Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 643 91 [Special Issue Heroes and Married Couples Day]

Chapter 643 91. [Special Issue | Heroes and Families Day]


The wind blew through Barbarus's cornfields.

Isha raised his head with difficulty. The height of the corn that had been improved by the sage had long exceeded the height of an adult. These densely packed corn seedlings were like lush aquatic plants at the bottom of the river. The sun cast rose-red dapples, making everything more like a dream.

But this is Barbarus, the farthest place from dreams.

No, it's not that the Barbarians don't dream - it's that everything here is rigorous, down-to-earth, considers the basics first, and rarely entertains.

Even though the greatest use of this land is still to produce food, and it can really provide some military supplies-but here, all interpersonal relationships have been changed by some ancient and solemn existence. People have adapted to military life, and Adapted to less entertainment.

Isha was silent for a moment. The bells of the Hades church in the distance rang, and white birds flew across the sky. She touched her braid and pressed down the corn seedlings in front of her.

A thin black cross stands out in the towering cornfield. It is the grave of the heroic souls. Every child from Barbarus will be sent back to his hometown after death. In commemoration, a black cross is erected in their hometown.

But it’s not that a cross represents one deceased person—it’s that a cross represents all the deceased people within forty-nine kilometers from its center.

Otherwise, Barbarus would have been filled with crosses.

There are still a few butterflies staying on the cross. They are rare native species in Barbarus after the heavy rain. They are pale and broken, with no sense of beauty, but they are loved by Barbarus people.

Isha pressed down her sickle. She was not here to plant crops. This work had already been handed over to big machines. These people sneaking into the fields were "hunting".

There are some animals on Barbarus that are good for food and have some attack power. The Death Guard does not eliminate them, but uses them as a way to train people.

The girl lowered her moss-green eyes and wiped her bloody hands on her linen apron. She touched the bag at her waist. It was bulging and filled with a small round bone from the skull of a dolphin.

In Barbarus, you can exchange these animal-specific bones for money, supplies, and a good gun—you can even win the favor of the Legion.

The bag on Isha's waist was enough for the Death Guard to notice her.

But she doesn't care much about this, because her grades at the Pass Military Academy are good enough and she has already become an internal recommendation of the academy. Next, she can choose the Death Guard's auxiliary army, the Death Dog Commander, or the Revenant Cavalry. (You can control knights, but this depends on your talent), or you can choose to join the Hades (but you will break away from the Death Guard route).

Of course, the above are the three mainstream conventional paths, which are also commonly chosen by Barbarians - men will choose the candidates for the legion, and women will choose the cavalry, the dog command post, the political commissar post, the maintenance post...

In addition, the Death Guard provides exchange students with the Ultramarines, and you can apply to continue your studies in the Five Hundred Worlds.

Or maybe you want to be a "son of the dead".

"Children of the Dead" originally originated from Pluto's solitary life on Barbarus, and then originated as a certain tradition - if you are strange enough, rebellious, enjoy loneliness, and at the same time good enough, then you can Apply to become a "Son of the Dead".

The Death Guard will provide you with a decent ship, some funds, and a large enough map of the galaxy -

Then you can fuck yourself off.

The Milky Way is vast, it’s time to make contributions.

The Church of Hades provided food, accommodation and certain assistance to the Sons of the Dead. After the first seven years, the Sons of the Dead were allowed to set foot on Barbarus again.

Over the past ten thousand years, many speculators and losers have emerged among the Sons of the Dead Souls. Some later converted to the Hades and became a unique new blood among the commanding staff of the Hades. Some became excellent Rogue Traders, and the others... most of them Then disappear forever in the vast galaxy.

Maybe that day in a corner of the galaxy, a hero saw through the enemy's conspiracy and saved a planet - maybe even the entire empire. So don't be surprised if he speaks a Barbarian accent.

Isha's aunt chose to become a son of the dead. In Isha's memory, her aunt seemed to end up becoming a pirate.

Of course, as long as it's not the Death Guard and their subordinates they're robbing, the Death Guard won't care about it at all.

The embers of the bells dissipate in the sea of ​​corn. As the evening draws to a close, the sun burns in the sky, its edges red.

Isha felt his heart beating.

Today is [Heroes and Married Couples Day].

This is to commemorate the festival of Death Guard Forger Master Pasteur and his lover Sage Nightingale 10,000 years ago - in a battle with the green skins on the important hive planet of Graai, the Death Guard The sixth team of the third company and the attached technical team were completely wiped out.

At the last moment, Master Forge Pasteur and his companion Sage Nightingale decided to detonate the antimatter engine pile in the hive to slow down the greenskin attack and thus delay the Death Guard reinforcements.

Because they did not have the highest key, the two had to take the initiative to go to the scene to operate. The last scene left to people was Pasteur standing in front of the door in blood, and Nightingale taking the initiative to jump into the reaction pool to complete the final operation. explode.

In the end, the war was won. Pasteur's apprentice went to collect Pasteur's belongings, but found a diary among a pile of books.

This diary records the story of Pasteur and Nightingale in detail. Ever since they borrowed the notebooks of Pluto and Mars as an opportunity, the two met, and then the female sage was "accidentally" transferred into Pasteur's combat team. Fight together.

There is no doubt that Pasteur's disciples called the emotions shown in Pasteur's diary "secret love", "secret love with a great revolutionary friendship."

Later, the Death Guard also discovered a similar diary in the remaining data of the sage Nightingale, describing how the female sage developed a liking for Pasteur and tried every means to transfer into Pasteur's combat team.

But according to insiders, the two people probably did not tell each other about their favorable feelings in the end. They just fought together until the end in the name of protecting humanity.

One is too stupid to understand his own emotions, the other is timid enough.

But it doesn't matter, after all, they were buried together in the end.

In the culture of the Death Guard and Barbarus, death is the most emphasized and the most understated.

This seemed to erase all the previous regrets and dissatisfaction.

But no matter what, people subsequently established [Heroes and Married People Day] to commemorate the two - one is to praise their achievements, and the other is to secretly warn the new generation of people - especially Babaru, who is famous for his silence and reservedness. My dear, the feelings in your heart should be expressed as soon as possible.

However, the reality is cruel. [Heroes and Spouses Day] is approaching [Conscription Month]. As the sun sets on Heroes and Spouses Day, the Conscription Month begins.

Subsequently, the Death Guard, Hellhounds, Hades, Mechanical Skitarii... countless organizations will recruit troops in Barbarus.

Many young people often say goodbye to their lovers and embark on unfamiliar battlefields as soon as they express their feelings.

There may be other hints in this, or it may just be a coincidence, but no matter what, life flows like this.

On the night of the Day of Heroes and Married People, people lit a grand bonfire, but they did not sing or dance, nor did they have a party. They just lit a cluster of flames around the black cross. There was no curfew tonight, so the heroic souls were allowed to guard those who were about to set sail. Young people, shine a light for them in the darkness.

Young people will find their own place. Each region has its own customs, and adults do not interfere.

Isha hurriedly had a meal in a nearby Hades church. The last bit of the sun set, and the earth became drowsy. In the distance, on the hazy and beating horizon, there was a sound, click, click -

The flames jumped.

The firelight illuminated the girl's young face, clearly showing her long eyelashes and freckles on her face. She was panicked, but also excited.

She hurriedly walked out of the Hades church. There were already pairs of figures emerging from the darkness, soft instructions and whispers floating in the fields. In the distance was the cold light of the armor of the death guard on duty - since there was no curfew, there would be There are dedicated personnel standing guard to ensure safety.

There will also be some people who specially go to the Death Guards standing guard on this day. Some people will simply offer them a handful of corn seedlings, while others are looking for their departed family members. Those who come to stand guard are often new soldiers. ——She is looking for someone, either a mother, a father, or a lover.

Isha thought for a moment, then strode towards a location they were both familiar with. She walked through the cornfields, through the woods, and through the academy's training range. Finally, when she arrived there, she saw his figure.

In front of the vast lake.

The shadow of the moon is faint and rippling in white.

She took a deep breath to soothe her breath after a long cross-country trip.

"Hey," Isha grinned awkwardly. She pulled up her shirt. She had taken off her apron, washed it and returned it to the Hades priest, revealing her training pants and well-tied leggings.

She walked over and sat down next to the young man skillfully.

The young man, like her, had freckles all over his face, and his blue eyes were particularly deep and melancholy, but he didn't look at her, just stared at the lake in a daze.

Isha sat down cross-legged and shook his body.

"Tonight...the moon is so beautiful tonight."

She said, scolding her stupid opening statement in her heart, and hurriedly made up for it.

"I'm ready,"

She said, "I plan to go to the cavalry, and I want to drive a knight - I asked Sage 0567 Ao, I may have a talent for this."

A faint smile appeared on the young man's lips. He seemed to be alive.

"This is a good thing," he said quietly, "I'm happy for you, from the bottom of my heart, Isha."

"A knight is more important than a warrior on the battlefield."

He said, grabbing a piece of grass from the ground.

"No," said Isha, "every soldier has value - we cannot take them lightly."

"Is this what you want?"

Alou said, seemingly distracted, "Everyone has value?"

"Yes," Isha replied firmly, "Every soldier has a meaning. Even an auxiliary can put a bullet into the enemy's head."

This didn't seem to be the answer the young man wanted to hear. Alu turned his head and looked at Isha seriously, then turned his head and let out a long sigh.

Isha didn't notice much, she only felt blushing. The young man's serious gaze was enough to make her blush - obviously she wouldn't feel so nervous when dismantling bombs.

Could this be a conspiracy of Chaos?

Isha thought for a while and quickly recited Pluto's blessing in her heart. The bonfire of the black cross in the distance shook, which made her a little weak, but Isha also confirmed that this was not a conspiracy of Chaos.

She just loved him.

Isha's fingers clawed at the grass on the ground.

"You..." she drawled, "where are you going, Alu?"

Alu's performance in the military school was not outstanding - it could even be called bad, but in Barbarus, attending military school is compulsory education. After that, people can choose to study other schools, but between the ages of three and sixteen - You have to go to military school, and as a Barbarus, you have to at least learn how to drive a Cerberus.

The young man didn't answer, but only looked more dejected.

Silence, only the chirping of insects.

Isha felt nervous about this unspeakable silence. She thought about it and finally decided to follow her heart. She took off the hunting bag she had prepared from her waist, which was full of bones.

That's enough bones to get a person noticed by the Death Guard.

"A-Alu," Isha said. She closed her eyes and shoved the bag in her hand, thus pushing the young man down. The young man fell to the grass behind, and struggled to sit up while screaming.

“I like you—and—this is for you!”

"Do you want to be a death guard? Or a knight? Or a Hades bishop? Either way, take it!"

Alu's eyes widened in surprise, but he smiled helplessly, even though the smile on his lips was sincere.

"I-that's not what I meant, Isha."

He said gently, "I mean...no...that's not what I meant."

The young man was silent for a moment, and then said as if he had made up his mind,

"I like you too. This friendship is absolutely sincere - but - not everyone has to become a death guard, knight, or bishop..."

"You wish to be the son of the dead?"

Isha raised his head suddenly and looked at the young man with twinkling eyes.

"No-no no no no."

On the contrary, the young man became at a loss, "I just - I mean -"

"I-I just want to stay on Barbarus and be a farmer."

Isha opened her mouth in confusion.

A certain kind of sadness came to Alu. In Barbarus, staying in place may be the thing for the most unpromising people to do. Some of the people on Barbarus are retired Hades - and the other part are them who "have nothing to do". The one who wasn’t chosen”.

Allu sighed deeply,

"Can you understand that?—or do you want to take back what you just said?"

The young man raised his eyebrows calmly and asked,

"You're going to stay in Barbarus—this—this—"

Isha laughed, "Then I can come back to see you often."

The bushes behind them started to rustle, and Karas, who had come to take charge of recruiting troops and chose to go out and wander around, stood up to make trouble. He shook the bottle in his hand and realized that he had come to be alone for a while, but instead I was interrupted again by young lovers.

He originally wanted to hear it - but now, Karas vomited.

Look, anyone you pick is smarter than him. Why didn't he stay in Barbarus and become a farmer?

Karas thought so, took another sip of wine, and staggered on the forest road.

Hmm... With Barbarus's ghostly appearance back then, who knew it would be so livable now.

Karas burped. He couldn't be called stupid at the time... He slowly thought that life was too hard... He really wanted to die without returning to this planet.

The bonfire was burning in the distance, and Karas knew that in a few days, the idiot would come back to have fun.

So many people - Karas thought drunkenly, so many people - enough to last ten thousand years of the entire planet - this guy still did something extraordinary.

At least he can now listen to the little ones chattering about something that doesn't even exist.

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