Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 652 100 Sorry, I can't say it

Chapter 652 100. Sorry, I can't eat it


Hades shouted, the sharp voice penetrated the layers of psychic curtains, and before Hades could react, Tarasim, who was holding his waist, automatically dropped his hands.

"I won't hold you back - come on!"

The Endless shouted, and instantly disappeared into this airspace.

However, Hades had no time to care about the Necrons, and his right eye pupil trembled - he saw an absurd scene, unbelievable, unimaginable, and unacceptable.

Before rage, panic, and hunger caught up with him, Hades was shocked first.

He might be able to accept Nurgle's garden...but these...but these...

The black veil of the Nightbringer fluttered, and in front of the urgent intruder was a pink town.

No longer a deep black vacuum, the space was filled with some kind of light and dreamy clouds, with billions of naked bodies entangled in it. Hades saw demons and mortals, and slightly dark flesh was playing and indulging in white powder.

The broken hull of the Endurance was stranded in the clouds. Hades did not dare to look closely at the Death Guards inside... Perhaps he was just too shocked.

Angry, unbelievable.

Hades's eyes were fixed on the center of the entire world.

There was a huge false god, much taller than the Endurance, much more magnificent than the planet - it was impossible to accurately describe His size, He seemed to be big and small at the same time.

... Thousands of brilliances flashed on the sparkling scales, the pearls were as gorgeous as silk, the soft and powerful muscles and waist,

The ornaments jingled with breathing and every move, the delicate ornaments penetrated the skin and flesh, pulling out the small tumor.

The organs under the light gauze were looming, every inch was huge enough, powerful, or soft, the purple gauze was pulled up from the rings on the organs, around the waist, holding the chest in an unimaginable way, and then disappeared in the tangled horns above the head.

Hades panted, and some worse memories caught up with him in advance. He remembered the bad experience ten thousand years ago, but now it was worse than then.


The veil covered the lower half of his face, and the long red tongue stretched out from the bottom, lifting the veil. He was staring at him, so hungry, so ecstatic, the dark prince panted, and the hand on his waist began to touch himself.

The pair of colorful purple eyes were looking at him closely.

The weirdest thing was that Hades read a trace of reluctance from it.

He might know the reason.

In the tough abdomen of Slaanesh, an arrow was gradually penetrating with his ups and downs-

Hades felt familiar with this, but he didn't know what it was.

If anyone in the world saw this scene, they would be fascinated by the beauty of the Prince of Desire, and people would be unable to control themselves, and desire would burst out.

But Hades did not react to this, perhaps nausea had not caught up with him.

Instead, there was anger.

The rage of an active volcano was flowing faintly in the darkness, ready to go. I continued to look along Slaanesh's waist.

Under Slaanesh, the thick snake tail piled up into a small mountain. Bone-like things squeezed out from the gaps between the snake tails, carrying some kind of insect juice.

Hades felt that he couldn't breathe.

On the top of the snake tail mountain, a rather embarrassed head was exposed. The hood of the god of death was pulled down, and the saliva of the dark prince flowed from the corner of his mouth, dripping on Mortarion's boring long white hair.

Mortarion was facing away from Hades. Hades couldn't see the front of the primarch, but he could imagine the roughness of the liquid flowing across his face - and - and -

Hades hoped that Mortarion would not be like the others - those who were in this space now - showing an expression controlled by Slaanesh.

Maybe he could accept Nurgle... No... That was also unacceptable.

Absolutely unacceptable!!!

Why - why couldn't Chaos be like Khorne? !

Hades had just entered this airspace when he received a huge amount of information that was difficult to accept.

Hades felt his cerebral cortex trembling and his blood vessels throbbing. In front of the broken and sunken Endurance, in front of Mortarion captured by Slaanesh, before reason caught up, he felt his body move first.

He chose to follow his instincts - in front of this scene, it was painful to have reason, maybe he should dig out his eyes.

He would rather fight Khorne, a fair fight, than face the absurd scene of today, which was a kind of fooling, a kind of play.

Hades felt the pain of being fooled by this absurd picture - and the anger of everything - everything - everything he had worked hard to manage being burned.

What he had carefully managed and pondered, what he had valued and favored, was broken in this absurd and lustful dream?

The black fog of space jump has not yet dissipated, floating beside Hades. He opened his palm slightly, and the black fog gathered like a storm of particles, forming a black sickle in an instant, long and sharp, big enough to cut off the head of a false god.

Hades took a deep breath, and the darkness spewed out in accordance with his breath. The faint arc of electricity exploded in the darkness around him, like a thick cloud pressing down from the horizon before a rainstorm.

From a distance, Hades seemed to be flickering-

He seemed like a character on an old screen when it was stuck, the space was dislocated, stuck, and countless fragments of time and space flashed around him.

Hades clenched the sickle, but the distance was not close enough, and the Primarch was still in the hands of Slaanesh. He did not accept the extra casualties caused by his own mistakes.

It turned out that when Hades was extremely angry and absurd, he thought that his senses would be magnified to the maximum.

His world slowed down.

Hades saw Slaanesh's open mouth and the bulging muscles hidden under his tattooed skin. The Dark Prince might want to say something.

Everyone's shouts of joy and pain stopped, and their voices became extremely quiet.

Through the darkness of the Night Holder, Hades's eyes were shining, the mechanical eyes were scarlet, and the natural eyes were pale, leaving only the bottomless darkness.

Under the darkness, there was nothing.


Before the frivolous and sighing voice of the youngest queen could reach Hades, Pluto slowly raised his hand and followed his instinct. He touched the space fragment closest to him. The picture between the two-dimensional slices was...

...It's that little amber yellow.

that's it! ! !

next moment! ! ! Darkness flashes! ! !

The darkness exploded like a flash bomb in a very short time! All existence was in a trance for a moment! But then - they were horrified to find that nothing seemed to have happened just now, and the slow-witted might even think it was their own illusion for a moment!


Slaanesh was confused to see that the place where Hades stayed was empty, and the ember-like darkness dissipated there. He had not yet understood this scene. The Prince of Darkness blinked, and the purple light was dim,

Behind Him, the sharp edge of a scythe ripped through the darkness.

! ! !

Completely silent, a crescent-like darkness drew out behind Slaanesh!

Time was still moving extremely slowly, and Mortarion heard the click of his bone helmet shattering. He felt that he was being shattered by the overwhelming desire, but he still persevered.

The primarch saw Slaanesh turning his head back and forth in confusion, and saw the cold gaze behind Slaanesh.

Mortarion opened his eyes wide.

At this moment, the false god was also aware of the attack from behind. Slaanesh turned around in panic. He tried to dodge - in front of Hades, he could only dodge!

Slaanesh lowered his body, as if in slow motion, but Mortarion knew that this was the fastest reaction. No one watching except them could realize what was happening here.

A monster jumped out.

The jet-black fangs and the emerald-green electric arc were not human, nor anything Mortarion had ever seen or known. It was the first time that he had seen the complete picture of that thing at such a close distance. He showed his true face in the subspace. , Hades freed himself.

Darkness, disorder, flashing violently!

The next moment Mortarion observed the guy, and the next moment he left the space jump, darkness began to take shape, outlining the cloak and scythe——

Pounce-empty-! ! !

The Prince of Darkness successfully bent down and avoided the scythe of judgment and harvest,

anger! ! ! Great wrath is coming! The youngest queen felt that those eyes were cruel and cold, as if she wanted to cut him to pieces! He felt extremely excited and happy because of this! !

The heavy rain fell, and Pluto, who was flying above Slaanesh, released the black realm. The Prince of Darkness let out a scream of pain, but his scream, which was enough to create cracks in the subspace, was silent in the black rain!

run! run! Leave immediately! ! Ha ha ha ha! ! ! His dear!

Black threads penetrated the spiritually sculpted body from head to toe. The pain that could never be simulated made him convulse subconsciously. It turns out that chaos can also convulse!

The Prince of Darkness was riddled with holes and was immersed in great pleasure, but he knew that he had to leave - he had not had enough fun, and now was not the time.

boom! ! ! !

The flesh and blood body exploded! The bright red flesh and blood sprinkled down like a rain of blood, and everything as far as the eye could see was pink and purple! But the darkness still seemed like it didn't belong in this space.

"Where are you running away from your mother?!!!"

Hades roared! His body also dissipated into the endless blackness. The darkness quickly expanded. Pluto dispersed the black realm and swallowed up as much of Slaanesh's spiritual energy as possible.

The Black River is rising rapidly!

Gensokyo began to collapse, and the raging Lethe River reached the clouds in the sky. The demons screamed loudly, but their pain and fear were nothing more than a grain of sand at Hades' feet.

He was so angry that he had been played and robbed, and his rage drove Hades to continue to follow his instincts. He allowed his power to surge, and the vast psychic energy of the Warp briefly filled his never-ending hole.

He chased after Slaanesh, towards the dark prince who decisively gave up here, and towards the youngest queen who turned around and fled towards the warp space!

Even if he ran away, Slaanesh would not forget to take Elsa away! ! !

In a daze, Pluto heard screams, begging for mercy, curses and swear words, panting, praises, endless desires and emotions,

Everything, but only gathered into one desire.

He wants joy that will never be equaled.

Only Hades, who was beyond the understanding of Chaos, could do it - but he began to panic again, subconsciously fearing - the "desire to survive" and the concept of existence crowded each other, and Slaanesh laughed and cried.

Hades was unmoved.

He only felt angry,

Pluto is already approaching the limits of subspace and the physical world. The whole world is squeezing him, suffocating him, and almost fainting, but he is still chasing Him——

As Hades forced himself deeper, the fear in Slaanesh's screams became more and more real.

Pluto reached over, he reached over—desperately—stretched out the black realm, grabbed his snake tail, and the disgusting thing disappeared in his hands like tofu. He was not willing to give in, not willing to give in! ! !

Get him here! Get him here! ! !

Pluto roared silently! The subspace entangled him like shackles, pulling him along the original path, but he was so unwilling to do so, watching the crazy Slaanesh completely disappear into the vast ocean——

The last string on my mind was broken.

Regardless of everything, Pluto makes one final lunge!

This time he got his wish.

Huge pink-purple psychic energy screamed under him. He had long since lost his fixed entity, dripping slowly like a piece of melted black honey. Slaanesh was screaming, screaming desperately, towards He was running around, but a considerable part of him had been captured.

His spirit energy tried its best to escape from the gaps in the darkness, but the remaining part was bound by force and could not break free. It was in abnormal pain and was slowly entering the ultimate pain.

Until now, perhaps this god has truly understood his followers, has truly come into contact with his followers, and has truly perceived everything his followers have experienced.

Slaanesh screamed.

The curtain slowly came down.


Thinking of the existence on the Throne of Change, he was almost dumbfounded. Tzeentch realized what the Lord of Humanity's greatest confidence was - this was crazy.

He couldn't help but think of his retreat thousands of years ago. It was thrilling enough, but this was really...

The blue feather swelled, as if the strong wind caused by psychic energy blew the bird's feathers, the subspace began to scream, and the ignorant giant beast was forcibly dragged away - it looked extremely angry and unwilling.

The darkness struggled like a roar, rolling like some kind of dark slime, but it was still forcibly pushed out of the subspace. Before leaving, the dark beast almost screamed.

The remains that were eaten by it... no, the Queen of Joy, one of the Octagons of Chaos who could barely hold on, collapsed where she was. She looked frightened, terrified, and panting.

The Prince of Darkness was still holding Elsa tightly in his hand, and Elsa fainted from fright. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, at least Slaanesh was not completely swallowed...

Tzeentch breathed a brief sigh of relief.

He scolded the guy seeking death, but he also knew what Slaanesh wanted - the youngest queen was also betting that Tzeentch would take action, well, in fact, he would.

The light of wisdom flashed on the feathers of the Lord of Change.

In the subspace rift, the monster's roar seemed to ring out again.

Tzeentch instantly withdrew the light on his feathers... It was better to keep a low profile. He looked at the tattered Slaanesh,

The wise man knew what the dancer wanted to do, and Tzeentch drew runes in the air... far away... the farthest away... the blue runes on the arms of the young fifth man twisted.

In Comorone, the Lion King, who was wrestling with Conrad, saw Conrad's face suddenly change color.


"Fortunately, there are no fatal injuries."

Trazin said briskly, but it wondered whether Mortarion would really have a "fatal wound"?

The primarch looked terrible, almost doubled by the power of Slaanesh. He also looked terrible mentally. He didn't respond to anything, just stared at the rift in space and time where Hades left. .

Tsk tsk tsk... the scene just now was really wonderful.

Trazin thought that this was the first time it had seen a fleeing god, and it seemed that Slaanesh had temporarily changed its mind in the presence of the being.


A hoarse voice sounded,

Karas came from behind Trazin, and the invincible Figure King helped save the living, and then it found that a considerable proportion of people survived beside the Death Guard psyker.

The primarch showed no reaction.


Karas shouted again, the scales on his face making him look ridiculous.


"Don't even think about that idiot!"

Karas shouted angrily again, "I know this all happened very quickly, but you should treat it at least, in case there is another battle later -"

Mortarion glanced sideways, motioning Karas to look at the crack.

The cracks rippled.

The primarch ignored Karas's considerable tremble.

【……fine. 】

Mortarion muttered to himself, not knowing whether he was comforting Karas, himself, or other beings who saw beings expelled from the rift in space.

Is that guy someone they know well?

The identical black helmet has a hole in it, and the place where the face should be is empty like the Void Dragon, but the lower half still has the mask with silver tears on it.

The Primarch calmly pressed down the scythe Karas was about to raise.

【...Hades? 】

He shouted tentatively, and the next moment, the face came back, and Hades looked at them with relief.

"Is it okay - I lost you!!!"

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