Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 650 98 is getting more and more chaotic!

Chapter 650 98. Getting more and more chaotic!

The Death Guard rarely have outstanding psykers.

It's no secret that the Death Guard, who are often on the front line against Chaos, resent these unstable existences. Once their psychic powers are unstable, they are the most dangerous bombs.

What's more, the Primarch himself refused to introduce the most commonly used system of psychic education, in which recruits with psychic talents were taught numerology.

Therefore, under the leadership of Mortarion, there is a group of Undertaker Librarians within the Death Guard, but they only serve as a replacement for the soulless troops and a tool to summon the Primarch himself, and are rarely given critical tasks.

They trust the Death Guard, but the psykers seem less trustworthy.

But this does not mean that there are no real psychic masters in the Death Guard;

There is a special case here, an extremely special existence——

Callas Typhon.

With only numerology information in the Death Guard, no one knows how he practices, and no one knows where this irritable Barbarus has reached——

He himself, like other psykers, does not actively participate in important combat missions.

Note that until one meets Karas Typhon, it is commonly said that there are no outstanding psykers within the Death Guard.

And after meeting Karas Typhon, they would say,

"Karas!!! You are the ugliest-- in the galaxy!!!!"

Karas snapped his fingers, and Lucius's ferocious face exploded into bright fireworks again.

"Don't scream,"

The wizard's face showed a standard villain's smile. He was almost vomiting blood now, blood was flowing out, and the gaps between his teeth were full of bright red.

"I'm scolding your master, you should behave."

Karas felt Slaanesh's gaze upon this place, and he was now absolutely certain that Slaanesh was watching him—the false god's gaze firmly fixed on a mortal.

Of course it was his... honor?

Unfortunately, this is not his first time with Karas.

Karas turned his wrist, and the mistletoe in the shape of the original body rustled in his hands. White flames spurted out from between the scythe blades, covering most of the battlefield in an instant.

Mist danced in the white flames, and the Death Guard remained unscathed in the white flames.

Stop thinking shit about Mortarion, Karas thought, and Hades - oh no, he's still going to disgust them.

"I know what you're thinking, Pluto, Pluto, Pluto - it's a pity that he never looks at you, right?"

Callas laughed,

"Poor creatures!"

His free hand suddenly clenched towards Lucius, who was struggling to get up. The frost climbed onto his gauntlet, and the armor rattled. The body of the immortal was twisted in the air, as if it was being invisible. The pressure crushed, and then there was no sound again.

Karas took a step back and perfectly dodged the next stab from Demonic Disaster. He walked unhurriedly in a circle within seven steps, but every movement was just enough to avoid Demonic Disaster's angry attack.

This further angered Demon Calamity, and now Karas no longer had to scold this boring little guy.

Karas began to concentrate on casting spells.

Under the gaze of the gods, it became slightly more difficult to cast spells. Even every time I mobilized my spiritual energy, there were countless desires of heaven's spiritual energy screaming and trying to squeeze into Karas's body and pollute him——

But Karas, alas, has experienced far worse scenarios than this.

"Don't waste your efforts,"

Karas mocked. He held the handle of the sickle and casually made a weeding motion in front of him. The phantom demonic disaster danced in front of him and swayed violently!

The opportunity has come!


Karas coughed in the direction in front of him.

The rich liquid hit the target, and the demonic disaster screamed in pain. One of its eyes made a hissing sound, accompanied by a wisp of white mist.

Now the demon who was blind in one eye looked much more pleasing to the eye.

These fools will not understand how far Karas, as the veteran of the Death Guard, has increased his poison resistance and toxicity, not to mention——

Karas once again suppressed the external spiritual energy that was disrupting him. This spiritual energy became more powerful and more frenzied.

"I am not some virgin land, false god!"

Callas smiled, feeling relieved, and gave Lucius another painful death.

"I am the one who has endured Nurgle's curse - even if I were to choose, it would be Nurgle! After all, he is the false god that Pluto longs for~"

Typhon played a long tail tone, and he specially turned on the recording. The veteran had already begun to imagine that when the real protagonist arrived on the battlefield, should he cry while looking at his corpse, or should he listen to this video and whip the corpse?

But by then he was already relaxed.

The Endurance seemed to let out a long mournful cry under the huge power of Slaanesh. Karas blinked and stopped mocking. The wind rose from Ping. After the slightest breeze, a storm rolled up around him!

He didn't have a cloak to look cool with.

The Demonic Disaster's attack was temporarily suppressed. Karas stood firm and slammed the sickle into the deck.


A steady stream of power was injected into the Endurance, and for a while, the corridor, which was gradually heating up and changing color, suddenly began to cool down and turn gray!

The area is now almost completely surrounded by the psychic energy of Slaanesh, and those who borrow power from the Great Ocean will only be tainted by Slaanesh.

But until now, Karas Typhon had not drawn on the power of the Warp.

The Death Guard numerologists don't seem to have any influence at all;

As Typhon raised his eyes, a series of explosions accompanied by white flames erupted inside Slaanesh's army. Typhon accompanied the noise warriors in a mood.

As of now, in front of Lucius who has died tragically countless times, and in front of the demon disaster who is blind in one eye,

Karas hasn't suffered a decent attack yet, but he keeps bleeding, and the blood keeps flowing, and it never stops.

Within a circle of seven steps in diameter, Karas almost filled the circle with blood. His blood seeped down, adding a psychic gain unique to Karas to this battlefield.

He does not emit golden light like the great psykers, but Karas does not need this. He is obviously more sincere than Pluto and Death, who created his own background.

Karas grinned again. The stubble he hadn't shaved for an unknown amount of time made him look like a slovenly tramp, but it was this tramp who was scolding Hades here.

It's a pity that not many people can understand his sincerity and hypocrisy.

He, Karas, still has some tricks up his sleeve.

The real secret lies in the mistletoe in his hand. The weapon that Death received from the Lord of Fire Dragons was later given to Typhon by Mortarion as an anchor for Death in this world.

But Callas added a twist to the mistletoe.

As for what it was... Karas took away all the tears of Elsa that Mortarion didn't want, the kind that didn't need Pluto's approval.

Only Karas, who has held the mistletoe for a long time, knows that under the dull appearance, there is a new sprout inside this old sickle!

Unlike the original body, and that lucky fool, Karas built up his confidence step by step, but unfortunately no one could see it.

He didn't need anyone to see it either.

Just enough to hit the person you want to hit and enough to scold the person you want to scold.

Karas felt Slaanesh's gaze shift away slightly - were they coming back, or over there? one way or another--

"Slaanesh!!! Do you know what Hades said about you?"

Karas paused for a moment, then grinned.

"Oh, he didn't mention you at all - so why not fuck me - it's a pity that even I can't deal with you."

He vomited a mouthful of blood again.

This time, the red blood was mixed with some pink.

This was nowhere to be seen, Karas didn't panic at all, he wiped the blood from his mouth casually.

He was a person who had experienced the whole process of depravity back then, but he was still a petty person now.



Hurry up! ! ! Vox! ! !

The corridor roared as they ran wildly, and the long and narrow corridor passed by in a flash. Vox saw the corpses of the defenders, and their blood spattered on the walls, which had not yet dried up.

Death Guard, Soulless Ones, Hellhounds, Mechanical Magos—no, no, no, no, no! ! !

The scattered human corpses silently revealed the truth. They were violently knocked away by the Great Keeper of Secrets, and their bodies were scattered.

Morag's directions came over the channel, and Vox was galloping. The path was slightly different from what he imagined, but Two-Face quickly understood everything.

The Death Guard took the initiative to blow up some of the corridors, but this had no effect on this army that pierced the heart like spikes. They were fully capable of forcing a short teleportation.

Vox was running, never running so fast. He was a standard Death Guard, but at this moment he broke through the speed that a Death Guard should have.

He may not be a particularly qualified commander. Vox doesn't want to bleed more. He doesn't want to see blood flowing in vain. Now is not the time for children to sacrifice, they should be allowed to do it!

The lights in the dungeon dimly cast down, and he heard explosive music in the distance, and even the light was distorted by the impact of sound waves.

Corpses everywhere.

The first major door of the dungeon was forcibly opened. Vox stepped over the still-breathing figure. The veterans behind him followed him silently. Unfortunately, the triple defense was breached.

He hurriedly speeded up again, and in the distance, Fabius's curse words and the roar of Amnak, the King of Arms, sounded one after another.

Turning the corner and crossing the three layers of defense, blood almost flooded his knees, flowing loudly as he ran.

...The last layer of defense.

Vox gasped, the absurd scene before his sweat-soaked eyes.

Entering the dungeon, you need to pass through seven defensive gates before approaching Elsa's cage.

The last major gate is the [Gate of Life and Death] made of extremely dense black stone.

Guarding this level are elite warriors seconded from the Sons of Hades Chapter.

Vox sees a warrior.

Blake was holding two axes, his whole body covered in blood, and opposite him, Amnak, whose left hoof had been chopped off, was screaming.

Next to the Great Keeper of Secrets, Eidolon was almost completely unrecognizable as a human being. His head was ridiculously swollen. Vox saw the emperor's saliva-laden mouth open twice -

not good!

Vox thought, it was a noise attack!

“Cover your ears——!!!”

He just had time to remind the seemingly dull Mingzi, but Vox saw Blake also take a deep breath,


Eidolon let out a deafening scream of death, and sonic waves exploded! The air pressure even stopped Walkers' progress several times.

In front of Eidolon, who could barely support his head, Blake's neck and face had veins as thick as his fingers. The black butcher's expression was extremely ferocious, and the corners of his mouth were twisted and even showed signs of cracking——

It looked like he was resisting Eidolon's sonic attack.

Ashes overflowed from Vox's mouth, and the sound wave was mixed with corrupt information. He no longer expected that Mingzi to survive.

As if confirming Vox's idea, Two-Face saw Fabius, who had isolated himself from the sound wave in advance, raised his gun.

Vox tried to raise his gun and shoot, but the muzzle of the gun was shaken by the sound wave and made it impossible to aim.

Ashes flowed from his ears—

With his breath sinking in his dantian, Blake thought that he couldn't see the reinforcements in his sight as he held his breath to the limit. The Mingzi was not thinking about this in his mind. He was recalling the scene at that time and recalling the skills that the father of genes once taught him. .

Then, Blake opened his mouth and let out his war cry at the noisy guy,


Blake shouted,


He wields his battle axe! WAAAAAAGH! ! ! ! He seemed to have returned to the battlefield where he was fighting the greenskins. Black looked up and saw his familiar father's figure in a trance, so he raised his battle ax and struck at Eidolon!

Two sound waves collide! Eidolon is temporarily victorious! Blake felt his eyes darken...


"Black Butcher," the green-skinned incisor said roughly as he broke off half of Blake's butt. Blake silently took it, but did not intend to take off his helmet to eat.

Seeing that Black didn't want to eat and his front teeth weren't annoyed, the green-skinned boss took a bite of the juicy fart on his own.

"I know, you always don't like to talk,"

said the incisor, bumping Blake hard with his shoulder;

"But you have to remember, when we fight, the one with the loudest voice will win. We must WAAAGH!! Get past the naughty boy on the other side."

Blake was silent for a moment;

"I tried my best to shout."

He said, but saw the front teeth shaking his head seriously,

"You must be a random boy who grew up in the field. In this case, I will teach you how to shout."

The front tooth took a deep breath, then opened its mouth wide——


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Blake's mouth! The flames burned fiercely! He wants to be the most WAAAAGH of the Hades clan! ! ! of! ! ! He must live up to the name of Hades! ! ! !

"For!!! For Pluto!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!"

The shouts are deafening! Even Eidolon was shocked by these huge words and the profound meaning contained in them! Blake pours sex! overwhelming! The earth has the upper hand! And so does his axe!

boom! ! !

The ax hit the deck and was embedded deeply. Blake turned his head suddenly and stared at Eidolon, who was suddenly pulled by Bayer and escaped unhurt.

"What the hell?!"

Fabius collapsed and cursed, forget it if there are soulless people on the Endurance, forget it if there are veterans of the Garden of Eternity, what the hell is this? !

And they were stopped at the last door by this kind of thing! ! !

But before he could react, another scythe spun around!

Amnak let out a shrill scream, and the scythe with a chain on one end bit into its neck!

Vox didn't know whether he should lament that he finally saw this ridiculous scene, or whether he should lament something else. In the end, he decided to suspend his thinking and concentrate on fighting.

He suddenly grabbed the chain in his hand, and behind him, the hot melt illuminated the side of Vox's face.

"Good boy! Hold on!"

Vox shouted, he kicked the ground violently and immediately joined the battle!

--no! That's too late!

Bayer thought,

"Prince of Darkness——!!!"

he cried - and Slaanesh answered him directly.

They're close enough! This is a cage built by Death out of the Warp - and Slaanesh has smelled her scent.

Time is running out.


"Oh, I'm so tired."

Hades said that the height difference in front of the cave entrance was too outrageous. Hades, who had just absorbed the void dragon, was a little tired. He casually stretched out his hand and waved, "Pull me up, moth smash."


Mortarion, who was already standing in front of the cave entrance, ignored him.

Hades waved again, "Moth smash, moth smash."

He shouted a few more words, but the original body was still staring into the distance with his brows furrowed, and finally——

[Bullshit, Perseverance, hurry up, it’s the sky of desire. 】

Mortarion said this, and the next moment, the huge body of the original body turned into white mist and dissipated instantly.


Hades suddenly perked up.


Why did he hallucinate the green skinned waaagh? ? ?

Karas's eyes were blank as he thought that his current condition was not very good. The wounds caused by the demon disaster had fine scales growing on them. Fortunately, they were still within the tolerance range.

Better than growing wings.

Karas breathed a sigh of relief - not because things were getting better, but because there was nothing more he could do. His vision was blurry, not because he was injured.


Slaanesh has arrived.

He heard the sound of the Endurance's already overwhelmed dragon spine breaking.

After that--

That scream!

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