Chapter 675 123.? ? ? ?

"You don't think we're going to win?"

Kirkland said this. The sage bent down, twisted the mechanical head at 45 degrees, and looked at Malcador, who was resting with his eyes closed in front of him, in an inhuman manner.

"Are you speeding up your fleet, Lord Malcador? Your fleet has already surpassed the ranks of Death - or are you in a hurry?"

Kirkland pointed out this fact, Malcador's eyelids trembled, and then the old man opened his eyes, his eyes full of impatient killing intent.

Kirkland pretended he couldn't see it, so he changed the direction and twisted his head forty-five degrees.

"The Eldar fleet is not easy to deal with."

Malcador's voice was hoarse. The previous battle made the Imperial Regent aware of the flexibility of the Eldar warships, and he really wanted to reach the battlefield as much as possible - Malcador didn't want the lion to join the Imperial army before him.

"I'm just one step ahead of him. Oh, the Death Guard are always slow, aren't they?"

"Then you will be disappointed this time,"

Kirkland said,

"When we arrive at the battlefield, we will see the floating wreckage of the Eldar warship - this is the power of Hades."

Malcador sneered, as if he was hearing some funny joke.

Kirkland changed the subject again,

"Why are you anxious? Is there someone you care about on the battlefield of the Eldar?"

Kirkland took a step closer, and the sage grabbed the back of the chair where Malcador was sitting. He was obviously too rude and nonsense, but Kirkland never cared - he would not die because of it.

"what exactly is it……"

The sage whispered,

"What makes you so urgent...does it have the power to defeat Hades?"

"Let me guess, it's in Commorragh now? Is it Slaanesh? Or something else?"

Malcador closed his eyes and ignored Kirkland's inquiry.

At the same time, Kirkland's body made a huge metal scream, as if the metal was broken, but Kirkland laughed even more wildly.

"False gods."

The wise man said unscrupulously.



Luther was silent for a moment. He looked at the original body in astonishment, and finally spoke slowly,

"...It's the Demon Pattern One."

He said it felt like he had gone back ten thousand years ago.

At that point, they both took a wrong step.

He should have trusted the lion.




"He hasn't come back yet."

Astlan said, he turned his head and stared at Luther, his deep eye sockets full of conviction.

"hold on."

Luther replied, he gave up looking at the sky and turned to look at the place where the forest used to be——

It was once lush and green, with tall trees that made people feel chilled at a glance. It was in the depths of the darkest forest that he found him - a miracle.

He took the child back, named him Leon Jonson, taught him the etiquette of a knight, and let the knight's sword tame the beast.

Jonson grew up very quickly, and he once truly regarded him as a pride. He watched his superb swordsmanship, and watched him grow into an outstanding knight at an unimaginable speed... and grow into an outstanding leader.

...Leader, that should have been Luther's position.

This idea once lightly arose in Luther's mind, but after seeing his adopted son who was good enough, he slowly let go of this obsession.

Later, when the Empire came, Leon's biological father found the Lion, and the Lion offered his loyalty to the Emperor without question.

Luther said nothing. The arrival of the Empire had changed too much. Like other Calibans, he was still struggling to adapt to these changes. The Empire had brought too many things, including ships that could reach the sky.


Luther thought, Leon took away all the ships on Caliban and imprisoned the Calibans in a cage of gravity. Where did the lion go?

Since a certain day, Caliban has received distress signals from the outside world more than once, which were mixed with human screams and roars, as well as blasphemous voices - those voices were horrifying, like evil ghosts crawling out of hell.

The disorganized distress signals blocked almost all the frequencies that Caliban could receive, but the people imprisoned in Caliban were unable to know the full story of the incident.

They waited anxiously on this land, and Caliban also began to become strange and deep. This seemed to be a punishment for the empire's unauthorized exploitation of the forest, and the darkness that was originally restrained in the dense forest was released.

The Calibans were dissatisfied and noisy. They simply believed that the mining of the Imperial Mechanicus destroyed the balance of Caliban. They noisily asked where the Lord of Caliban had gone and why he had put his people in a corner?

As Leon's agent in Caliban and an exile, Luther suppressed demonstrations and marches one after another. The secret gathering of the rebels had not yet begun before he was discovered by Luther and eradicated.

Luther pursued those dissatisfied footsteps again and again, and each swing of his sword brought him closer to the truth. He gradually saw the darkness under Caliban's forest.

There is something beneath this planet.

What exactly is that?

Luther didn't know it clearly, but he knew that there was an evil anomaly. What puzzled him was that Lion King Leon had spent a long time alone in the forest, and he was the person who knew best what existed in the forest.

So why did the Lion allow the Empire to exploit the Caliban Forest? Why did you agree to conquer the giant beast? He clearly knew that this would release the existence in the forest - so, why?

Luther thought, why? Using the power and weapons in his hands, Luther forcibly prohibited the Imperial Mechanicum from continuing to develop the forest. He looked at the forest that had become sparse and was extremely confused.

But he still maintained a silent stance and attitude. After handling official duties during the day, Luther would listen to every captured communication at night, trying to find the original message to them.

He listened step by step until the screams in the communication gradually disappeared. For a while - the communication channel was eerily quiet.

But he still didn't wait for any news from the lion.

Luthor began to despair and question, not to mention Astlan whispering in his ear day after day that this old man from Terra had despised the lion from the beginning.

Just wait.

In the midst of restlessness, confusion, and time dripping from the hourglass, the lion seemed to have never existed in the distance, but the forest that was approved for felling silently showed that he had existed and would always exist. With.

More and more Calibans expressed their dissatisfaction, and the Space Marines were also involved in the whirlpool on Caliban. After a brief period of silence, more and more madmen came out of the forest. They were slowly sliding into the abyss. The splashing pressure squeezed Luther, and he began to feel a little powerless.

He completely gave up on waiting for the lion, and instead tried to make himself stronger——

Because of his age, he had not completed the Space Marine surgery that year, which made him more likely to age...and become weaker.

Luther began to come into contact with Caliban's power, and the brilliance of psychic energy shone in his fingers. Although it was a little difficult, it represented another beginning.

On the first day he mastered his psychic abilities, an old man suddenly appeared from Caliban's shadow.


A hundred years later, they contacted the Empire again.

But Luther didn't know at that time that they were about to fall into the abyss.



"The Mageweaver hopes to capture Lord Leon while he is still in Commorragh."

Luther said succinctly,

"Lord Leon has a presence that makes the Demon Patterns covet—that is why the Fallen Angels exist. We are committed to making the Demon Patterns pay the price they deserve."

Fallen Angel... Mortarion thought, it seems he is a warrior who knows where the lion is.


Mortarion concluded,

[You are not here to help the empire defeat the youngest queen, just because our destination is the same, right? 】

Luther nodded heavily. He thought the next conversation would be difficult, so he spoke hastily,

"Eradicating the Eldar is also the goal of the First Legion. We are not-"

Mortarion interrupted Luthor, but appeared relaxed,


Mortarion said lightly,

[Before marching into Comoros, I asked Hades to bring Machado——]

Death made a gesture of wiping his neck,

[Does this satisfy you, old knight? 】

Mortarion asked, but Luther hesitated.

"grown ups……"

said the knight,

"You should be careful about Malcador. He has some... strange devices that can transcend the spiritual world and the physical world at the same time."

Mortarion was silent. The primarch had sorted out the relationship. He thought that he did not have to be entangled in the complexity and cumbersomeness of the First Legion. Those hatred and persistence were rudely ignored by the Pale Lord.

In short, Malcador has a grudge against the lion. The lion is hiding in Comoros. Malcador hopes to catch the lion, and the First Legion is here to rescue the lion king.

He wondered how much Hades knew.


Looking from Salamander's ship, Hades saw those guys flying out of subspace rapidly.

The Emperor is above!

Those fleets quickly left afterimages on Hades's retinas like bricks burning with golden flames.

That's ridiculous.

Hades wondered, had he fantasized about this before? He refers to the group of ships powered by Necron engines and burning with golden flames.

Even if the draft was approved by Hades, and even if the super-light speed inertia-free engine was made by Hades and Trazin working together, Hades would still shout blasphemy when he saw these super-light speed ships. .

Looking at those flaming golden fleets, Hades seemed to hear the arrogant laughter of the Lord of Mankind. Hades imagined an image of a madman sitting on a golden toilet, throwing burning bricks at the four gods.

"Send them all the data and directions."

Hades said that the warriors behind him began to work. After arriving at the battlefield, Hades quickly took over the place. Because of his arrival, the Eldar also temporarily stopped attacking.

Hades got along very well with the Salamanders, which even gave Hades the illusion that the Salamanders were better than the Ultramarines, because the Ultramarines were sometimes hypocritical, but the Salamanders were not.

He felt a little sad that he had never been able to relieve Vulcan - but there would always be opportunities in the future.

Hades doesn't think they will lose. Pluto will not appear as the commander-in-chief this time. The supreme commander is Mortarion.

Only the God of Death would be locked in the strategy room, staring at the situation and meditating hard, while Hades would only appear on the most intense battlefield and inflict heavy damage to Slaanesh.

A chess piece with the strength of [God] can move freely on the chessboard, unless the chess player goes off the table to fight it——

But the chess player hidden in the dark has already seen the price of the end.

Will they try to unite the Necrons to deal with Hades next? Or unite the Star Gods to fight?

In any case, they are destined to need help from other physical sides, but unfortunately, the forces that can rank in the physical side are not very good at dealing with Chaos.

Hades closed his eyes, he controlled the black domain, carefully avoiding the ships burning with golden flames... Let them respond to the prayers from people on this long front as much as possible.


[? ? ? ]

[? ? ? ? ]

“Damn Tarasim!”

Orikan cursed, the astrologer is now bigger, the crown is more shining, and the strange and mysterious light is shining on it, as if it penetrates time and is eternal.

But now, the astrologer's single eye was wide open, and its finger was shaking, pointing at the burning human fleet on the screen in an imageless manner.

"What is this?"

Orikan shouted,

"What is this?! Talaxin - what is this?! What did you do behind the back of the Necrontyr?"

Next to Orikan, who was shouting in anger, another tall being stared at the screen intently, with a shiny white tiger knife exposed between the gray wolf skin, and python skin embedded in combat boots, and the eyes of the Khan were shining.

Khan's face was still free and easy. Compared with his other brothers, he was still young, still as unrestrained and free as the wind.

As time passed, he became weaker and closer to his past.

[Let it be. ]

The Khan pondered,

[Misfortunes are the foundation of blessings, and blessings are the foundation of misfortunes. 】


Orekan yelled,

"That damn guy betrayed the Necrontyr - I shouldn't have helped him last time, last time, last time! Let me see what he did after this?!"

The Primarch was silent, and the Astrologer seemed to avoid the fact that it was now standing next to the Sky Khan. These cunning neglects made Khan feel a little speechless and ridiculous.

The Astrologer stretched out his hand, and the light exploded in his palm. It was now in a state of energy filling - this was also the promise of the Lord of Mankind.

Ignoring Orikan, ignoring the sound of ghosts crying, wolves howling, resentful people howling, and thousands of people crying on the outside of the ship, Khan carefully checked the screen again... The speed of the ship made him happy.

This is the reality he expected, Zhuangzi dreamed of a butterfly, thousands of butterflies dreamed, and thousands of butterflies flew together. Can they catch the most dazzling one?

Khan thought, staring intently at the small screen, beside him, Orikan screamed, as if he saw a future that was even worse because of Tarasim.

The scene gradually moves away from this cramped and dim little room. The mothership Bladestorm with white scars is in a low energy state. The deck is soaked in blood, revealing a strange black and blue color. In those corners that no one cares about, the battle continues, never ending.

And further away, on the Space Wolves' Heracles Fenr, the Wolf King Leman Russ is holding his past funeral for the dead lion Leon Jonson.

After the funeral, the lion will come back to life.

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