Chapter 672 120. Frontline

[Cardinal John Fabian of the Pluto Cult in the Ultimate Sector of the Obscure Star Territory, number HDSO399470111a.

Thought for the Day: Death is the end. 】

John clearly saw the black stone dog tag hanging around his neck floating in front of his eyes. In the background was the enemy fleet flying across the clear blue sky. The line of fire cut through the sky and reflected a dazzling white line in his dark pupils.

boom! ! !

Explosions sounded around him one after another, and mud rained down on him, with a pungent smell.

In the slow feeling of stasis, John first cursed Damn it, this damn teaching,

Then he began to rejoice that he had been shocked into the sky by the shock wave. If he had still stayed on the earth, he would have fallen into a coma by now.


He was faithfully thrown back to the earth by gravity. John felt dizzy, and most of the protective equipment on his body had already stopped working due to overload. This time it was the force field generator that saved his life.


John was roughly grabbed by some guy, and the reinforcements started to pull him back. He swore that his waist was cut by the barbed wire, but the reckless guy was still pulling him back in a hurry.

"Ouch! I'm not dead! I'm not dead! Don't bother—"

John felt something fishy in his mouth, vomited a mouthful of blood, and was successfully dragged to the trench.

There was another noise after this, and the Cardinal heard an annoying mechanical sound, and then a cold needle was stabbed directly into his waist.


John's pupils first contracted, then dilated, and cold liquid poured in along his blood vessels. He felt his scalp numb and his heart beating rapidly. His blurry vision gradually became clearer, and he saw a flat face.

"There is no risk to life."

said the Genius, retracting the hand which held open the Bishop's eyelids,

“Do you want efficiency or recovery?”

He asked John, but before John could say anything, Genius had already made a decision for him.

"I guess it's efficiency, you can't fall, Bishop."

The oil man leaned down, stretched out his hand, and used his hand as a palm blade. With one blow, he cut off half of John's calf, which was still attached to the flesh and bones!

"Ouch!!! Shall I draft it!!!"

The severe pain made John bow like a shrimp, but Genes had anticipated it and used his mechanical appendage to hold John down in advance to prevent him from twitching further.

"There is a shortage of analgesics. According to analysis, your consciousness is four times that of the average person. You will not pass out because of this pain, Bishop."

"You also know I'm a fucking Cardinal!"

John wanted to hit Genes on the head with his scepter, but the severe pain stopped him from doing so. Genes did something to his broken leg, and then stood up with satisfaction.

"Temporary prosthetics, without follow-up treatment, will cause cross-section rot after three to four days. If you survive until then, remember to come back to me or my friends."

Geneshi said, giving a simple salute to John's guard, the Silent Warrior, who returned the salute and put something into Geneshi's upward palm.

"Fuck!!! Damn oil guy - your special code is still cheating now! Do you know that I am a bishop!!!"

"Pluto also has to pay."

Geneshi said, holding the red robe and disappearing at the next corner of the tunnel.

"Sir, you need to rest now. I will come to you in seven minutes."

The Quiet Man said that after saying this, she assumed that the Bishop was resting now. She picked up the heavy bolter and kicked off the wall of the pit in two steps, falling to the ground again, leaving John groaning in pain.


John said, taking a deep breath,

He wanted to find a deputy to come over and help him, but now the only people left in the trenches were dead people or people who were about to die. There were not many living people on the front line, and the stubborn local defenders were all retreating.

withdraw! Get the fuck out! All air and sea control were lost! Where could they run to? !

The Cardinal groped into his breast pocket tremblingly. A well-preserved miraculous black stone was there. This was a black stone that had been blessed by Hades. As long as you touch it, you will feel his power.

"Pluto is above."

He said that with the blessing of Pluto, his pain had subsided a little.

John took the opportunity to glance at his broken leg. The corner of his eye twitched and he decided not to look at his poor left leg again.

He took another deep breath seven times to calm himself down.

John struggled and began to re-adjust his communication channel. The explosion just now made the communication equipment howl loudly.

14.7...4.00...John adjusted the channel carefully,

His brain, which was pricked by the Gene's needle, began to think quickly. He realized that the Razorwing fighter plane that had just bombed him was the Dark Eldar's Razor Wing fighter, and the missile released should be some kind of targeted decapitation missile-it was aimed at him. of!

Oh shit!

John cursed angrily in his heart, his uncle is not dead! Not only did he not die, but he also had to stuff all this foreign trash into the latrine.

Wow, the communicator sounded a pleasant sound, and John suddenly felt relieved. The band communication had not been snatched away by this group of crazy lunatics.

He pursed his lips and spoke in a hoarse voice,

"X66300, Y47400, Reget Farm, Cardinal John of Hades, the Eastern Front is defeated, we will withdraw to Dongcheng District in ten minutes."

"Heavy losses, the number of casualties is not yet known."

"I'm glad you're alive, Bishop."

A thick voice sounded from the channel, with the sound of heavy swords piercing the air in the background.

"Just now, our brothers in the chapter saw three groups of Eldar aircraft wandering on the eastern front. I think they are looking for you."

Dusk Retrograde Chapter, one of the sub-groups of the Death Guard. Listening to the voice, their chapter leader should have died in the battle. John recognized the voice of the deputy of the chapter.

"Hoho, you son of a bitch, he's just looking for me—where's Theodore?"

John hummed feebly.

"Our Chapter Master has died, and we cannot ensure that we can hold the northern front. The Titans in the Forge World of Cypra in front of the northern front have all lost their combat effectiveness. We do not want to retreat for the time being. You still have heavy troops who can deal with the Eldar Titans. Firepower, Bishop?”

"Of course he didn't."

Another annoying voice appeared, a mechanical voice, coming from the Forge World of Cypra, and the great sage Ravi said,

"My geneticist just reported that Bishop John's vital signs are low. John, it's time for you to choose the location of your own grave."

"Huddled in the city like you?"

John asked rhetorically, but the great sage was not angered by this;

"I have placed a small general cannon on the north wall, but its condition is quite poor. The energy storage block is on the verge of exploding. I think it has two rounds of life left. Bishop, this is our last chance."

"I saw three alien Titans still standing there!!! Why the hell didn't you just take it out?!"

"Bishop, I just successfully resuscitated it one minute and fifty-three seconds ago - you should know that I am the one who suffered the biggest loss this time. My Titan Order was completely wiped out."

"Sage, can you ensure the hit rate?"

"There is no guarantee. The Eldar Titans move too fast. We need to hold them back."

"Bringing the war into urban areas,"

John said,

"Whether they are building fire support platforms or entering the city, their speed will slow down!"

"By the grace of Hades, we will all choose Green City as our tomb, although I still hope to obtain an Eldar Titan for research."

The channel on the other end of the Retrograde Dead Chapter was silent for a while, and John heard the war cry and the sound of the plasma regiment again. He hoped that this Chapter would also enter the city, so that they could delay it for a while.

Damn it, John began to curse in his heart again. He brought a whole team, twenty-one well-trained soulless quiet warriors, as well as fourteen companies of Hades, three companies of heavy vehicles, A company of fighter planes——

No more! It’s all gone!

Although the heavy vehicles cooperated with the Silent Warrior, and with the blessing of Pluto, John's front successfully allowed the opponent to temporarily cancel a Titan - but in exchange, the Silent Warrior was left dead with only his guards.

Even though he had been informed by his superiors that there would be changes in the Eldar - but was it too over the top to see the Dark Eldar, Wild Eldar, Ada and Slaanesh Demon Army appearing at the same time? !

John frowned in pain. The planet under his feet must not be lost now.

He had checked the star map. Except for this planet, the other thirty-five planets in the occupied area now formed some kind of strange pattern. Now the pattern was only missing the one under his feet!

The Hadean literacy training that John had received told him that at the spiritual level, this planet could never be lost.

But the situation is not optimistic.

With the waterway blocked by Ada's ships, the planet is now a lone star, and the three-week-long high-intensity war has caused heavy losses to the defenders.

Now there are only three forces that barely have combat effectiveness. The local defenders who have never seen Chaos have little combat effectiveness. Even though they are the largest in number, John has also equipped them with young bishops who can expel Chaos.

One is John’s Hades weapons, remaining infantry and vehicles;

The second is the Twilight Retrograde Chapter. Because it is a sub-group of the Death Guard, and because the Bishop usually has good relations with the Death Guard Chapter, this is the only Chapter that responded to Bishop John’s call to guard this planet at a glance. On a planet that will be lost.

Although this war group does not believe in Hades or the God of Death, this war group believes in the God Emperor, and the faces of its members are more Terran.

Most of the legions and chapters have withdrawn to other planets.

The third is the Mechanicus, although the Great Sage and the Bishop are quite difficult to deal with——

Just like the normal relationship between the Mechanicus and Hades, the teachings from the Ohm Messiah also made these oil guys stay. Perhaps the reason why the Great Sage stayed was the same as John.

"Sir, prepare to retreat."

The voice of Silence interrupted John's thoughts, and she directly picked him up with one hand, causing the bishop to groan in pain again.

The Quiet Men, a company of soulless men, are different from the Silent Sisters who belong directly to the center. They are usually assigned to various districts.

The Hades on Terra will uniformly allocate them to the cardinals. Cardinals who are somewhat famous can be assigned to a team, while small cardinals who have received commendations or are in key areas will be given one.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

John shouted, and was directly pushed onto the back by the Silent Soldiers. Taking advantage of the gap in the enemy's offensive, they began to retreat backwards,

Some soldiers were left behind. They jumped into the trenches, searched for ammunition from their dead comrades, and prepared for the final fight.

"May you remain silent forever in the River Styx! My warriors!"

John shouted, and he began to murmur a prayer that most of the warriors could not understand. Only the Quiet One knew that he was speaking Barbarian.

John put his fingers into his pocket, and when he stretched them out again, his fingertips were already dark. As he spoke, he used an awkward posture to smear the defenders passing by him.

Oh my god, while John was drawing the underworld, he discovered that none of the little bishops and management were missing, they were all dead!

John felt pain, and he felt that he might as well die here, but he couldn't just die, leaving a greaser and a space marine with a brain that couldn't turn around, who knew how long they could last.

From the beginning, none of the three defenders thought about winning.

They just wanted to delay - delay until reinforcements arrived.

In the eyes of other armies, they must be crazy. The entire star field is isolated, and the battle line has been pushed further away - their persistence is obviously not necessary.

But maybe they don't think so.

John's pupils were slightly dilated by the bumps and bumps in the transportation again. He saw the pink mist all over the sky. As far as the naked eye could see, the eastern front where he was located was the area with the lightest pink mist——

Because the blood of twenty fucking Quiet warriors was spilled on the land here!

Thinking of this, he felt his flesh twitching and his heart bleeding. Normally, fourteen Quiet Warriors of this strength could summon a small underworld, but the concentration of spiritual energy here was too high. , the Quiet Warriors were also severely suppressed.

John thought, and then, he was roughly packed into the troop carrier sent by the battle group by the Silent Warrior. The Silent Warrior patted his chest, then bit his thumb coolly and wrote Pluto on his forehead with blood. 's real name.

"I'm leaving, Bishop. May Hades wish you a better life. I know what you want - may Hades wish you a promotion and a raise in salary."

The Quiet Man said, his figure getting smaller and smaller in the pink light outside the troop carrier,

"Wait - without my order - what the hell do you want to do?! Come back here! Bastard!!!!"

"I'm going to accompany them!"

The Silent Sister whistled, and John thought, this idiot talkative should be assigned to the Silent Sister to cure her stupid words!

"Come back!!!"

John screamed in anger, but Dusk Retrograde thoughtfully blocked his view.

"You should rest for a while, Bishop."

Said the white and red Space Marine,

"Her choice is correct. No one is willing to abandon his comrades. May the God Emperor protect her."

"She is the Quiet One! She should be blessed by Hades!!!"

John said angrily, because he was facing a Space Marine who could crush his head with one hand, so John forced to swallow the curse words in his mouth,

But this group of autistic silent children, who were in the same line as the Death Guard, no longer paid attention to him. John ignored no matter how much he yelled and scolded him, and he fell into a brief coma in the high fever of anger and annoyance.

So they retreated back to face their final death.


"I feel...something's not right."

Hades said, Mortarion, who was flying with the backpack on his armor, looked speechless to the extreme.

The original body wanted to speak several times, but didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only say in a suppressed voice,

[Of course you will feel something is wrong. 】

Mortarion said that he wanted to take a deep breath, but there was no oxygen in space, and they were both holding their breath.

The frost had laid thick enough on their armor to stiffen Mortarion's wings, and even the skeletons on the inside of his wings shriveled, as if to rebuke the Primarch for mistreating them.

Yes, now, Mortarion is soaring among the ships above Terra, clutching the backpack on the back of Hades' armor.

All the reasons came from Hades' proposal - he wanted to inspect and bless all the troops in the expedition. Mortarion naturally agreed to this proposal.

Just a military parade would be enough.

But the Primarch had forgotten that the entire army included those flying in the orbit of Terra.

So Hades further proposed that the original body take him for a walk in space, because Hades could not fly in space, and Mortarion could fly faster.

Mortarion didn't know how he got confused by Hades' logic and finally agreed to do this.

All he knew now was that he wanted to throw the weight away and happily fight Slaanesh.

Maybe he just didn't want to think of Hades's sophistry just now, which would expose his stupidity just now.

The only last ditch effort the Primarch could make was to have all ships' observation windows closed and the auspices briefly switched off.


Hades said, entering some kind of trance state. Mortarion hoped that he would not behave as stupidly as Hades did when he fell into the psychic illusion. No, too stupid.

"Someone is calling me."

Hades suddenly said firmly,

"I'll take the first step later, moth smash."

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