought enough troops to annihilate this undead force.

She can wait for Jin's team to successfully complete their goal...and then go deeper...

The risk assessment passed, and the only obstacle was to convince Pluto, and α3 Alina began editing the application.

She deliberately stayed for a while, waiting for Jin's team to go first. Judging from Jin's report, the infiltration on the second level also went smoothly. The hub of the detection system was destroyed, and the tomb still did not wake up.

The tombs of the Necrons would cause communication delays, so α3 Alina was not worried that Pluto would discover them in advance and punish them harshly. She made a prompt decision that this was a God-given opportunity and she should continue to go deeper.

A sage who is not aggressive cannot obtain the truth from the grave, which is why only α3 Alina persists.

Don't dig graves for the faint of heart.

Marking the entrance to the deepest tomb on the map, α3 Alina decisively led the team to move forward.

"May Om Messiah bless..."



A question mark appeared on Jin's screen. It was a little too smooth. The machine soul of this tomb was at an extremely low level of activity and was extremely insensitive to external stimuli. Except for low-level insectoid necromancer machines, they had not even encountered them. A decent army of humanoid undead.

"Jin-306 has arrived at the target point, the deployment is completed, and the first invasion will begin three minutes later."

Jin sent this message, and the sage looked at the tomb technician's coffin in silence, thoughtfully.


Hades stared at the screen. So far, the Necrons have not been awakened at all, and the plan is going well!


Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The moisture from the rainforest seeps into the caves through gaps in the soil.

The deceased was sleeping in the tomb, α3 Alina looked at the lord's guards with interest, it was unbelievable that they were not activated at all.

This kind of world does not exist. The automatic machine soul is completely inactivated and in an unresponsive state - but this situation is too rare. Generally speaking, it may only be like this in worlds that have been specially "cared for".

Could it be that before them——

α3 Alina's thoughts were interrupted, and the sage saw a familiar figure, Jin-306.

The two sages stood in front of the undead lord's coffin, looking at each other silently. The serving skulls beside their shoulders also had big eyes and small eyes.

And Jin's appendage has been put on the coffin of the undead lord, obviously preparing to hack into it.

"It seems...we thought of it together."

α3 Alina said.

Jin nodded silently, "Our decision-making levels may be similar."

α3 Alina paused, then showed a happy expression,

"Then I guess I don't have to worry about Pluto's harsh punishment. I think your priority in being held accountable is higher than mine."


King said, not removing his appendage at all, "so I did it - and you were late."

α3 Alina’s attitude instantly turned into dissatisfaction.


Hades' hand holding the poisoned wine paused.

His intuition told him that something was going on - Hades subconsciously glanced at the monitor. The vital signs of the two sages were stable, and the reports every three minutes were normal.

Hmm...is he worrying too much?

Even so, Hades chose to send another team down and decided to be ready to fight at any time.

The army they led this time could completely wipe out this borderline undead force, and Hades was not too worried about this.

Hades thought, he stared at this lush planet, but his thoughts were not here. The empire has now begun to reproduce necromancy technology. Hades certainly hopes that the empire can reproduce more necromancy technology, or perhaps Golden Age Technology.

They don't even need to innovate, they just need to restore part of the past technology, which is enough to stand firm in this chaotic galaxy.

Hades took a sip of his wine and wanted to have some fun. Hades, he thought, he would be able to return to Barbarus in another month, and he would have to lie down for a day anyway.

Hades raised his eyes again and glanced at the monitor. The words [Nihilak Dynasty] on the screen kept beating. He hoped that the Figure King would forgive him.

Maybe he just didn't let the Figure King find out about it - that was apparently easy.

Hades thought so.


Clearly it needs to make a choice.

Trazin stood up and walked among its proud museums, looking at its collections, so beautiful, so monumental, shaped by the past and all it could do was preserve them.

It might have had enough time to cover up some of its petty dealings with humans, but Trazin didn't want to be loyal to the Silent King, no, that was never going to happen.

It, Trazin, wants to be its own master.

The hierarchy of Necrontyrs has been strict since ancient times. Superiors can kill their subordinates at will without any punishment. Only Necrontyrs with sufficient level can be allowed to have some personality and self, but when facing their superiors, they are still slaves.

After transforming into undead, the master control agreement made them completely unable to resist.

Trazin didn't expect the Silent King to make them great again. The madman had already missed it once and burned the entire Necrontyr to the ground. The Storm King who couldn't deal with it was a tyrant martial madman - the Storm King liked the Necrons. form, and hopes to conquer everything again.

It's just crazy.

Trazin thought, they no longer have themselves and have lost their souls. Do they want other beings to lose themselves? Plunging the entire galaxy into boring silence?

Compared to these two lunatics, Ourrican became amiable.

It needs to gather its own power, Trazin thought. It has a large number of armies and C'tan fragments under its command, but in the face of the Silent King's master control agreement, everything is in vain.


Trazin thought, now—


"I will open in 1.2 seconds."

Jin announced this calmly, α3 Alina nodded, and the coffin of the undead was slowly opened. Apparently the sages wanted to get closer——

Then they saw——

A "substitute".

The real lord of this dynasty was replaced by another Necron. As for who the new Necron is...

Maybe Jin and α3 Alina wouldn't recognize it, but if Hades is called over, Hades will definitely recognize it.

This is a stand-in in the style of Figure King.

"Did you dig it on my head?!"

The Necron in the coffin sat up suddenly and shouted, but before it got up and started to attack, Jin's Ohm Messiah Ax had reached its head first.



A sleeping avatar under his command sent a final video, and Trazin roared. Just a moment ago, it was thinking about how to deal with human relationships, and the next moment it was digging into its territory? !

To be precise, it is the territory that Trazin "temporarily replaced". It once went to this tomb world to get something. In the process, it accidentally damaged the machine soul of this world, and even fought with the lord who was a little crazy. One plane.

The final outcome is that Trazin placed a double of himself in the lord's coffin.


Hades was silent for a moment. Why did he feel that something was wrong?

He reached for the pancake, trying to suppress his uneasiness with food.

The next moment, the door of the command room where he was located rang.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Open the door! You bastard!!!"

Trazin swore angrily.

"Hades!!! Has the abacus struck your benefactor's head?!"

Hades's first reaction was that α3 Alina's plan was flawed. It seemed that they could not completely block the messages emitted by the Necron.

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