Chapter 644 92. Desire

Dance! Dance! Dance!

The light gauze curtain, the graceful figure is vague, the brisk bell rings, happy, happy, happy, happy like wine, brewing the nectar of indulgence.


A slender hand is revealed between the gorgeous cloth, with fine scales climbing up, shining with all kinds of styles with the rhythm of the owner's chanting, and the layers of bracelets on it are of different styles, colorful pottery and fine porcelain, but there is no luster of jewelry and luxury of gold and silver.

But it is just stepping on purple and red.

If someone witnesses this scene, they will find that this hand is exactly the same as the hand that shot the arrow ten thousand years ago - but more delicate, more soft, the greasy desire is lazily rubbed in the bones, and there is less fangs of power.


The youngest queen yawned.

The god with incomplete power looked sideways, and the treacherous reality seemed too pale and dim. Since that stunning moment ten thousand years ago, He had never been so happy again, and He had never been so happy again.

Everything became boring.

But the stars and the sun moved as usual.

Ah... ten thousand years ago... that wonderful night, the extreme darkness.

He enjoyed it.

Not enough... not enough... still not enough...

There was a sound between the colorful beds, and the long tongue wrapped around his wrist. Ten thousand years ago, an indulgence made Him sacrifice too much - so much that He completely changed Himself.

Domination and vanity completely left Him - but this was not washed away by immersing in the black water that year, but another existence took them away - when the gods fought, oppressed, and cooperated with each other, and were squeezed by reality, [The Fifth] swallowed the remnants of the gods and successfully stood up.

After this, the half of the Warp that had been washed by Hades would not have recovered so quickly - the gods also fell into a half-awake and half-asleep dream, and reality was therefore quiet for a thousand years.

But the [Fifth] was still active.

According to common sense, when the Warp was silent, the gods - even demigods and false gods, should not have revived so quickly.

But the [Fifth] did wake up quickly, and began to erode the power of Chaos, and even began to bite back his original camp.

It was incredible...

The Dark Prince existed lazily. After being incomplete, he became even more indifferent. The war ten thousand years ago completely eliminated the cooperation between Chaos - at least for him, the other gods were unwilling to reach out to him again.

He didn't care.

He just wanted another passion.

And the rest of the gods... Slaanesh sneered, humans have already grasped some of the key points, the fifth who has stepped half a step into the ranks of gods, and the false four, humans are enough to nourish at least two true gods, don't the other gods realize it?

They can't protect themselves.

The others looked at the youngest queen's self-indulgence with cold eyes, but it was nothing special. The self-proclaimed benevolent father of nature was injured by the fangs of his offspring - it was just an internal fight, and the other gods were happy to witness this scene.

Lord of Change... Slaanesh licked the blood plasma. The "failure" of the plan ten thousand years ago also hurt him greatly. As for now... the blue guy didn't know what he was doing, planning, planning, everything was for the final, eternal change in his mouth... Tzeentch was indeed doing something... and ignoring the other gods.

He might play big this time, the Dark Prince thought... but he had no interest in it.

As for the coward on the blood throne... the bones rattled in the mouth of the youngest queen, Slaanesh was a little confused, a little confused, but he didn't know why.

The king on the blood pool became weaker.

He really became weaker.

And the youngest queen didn't know why.

Slaanesh's weakness was due to his indulgence ten thousand years ago, and the theft from the despicable fifth one over the past ten thousand years; Nurgle's weakness came from the rebellion of his offspring, and he was indeed seriously injured when his sickle reached into the garden; Tzeentch was seriously injured by the reversal of chess pieces ten thousand years ago, and ten thousand years later, he was entangled by the false emperor again.

They are probably fighting fiercely now.

Slaanesh is not interested in this.

Simple war has become boring, and no matter how the fight is, it will always be a move on the chessboard, but he is different - the youngest queen is different - he has personally tasted the sweetness on the stage.

That's different.

He was somewhat jealous of Nurgle - at least Mortarion had the courage and ability to swing his scythe at Nurgle, and the serious injury suffered by his chosen offspring was worth savoring... If he had not obtained Fulgrim at that time, and had squandered him so easily... The Dark Prince narrowed his eyes and stroked his own perfect body...

If he also had such a brave... Such a rebellious offspring... In literary works, the drama of overthrowing authority, sons killing fathers, and ministers killing kings is always popular...

...If there is also a He who wants to recruit his warriors to challenge Him... In the field He is good at... The youngest queen gasped... Thinking so... He should reward those reckless clowns more.

What a pity... What a pity... What a pity...

He looked at the glass lamp above his head, which was the other side that countless artists could not reach in their lifetime, but it was not carved with precious treasures, but cheap and ordinary materials.

The Dark Prince licked the corner of his mouth thoughtfully.

...It's not enough.

Not enough at all.

It's far inferior to the play of that year.

He briefly fell into that indulgent memory again, greedy, like an absolutely beast-like black river roaring under his feet, but he was as happy as a dancer playing with a tiger in the flesh.

This kind of unbridled revelry was probably only as wonderful as the moment when He woke up, and only the joy when He woke up could compare to it.

The youngest queen laughed, and He thought of the resurrection, the indulgence and debauchery of billions of Eldar, the accumulation and explosion of billions of years, and finally, He who was still in a deep sleep smelled the sweetness, so He woke up.

The memory of the resurrection had become as hazy as cotton candy, and He only remembered the joy - this was the proof of His existence.

And those little screaming Eldar... the Eldar gods who were torn to pieces by His hands without power to wail... and some other... more ancient existences... were also torn apart in His loud laughter and singing, and thrown into the shadows of the warp.

So happy, so happy, so happy...

Slaanesh subconsciously touched His anthropomorphic belly, and He seemed to still hear the screams and wails of the Eldar he devoured. The souls of the Eldar were still suffering in His belly, and He gained strength from it.

...He shouldn't forget that happy experience.

The Dark Prince said angrily. He still remembered every detail of the battle with Hades, every ripple, every scream, every time he tried to touch the river... The river also stared at him with the purest and clearest greed.

He remembered the laughter when he played with the river, and the black water became more greedy and violent after realizing that he was using it for his pleasure. Every touch would be lost, and it would cease to exist if it was not used carefully - it was so wonderful, so wonderful!

Only loss, only when it is difficult to be repeated, will bring more precious and more fanatical pleasure.

He couldn't help but move.

But... Slaanesh's hand paused for a moment.

He shouldn't have blurred his memory of the time when he was resurrected.

No... It was probably too pleasant.

The Dark Prince thought so, but he also showed his fangs. He knew something... In the rumors of cute pointed ears, Slaanesh was not a solo dancer.


Oh, no no no, not the one in the Garden of Nurgle.

The youngest queen pondered, and she remembered that there was still a sword in her belly. The pointy-eared people left a rumor that if the Crone Swords were gathered, or if all the Eldar were exterminated, they could awaken the God of Death and kill Slaanesh.

Kill him?

Slaanesh thought, it would be better to let him throw himself completely into the river of Hades. Standing on the cliff, he always had the desire to jump.

It's a pity... it's a pity that he still can't do it.

He is the master of concepts and the servant of concepts.

As for the legendary God of Death of the Eldar, the Dark Prince reluctantly pulled his thoughts back, and he was still immersed in the endless black sea.

He chuckled.

The Eldar were completely hopeless, and he hadn't seen Xi Gaoqi for a long time. He was probably captured and imprisoned by Tzeentch - this was not surprising, Xi Gaoqi had been in contact with Tzeentch.

After seeing that the Eldar had no investment potential, Tzeentch probably withdrew his tolerance for Xi Gaoqi.

This is also the reason why the Death Army is completely insignificant.

【The Fifth】 came from behind and took root among the Eldar.

What does the Fifth want to do?

The youngest queen thought, grinning.

He might want to eat him alive.

If he had that ability and ambition - no, it's not impossible.

But there is only one person who can shatter fate, only Hades, Hades - 【The Fifth】 is just a byproduct of Hades's manipulation of fate.

If he is completely "dead", there are only two paths.

One is to be swallowed by Hades, who is tyrannical and completely ignores the laws of the warp.

The second is that the God of Death awakens - kill Slaanesh, replace Slaanesh, or...

The other side of Slaanesh is the God of Death.

They are originally one.

Slaanesh died, and the God of Death revived. The resurrection of Slaanesh is the product of the decline of the Eldar's huge empire. He is still growing... and the God of Death... is the "final form" of Slaanesh, the product of Slaanesh's fusion or evolution after swallowing all the Eldar and the gods of the Eldar.

But by then, Slaanesh will have completely disappeared and ceased to exist.


The Dark Prince thought that this might be why he still couldn't remember the moment of awakening. The birth of gods runs through time - but he is the only one who has been observed and recorded.

His end is uncertain, so his starting point is also uncertain.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he may have awakened, or it may not be him who awakened... He may still be sleeping... All this is just a dream... It is the god of death who revived, and it is the god of death who awakened... and the Eldar no longer exist... Chaos... Time is amorphous.

Slaanesh yawned.

He felt that his power reaching out to the distance was disturbed, from the interference of time. He was a little annoyed to realize that Tzeentch was trying to play with time, and the children of men seemed to have joined in.

They made the already uncertain time even more chaotic!

One... two...

Slaanesh thought angrily, and he tried to look back at the ocean of time again, but found that at a specific node, a large fog was flashing green light, covering the past time.

What the hell? !

He became even more annoyed—and at the same time realized something. Next, within the observable area, an operation that would intervene in the past or the future would occur.


He suddenly stopped for a moment.

He thought of something, some more fun and desirable ways to play. Even as a god, the timeline cannot be easily changed, but he can... can... if he is not the first to act, if he can sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

The moment his thoughts touched this idea, the Sea of ​​Chaos gave the youngest queen guidance, which was correct - because he had an echo.

The subspace runs through time, and when a thought is raised, waves will be generated. At a node, the ripples of thought will spread forward and backward, touching both the past and the future.

But there is the vast black sea in front, and the fog and light behind, and Slaanesh is a little angry again.

This hindered Slaanesh's observation, so that he could not see the way forward, but it was not a problem - because in the future that he could see and observe, a large area of ​​brilliant purple and darkness appeared together.

...It was him.

Hades... Hades...

He thought.

He is back.

And he seems willing to play with him.

He realized that he was a little slow—he didn’t find his little one in time. His co-dancer from ten thousand years ago—the shadow of the Great Devourer was unpleasant enough, so he ignored them.

He sneered, and the chess player who had been lazy and no longer looked at the chessboard for ten thousand years once again cast his curious eyes.

But... He still wanted to go on stage and sing.

Just for madness, just for desire!

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