Chapter 649p

Vorx swung his scythe calmly.

After enough battles, fighting had become a kind of instinct, like heartbeat, like breathing. He no longer felt happy for every swing of the scythe, nor was he terrified by the enemy's sword brushing his face.

He just fought-and then chopped off the enemy's head.

Vorx's eyes were calm, as calm as if he was reviewing documents, and his opponent was obviously angry at his expression.

Lucius shouted in anger, swung the meat rope on his right arm, and slashed at Vorx.

To be fair, Slaanesh's army would be faster, and the Death Guard would be slower.

Vorx ignored it. The scythe in his hand flashed with a cold light, knocking away Eidolon's thunder hammer. Lucius's long whip hit Vorx's breastplate,

A whip that was enough to tear open a Space Wolf werewolf! But it only left a white mark on Vorx's armor.

Vorx didn't even look at it, and the withdrawn scythe hit a banshee in the head with a blunt blow.

There was not even a contemptuous expression on his face, which further angered Lucius. Lucius bared his black gums and the sword in his hand danced a beautiful shadow.

But what annoyed him was that the slow-looking Vorx coincidentally blocked his attack with his sickle every time!

Vorx glanced at the Death Guard veterans who had already started fighting with the Slaanesh army. They all survived the Garden of Nurgle.

Except for him who was rescued by Hades, the remaining Death Guard veterans were more or less stained with inhuman shapes, their armor was ossified, and insect eyes were exposed in the broken helmets.

But they were strong enough.

The Slaanesh soldiers were like weeds under the Death Guard sickles, and their heads were cut off before they screamed. The Death Guard tacitly advanced silently.

Ordinary warriors would feel fear, vomiting, or other negative emotions in front of the Chaos army-but this group of Death Guards would not, they had been in the garden for long enough.

They did not favor rapid advancement, but the battle line was slowly pushing back at a firm speed.

The sickle flashed with alien green light and was decorated with white bones. The fog and bullets splashed, and the screams of the noise warriors seemed to be cut off in the silent fog.

The expressionless Death Guards swung their sickles. In the eyes of others, they smashed the heads of those purple guys in a rough and dull way.

Suddenly, a sonic boom sounded! The war drums were rapid, and the army of Slaanesh moved very fast. They tried to break through the battle line quickly. The hooves of Slaanesh horses kicked and scratched on the deck-

The squadron leader in the Death Guard blew the whistle, and the hot molten flow instantly illuminated the fog!

Bang! Bang bang bang!

The bloody and hot blood clots smashed in front of the bone-white copper wall, and then quickly faded under the cover of the white fog, turning into a boring black and brown.

Vox pulled back his sight, and as expected, he saw Lucius, who was almost angry, and Lucius whipped his face without a helmet!

They may not know the painstaking effort of Vox not wearing a helmet, Vox thought.

He squatted down and swept the sickle directly, breaking the calves of Eidolon and Lucius at the same time. Without hesitation, Vox stood up and smashed the sickle down, and Lucius's face burst directly.

Vox wanted to let them see clearly that he killed them like reviewing documents, without any ripples.

Then Vox turned his head and shot Eidolon, who was trying to crawl away.

Before he looked back, he knew that Lucius had climbed up again, because Lucius's ghost scream sounded again-

This speed was surprisingly fast, and Vox was already very sure that Slaanesh was in this vast ocean.

This was faster than Nurgle resurrecting the Nurgle spirits in the garden. Vox frowned, he seemed to realize what Slaanesh wanted to do,

taking advantage of the fact that Mortarion and Hades could never feel the Endurance, to seize Aisha.

Vox tilted his head, and Lucius's long whip just brushed against his cheek, leaving a little blood.

? !

Lucius's power has increased!

Vox suddenly turned around,


The long scythe blocked Lucius's sword, and the force from the scythe was obviously much stronger. Vox felt that the blessing of Slaanesh on Lucius was increasing!

Not good - Vox looked at Fabius in the distance. Fabius had been trying to summon - he hoped that he would not summon Slaanesh directly, which was too ridiculous.

But in fact, the concentration of Slaanesh in this space was rapidly increasing, and the gray bulkheads of the Endurance were stained with a light pink and purple.

Vox gave a look, and the captain who was cleaning up other noise warriors beside him immediately made a gesture,

In squads, every three Death Guards gathered on their own, spikes protruded from the battle line, shield guards led the way, sickle blades extended from behind the shield wall, and the battle line began to move forward.

The target was Fabius's altar.

- Clang! Clang Clang Clang!!!

Vox swung his sickle, retracted his attention, and stopped letting Lucius's long sword hit him.

Lucius's attack was faster and faster!

The face of the Chosen of Slaanesh was already showing an extremely angry expression, but he found that no matter how he attacked, the slow-looking Vox could always take his sword!

How could this be! !

A beautiful sickle-turning blow! Vox took advantage of the force and kicked back sideways, kicking out Eidolon who came to attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Eidolon flew out directly! He knocked away countless Slaanesh demons on the road, and almost fell to the ground at the feet of Fabius in the distance.

Vox continued to turn around to deal with Lucius's entanglement.

Fabius took a deep breath, and he saw Lucius, who was almost completely submerged in the white bones, and Eidolon at his feet.

He was sure they had died at least dozens of times, but each time Slaanesh's blessing brought them back to their feet.

Their only advantage now is that the Death Guard's "master" is not here yet, and there are very few psykers in the Death Guard, while Slaanesh is in this warp - Bayer has brought enough psykers.


Fabius looked up at the Death Guards who were moving slowly towards him. He was almost sweating. These unresponsive guys looked like dead people.

He saw the clamoring Seeker and its Slaanesh horse smashed into the Death Guard's shield wall, dripping with lust and blood. He also saw the screaming Slaanesh demon being killed by the Death Guard's scythe.

And those well-known secret keepers, after happily harvesting a few heads, will be immediately surrounded by the Death Guard team and hunted in a targeted manner.

Fabius wiped the sweat from his forehead. He knew very well what his army looked like.

Once the fighting time is extended and the effect of the medicine wears off, these crazy crazy people who are now high will soon be defeated!

But now, Fabius frowned at the lustful runes on the altar, and Slaanesh wanted him to come closer to Elsa's cage! Only then can He truly show up!

Near Elsa's cage?

Fabius turned back and saw that the Death Guard's battle line had advanced a lot.


As if feeling his despair, Eidolon at Bayer's feet suddenly screamed, the huge sonic attack was deafening, and pink and white foam erupted from Eidolon's wildly swaying mouth.

Foam splashed on the altar, and the altar next to them began to glow,

The slender and graceful figure slowly stood up, sparkling lights flashed across the scales, and the elegant long thorns were exposed. The concept of being swallowed by Hades thousands of years ago reappeared after thousands of years of deposition and accumulation!

Shalashi Demonic Disaster!

No - this is not exactly the same as the demonic disaster that completely killed thousands of years ago. Slaanesh reshaped him. He is no longer a great demon targeting the Eldar. Now every inch of his skin and every muscle is aimed at death. Forged to guard!

However, all this is not over yet. Next to Slaanesh's most favored son are Amnak, the King of Hosts, Zaraknel, the Angel of Despair, and Manushya, the newcomer...

One by one, blasphemous figures stood out from the hazy purple.

The spikes were picked at random, and the six noise warriors who were shouting fanatically for the queen immediately fell to the demon disaster.

+Follow my beat. +

Mo Liang said coquettishly, looked at Fabius again, and his tone became colder.

+ If you don’t go deep enough yet, you don’t have much time. +

Pluto and Death may return at any time.

Without waiting for Fabius to react, the Demon Calamity danced away briskly. It was Slaanesh's darling, the pinnacle of Slaanesh after that night. The spear was lightly lifted, and blood spattered six steps.

At the same time, the other great secret keepers also started their own massacre, with pincers and whips, and the purple scales were splashed with blood.

Encouraged by the Keeper of Secrets, the Noise Warriors began to raise their voices, and the horses of Slaanesh followed the Great Keeper of Secrets into the enemy formation with a roar. For a moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the purple light dispersed the white mist!

Not good!

Vox violently kicked away Lucius who was entangled again.


The Two-Face man shouted angrily. At the same time, the golden fire of the clash of swords lit up. Vox exerted force with both hands, and the tip of the spear that was almost touching the tip of his nose was pushed away.

The speed of the demon disaster is too fast!

Vox had to protect important parts and resist attacks from Lucius from time to time——

Demon Calamity was obviously very playful, attacking Vox from time to time as if provoking him, jumping far away from time to time, and trying to harvest other Death Guards with his long whip.

"Where was your arrogance just now?!"

Lucius shouted, his eyes were almost completely covered with a hazy white and purple color, and his attacks became sharper every time! Slaanesh's Chosen cooperated with Shalasi's attack, and Vox was at a disadvantage for a while.

+You look long-lasting, my baby! +

The Demon Scourge laughed wantonly, now their home court. It used its long whip to wrap up Vox and throw the Death Guard to a high place, but Vox did not lose his balance because of this.


He hit the ground hard.


The devil said,

+ Do you see the blessings of the Mistress of Joy here - your master cannot give you the complete blessing - but I appreciate your perseverance, little one, you should come to the land of joy. +

Vox stood up calmly. He was not good at words and had nothing to say to this rubbish.

"Perhaps you should use your eyes properly."

said Vox, tearing off the bandage and tying the sickle pole to his wrist,

"The army before you now has killed many of the Great Unclean Ones,"

Vox said that he saw Demonic Disaster looking around with some annoyance - although the Keepers still seemed to have the upper hand, their speed had slowed down -

This is the most crucial thing. Slaanesh's army prefers agility, but the speed they are proud of has been slowed down by the Death Guard.

The Death Guard, who initially fought against the Noise Warriors and other Slaanesh warbands, began to gather together, with a basic unit of seven, focusing on hunting down the Great Keepers of Secrets.

Once a man falls, he is quickly replaced by nearby Death Guards fighting other Slaanesh armies.

In an angry shock, Demon Calamity saw a bone-deep wound on the left hoof of the newcomer Manushya. Manushya staggered and fell. In an instant, three death guards rushed towards the guardian at the same time. Attack the secreter's vital points!

"We will kill the secret keeper as well."

Vox said quietly, then avoided Lucius's sword, and the sword missed his neck.

The explosive sonic boom roared!

Demonic Disaster screamed with some annoyance, and then it thrust its spear at Vox again. Due to Lucius's interference, Vox had to take the blow.


Vox coughed. He looked at Demon Disaster. His free hand held the spear that pierced his chest. With his palm as the center, white ashes floated down——

The Scourge immediately withdrew its spear, which made Vox stagger. Lucius immediately swung his sword again, and Vox blocked the blow with his shoulder armor.

Demonic Disaster looked at the spear that was covered in ashes with some shock. The part held by Vox seemed to be corroded.

Vox took a deep breath. He wasn't a psyker - there wasn't much of a psionic think tank in the Death Guard, which was a huge mistake.

But in fact, on an extremely high-intensity psychic battlefield, a less capable think tank will become an extremely unstable bomb.

Demonic Disaster temporarily put down Vox, and the big demon went to support his other companions. Vox's slightly blurred natural eyes saw that Demonic Disaster tore a path for Eidolon and Fabius.

no no!

Vox wanted to chase after him, but Lucius stopped him with a hideous smile again. Slaanesh almost tore off a piece of it and gave it to his chosen god. In just ten minutes, Vox could feel the improvement in Lucius' strength. More than three times more!

Some of the Death Guards chased after them, but their speed was already slower than that of the Noise Warriors after taking drugs. On the other side, the Great Secret Keepers who had been rescued by the Demonic Disaster were temporarily united together——

Instead of playing around in the enemy camp.

They looked much more embarrassed, but this made the Death Guard's attack more difficult,

Demonic Disaster turned around again and rushed towards Vox.

"Is this a ten-thousand-year veteran? The former commander of the Death Guard is nothing more than this level—"

Lucius laughed wildly, wielding his sword, and attacked Vox together with the demon disaster.

"Who just said that we were going to fight two??!"

Vox was sure that he was a little unhappy, but the intensity of dealing with the Chief Demon and the Chosen at the same time was too high, and he had to passively fight them.

No, but what Vox is worried about is not this side - the battlefield here can be dragged out until Death comes back, but over there -

there! The direction Eidolon and Fabius left! Vox saw Amnak, the King of Hosts, and followed him!

The younger generation is still too reluctant to deal with them!

Vox was thinking, but at the moment when he was distracted, Lucius laughed and wrapped the meat rope around his neck——

not good!

Vox wanted to make amends, but the look on Lucius's face said he would treasure his head.


Lucius's voice stopped suddenly and disappeared into the blood mist.

"It seems you are a good prophet,"

Karas Typhon walked out of the corridor behind the Death Guard with a dead look on his face. He was not in fearless form. He was wearing MK3 armor and carrying a scythe much larger than his body size.

On the white helmet, the slowly disappearing frost was still stained with Barbarus's blades of grass. It looked like Karas had just come down from Barbarus's recruit field and experienced an emergency teleportation.

The whip from Vox's neck slowly slid down, Lucius's headless body fell down, and another angry Lucius stood up again from the pile of corpses nearby.

"After all, you accurately predicted your own death date. This famous Commander of the Emperor's Children, an outstanding swordsman, the beloved son of the Primarch Fulgrim, Lucius the Immortal, I have to admire you very much."

Karas pulled out the mistletoe gracefully, and the bandage tied to the scythe spread out. It lit up with spiritual light, and ashes and white mist spurted out at the same time.

Karas continued to speak unhurriedly, and he walked towards the front line, with each step accompanied by the headshots of seven Slaanesh soldiers.

"But I still have to admire your appearance. You are even more exquisite than the Nurglings. Lucius, what's the matter? Without your original body personally applying white skin cream on your noble little face, you would have aged so quickly. "

Every time he paused, Karas's mouth would resound with rapid spells, but this did not delay him from continuing to output.

Lucius had completely given up on Vox and rushed towards Karas completely losing his mind.

The second most powerful wizard of the Death Guard glanced at him, and in the white light, Lucius's head exploded again like a watermelon.

"You should ask your master who doesn't even bother to fuck you to give you some more psychic shields."

Karas laughed contemptuously, and signaled Vox to pursue the troops that rushed in. Karas and the remaining troops were enough, and Karas could punch out their large intestines.

This is the power of psykers - Mortarion deserved that kid for restricting the development of the Death Guard's psykers every day. When it came time to use them, Karas rolled his eyes, he still had to do it.

"And you,"

Karas looked at the demon disaster,

"Shalasi Demon Calamity, right?"

Typhon said, the scythe in his hand released countless white mist,

"You are a substitute,"

Karas said,

"The truly perfect Demonic Disaster has already entered Pluto's belly. You are just an imitation, a random memory created by your master. Do you really think you are a horn? The Demonic Disaster back then could still defeat Pluto in two ways - —”


Karas sneered,

"Fight any bastard like me, don't be embarrassed."

Vox opened his mouth, and when he saw Demonic Disaster also put him down, he rushed towards Karas almost angrily, while Karas glanced at him impatiently and signaled him to hurry up and help inside.

Vox nodded and immediately ordered people to chase Fabius and his party.

In terms of pure combat, Karas is not as good as Vox - but Karas can use psychic powers.

Karas would be far more useful than he was on this kind of pitch, Woakes thought.

Karas waved his hand, and the raging poisonous flames immediately rose up. White flames climbed onto the bodies of these addicts, and they screamed for a while.

The demonic disaster came screaming and sprinting at a speed that could not be captured by the normal naked eye——

But Karas only took a small step to the left, and the figure of the Great Keeper of Secrets passed him by.

Karas slammed the mistletoe behind him!

**Splash! Followed closely by Demon Calamity’s furious screams,

"I'm different from these people,"

Karas said, and kicked Lucius down again, who was mentally stiff, and cursed,

"Not only do I know how to scold you bunch of idiots, I also know a little bit about numerology, which can be expressed as prophecies."

"I've been cursed with some damn thing in my life,"

Karas cursed, a steady stream of mist still rising around him, and the fallen Death Guard stood up again. It was similar to the witchcraft used by Mortarion in the garden. Karas also had some psychic powers.

"If I fight you ugly guys, Nurgle will look better than you."


Karas shook hands violently, and psychic lightning exploded. It was not as cool and powerful as Hades, Typhon thought, but it was enough to deal with these addicts.

But he knew it was not that simple. Slaanesh was here, and Karas could think of it with his toes (although he no longer had the original ones). Because the Void Dragon blocked the messages from Mortarion and the fool, Slaanesh took advantage of this moment. Taking advantage of the opportunity.

The prince of darkness has a lot of desires. Karas judged that the evildoer had almost unleashed all his power - what did he want to do?

Forcibly breaking through the veil and forcibly granting blessings, they will no longer need to do anything after that. Slaanesh will automatically decline, and may become even weaker than the crying Nurgle now.

But no matter what...Karas thought,


He shouted, and almost at the same moment, he immediately coughed up a mouthful of blood. He even felt that he was about to kneel down, but Karas tremblingly held the mistletoe to keep himself standing.

The force was strong enough. Karas smiled mockingly to himself, but he was not afraid. That boy Mortarion had already beaten Nurgle.

Anyway, Slaanesh is destined to lose all his power, so why not let him use up a little bit - and see if he can seek death by the way.

But he was not brainless. Under the huge psychic pressure, Karas looked around and saw that almost all the soldiers froze for a moment because of his voice.

Karas had collected the history of the Emperor's Children ships during the Heresy.

Besides, he had wanted to scold him for a long time.

"Do you think you will be favored by Hades?! As a close friend of Hades! Hades can watch Nurgle get hard - and he will not come to you! You are more disgusting to him than Nurgle!"

Karas cursed.

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