Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 671 119 Terra Military Parade

Chapter 671 119. Terra Military Parade

The thick scent of incense made Hades wrinkle his nose. He raised his head and glanced at the giant door that towered high again.

It's almost dawn,

According to the military parade arrangement arranged by the ceremony officer, first Pluto spoke on behalf of the divine power, then the Pale Lord - anyway, it was a preaching, and finally people walked around the long square and then rushed to the battlefield.

He always dislikes using too many words to describe one thing. Hades tends to simplify and consume as little computing power as possible, but for others, his simplification may be too blasphemous.

Hades lowered his eyes.

This may be a bit formalistic, but it is necessary. In this world, honor and loyalty are often more valuable than gold and more precious than life.

He wants to reward warriors, give swords to brave men, encourage cowards to raise their guns, and witness mortals slaying dragons.

In the long line behind the door, each of them may face Chaos. They will turn into ants piled up under the throne of the false god, using themselves to pull down the god.

Even Pluto or the God Emperor... cannot complete the road of killing God alone. They can severely injure Him and make Him suffer - but they can never eliminate the complex chaos alone.

This will be an unimaginable war, but they must seize this rare opportunity.

What he can do is to win at the minimum cost and strip away personal interests. On the battlefield, no one can be a chess player alone.

Outside the door, a sad wind blew through the dark night.

Hades choked, his sharp face expressionless, he was ready.

He stood here, like a whole piece of black stone carved by nature's miraculous craftsmanship. He ignited lightning, and tiny silver dragons clung to him, and the Milky Way was dimmed because of him.

He is not the eternal sun, but he is the sun-loving darkness.

Behind Pluto, the towering and sharp God of Death lowered his head silently. Life is still here. He is the embodiment of all kinds of hardships. Every raised bone is a resistance to fate. A slight hiss declares that he is still a living creature. .

Beside the God of Death, the guard Vox had a ruthless expression on his face, and his eyes half-covered by wrinkles revealed a disdain for life and death.

The velvet fell to the ground. Malcador was low-key but showed indifference. He looked impatiently under his hood and pursed his lips. His withered hands had once determined the rise and fall of an empire. He had turned over his hands and destroyed a kingdom.

On the scepter held high by the believers, the incense burner swayed, and white mist flowed out. The two archbishops of the State Church and the Hades Church were not angry and proud. Among the tens of thousands of people who used to be admired by hundreds of millions of people, they are just the most inconspicuous here. The existence is like dust.

[I don’t think you’ll let me boost morale...Hades. 】

The god of death said quietly, and Hades smiled. He thought he would not embarrass the original body who was not easy to talk by nature.

Although he knew that Mortarion was not unable, but simply did not want to.

"I will."

At the same time, his words were drowned in the dull sound of the trumpet.

The sound of a loud salute came from behind the door, and in the biting cold wind, the first ray of light in the morning pierced the white snow.

Rarely opened, the hundred-person-high Hongheng Gate slowly opened——

The smoke of gunfire shone in together with the dawn.


boom! ! !

Billowing smoke rose, and a fighter plane streaked across the sky like a dagger. In an instant, three sparks exploded again, and huge dark clouds hung down.


The Cardinal roared and raised the scepter in his hand. The position generator in the scepter had already buzzed to its maximum power, and the pulp formed by the hammer was charred before it fell.

In front of him, a long line of troops formed a line, with blasphemous flags flying. The enemy's huge divine machine stepped onto the battlefield, and the alien mountains surged towards him.

But he never flinched.


The double-headed eagle flags are hunting, fine gold shines at dawn, the Imperial Guards line up, standing on both sides of the square, and red spikes fly.

Hades stepped onto the high platform. He looked into the distance and saw an endless army, high or low. People also looked up at him, hoping to see a "god" clearly.

The Archbishop of Hades served as the host, and a huge voice buzzed, but the words of the Bishop had long since dissipated in the wind, turning into a hot silence among the troops waiting for the military parade.

The Archbishop of Hades took a step back. He stood in the light, turned sideways, and respectfully made way for Hades.

The sun is still moving, the only real "sun" in human civilization. It brings light and heat, brightness and hope to this civilization. It casts light and shines on the center of the marble.

On the side of the light, there was eternal darkness. The darkness was like a soul-absorbing hollow, and he was standing there.

People looked up.

The ignorant ones, the wise ones, the conservative ones, those who set foot on the battlefield for the first time; the determined ones can still control themselves and quietly move their peripheral vision, but the others raise their heads. What do they want to see? They can't tell what they want. What he saw - his heart was tightly clenched.

Perhaps what is really being grabbed is the soul.

The sound of wind squeezing through the heaven and earth took everything away, and the scorching sun burned the door of eternity. They watched the drops of gilded gold drip down, the hazy golden light rose, and the sculptures on it also looked at them.


Strangely, it is not quiet here. On the contrary, there is the roar of the wind, the roar of the engine, and the beating heart - but that slight sound is so clear, as if it is as heavy as a thousand stones.

Hades saw all kinds of people. He saw the proud forest green armor of the Dark Angels, the slightly dull white bones of the Death Guards, and the bright gold-like color of the Imperial Fists.

These transformed warriors were standing proudly, like a sword showing off their own treasures. They would be the sharp sword that the Empire would pierce into Chaos.

He also saw other warriors, the neatly decorated Mordian Iron Guards, the white feathered Ventria nobles, the slightly gray Krieg Death Corps... the shoving Ogryn team, perhaps the Ogryn team was the one that worked the hardest to train the formation.

The Mechanicus sages still held their scepters high in an incompatible manner. The dazzling scarlet and incense were their exclusion and discrimination against the rest. The binary prayers and gears worked together, and Hades saw Kirkland.

The divine machinery followed these pious sages. The magnificent machinery like a mountain, the perfect creation, and the more magnificent existence could not stand here, and could only reveal a huge corner in the distance.

Now, they were all looking at him.

In the history of the Empire, perhaps there were few armies of this size. They were huge and chaotic, and even mixed with alien technological creations. But in the end, they came to this point, which was due to the efforts of Hades and others.

They all stood here, gathered here from alien planets millions of light years away, just because they were all warriors of the Empire, just because they had the same blood.

So, what should he promise them?

The Emperor would promise them glory, and the God of Death would promise them death, so what would he promise them?

What would Pluto promise?

Hades stopped and did not drive the Black Domain. The darkness was like a tamed beast crawling beside him. He let everyone see him clearly, without a mask, not empty, he was himself.

The faceless sculpture for thousands of years now had a face.

He had a human face and eyebrows, and between his pupils was the ruthlessness and compassion unique to humans. There was no doubt that this was a human, and the gods were humans.

He would promise them... truth and truth.

This is the privilege that belongs exclusively to Pluto.

He didn't want to cheat at this moment. The biggest reason that supported him to this point today was honesty and truthfulness. He used the truth as a sword to smash the falsehood of language.

He didn't need to decorate himself with lies and embellishments. All his previous efforts, all his persistence, all his work, and every sleepless day and night of document struggle were for the confidence after telling the truth.

He gave each soldier a new gun and brand new armor, drove the logistical behemoth, and ensured the operation of the medical system; he gave their families in the rear a comfortable environment; he re-selected officers and applied the Nirvana system, vowing not to let the foolish command waste their lives in vain.

At the same time, he wanted people to see why they fought, why war was necessary, and why they had to win.

He only needed to state the truth.

Glory, reputation, money... After everything, they were promised the truth alone.

Under Pluto's feet, darkness began to flow, and in an instant it flowed out like a gurgling stream, flowing down the steps and over people's feet.

The sun was still shining overhead, and he did not block the sun, but only provided them with a solid ground to stand on.

There were too many falsehoods and lies in this world, and Chaos used them to play with their souls, causing them pain and falling into the bottomless abyss.

The darkness spread very quickly, and there began to be some commotion in the crowd, mainly concentrated in the various corps, but the political commissar immediately took action to stop the unrest in the team.

Hades was not offended by this, he was not the epitome of formalism, if he proposed - perhaps everyone would be sitting and listening to the meeting now.

He felt the Styx washing every soul, every shining and burning soul, and everyone was born pure and shining.

Hades took a deep breath.

He was still not good at large-scale speeches, when would the emperor leave his seat?

"Respectable warriors,"

he said, the exam-oriented education made him still start with a sentence similar to the respected leader.

The slightly noisy crowd just now suddenly quieted down, and the huge square suddenly became audible.

"I am very happy to see you, to see your pure and noble souls - especially to see you here."

"Terra, we are standing on the birthplace of human civilization. From the soil here, humans took the first step of this race."

"After that, there were ups and downs for tens of thousands of years. After getting rid of gravity, our civilization was once glorious, but also fell to the bottom, just one step away from destruction."

"We have created unimaginable miracles, and we have also ignited wars that can burn the galaxy. In the galaxy, no force is willing to fight with the empire that is going all out."

"But when I look at you, the empire, and human civilization, in the vast galaxy, I clearly see This flickering candlelight - I used to wonder why such a great civilization, its fate is still shrouded in a haze? "

"I have been struggling to find the answer to this question. I hope to sweep away the haze on human destiny. I hope that mankind will prosper. So, what is the answer to this question? "

"Is it because we are not working hard enough? "

"But I see the sweat of every worker in the factory, hear the panting of every miner in the mine, and touch the calluses left by the soldiers because of clicking the trigger. Human beings are a diligent race. Although there are occasional termites among us - but most people are not like this. They should have a more glorious and better future. "

"Is it because we are not smart enough? "

"But I saw scholars burying their heads in long books, and sages seeking knowledge in the vast galaxy. Human beings are a race that loves knowledge. Although wars and disputes will cause our books to be burned and wise men to be beheaded, people will still be persistent in the future. to embark on the path of knowledge - they should be free to learn what they want and freely apply what they learn."

Hades was silent for a moment. He looked at the people, his dark eyes seemed to be both scrutiny and compassion.

"Is it... because we have no faith?"

Hades said, ignoring the slight shivers of the two archbishops behind him.

"But I look at your souls. Your souls are so pure and shining, real and strong. I listen to your prayers. I hear believers praying to me. I hear believers praying to the Lord of mankind. You are all here. Work hard to go your own way. Among you, there are those who hope to sacrifice for the empire, and there are those who work hard for a better life... You all have your own beliefs to fight for - human beings have never been a race lacking faith. "

"What exactly is it?"

"I have been walking for a long time on the road to find answers. I punished the guilty and broke off the dead branches on the branches of mankind. I established a college to allow scholars to speak freely. I promised everyone a better life. I responded A prayer for every request.”

"But I still haven't found the answer."

Hades asked,

"So what exactly?"

"What is it that has become the lingering cloud on the fate of mankind? What makes us fall suddenly every time we are about to reach glory? What makes our souls stained and lead to blasphemy and madness?"

The River Styx was surging, ensuring that everyone was shallowly immersed in the water.

"Finally, I found the answer,"

Hades said,

"False gods."

He felt something looking at Terra, but Hades calmly chased away the looks.

Even if he didn't take action, the light of the star torch would be enough to disperse them.

“In the subspace,” he said, “there exist four false gods that are unimaginable to us and completely deviate from reality—they feed on the fluctuations of our souls and devour the extreme emotions of human beings. They are absolutely malicious. Incarnation, taking pleasure in human suffering.”

"I have seen with my own eyes noble souls sink under the bewitchment of false gods, playing with lies on every soul that hopes to live. Let hard work sink into laziness, knowledge corrode into poison, and faith corrupt into absurdity."

"False gods, they appear in every corner of human history. Their followers, believers, are crowded in every corner that no one cares about, waiting at any time to tear us into pieces and drag us into the hell of madness."

"The battle between us and them is far more protracted and difficult than we imagined. On the first page of human history, they have appeared and used lies to seduce souls. After that, they instigated betrayal, distorted knowledge, and corrupted souls... …

Time and time again, we fight them with spiritual energy, we fight them with faith, and we drive them away with smoke and fire! But they will always come back, in the whispers of loved ones, in the corners of paper, and among the grains of rice on the table, they are pervasive, just to steal our souls! "

"I once thought that as long as the soul is burning and as long as human beings exist - they will exist forever. No matter how we pour ammunition and use life as a fuse to trigger explosions again and again, they will still exist and will never stop attacking us. eroded by the world they inhabit.”

Hades was silent for a moment. He glanced at the endless army again. People were silent. He didn't know what they were thinking, but even in the low-concentration black realm, their souls were so dazzling at the moment.


Hades said softly,

"Humans are a lucky race - we have faith, and our souls are so shining. This is the food of the false gods, but it is also the sword that pierces them. The faith of generations has created miracles -"

Pluto breathed once more,

"Generation after generation, billions of noble souls, you have given your faith and vision to me and the Lord of Mankind, and used them to forge the sharpest blades in our hands, forged by the wishes of billions of people The weapon! The moment I saw it, I realized that the false gods hiding in the subspace are not invincible."

"I realized that hundreds of thousands of years of difficulties can be brought to an end here, and human beings can lift the haze on the line of destiny! We can control our own destiny!"

"——Now, I want to tell you the ultimate goal of this expedition."

Hades said,

"We're going to kill the gods."

Hades said,

"We're going to kill the gods!"

"The false gods are not invincible - tens of thousands of years ago, I started experiments on the false gods; three thousand years ago, the Pale Lord personally tore the curtain apart and went to fight against the false gods; six months ago, I hit one of them hard!"

"Now is the best time to kill the false god,"

Hades said,

Slaanesh is weak, and they cannot let the death god in his body break out. The new god will once again set off a huge wave of subspace, and the subspace will be strengthened again.

"We want to rescue the Obscure Star Realm from the painful struggling false gods, and truly kill a false god - but this is just the first page of the history of mankind's resistance to Chaos! We want to behead them all! The fate of mankind will be Shine in our own hands!”

"Fighters, all of us will be engraved in human history! We are going to kill the gods! Mortals are also so powerful - as long as we unite! Use faith as a sword!"

"Yes, we will sacrifice a lot, many people will die and lose their lives - but there is no price that is unbearable! The suffering of mankind for thousands of years will end in our generation! The fall of a false god will be ours The greatest reward of all sacrifices! The realm it governs will no longer blind us - we will save countless souls in the future!"

Hades said,

"Fighters, hold on to the swords and guns in your hands, we are destined to write a glorious chapter!"

"We're going to kill the gods!"

The black areas are rolling, they are surging, and the extremely low concentration will only make people feel calm - after the emotions fade, the rocks of reason are exposed on the shore.

Hades turned sideways. He had finished speaking, but he had no intention of retreating to the black realm. Little bits of liquid gush out from the black tide and solidified into irregular black stones, floating in front of everyone.

"Take them, warriors, this is my blessing to you."

Hades said that with such a quantity, he couldn't have the energy to figure out a regular shape. He stopped staying and turned back to the shadow cast by the Gate of Eternity.

People still looked shocked. They should have been overjoyed - but the black domain prevented them from doing so. People trembled and put away the black stones floating in front of them. It didn't matter, they would be excited again afterwards.

But some people were still excited enough. Hades saw someone in the Mechanicus team fainting, and saw the tears of some people in the Corps. They were so excited——

Not everyone is born to be cherished and given gifts, especially in this world where this may be their first "gift" in life.

Hades saw the political commissar stopping Ogryn from swallowing the black stone again.

He decided to look away, no longer watching the poor political commissar being toyed with by Ogryn while applauding. There were already guards rushing to save the political commissar.

Hades winked at Mortarion, indicating that it was his turn.

Mortarion looked speechless. The God of Death moved his steps reluctantly, and whispered as he passed by Hades,

[I don’t have to speak. 】

But he still stood there. After being introduced to military positions by the archbishop with excellent psychological quality, Mortarion was the "Warmaster" of the Great Expedition. To avoid suspicion, he was now called "Sun Lord".

Motali stood there quietly, waiting for the last restless silence from the crowd. Thanks to his makeup, he did look like one.

[I am Mortarion, the commander-in-chief of this expedition. 】

Mortarion said, like a heartless speaker,

[I will only say two points. 】

[First, I agree with everything Pluto said. 】

[Second, I once led the Death Guard to severely injure a false god in subspace, so I am the commander-in-chief of this expedition. 】

Mortarion nodded, turned and left.

Hades thinks he's wasted a look that's still passable now.

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